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    1. BloodyWhiteWolf 10 yrs ago


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Oh, I edited it for Memoir. She came to your call. Once I posted I seen she had posted just before me so I included it so that you both were there. Sorry for the confusion.
The she wolf howled and Bloody flattened his ears and bared his teeth more. Crap, there were more around. Damn this rain, it was weakening his senses to see if others were nearby. He wasn't afraid of getting into another fight, but maybe he should just turn and run this time?

Suddenly, she started talking to him. Her voice, *straightens up*, was soothing. It felt like a river's cool waters had swallowed him into a comfortable hug. He tried not to let that grab a hold of his attention. He listened very closely to her next choice of words.

/Harm...the little one?/ He tilted his head to look over at the smallish pup that was behind her. He hadn't even noticed it there. His eyes softened. Oh, how it reminded him of....


He looked back at the female and gave her a look over as he listened. As she finished, he smiled, "I'm not one for making deals with complete strangers, my dear." He began to take a few steps closer and angled his eyes at her. "Your mate shouldn't have left you and your pup alone. This forest is a dangerous place." He knew she didn't say one of the other wolves was her mate, but he took a wild guess. A smile crossed his face. He was very interested in these two.

At that moment, another wolf appeared. His face became serious as he looked over the two adult wolves.
I would like to join if that's possible. ^_^;

Name: Stanley Bam
Faction: independent
Position: Beginner Pokemon Trainer
Hometown: Lavender Town
Age: 17

Appearance: Stanley is a young male trainer. He stands about 5'4", is skinny, and weighs about 120lbs. He has peach colored skin and wears mascara (like a punk rocker) around his large green eyes. He has black hair to his shoulders with a large section of blonde bangs. He wears a red, long sleeved shirt with black stripes. Baggy, dark blue jeans. White runner shoes. Three piercings on one ear.

Weapons (If any): None.

Biotics: (I'm not sure what you mean by this...if it could be explained a little more that would be great.. ^_^")

Pokemon (If any): Has an egg. (of a vulpix)

History: Stanley and his family live in Lavender Town and run the Pokemon Daycare there. His mother has been urging him to move on from this place and become a pokemon trainer where he will learn and grow into a fine young man. She has given him one of the eggs from her Ninetails to start off with and pretty much kicked him out of the house.

Personality: This kid is very clumsy, nervous, and doubtful of most situations. Living in Lavender Town has made him very scared and superstitious. He really enjoys music, and has even been involved with a rock band at his school. He wanted to grow up and do something with music, but his parents don't believe in that dream and wanted him to become a trainer. He doesn't know anything of the world outside of Lavender town. He is friendly and kind to people. He usually tries to speak his mind even though is doesn't come out the best. He is a fool for food.

(Hope that's alright...)
sorry if my posts suck. haha. It's been awhile since I've been in a roleplay with others. :)
Getting more and more frustrated as he dug at a rabbit hole, knowing he couldn't dig far enough to catch those delicious little treats, he barked and slammed his paw on the ground in rage. Cursing, he held his head high into the air.

His eyes shot open and his pupils widened, then shrank. He turned his head menacingly over to the side. Someone was there. He sniffed. A weak scent danced around his nose. A wolf... a female wolf. His mind flashed black, then red. He was feeling a little insane...maybe from the hunger, but this wolf sounded like she could possibly be his next meal...

He shook his head back and forth quickly. He came back to his senses. His mouth gaped open and puffs of air could be seen. What was wrong with him. He needed to get a hold of himself. He stood in a strong pose and lifted his head once again. *Sniffs* Only the female wolf. Was she alone? Maybe her mate was hunting? Maybe she was lost?

The only way to find out would be to investigate. He sank low to the ground and showed his sharp jaws. He growled loudly to let her know he was there. He pushed passed thick grass and crammed bushes. Soon he came by an opening where he could smell her scent more strongly. She was just on the other side. He jumped into the opening and barked. He stood ready to attack, not knowing what to expect from a single wolf.
Bloody marched his paws through the wet, muddy ground. His head was low and eyes closed as he was deep, deep in thought. His nightmares wouldn't stop. They had been badgering him for the last few months, but recently seemed to be getting worse. He could feel a vein in his head pulsating from the immense anger growing in his stomach. The anger helped hide his thoughts of hunger, but that didn't stop saliva from gathering and dripping through his open mouth. "I just need to forget...," he whispered to himself, "I just...want to forget...". He bared his teeth and growled.

Bloody was a big wolf, or at least appeared big due to his large mane, fluffy tail, large paws, and muscled body. His beautiful white coat had patches of red here and there. He hated the marks. He hated them so much, but the blood would not rinse out of his fur. Hence, the nickname he had come to known as his own name, Bloody.

His ear twitched at the sound of something screeching. He lazily opened an eye in that direction. He had been so into his thoughts that he hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings. Had there always been sounds? Or had the forest been quiet beside the sounds of rain? He shook his fur coat and kept walking. Now that he was thinking a little more clearly, he decided now was a good time to start looking for food.
Hey fellow wolves. I would like to join. Let's have a lot of fun!
Thanks for the offer, but Naruto isn't really for me. I watched the first episode and it just didn't click with me. Thanks though! I mean it! @_@
Hey everyone, I'm Bloody. I was looking for a site to rp on and came across the Roleplayer Guild. I'm not very good at Rping but I enjoy it a lot so hopefully I'll get better in the progress. Some rps I was looking to be a part of include pokemon, wolves, pathfinder, and high school topics. Um...*bows* I look forward to meeting a lot of you and possibly becoming friends.

Some things I like are writing, drawing (anime/manga style), anime, manga, videogames (some of my favorites are Pokemon Blue/Silver/X, Harvest Moon: It's a wonderful life, Sonic Adventure, Bust-A-Groove, Powerstone, and Mortal Kombat), surfing the web (mostly watching youtube), listening to music (some of my favorites are Daft Punk, Gorillaz, and System of a Down), sleeping, animals, and eating.

I'm still figuring out the site, so if I make mistakes, please don't hate me. @___@ *hyperventilates* Th-thanks for reading.... <_< >_> um...bye...
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