Avatar of Blueskin
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    1. Blueskin 6 yrs ago


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Thanks! Figured amidst chapters sounds like a good place to jump in, once I figure out where the Knarrlings fit in with their neighbors.
It's looking like we've got a great little cross section of the Warhammer world!
Is there room for one more? The Wyrm referred me to you fine bunch. I have a vague idea of current events.

The Knarrlings
We're back!
Slumming it in the Old World? All part of the Great Plan eh.
Meinhardt Volker

This sounds up my alley!

I'll work on a character. I hope this is still a go!
Ogryn prisoners, while rare, were not unheard of on Redemption. They had their own custom built ward, with full metal doors and specialised restraint equipment; bars were too easy to bend. Waldo spent most of his time in a solitary cell. His meals were brought to him, as there were too many brutal fights over what passed for food on Redemption to give the Ogryn's a cafeteria. There was an hour of rec time away, in which Waldo and his fellow prisoners were allowed into a communal yard. It was sparse, with a few scrap beams, chains and large old tires to toss around. Brawls happened there, though always bare fisted. There was an unspoken understanding amongst the stupid abhumans that if any one of them picked up a weapon during these brawls, the rest would turn on them.

None of them bothered Waldo. He wasn't particularly large or any stronger then most of them; indeed nobody was stronger then the eight foot tall beast that constantly drooled and muttered "Nug nug" when spoken too. No, even Nugnug was intimidated by the metal plate covering half of Waldo's skull marking him plainly as a Bone'ead. It was partly superstition, as if the augments were personally placed there on the Emperor's authority. It was also fear, as if Waldo operated on a higher level of authority because he could string whole sentences together, as simple as they may be.

Thus was life on this new planet, and it wasn't so bad as far as Waldo could tell. Less work then the Guard, just boring. That is until one day rec time came, but the guards didn't take Waldo to the yard. They brought him to a different room, where there was a man wearing a shabby long black coat and a matching peaked cap. In the centre of the room was also a large Ogryn sized chair made of dark metal.

"Prisoner Waldo!" barked the man in the black cloak. He looked like a Commissar, and Waldo straightened involuntarily.

"You're out on good behaviour," sneered the man with an unpleasant grin. "Sit in the chair so we can process your paperwork."

Waldo didn't know anything about the mystery that is 'paperwork' but he knew it was important. Every officer he'd ever met grumbled about how much trouble they'd be in if they didn't do their paperwork. Waldo, not wanting to be in trouble, settled his bulk in the large chair. It wasn't very comfortable.

With a loud clank, circular restraints rolled out of the chair, clamping solidly on the Ogryn's wrists and ankles. Before Waldo realised what was happening, the guards who had escorted him to the room rushed forward, pulling further restraints from behind the chair to hold him across the thighs, waist and chest.

"Hey!" Shouted a startled Waldo. "Lemme go! I don't wanna do paperwork!"

The guards stepped back laughing, and the 'Commissar' removed his cap and jacket, revealing a uniform identical to the others in the room.

"Stupid bloody Ogryn!" He jeered, and the others joined him.
"No wonder they call them boneheads!"
"I can't believe that worked!"


The next 24 hours were a blur of unpleasantness. The chair was on runners, and a beefy servitor hauled Waldo from room to room. First, he was hosed down with freezing cold water. Next he was taken to a hanger, and an Ogryn-sized rucksack with a Ripper Gun and a humongous trench shovel made of solid steel strapped to it was dumped in his lap. A thick collar was bolted around his neck, and it was laboriously explained that if he misbehaved, it would blow his head off. Waldo stopped trying to bite those that got close to him, and mostly ceased straining against his chair.

Finally, the servitor hauled him aboard a transport craft, and the chair was strapped down amongst other cargo. A shaky flight took him from his berth on Redemption to the carrier orbiting the planet. The only thing that kept Waldo from panicking in the confines of the transport were the words of the Guard who fitted him with his collar.

"Second chance, big lad. You're in the Guard again."
Done! As to why he was arrested, I completedly forgot the main issue of his insubordination. I've added it to his bio, but it reads:

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