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    1. bowels 10 yrs ago


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She was in a complete stranger’s arms, but she took a load off. Carly breathed slow and released her muscles from their suspension. Save her hand against the gouge in the meat of her shoulder, she loosened entirely, and found eerie comfort in the damp warmth of his chest and his words, which flew around in circles above her head. She indulged in the strange familiarity that he brought.

Carly was faint, and she’d pushed most of what he’d said aside until he said something very, very true: she’d felt it. She didn’t need him to elaborate to know he was telling the truth, because she had. It’d beckoned her like an old friend, and it made her feel at home when everything was falling apart. Most of all, it filled her with a primitive hunger and misplaced adrenaline.

They were nearing the emergency wing. “What was it?” she asked. Her voice was soft, malleable, and her amber eyes, once wicked and wild now half-lidded and tamed, stared up at him. “What did I--?”

When they came inside, they got attention. The nurse at the front desk pressed something, then people flooded in. To Carly, it seemed like hundreds, but in reality it was only a few people in scrubs with a stretcher. Once she was laid down, she reached out at Tzek and pointed her finger. Her eyebrows knitted together tiredly.

“Hey!” she said, her voice lame, “Tell me! What did I feel?”

And then, her head lolled to the side, almost in a drunken state, and she submitted to unconsciousness.
Wow, jeez! I usually take, like, a couple of hours. xD
Carly scowled but didn’t bother correcting him. Instead, she hobbled onward, her eyes trained on the wet cement beneath her. Every step brought her more fatigue and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from panting. She didn’t want to be in distress; she wanted this to all go away, Tzek included.

But then, he made an offer she couldn’t resist. Just as she’d gone to take another jilting shuffle forward, he made a valid point, and after looking up at him very slowly and licking her lips, she groaned huffily.

“Fuck,” she muttered beneath her breath and shook her head. “Alright. You have a point. Let’s go, then.”

Before he could move toward her, she hastened herself and crossed the meager distance between them, then awkwardly stood. There was a stiff moment and she cleared her throat, then at his leisure she helped climb into his grasp, and wrapped one of her arms around his neck. The other remained over her chest, where her hand grappled at her wound. Going up into his arms made her dizzy and things spun. She shook her head quickly.

“Keep going down this road, and on 4th take a right. Stay on that road, and the hospital should be around. You’ll see it.” She was winded.
Jeez, sorry for the delay, again! Spring break started and I got a little swept away. >>
“Salvation?” she felt like a broken record. Then again, there wasn’t much else that she felt she could say. He also did a lot of talking for her, too, so that was taken care of. Considering the strange circumstances, he was particularly chatty. While she didn’t exactly like people, she couldn’t place whether or not it made her like his presence any more or less. Her brain was just so loud it was hard to hear much of anything.

“Uh, yeah, this way,” she muttered, her voice somewhat a growl. The fact that her shoulder was bleeding quite a bit made her seem even shorter, what with her hunched over to try and compensate for the rush of the flow. Her leg, stinted, made her seem even stockier than before, the way she hobbled over to the mystery man. Despite the ailments, she was very dogged, determined to move forward without assistance. Her eyebrows knitted together and the mascara began to dry on her cheeks as the rain died down.

“Why do you know my name?” she asked. “Scratch that—don’t ever call me Carletta again, ever. That’s more important.”

She looked up at him and felt the air rush out of her chest again from bewilderment. “Please don’t tell me I call you ‘salvation.’”
Looking again~!
Carly didn’t take advantage of the averted attention, she didn’t try to run away with her bum leg and gushing shoulder and forget what she’d found, or what had found her; she remained in the alleyway, watching as the strangest thing unraveled before her. Her free hand, the one not holding her bleeding wound, grabbed at the brick wall.

Questions are a nasty business. It was ironic, because she had a million—undoubtedly more than the woman on the ground did. Whatever had possessed her was far gone now, and her fingernails were very human again, though the chipped polish had been completely erased.

“Home?” she choked, stuffed with her own astonishment. It was a lot to take in, and it would’ve been easier to get a cab and head to the hospital and run from it all, but she couldn’t. The familiarity kept her grounded, interested. The use of her legal name stupefied her even more, too.

Given a moment, she opened her eyes wide and shook her head in a large gesture, waiting for any of it to wash away. When she focused on the man, though, he was still there and so was she, hurt.

“Who are you? What is this?” she asked, occasionally looking down at the unconscious woman. She did agree that it’d be best to clear out before she came to.
ACK SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT I ended up going home this weekend and had way less free time than I'd anticipated. D:
Carly hadn’t heard his seething beckon, nor had she seen him come up behind her assailant, but the she-beast certainly had. Before it could twist around and give him a very primal and hungry sniff, he slammed into her, and she caterwauled as she fell into the brick. The long black talons which had reanimated in place of the once human nails had clipped Carly well, cutting straight through the meat of her shoulder and skimming the front of her chest for a superficial scratch. It’d sliced through her shirt, too.

“Shit!” Carly yelled in panic, her amber eyes wide and frenzied. Blood was coming from her shoulder in healthy amounts; not enough to kill her, but it’d make her dizzy soon enough.

The creature was at war with itself. It had two options: go after the prey, or go after the bastard who dared try to curtail her. After it spent a few seconds crouched on all fours, looking between them, it launched with an animalistic howl for Carly.

She locked up. Then, instinct encroached, and she grabbed her injured and gushing shoulder with her right hand, and with all her might she kicked a very heavy crate into the creature’s midsection. It fell back down with a savage cry.

The adrenaline oozed from her just as quickly as it came, and not only was her bum leg screaming, but now her foot was, too. She cursed to herself and hunched over, though she still tried to keep an eye on the ambitious she-bitch. She was seeing stars, overcome with some strange and unknown feeling that she couldn’t place. While all of this was incredibly fucked up and way out of the ordinary, part of it felt right, familiar. There was no word she could associate it with. It made accepting this a hell of a lot easier, though. Her eyes were crazy from all the action, and the bleeding mascara down her round cheeks gave her a much more alarming look, like a lab rat that’d grown aware of its cage.
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