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When, as a GM (and probably as a player), you go to sleep satisfied with your work in an RP. Wake up the next morning, and everybody's gone and started arguing with each other about things.

It's happened enough times that I just rolled over and went back to sleep today.
Frankly, the only reason I don't broach modern military RP's as a genre isn't because they're niche. The Last Bastion is a post apocalypse sci-fi hybrid, that's pretty niche, and yet it's successful anyway.

No, the reason I don't tackle modern military RP's is because people have absolutely no idea what they're doing. Please let me explain before someone calls me an elitist bastard. (Though I totally am.)

Military RP's in my opinion have a barrier to entry if you want to play them even somewhat realistically: An understanding of military strategy and tactics, from the individual level to the platoon level. For example: Tanks are the front line, infantry play the support role, proper reconnaissance and air superiority wins nearly everything, and ninety percent of your time is spent being on edge of being shot at in civilian areas rather than shooting at actual targets as you pass through streets and alleys and stumble on jittery civilians as scared as you. Hesitate and you die. Fire indiscriminately and you're a war criminal.

Simply put, military RP's if played correctly should be far more about unit tactics and psychological warfare, not about the actual combat, which would start and end as a series of rapid skirmishes. (As no modern military commander in their right mind throws all of their resources into one battle. Putting all your eggs in one basket is the sign of a man who sincerely thinks they can win a war in one battle.)

Now this is a little difficult, but not impossible, to write out as a GM. The issue is that unlike with other RP's I run, it would require the players to understand basic military strategy. At least some rudimentary knowledge of the works of Sun Tzu, even, would be decent because it at least tells you the basic train of thought you should have. If we're talking strictly grunts fighting other grunts, then at least understand unit tactics and just how vulnerable you really are. (Flanking, cover, LoS, target identification, recon, calling for and responding to coms, realizing that one shot is all it takes to kill you, etc.)

Fact of the matter is?

The vast majority of people on this site do not meet these qualifications. If I were to make a military RP, I would have to dumb it down so hard that the point of it would be lost. It would turn into generic action RP with military flavouring, and that's just selling out. It would satisfy nobody looking for a true military RP.
Dipper said
Sorry for last post, guys. Like I said I'm stressed/exausted beyond belief right now - I was out of line.I'm going to be stepping back from this conversation and GamerGate as a whole dkr a few days - It Isn't helping my mental health, and you have my apologies for snapping like that.Peace.

Good. Relax, drink, and be merry, and if you want someone to talk to, you know I'm here.
Lillian Thorne said
Well we can't move threads as of yet. However I'm letting it stay for now and simply getting a mod consensus on the matter so we have an official, consistent policy.

Works for me.
Why not move this to Member's Lounge? It's a place where people go to congregate about personal life stuff anyway. If it becomes a problem of people spamming up Member's Lounge with "pls give money" threads, just make a new rule about it, but for the interim, no harm no foul, right?
Magic Magnum said Guys, this was honestly meant to be an off-hand side note about a personal concern I see with it.It wasn't meant to be a "Why do you think women can't think for themselves!" thing this seems to be exploding into.

Because it's exactly what you're saying.

Magic Magnum said No, I'm voicing a concern that an abusive relationship is even a fantasy for such a large portion of people.

It is. In case you failed to notice that massive wiki list I gave you, there are tons of insane fantasies. Literally hundreds. Potentially thousands. This is honestly extremely tame compared to what's out there, that thousands of people enjoy. Every. Day.

Magic Magnum said I only highlighted women here because that is demographically the majority of it's fan base.My points would have also applied to any men who were the same as well.

It's still an insane point. It's on the same tangent as violent video games making people into violent killers. It's literally the exact same argument.

Magic Magnum said I completely get the whole fantasy and exploring fantasy to grow thing. And I get people separating fantasy from real life.But when it starts to turn into self such as "I totally relate to Bella", it starts to suggest more at play.

No it doesn't. O.o Relating to a character is perfectly normal. It means you understand that character and share personal traits or ideas. I relate to the Zerg's desire for constant growth, change, and food. For fucks sake, that doesn't mean I want to be a man eating bioplague monster in real life.

Magic Magnum said I mean when have you ever heard a gamer say something like "I relate to Duke Nukem" or some other character that's clearly meant to be an exaggerated/fantasy experience, where if you behaved such way in the real world... it wouldn't be good.

... Yes. All the time. Commander Shepard, who is responsible for murdering countless hundreds by his/her hand, yet people are attached to this character. Mordin helped engineer a bioplague, people liked his character and related to him. Thane is an assassin, Jack is a psychotic killer, so on and so forth. Relating to a person or character just displays that you have the capacity to either understand their plight on an intellectual level, or that you feel an empathetic connection to them. It doesn't mean you want to be like them, and even if you want to be like them, that doesn't imply that you want to do everything they do.

I like Jim Raynor from Starcraft. I relate to his can-do attitude, his depression, and his refusal to quit even when shit gets pretty dark. However, I'd never want to be an alcoholic, gun toting, rebellion leading, mass murderer... Which is what Jim Raynor is.

Do you see the point yet? Do you see how ludicrous this argument is yet? Just because I can relate to something, or understand something, or even like something that is inherently twisted or disturbing or evil (like the Zerg), that doesn't then make me want to be that in real life.

Remember that Twilight Fans have a hell of a lot of other stuff that they read and watch too. Twilight is just a thing they like and potentially obsess over due likely to emotional immaturity. This doesn't mean they don't also like other things with more respectable characters.

Magic Magnum said Honestly though, I do not get how being concerned that people are turned on enough by an abusive relationship that they start to say they relate to it in the real world... I don't see how that's sexist.

It was sexist in the context that you were specifically talking about women specifically liking 50 Shades of Grey and Twilight because they have abusive relationships in them, like that despite it being normal, there's something inherently wrong with that fantasy in particular and not, say... Rape fantasies, fantasies about fucking animals, or tentacles, or god knows whatever else. The worst one you can pick is the abusive relationship fantasy. Which is, by the way, a power fantasy, which is extremely common in people. (Subs and Doms for example.)

It's just inane nonsense. And I'm attacking it because it's an insane standard that you can't reasonable hold any adult to, leave alone the young tweens that often get suckered by this shit. Best they fall for it now and learn from it over time (and most do) rather than have this shit happen to them in the real world. Because, again, a fantasy is at worst harmless, at best you learn something. Get it yet? Please?
Expllo said

Yeah, okay, no. Slap incoming.

Dipper said Yeah, okay, you kow what, Hellis? m00t obviously isn't a traitor, I mean, going on about free speech soukd be protected and how you wont censor legal things and then suddenly going back against that because you make new friends and start dating someone so you can impress them isn't a betrayal of what you used to stand for, what was I thinking, silly me.

#1: 4Chan isn't a democracy. It's a fucking website run in a dictatorial fashion, just like this one. M00t's choosing to run it differently isn't a betrayal, it's simple hypocrisy. If you don't like it, leave. Also judging his personal life is a pretty low blow. It's called an Ad Hominem. If you ever want to be taken seriously, and have your points be treated with a degree of civility and intellectualism, stop doing this.

#2: Hellis' action was to leave because he didn't like the terminology you were using. Your action is to then spit at him. Yeah. That'll show him and everyone else how your side in this is one of maturity and honesty.

Dipper said And having said girlfriend cheat on you will another guy without you knowing TOTALLY doesn't have anything to do with cuckoldery,

It doesn't. Cuckolds get off only when they know about it... And there are people out there who don't get turned on about it and just don't really care if their SO is sleeping with other people.

Again. You're judging someone's personal relationships as a mark of their character. This isn't even remotely professional.

Dipper said while she has you carry her luggage for you whike you think you will maybe get laid becaue she's playing you like a fiddle doesn,t make you a beta!

#1: Spell check please. I'm having a hard time reading through your pathos-laden response.

#2: Sarcasm and dry wit are fine tools, I love using them. Nonstop usage of them makes them less witty and more pretentious. Just a piece of advice about the tone of your statements.

Dipper said Shit, its almost like these definitions are reversed now!

No. You got cuckold wrong, and you're judging a person's personal relationships because you think it makes them weaker or dumber or otherwise. Because they don't conform to what you think is properly masculine or socially correct. Which is hilarious coming from an obviously avid user of 4Chan.

The reason why I questioned Hellis was based on factual points. The reason I asked any questions here was on factual points. I stayed on target towards logic, and reason--also known as logos. This entire response thus far has been nothing but pathos. There's no logic or reason to follow here and the messy spelling is merely indicative of an emotional response to someone who literally just told you they weren't replying anymore because they didn't like the crap you spew. So what do you do? Spew more crap.

Do you see how this is self defeating?

Dipper said In all seriousness, Hellis, each time you come back here, pretending that you are a moderate and trying to say "look at this gamers are dead article, obviously you guys are loosing, explained why you think you are winning" , and when we use sources to -show- you that we are winning, you dismiss them out of hand, and then show up a few days later, using the same disproven arguments again and again.

I talk with Hellis regularly. That's not what he does...

Dipper said Its real pathetic that you obviously don't want to have discourse with us over this

Yes. How dare he walk away from a discussion after pointing out how you've been attacking the personal characters of other people. How pathetic is it that he's taken the high road of simply walking away because he can't find a way to compromise with you. This makes him a truly, awful person, totally.

You're a special kind of person.

Dipper said - you just want to prove that all gamers are misogenerds.

He is a gamer. Why the fuck would he try to prove that?


Hey look. Making extremes out of an opponent's words. Again, this is not a mature way to have a conversation. Also, please, for the love of god, SPELL CHECK.


Last I checked he wasn't telling anyone to believe everything Anita says blindly. He was simply listening to her points and bringing them up. I believe I retorted to them and displayed it clearly to him that she was (and still is) a con woman, and that there are other sources more reliable that portray his side better than she does. Again, you are misconstruing your opponent's position to reflect the emotional lashing out that you are doing right now.

Dipper said And yet you act like us saying these people are acting like cultist is ironic? Give me a fucking break.

Well it is. Why did you think I laughed at it? It's a joke. It's not a serious statement... Is it? Do you really think these people are cultists? Do you really think that everyone who waves the flag of social justice is one of these extremist wackos that wants to charge a white people tax or thinks that anyone who possesses the male anatomy is automatically a rapist? Do you really think that? Because if you do, you might want to step back for a while and reevaluate yourself. You're not doing your faction any favors. If anything, you've stared into the abyss, and now it's staring back at you.

The first rule of the fanatic is when you become obsessed with the enemy, you become the enemy. These personal attacks and judging other people for their life styles and relationships has got to stop if you want to be taken seriously by anyone, myself included.

Oh, and stop portraying Hellis' disagreements with you as anything other than that while you're at it. It just makes you look all the more foolish.
Magic Magnum said I never argued it wasn't normal, that kind of was my argument actually.I'm just concerned about the wellbeing/healthiness of the kinds of minds that actually enjoy such abusive relationships just cause the guy looks cute and can be nice sometimes. >.<

Okay... Let me reiterate this one more time.

It's a fucking fantasy. Fantasy. There's nothing else to it. There's utterly nothing wrong with it. Whatsoever. At all. That has been my point this whole time. I don't know how you're still missing that when I've blatantly told you that it's normal, it's widely prolific, it's something quite literally everyone on the planet does. Including you. From sadists to masochists to everything in-between, we all have our fantasies, light and dark, romantic and twisted, and we have dozens, if not hundreds of them. Each. That grow and change over time as our tastes grow and change and our mentalities change.

It's healthy to explore your fantasies in a purely fictional and imaginative way. It's a way to explore yourself and understand who you are, which allows you to better adapt to new situations and even start relationships with other people.

Simply put Gwazi: Stop judging women for what the fuck they enjoy. That's actually incredible sexist. Just let women enjoy whatever the hell fantasy they want to, even if it's lolipop gumdrops and dark chocolate making out over cloud number nine. Because it's a fantasy. A FANTASY! IT'S A COOKBOOK! A COOKBOOOOK!

Expllo said
We're going as the same thing so one of us is going to have to change Brovo ಠ_ಠ

We could just team up so we have six months worth of extra candy instead of three.
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