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IC post will be up sometime tomorrow afternoon
Finished up my character, let me know if i need to change or add anything
Name: Jack Carter
Age: 16
Level 22
Screen name: Bane
Beta tester or first time: First time
Skills?: Fishing, Appraise, Blacksmithing
Equipment:Heavy metal armor, mostly white steel with the exception of a blue sun on the upper let shoulder
Guild: Former member of a guild called Rising Sun, due to fall out with the leader, attempting to recruit for a new guild he would run
History: Buying the game at the request of an IRL friend. Jack joined the game as a tank like character to work alongside his friend, planning on building a ranged type character. When they realized the truth behind the game, they continued to level and work together, eventually recruiting other players and forming the guild Rising Sun. The guild had about twenty players and although small, did what they could to progress the game and help others. However, during a leveling trip through a dungeon, they got surrounded by a larger mob then they were used to, although they managed to fight through, a swordsman and bow user who panicked and attempted to flee died in the process. This caused a large amount of tension in the group, with Jack's friend attempting to blame him for not taking the damage as a tank in this kind of game normally would. This fall-out caused Jack to leave Rising sun, although his gear still bares the mark. Since then, Jack has focused on his side abilites, leveling his blacksmithing, fishing, and appraising as much as possible to support players, all while attempting to recruit new players for his own guild so he would have a group to level his combat with again
SevenStormStyle said
Kaithas and I live under the same roof. He said that he would get his rear in gear once I had posted my profile and he had less homework.

THEN IGNORE ME!!! yeah, hopefully people besides me and Jangel are still around and checking the thread then
Is this still accepting characters, because if so I would like to join
I think this rp kinda died seven so don't get your hopes up on getting to post
Name: Marcus Flinn
Gender: Male.
Appearance: Finding a pic ASAP
Personality: Marcus has a strong sense of justice from being a hero in his dreams. He tends to view things in almost a black and white right and wrong sense of things, making him come across as a bit strong willed and not easily swayed from an opinion or idea. Is easily amused by any form of comic, cartoon, or video game, and greatly enjoys discussing them
History: Marcus grew up in a standard middle class home. His parents were both average people, making enough money for a comfortable life but nothing much beyond that. He has an older brother who he greatly enjoys playing video games with and whose comic book collection he commonly reads. Overall, oustide of his brother, he hasn't made many friends his age. He commonly would overreact to small things due to his odd sense of justice making it hard for a lot of kids to get close to him, but it never really bothered him. Although his school life is mundane and not great, he lives in a happy home without much to be upset about.
Dreams: In his dreams, Marcus plays out the dreams of being a hero from his comics or games. When he enters his dreams, he is always at a small building that acts as his base. There is a small orb he keeps there that when activated, forms a list of all the scenarios and such he has made up or stolen from comics. He can choose one like choosing a level in a game, and he then plays out that situation as the hero he has become in his dreams. Those, in the right situation, the powers he has and the number of people in his dreams varies greatly night to night, although he has founds favorites that appear more than others.

Going to flesh this out more tomorrow, i got so caught up in things for the dream i kinda didn't flesh out the character itself much
I will think up and post a character sometime tomorrow
Will think up a character and post it sometime tomorrow
this sounds interesting, I would give this a shot
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