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    1. BurntBacon8r 10 yrs ago


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Today was going to be a good day. Wolf, almost giddy with excitement, had been one of the first to enter the armory. It had been ages since he had run a simulation, and the last one he had run had been done within the limited capacities of the simulation chamber his family’s company owned. Admittedly, the simplistic polygonal terrain still made some excellent obstacle courses, but this was a full military-grade chamber. This was going to be amazing compared to the low resolutions he had been dealing with.

He emerged from the armory donned in the familiar carapace he had worn so many times before. This specific set had been modified to jack into the dataport in his neck, simultaneously providing connection with the armor’s communication systems and bridging the gap between himself and the A.W.E. A cool, icy feeling caused him to shudder for a moment, before it faded, leaving him more or less flooded with information as he clicked the system on. He willed the onboard computer into quiet submission, eliminating all of the excess information he wouldn’t need, just as the Colonel entered the main staging area.

Wolf snapped his salute, already annoyed once again at the military protocol that had been forced on him since he started piloting A.W.E.’s. He nevertheless listened to the Colonel’s speech anyways, raising an eyebrow as he mentioned the familiarity of the mission. Wolf erred on the side of caution and guessed it would be completely unfamiliar to him, given his new arrival with the group. He closed his eyes at the warning, grateful for the chance to do so, and a blinding light filled the chamber around him. He opened his eyes as the light dimmed to see a near-derelict briefing room with a faulty projector. He watched with bemusement as Richard fiddled with the machine, and chuckled a little as a swift kick brought the projector into working order.

The mission briefing flashed across the screens, and Wolf quickly committed the details to memory - specifically, his computer's memory. He payed special attention to the juicy bits - gravity was just a tad higher than on Earth, so he'd have to remember to account for that. This would be against Saurids, apparently -nasty buggers, from what he'd been told, but he'd never fought one. They were supposed to be a hell of a fight at melee ranges, so he'd have to adjust his combat style accordingly.

He began formulating potential strategies and battle plans in his head, as he listened to the suggestions of the others. His own analysis of the map told him several important things. It was very obvious that the human forces were heavily outnumbered, at least if the sizes of the blotches were any indication. The Saurids probably employed swarm tactics - perfect for his loadout, but potentially a problem for some of the others on his team. He hoped he wasn't wrong, but it was entirely possible. One other fact came to his attention - the red blotch at the center was by far the largest. If their goal was to take out the Matriarch, he'd bet money that she was either in or just behind that largest blotch. Right at the center of the Saurid force. Figures.

Richard's idea was sound, although Wolf was well aware that he and his HELIOS were just as suited, if not moreso for disruption tactics. A new voice sounded up from behind him, startling him mildly. Roman was suddenly much more...abrasive. Wolf shrugged and turned back to the center console to pay attetion to Thessalia's plan. It was sound, and she had likely come to the same solution he had about the location of the matriarch. He gave Richard a quick glance as it was revealed they would compose the Rapid team. Fire support would be Jack(?) and Ivanova. Ivanova he could unerstand - it was literally what her A.W.E. was designed for. Jack was more of an infiltrator though. Guess the meek boy probably didn't want to be on the front lines...

Roman suddenly spoke up again, voicing Wolf's own opinions on the matter of his positioning. Apparently meek was a relative term. Jack's introduction however, cause Wolf to form a silent O with his mouth as the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place. Dissociative Personality disorder, huh? That explained an awful lot. At least, that's what he figured it was. It was the only thing that made any real sense.

He was going to speak up at that point, but Sasha decided to voice her own opinions before he could say anything. He plan was interesting - and completely off the handle. He liked a little bit of risk, but there was a difference between calculated risk and suicide. "If you wanted to commit suicide, you should have just requested to drop without an A.W.E. at all." He stepped up to the map himself now. "Theoretically, you could drop into the middle of enemy lines, but personally, I'd rather be fighting in one direction at a time." He paused to look at the map for a minute longer, before placing his finger onto the initial deployment spot for Core. "Just saying, before we go charging into this headlong, we should make sure we actually know how we act as a team before doing something high risk. I'd like to propose a full-team drop here-" he swept his finger eastward and around the main force. "and Rapid can cut around and run disruption along the eastern lines. Let's not forget we have allies on the ground already - if we can assist their push, we'll make it a lot furthur in the end." He mimicked Sasha as he finished. "Your call, Sergeant." If Thessalia got pissed at him for interrupting, oh well.
In Feral 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
We've all seen this at one point or another:
In Feral 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Friendly reminder that I am in fact still alive. And not dead.
I'm gonna see if I can post soon by Ferals standards, although it nay be a while since I'm starting a new job. In other news, I got a job!
Wolf was saved from embarrassment as the other squad members introduced themselves beyond the confined of martial importance. His faltering would surely not go unnoticed, but for the moment, no one said anything, and he was able to focus on what the others had to say. An interesting lot he had been thrown in with, for sure. The Colonel had some interesting ideas…

Sasha’s comment about “clubbing nonsense” cause a little bit of indignation – Wolf personally enjoyed raves and the like, and the music and dancing that were associated. The dancing especially – while not professional in the least, it was an excellent opportunity to let loose with all the freerunning finesse he could muster. Mixed with the rhythm of the beat, that awesome, heavy pounding, and the dancing and the swirling of the lights, pulsing with the music…

He shook himself back into reality. He suspected the only rhythmic beat he’d get for a while was the thumping of mortar fire and cannon shells. Not that that was any less enjoyable necessarily. Wolf caught the glance Richard gave him at Sasha’s invitation to perform, and returned just the slightest of winks. There would surely be fun to follow.

Thessalia was…well, to the point. She was a reader. A heavy reader. Wolf reminded himself to not try too hard to be friends with her – as with any relationship between the bookish and the athletic, it would either happen, or it wouldn’t. That had been his experience anyway. He turned his attention to the quietest of mice in the corner, straining to hear what the poor boy was saying...


The Colonel’s booming voice commanded the entire room, forcing an immediate silence and respect. Wolf couldn’t help but laugh a little at the exchange, finding it far more humorous then the rest of the group did. Although the announcement of another teammate came as much a surprise to him as anyone – the file must not have updated on his end yet, or he would have seen the new face in the roster.

On that note, the new face was…cute. Not exactly his type though. But good cooking was always welcome! “Thanks!” As he took a bite into the cookie, it began crumbling in his mouth. His only response to the raw wave of deliciousness was a muffled “Theshe armf delish..Mm!”, the last as a large chunk broke off, which he promptly caught before letting it contact the floor.

As Richard got up to make tea, Wolf plopped back into his seat from the edge he had been sitting on. At the offer of tea, he immediately got up again, making his own way into the kitchen, shouting ahead “Why have tea when you can have hard, black coffee?!” He only hoped there was a decent coffee machine. He gave Richard a look of his own – one that said little, but told worlds about how far they could take the competition that was already brewing between them. Oh yes, there would be plenty of fun to follow.
I vote for the name Fluffles McMeowington
The looks of shock and surprise, fleeting in some, slightly more pronounced in others, were only to be expected as Wolf revealed the “big secret”. Not so big, really – Richard, piloting a SPIRIT-manufactured A.W.E., probably suspected the existence of neural integration already. After all, it was the former SPIRIT engineers who had made the biggest advances towards the actual bridge between frame and pilot. His suspicions were more or less confirmed by Richard’s reaction, or lack thereof, although that could have just as easily been his personality. He certainly seemed the type.

Wolf let slip a look of indignation, as several of the team members voiced their doubts. “Oh, it will help, all right.” The fire of barely contained energy sparked in his eyes as he remembered a few of his favorite moments from his practice sessions. Most of them involved firing all four of his weapons at once, to substantial effect. His indignation turned to understanding, however, as he realized they would never have seen someone fire so many weapons independently. “Ohhhh…I’d betcha none of you have ever seen a frame like mine in action. Firing four weapons in four directions is a hell of a drug.”

The moment Richard asked about something other than his A.W.E., however, Wolf hit a brick wall. In a life surrounded by scientists and military commanders, it wasn’t often that people actually asked about anything other than combat. Didn’t help that his interests weren’t that different from combat, or particularly interesting. “I guess, uh…I like freerunning. And martial arts. That’s pretty much it. I play around with some online games on occasion.” He was starting to falter a little bit – he was definitely not used to talking about himself. He fell silent, letting the others continue. Maybe one of them would accidentally remind him of something.
I made a few minor changes to my CS, if that's alright. All I did was update some of the names of the A.W.E.'s weapons to German instead of English, so they're now named in a combination of latin and German
Post is up. Sorry it's a bit short, I was a little crunched for time these past couple days. I promise I'll make longer posts from now on
Wolf listened through the door for the other team members' introductions, keeping one eye on the crack so he could match a voice with a name. Feeling far more comfortable in a hoodie and jeans, he plopped himself down in a chair, letting all the day's tention out as he leaned back into the plush. He scanned the room as the rest of the team sat down one by one, with the exception of Sasha, who was the first to sit.

"So, Richard, Roman, and Thessalia." He looked at each if them as he committed their faces to memory - a slow process for him, but necessary for obvious reasons. Something Richard had said caught his attention. "FIEND and DEMON, huh?". The fact that Richard had taken care to mention both Ghoul models told him the leader was trying to place the fear of God in him. Not that Wolf really cared. A competitive spark lit up in his eye. "My Helios is made by some of the same people, ya know. We'll have to race sometime. AFTER the mission tomorrow." The last part was said for the benefit of the rest of the team - more likely than not, the two high-speed A.W.E.'s would end up racing each other anyway. But they didn't need to know that.

Realizing Richard had asked about his experience, he answered that next. "I've been piloting for a long while now - can't remember what age I started. I started with the fastest frame I could find and went up from there. My own Helios was built for me by my Uncle's company, with a little help from Ghoul." A thought occured to him. "Speaking of which, I should probably show you guys something, seeing as how you'll be my team and all. Here-"

He unslumped himself and twisted around in the seat, lowering his hood as he did so. He tapped on the rubber cap over the wire leading to his PDA, making sure the entire team had a good view of the electronic port before he returned to his orginal position. "That's an electronic input connected to a chip in my brain. First of it's kind." Pride was evident in his voice. "It allows me to hook directly into my frame, completely bypassing the HUD and giving me the information directly. When I say I'm the fastest, this is why." With that, he braced himself for the inevitably varied reactions.
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