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    1. ButcherClown 10 yrs ago


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I'm glad my words were of some use to you.
Makes me feel useful again, which does not come with much frequency these days.

Anyway, my sweet
I must get back to my studies soon
So i hope you have a pleasant...well, whatever time it is where you live.
Is it too much to hope for a post from you, darling?
I miss mr. Reficul, indeed i do.

We'll catch up later, sweetest of poisons.

-My most sincere and special smile

The Clown Whom Butchers
Ah my dear, judgement you will find in all places.
Yet what matters is that it makes you happy
And feeds you on the cold nights.

However, i find you courage most inspiring.
To admit something that is frowned upon by most
And to do so without the fear of judgement
Makes you braver than many men i've met.
Makes you a better person than most of them.
SweetCinderella said

Ah, now i remember. Yes, you did mention, sweetest of princesses.

And i still know not what to think of it, except the usual wild thoughts that curse the minds of men.
SweetCinderella said

Curious i am, to know what said job is...have you enlightened us already?
cthulu said
@Butcher I'd prefer to keep her as she is unless the GM says otherwise but I'll look into your writing anyway, I do have quite the soft spot for merfolk/Sirens. @Bunn hey again, I think it was a tad too...serious, for you but you would have been welcome there regardless I believe. We're not so awful that we don't accept silliness, we just find it hard to understand sometimes and have to spend some time deciphering it. ;) @SweetCin I'm actually a little offended you think I don't like you. I certainly wouldn't apply for a roleplay that I didn't like the players of. The reason Imalia is 'neutral' with everyone is because I didn't want to go around assuming how your characters and mine would get along. I'd rather roleplay with you all and find out that way than godmod (which is against your rules) feelings onto other players characters. It's both courtesy and common sense in my mind. Also Imalia isn't exactly the warmest of people at the start of this rp anyway. If you could let me know if I have to change Imalia, if so I may scrap her and make a different character depending on what I read in Butchers idea of merfolk.

Oh no, you don't have to scrap anything, my friend. It's your character, your choice, don't worry.
To be frank, i said that because it would give me an excuse to have a deeper interaction with your character -smiles-
But, she is your creation, and i such i respect her, so, a siren she is!
SweetCinderella said

Glad i am, that you were fond of my way of thinking. Much appreciated.

Oh, not for a moment think vanity to be something entirely bad.
A little sin here and there doesn't harm anyone, agreed?
@Cthulu:Another merfolk!! i loved it! though...you know, the sirens here aren't quite the sirens you find under the sea, those are merfolk, the same race as my character Eikki. (this one would not mind it if you added him to the chart. :3). But, of course, it's your idea, you are free to do as you please. It's just that i had written a whole story on merfolks and mermaids, so i'd really like you to take a look. It's in my character profile, if you want to read it.

@SweetCin: What do you think, sweetest of poisons? does he fit into the siren or the merfolk? and should the merfolk race actualy be added or just applies to my character? your choice, you're the boss!

PS: I loved that you put your actual picture up as your avatar. Quite the sight to see. :)
cthulu said
Well....this OOC is....something alright. Should I have bought protection...and a translator? Anywho I think that SweetCin is on about me, could be wrong, I'm currently working on a few characters but I think Cin is quite excited by my first one, which is always good. You know you're onto a winner when you can excite the GM. I'm on most days when I can be, and weekends tend to get busy for me but as long as I'm enjoying an rp and have inspiration enough to write you usually can see good things from me. It's shame my old 'resume' is gone due to the RPG crash but what can you do about it. I don't talk in rhyme, verse or third person I'm afraid and while I can have a laugh and a joke most of this last page of OOC is what I consider OTT so I may not post much here aside to let you know if I'll be away or ask for advice. It's nothing personal I just find it incredibly hard to read. I hope I don't sound too much like a stuck up so and so, I'm honestly not and hopefully you'll think me and my characters are a lot of fun to roleplay with.

You must be the cutest monster-killer-devourer-god i've ever seen.
I welcome you, yes i do!! Looking forward i am, to see your first post!
-bows profoundly-
SweetCinderella said

Well, i wish you a pleasant...evening? on work.

-bows and goes off to study-
-Reads through the sexyness that this OOC became-
-Gasps at the wild thoughts of SweetCin dancing on a pole-
-Mask goes from deadly pale white to a shameful bright red-

Ahem...ahem, ahem...well...g-good morning...everyone...i h-hope i did not interrupt anything.

I, uh...hope everyone is having a pleasant day/afternoon/evening...

-sits down and lights up a smoke-

How's, uhh...how's everyone doing? Aki? Bunnita?


-mask turns red again-
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