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Great to have you aboard. Probably need at least another two people before we'd start.
In The 100 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Amazingly Anders had kept on his feet the whole way to the girls seat. He lowered her gently into it and strapped her in securely. The restraints would hopefully make landing slightly less unpleasant. you're welcome Without saying a word he stumbled back to his seat the seriousness of his injuries slowly becoming apparent. There was a lot of blood. He retook his seat and attempted to strap himself in. He fumbled about as the metal clasps slipped out of his bloody hands.
Another jolt of the shuttle slammed him backwards into the chair. A wave of pain surged over him as he drifted into darkness.
In The 100 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
You may have missed a little Calla :P

Sounds good to me Derp. Are we talking argument or full on fisticuffs?
In The 100 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I get a little carried away some times...

PS I'm GMT too. :)
In The 100 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Great, this guy, trying to steal my glory
His head pounding, Anders managed to glare at Kenny. "Back up.. I've got this" Anders replied assertively. His glare did not falter until he girl spoke. The new sign of life grabbed Anders attention. She was in a bad way but alive at least.
He wrapped arm under her upper legs, his other around her upper back and lifted her. It took a lot of effort but he could just about handle her weight. Walking with her through this roller coaster ride of a shuttle would be another thing entirely. He wobbled to his feet from his knees with the girl still in his arms.
Anders shot a smirk at Kenny. "Told ya"
No sooner than he had spoke the shuttle spoke violently causing Anders to stumble. By some miracle he kept his footing and the girl in his arms. He walked cautiously towards the girl's seat.
Hi all,

Would anyone be up for a superhero rp. Similar to the film kick ass there are no actual superpowers we'd all play various costumed vigilantes in New York city.
Plot-wise I'm thinking of along the lines of us doing anything from charity work to low level crime busts but quickly get in over our heads and fall foul of crime bosses and the authorities alike.
The RP would start with people responding to an ad to form a vigilante team and attending the first meeting. I hope some people are interested.
In The 100 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Anders had made attempts at conversation with those directly across and beside him to no avail. He was shrugged off by the other kids. It didn't bother him though. It only narrowed down the list of potential friends. psychopathic loners are going to get no where down there. He settled into his seat and tried to get some sleep. It had yet to really sink in that they were going to Earth which was probably just an irradiated wasteland.

The sudden return of gravity and the violent shaking of the ship jolted Anders awake. The sight which greeted him was much more chaotic than the quiet calm he had left. Kids were screaming and wailing. The red light pulsed brightly and most disconcertingly the ship was creaking.
I guess we found the atmosphere then
He had come to just in time to see a girl crunch into the floor after being flung about by the ship. She had landed three or four seats down from Ander's position.
Idiot, we had restraints for a reason. They couldn't care less if we walked about the ship. It's not like we were going anywhere.
Anders continued watching the girl who now was not moving. He was oblivious to the panic surrounding him. The ships movements jostled him around withing the restraints. As to be expected from a group of criminals no one tried to help. Besides she was likely dead or near to it and whoever tried to get her back in her seat would likely end up the same.
Anders was conflicted, his mind raced in overdrive as he stared at the girl. There were several courses of action. Stay here and take his chances on impact, the restraints might give him a chance. Or he could risk his neck trying to same a probably dead girl. They had only just begun to feel the affects of the atmosphere so they still had minutes before reaching the ground. However on the off chance they did survive the landing then helping her would give him some serious brownie points with the others. A good first impression would do wonders to decrease his odds of being stabbed in the back by a psycho.
Time to be a hero then
He unbuckled his belts and quickly stumbled to his feet whilst searching for any thing to use as a handhold. "I guess I'll go get her then guys." he quipped to no one in particular. He immediately regretted his decision as the ship shook violently sending him scrambling down the aisle. He quickly lost his footing and he tumbled over smashing his elbows and already bruised face into the floor inches away from the girl. He grimaced as the surge of pain flooded over his body. He raised a hand to his face and felt a warm wetness on his face as he again struggled onto all fours.
This better be worth it
He moved forwards until he was over the girl whom he shook. "You'd better be alive miss." he said almost jokingly. He sat up onto his knees and looked for her empty seat.
In The 100 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Hey, what time zone is everyone in? I'd like to know what sort of times I can expect people to be on and whether it's worth staying up uber late to catch them.
In The 100 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Anders nursed his freshly bruised face as the shuttle departed. After a few moments he glanced around the passenger cabin at the other unfortunates bound for Earth and potential allies. Noticing the glare coming from the masked kid, he was quickly reminded of the nature of some of these young people.
Anders recognized him immediately, the trademark mask all to obvious. But what was his name again.. Oh yeah Kenny or something. He remembered when the boy went mental a few years back and stabbed up some other kids. Anders couldn't help but think that he was on the kid's list too. The mask was ripe ammunition to get laughs out of a class of thirteen and fourteen year-olds.
There were many more with violent tendencies among these kids. If Anders was going to survive down there he'd need friends or at least people that he could depend on.

For all his thoughts Anders didn't meet the eyes of Kenny. Instead he pretended not to have noticed him and continued surveying the room for potential candidates.
In The 100 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Anders lay awake on his rack as he often did during the periods of isolation. With little to do he was left alone with his thoughts. Sometimes scheming, sometimes pondering life and daydreaming. However, the recent outbreak of commotion about the isolation wards had drawn his thoughts to it.

Could it be that the authorities had decided it was time to float them all. After all, it was the logical decision. We were a drain on already strained resources, no reason to keep us around.

A knock at his cell door jolted him to alertness. It was his turn. He slumped himself to his feet as the door slid open revealing the guards outside. The sound of the commotion intensified once the door no longer insulated the cell from the outside.

"Come in,"

He smirked as he spoke.

If it really is time for my execution then I'd have play along. Or better yet aggravate the guards. Angry people made mistakes. It depended on the guard in question. Some of them are real nasty bastards. Sadists. Not afraid to strike a minor. Except I'm not a minor anymore.

Anders was probably the oldest inmate in detention currently, he knew the system well and knew the majority of the guards by first name. He knew how to push their buttons and how far he could push them.

The two guards rushed into his cell, one was short, the other was a beast of a man. Pablo and Stav. Pablo: one mean little bastard, expressing his napoleon complex through beatings and being a general dick. Stav: A likable giant who often played along with Ander's sense of humor. However he still followed protocol and allowed Anders no special privilages.

Well there goes my idea of overpowering them. Stav could break me with a single blow and Pablo is just looking for an excuse to beat me/

"Out Anders," the smaller one shouted.

"Okay, Okay.. I see we're skipping the niceties today then Pablo"

Anders didn't budge from where he was stood. The big one spoke.

"Oh I almost forgot, Happy Birthday." he said wryly

Anders grinned. A small smile briefly appeared on the larger guards face.

"I trust you didn't get me anything then Stav?"

"Enough! Get him moving" shouted Pablo a lot more anger laced in his voice than the first time. Pablo shot a glare at Stav. A truncheon also appeared in his hand. "Move. Now." He gestured to the door with the baton. Stav followed suit by motioning his head toward the door and reaching out to grab Anders.

They both manhandled Anders out of the cell and through the corridors.

"Ooh I sure hope it's a surprise party."

His sarcastic remark earned him a strike to the gut from the little man's baton. Anders just smiled in an attempt to mask the pain.

They entered a room with a shuttle which Anders was quickly pushed into the back of.

So no floating. I guess that's a plus. Then again wherever this shuttle was bound for was certainly not going to be fun.

Pablo stood back as Stav forcibly strapped Anders in. Anders looked about at the other inmates who were sharing a similar fate.

"I guess this is goodbye then Stav?"

Stav glanced at his superior officer to his side and didn't respond, avoiding eye contact. He walked off quickly leaving Pablo. Anders smiled mockingly at Pablo who just responded with a full blow to the face. Anders spat out blood and after a brief moment in shock resumed his smile.

"I'll miss you too buddy."

Silence and a scowl his only response. He blew a kiss after Pablo as they walked away. An effort that his restraints made quite difficult.
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