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All good, Pach. I don't have Facebook (!) but I do have Skype, so I'll make use of that in the event that the RPG catches ebola next. As for the property case, I think/hope it's all right. I'm really banking on the other attorneys (you know, the ones who were paid to do this) having gotten it right.

I'll try to get a post in soon. Tired as a dog today.
I'll post by tomorrow afternoon.

Quick question: how close is the Pride to Drych Lake?

Cuttersbury: Streets

The series of events that transpired around Quentin would have left most men staggered. Fortunately for him, Quentin was not most men.

"Very nice to meet you, cutie," Aria teased. Quentin kept his smile as unassuming as possible while she gave him the once over and judged him to be runner-up to Lute. At least not everyone was a screamer or a mope. That one blonde woman - damned if he even knew her name - looked like a total drag. That was kind of weird, since basically everyone else seemed really friendly. It made little difference to the water mage; not everyone was a big talker. Besides...

"I have no idea why," Moira rumbled, approaching Syed and smacking the back of his head. Quentin felt like he was watching a comedy performance as Syed gave her a confused look. He never meant for the guy to get a smack, although Quentin did crack a smile. It was kind of funny in its own way. Besides...

"AH!" exclaimed Estelle, stopping dead in her tracks. Quentin stopped short to avoid colliding with her and almost took a tumble. Estelle ran toward the pirate girl's parrot with not the slightest indication she knew she almost was bowled over by the lanky young man. Quentin rolled his eyes in a casual way. Besides...it seemed that some people did enough talking for two. Well, it took all kinds, right?

"Gnar Man! Who's your... oh hi, Ms. Aria! This dude is cute isn't he. Almost like the little kiddo," Jett interrupted, pointing at Lute, "over there. You guys sure get your hands on a lot of young prodigies. How many under eighteens do you have besides him... and her!"

Yeah, all kinds. Still, if these guys could hold their own in a fight, and it sure looked like they had been in a few scrapes together based on their camaraderie, then that was probably all that mattered. No amount of training could replace heart, and this pack sure seemed like it had a lot of that. Quentin smiled and continued to amble along as Moira stomped back toward Aria and him. Yes, definitely a rhinoceros.

"Looks like Lute might have some competition," Moira announced to anyone listening, as if there was nothing odd about it. Then she became fascinated with Cap, as if there were nothing odd about that, either. Well, Quentin did have to admit that a talking parrot was pretty bangin'. The way Estelle and Moira were transfixed by it, Quentin would not have blamed Cap for flying away from them. He sidled up to Syed, who was envisioning himself as a man wanted dead or alive by Varrens.

"Yo, sorry about that," he said. "The smack round the back of the head like that. I didn't mean to get you in trouble like that. Q.T. Your name, dude?"
Sorry I haven't had a chance to post. Things got very busy for me all of a sudden, including suddenly being a third-party attorney for a real estate transaction contract that has so many damn scribbles on it, you'd think it was a term paper that a teacher marked up. And I don't even have any experience in property law!

I'll get a post up by tomorrow morning at the latest. I've otherwise had a lively weekend. This is what I have been listening to lately:

Posted. Sorry that took so long. And don't worry, Pach; I'm in the same boat as you about Gurren Lagan and KLK.

Cuttersbury: Streets

Drych Lake Spa? Quentin's face went through a dance of mixed emotions. Drych Lake was huge, to his recollection, and owned by some fastidious, posh posers who would not let him within a mile of the place if it could be helped. Something about him being an unwashed plebeian or something. It was just another example of The System being controlled by The Man, man.

As the exchange played out between Tobi and Moira, Quentin scanned the faces of the others. This was quite a cast of characters assembled here. It made him wonder what they were all really there for; they hardly seemed like timber industry enthusiasts. It occurred to him that, despite Marcus being very friendly, the wind mage had not given Quentin a straight answer about why he and his comrades had come to Cuttersbury. It was not something that he had fully realized until the moment Trixie yelled aloud, "Hey, Cutie and Creepy! You guys coming along or what?"

And like that, the party was on the move. For a half-second, Quentin wondered what the great philosophers would do. He reached down into the core of his teachings. A phrase floated to the top of his mind.

~Effort without struggle~

Of course! Quentin did not attempt to break the flow but simply went with the current, a current currently making an exodus. With a smile and a wave in Eli's direction, he traipsed out of the Guild hall with the rest of the Pride. He allowed himself to be amused by Jett's hyperactivity. The dude was like a kid discovering everything in the world for the first time. Hey, to each, his own. For his own part, Quentin was more interested in sizing up the Pride once more. They seemed basically a chill bunch, with some exceptions here and there. The young redhead was kind of a screamer. Clearly, she had not learned anything about the unspoken and action without action. That was fine; people did not need to be judged for that. Although, as he heard the exchange between Jett and Syed, he stifled a chortle out of necessity.


Quentin's eyes were overwhelmed by the sight of the other rambunctious redhead in the group, the very sight of whom made the water mage blink with hesitation.

"Soooo, 'Cutie' eh? Full of yourself or somethin'?" Moira said, suddenly in his face and winking. Only after he felt he was no longer about to get assaulted by the larger woman, who kind of reminded him of a rhinoceros with a wig for some reason, did he relax, not that the winking helped any. It made her face contort into something out of a nightmare, like waking up from a massive bender and finding the sweet girl you brought home last night had her face rearranged by a professional boxer the morning after.

"Don't blame yer, I reckon you need a new prescription for yer specs anyway," she jibed. "Ey, Ree, what you think?"

Quentin looked over at Aria and then decided Moira was probably harmless. Probably mostly harmless. Substantially unlikely to be significant harmful. Like, probably more likely than being struck by lightning in terms of getting hit by her for something but not by a whole lot.

"So, clue me in on something," Quentin said to Moira, glancing at Syed. "What's with him? He reminds me of a teacher who used to scold me for not paying attention in class." He also added, in Aria's direction, "Don't think we've met. Q.T. And you are...?"
Not a problem, Buns. I'll have Q.T. respond to Moira in just a moment.
So sorry for your loss, Rex. I imagine you probably heard this or will hear it soon if you haven't already, but at least Riley won't be in any pain any longer.

And Ryver, I swear that your post said "Grumpy Kanye's" instead of "Grumpy Kayne's."
Pachamac said
Rapid, I bet you were a bit surprised to see Varren pop up, huh?

It's okay! This time I brought my Water-type character instead of my Fighter-type character.

I mean, I guess T-Hawk could be considered Fighting type. They've yet to identify an Alcohol-type Pokemon.

The water mage put on his brightest smile and energetically shook Marcus's hand. He positively beamed when Marcus described his specialty.

"Wind and ice? Radical, dude! I work in water. I bet you and me would make a great combo together if we ever--"

"...Even you two as well, Jett and Q.T, if you’d like to accompany us.” Tobi grinned. Quentin's head snapped around to look at Tobi. Did he hear him right? Was he just offered a mission? Sick!

Estelle posed the question of what kind of monsters the Pride would encounter. Tobi replied with an answer about Varrens. Quentin realized he was still shaking Marcus's hand absentmindedly and released the poor wind mage from his grasp. Varrens were wicked devils, no doubt. Quentin had only ever seen them but never fought one. After stroking his chin for a few seconds, he reckoned that some well-placed water could ruin one of those spiny dude's days. After all, they burrowed underground, but how fast could anything travel in mud? Probably not fast at all, if he had to guess. Yes, he could totally, totally be a help to these guys if they were down with it.

His eyes darted between the members of the Pride. Most of them did not look like they were super high ranked or anything, which was a relief. Quentin was only Rank H and Varrens were probably more dangerous than that. Of course, the Pride didn't really need to know unless someone asked. And really, with the motley crew assembled here, there should be more than enough people to take down some spikepigs! Quentin was practically salivating at the taste of some adventure. Cuttersbury was a nice place, no foolin', but it was lame unless you were a tree hugger or something.

"Yo!" he called to Tobi, raising a hand. "Question for ya: where's this place we're going that we're gonna love?"

Quentin made a point not look in Eli's direction, lest the secretary tell him he was in way over his head. The only way to catch the wave is to best the shark.
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