Avatar of CallMeChaotix
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 675 (0.21 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. CallMeChaotix 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Making a new acc: Chao Writez, just explaining why I won't use this one anymore.
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8 yrs ago
Good news: I can't stay away from the guild, duck my computer. I'll use my phone if I got to.
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8 yrs ago
Well, my computer is broken. I'm on my phone, I won't be on for avwhile, but I won't be dead forever.
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8 yrs ago
Why does life hate me..?
8 yrs ago
Blegh, I so want a puppy...
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Hello! I'm Chao, the one and only. I'm assuming your reading this so you can figure out the type of person I am! I like Anime and Japanese games. My favorite game in the world would be Persona 4. I'm waiting for Persona 5 to come out too! I'm a wisecracker and can sometimes be an troll. Don't get offended if I act that way toward you, I'm just playing around when I do that.

I do like to cosplay, but I don't do it a lot, I've cosplayed as Nightwing, Robin, and Aqualad. Yeah, I like DC. So, I do cosplay DC characters a lot. I plan to cosplay as the goddamn Batman. And there's not much left to talk about here. See ya, pal.

Most Recent Posts

Dick walked through the door of the Wayne Manor, surprisingly that encounter with Barbara went well. He closed the door behind him, outside he noticed Alfred had left for the night. Dick yawned loudly and intentionally to let Tim know he was here. It was pouring outside now, not that it mattered, but Dick always seemed to count the raindrops outside of the window. Dick pulled off his leather jacket and hanged it on the coat hanger. He walked to the room he always slept in whenever he came to the Manor. He pulled his blue shirt off, and started unbuckling his belt. He threw it down, and stepped out of his pants.

Dick pulled on his pajamas, and sat on the bed, watching TV. "...Uuugh..." He was so tired, but he didn't feel like going to sleep. His brother, well, Tim was probably asleep by now. Dick pulled the covers over his lower body. He sighed, and started to close his eyes.
For once in a long time, he felt comfortable sleeping. It's great to be back with his family, he just wished he would've come back when...No, he shouldn't think like that.

He fell asleep, snoring like a bear in hibernation. Man, he really needed this. He needed a lot of things ever since he left Gotham.

He woke up that morning, and looked around. The TV was still on, apparently. Dick yawned, and got out of the bed. He walked down the stairs to the kitchen to see Alfred making breakfast.

"Good morning, Master Grayson." Alfred said, while cooking bacon, and waffles were in the toaster. This looked like it was going to be a nice breakfast.

"Morning, Alfred." Dick smiled. Alfred didn't really pay attention to Dick's smiled. Alfred was like that. Sometimes, Alfred's personality annoyed Dick, but how was he going say that to the man that practically raised him since Bruce was distant?

"I can help you with the cooking."

"I'd prefer not, Master Grayson. I've never seen you as the cooking type." Alfred said, with a grin. Dick chuckled. It was really, REALLY great to be home.

He walked off into his room, grabbed his phone and and sent Barbara a voicemail "Hey, Babs. Just trying to see if you're okay, call me back." He turned his phone back off and laid on the bed, waiting for breakfast to be ready.
@DrewVonAwesome I don't plan on leaving...



Never call me Chaotix, you here me!? It's CHAO!
I fucking hate my life right now...

I'm going to have to make a extra-spectacular post for YA/YJ and it has to be long from opening to ending. Then I'll have to make another 10 -20 paragraphs for the other character...
@DrewVonAwesome Uuurgh...I already know I'm not gonna be able to keep up with this roleplay. ;w;
Decided to edit.

Like I said, bland and seem like just text coming from a keyboard.


Also gave the roleplay a new name, Double Trouble seemed too ...playful for the tone.
@DrewVonAwesome Gah...got a little time to stay on...

I'm going to have to put a lotta paragraphs into one post, aren't I...

Dick was stunned to hear this. But then again, like Tim, Babs was right. He has been letting all that guilt eat away at him for too long. He turned from a lean to more of a straightened sitting position. He smirked, then got up. Rubbed his nose for the last time. He patted Barbara on her arm, then looked down at her. "Thanks for the pep talk, 'Oracle'." He said Oracle in a sarcastic manner. He walked to the door, then looked back at the woman he once loved, still loved. But, to be honest he didn't think it would be the right time to try to get back in a relationship with a girl that he ditched for the past year.

" Oh and, Babs? Seriously, thank you.."He said, with a serious voice.. His original costume, when he started his first year as Nightwing was ripped up from a previous encounter with his old rival, Deathstroke, so he was going to need to make a new, and improved one. Dick walked out of the door, he feels like he has released a lot of bad energy out of himself, and all it took was to be forgiven by his former lover. He headed out of the clocktower. He hopped back on his motorcycle, and equipped his helmet back on. He drove off, heading back to the Wayne Manor.
Eh. I'm reading my posts into this roleplay so far, and man do they seem bland, and barely sound realistic like they are coming out of Dick's mouth.

I think I may be bad at this.. ;w;
@DrewVonAwesome I would post a Well, We're Waiting meme joke right now, but I already used it..

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