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    1. camillethegnome 10 yrs ago


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So sorry about that >.<. Haha they'll have time to bump into each other again probably
Was that for Jason? I thought that was for Al

"A red hue gradually rose in Scarlet’s snow white completion as she straightened herself up, visibly embarrassed, and teary eyed. “I am so sorry, are you alright?” She inquired to the man with the plain carbon mask while placing both hands on the side of her rosy cheeks. Heat radiating from her skin due to the awkward event."

That one? I totally thought carbon was a black color. Have I been living a lie‽
Jason amused himself with childish pranks for the entirety of his initial 5 minutes, but immature shenanigans always lost their luster quickly; one could only undo so many masks, spill so many drinks on so many dresses, and dance by himself for so many minutes before someone decided to kick him out. His bright aqua hair wasn't exactly subtle, and someone was bound to call him out. There were always a few party goers who didn't actually know how to let loose a little. Damn killjoys. In any case, Jason soon grew tired of forcing fun into the fete, and decided to look for it instead.

He skirted the edge of the hall, examining the group and searching for anything remotely intriguing. He had heard a loud clamoring noise from one direction and moved toward it, but he seemed to meet the source halfway. Watching an intoxicated man work his way around, Jason assumed this person had been the cause.

"Oh would you look at that. A drunk harassing a pretty lady. How marvelously cliche. I love it," He suppressed his urge to grin at the sight, and decided to join the scene. Jason didn't exactly want to get involved immediately, so instead he started dancing his way over until he was close enough to hear their exchange. At this point he wasn't an interloper, just a dancing spectator. It didn't seem like a lot of people were dancing though, so he either had poor judgement or just liked to dance. Perhaps he just liked the attention.

The music selection was appropriate for the luxurious and regal atmosphere, he noticed. Professional string players must have been hired and performing somewhere, pouring orchestral melodies into the hall. The acoustics of such a large room were not ideal, not like an actual concert hall of course, but the music still resonated beautifully, floating in the air until it eventually sweetly serenaded the attending audience. Jason danced by himself and he would look strange based of that fact alone. However, he could not help but let the music consume him, and take over his body. His sense of rhythm was on point, and he moved gracefully and fluently. It wasn't mesmerizing by any means, but years of lessons did not go to waste. Still. No amount of impressive dancing could account for his voluntary solitude in a such cooperatively based activity. Caught up in the music, Jason almost forgot to pay attention to the drama unfolding nearby. Almost.

“Thank you, but no thank you, could you please step back,” the damsel requested before repeating herself soon after. Jason mentally noted that she did not exactly fit the description of a damsel in distress, but he had no other alternatives regarding her title. As he pondered this a little more, he eventually grew tired of dancing without a partner, and settled for half-hearted swaying from side to side. He came to the conclusion that without some slap-provoking action, the little conflict between the damsel, dog, and drunk man could have a quite a disappointing resolution. After all, any of them could simply walk away politely.

Figuring now was a good a time to join in as any, he directly walked up to the players at hand, and interjected himself into the conversation. "So what's going on over here?" He inquired with a feigned casual tone. It was more of a pleasant gesture if anything since he was so obviously eavesdropping.
Woot! First IC post ever on this site. Idk, maybe it was kind of out of place, but psssh. And maybe it was too long for how much was actually accomplished, but that pretty much sums up my life anyway.
“How much longer until we get there?” Jason prompted the driver. He was ignored, as he had been the entire trip. Clearly the driver had been told not to answer any of Jason’s questions, but why his parents would bother giving such instructions was beyond him. Luckily, he didn’t need a response, as the train station soon came into view.

“We’re right about here now, Master Jason. I hope you had a comfortable ride,” Jason responded to himself, deepening his voice to imitate his driver more accurately. It was a light hearted jest, but the driver still shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Jason’s lack of professional etiquette always bothered the newbies, and their discomfort was always entertaining.

The station itself was pretty close, considering the lack of air travel, but the drive was still too long for Jason. He spent the entire ride pressed up against the door, waiting to be released. Once the driver finally did open it, Jason unintentionally exploded out of the nondescript, black car, immediately falling onto the pavement from the sudden loss of support and attracting the attention of many nearby strangers. He picked up his cherry red glasses and stood upright, dusting himself off and regaining his composure.

He ignored the stares of the passersby, whose mundane routines had been interrupted by his entrance, as he thanked his driver. “Thank you so much for taking me here. It was a real pleasure. I enjoyed our conversation. It was very… Enlightening. A real bonding experience. You have to be the most intellectually stimulating driver I’ve had so far. I’ll have to tell my father to send you again, I’d love to have you as my personal driver,” His gratitude dripped with sarcasm, but neither his feelings of appreciation nor his playful gestures seemed to be well received as his driver stopped reacting to his antics. A real shame. Losing that source of fun, Jason sighed and examined his glasses for any damage. They were purely for aesthetic purposes, so he liked to maintain their condition.

The now-incredibly-boring driver apparently didn’t want waste any time after he had finished heaving Jason’s luggage out of the trunk since he swiftly returned to his position behind the wheel and sped off without ever saying a single word. Typical.
When Jason finally arrived at his dorm, he felt pretty worn out, having spent the entire day traveling, but the new environment and new scenery had distracted him wonderfully. He took his time enjoying the architecture before he finally entered the male dormitory. The building itself was impressive, but nothing completely unexpected, all things considered. It was no doubt a private school for rich kids. Plus, based on elusive location of the college, he assumed that the school grounds were expansive, another indicator of general exorbitance. The dorms could quite possibly be the most uninteresting part of the college. He had yet to find out for himself, but for now he kept his expectations moderately high.

Of course, he was not disappointed when he made his way upstairs and entered the Onyx dorm. Plopping down on one of the sofas, he found that the ornate furniture was in pristine condition, and the living space overall was impeccable. Jason was quite used to such a lavish home environment, but he could always appreciate perfection and beauty. Exploring the space a bit, he chose one of the three doors and pushed it open.

“Three individual bedrooms,” he deduced expertly, “and this one appears to be uninhabited. Excellent.” After he rolled his luggage into the room, he plopped onto the bed, examined the room further, and noticed an incredibly conspicuous white envelope on the bedside table. His curiosity piqued, he quickly tore the envelope open and read its contents. A masquerade ball. Sleep would have to be postponed for such an event, but Jason was sure it would be worth it. Without wasting another moment, he began preparing. He stripped off his jacket and shirt, and continued the process of undressing. Everything went well until he came to a sudden realization: You can’t wear glasses and a mask at the same time.

Jason fell onto his knees; he had lost the ability to stand. Devastation! Agony! Defeat! Torture! It was horrible. He curled into a ball on the floor, half naked now, at this tragic epiphany. What was he supposed to do? What could he do? It was unfathomable to show up to a masquerade without a mask… But his glasses! They were so stylish! He rolled around on the floor, drowning in his own indecision.

Eventually he knew he had to get up. Time was running out. With a new sense of urgency, he opened the wardrobe. His eyes were closed when he opened the door, too anxious to know the truth immediately. Was it going to be hideous? The anticipation was almost too much for him to bear. Slowly, he opened his eyes a bit. He was barely able to see through his squint, but he found his mask almost immediately. Red! Oh thank the gods and all that was divine and powerful. Red! The same cherry red of he beloved glasses. He almost cried tears of joy. His heart had been broken, but now all was right in the world.

His sanity restored, Jason resumed his previous task. He donned his tuxedo effortlessly, having worn such formal attire on many occasions before. It fit incredibly well, and felt like a second skin. The mask too, seemed to have been molded to his face, as it rested comfortably on his features. Jason was hesitant to leave his precious glasses behind, but he had no other choice and no reason to take them with him. They’d be safer in the dorm. Not able to afford another minute contemplating this decision, Jason placed his glasses in their case, and left them on the bed.

The walk was uneventful, as solitary activities tended to be, but his boredom would soon be over. He briefly wondered if there were females attending the ball. Surely there would be. Balls were pretty much made for ladies. Formal dresses were a big deal, and there weren’t many opportunities to wear them. But the walk over, surely it must be difficult to do in heels? And when the cool night air caressed his face, he wondered if these ladies would be suffering from hypothermia. It was a humorous picture to imagine: beautiful ladies adorned in glamorous dresses, shivering in the cold air and just generally looking uncomfortable. Oh the fun to be had at a ball! He could hardly contain his excitement as he approached the Grand Hall.
Decipher said
Did you save it on a word document? because if not, my condolences for your loss

Haha I have apple everything. I know. Bring on the shun. I have it saved on my computer though, so that's good. It's just so sad because I can clearly use my phone to post.
I finished typing up my post but my wifi spontaneously committed suicide. TT~TT.

Height: 6’0"

Build: Lithe

Eye & Hair Color: Aqua colored hair, hazel eyes

Body modifications: None, but always wears his signature cherry-red glasses

Full Name: Jason Glass

Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Mythical Being: TBA

1. Have not discovered

2. Have not discovered

3. Have not discovered

4. Have not discovered

Secret: To be revealed

Sexuality: Bisexual

Brief History & Behavior:

When he was younger, Jason had a very mild temperament. He did what he was told, and didn’t question anything. He had a neighbor whom he adored immensely. She was the one who taught him how to have fun, bend the rules a bit, and just generally do whatever he wanted. It wasn’t as simple as playing little pranks on people they didn’t like. It was the rule breaking that gave them the rush; they loved to steal things even though they had everything they needed. It was never out of necessity, only pure boredom.

Jason had a carefree life. He had everything he needed and everything he ever wanted. Soon enough, he fell in love with the girl next door. Of course, his parents, didn’t approve of this; they felt that she was poisoning his pure mind, and leading him astray from the path of obedience. After a short year, they moved away from this source of defilement, and Jason was devastated. He learned to maintain an obedient façade for his parents, but when they weren’t paying attention, he would revert back to his carefree nature.

The acceptance letter from CTS was not a surprise to him. His family had a decent amount of influence, so he figured they had pulled some strings to get him in. To be perfectly honest, Jason never knew quite what it was that his parents did. He never asked. He assumed that they had high influence solely based on the wealth that they had accumulated; an opulent lifestyle generally equates to a powerful family.

+Open Minded

-Relatively Hedonistic
-Short Temper
-Detached, Avoids Commitment

Theme Song:
I hope not
Maybe more detail? It sounds relatively intriguing
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