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    1. CaptainGuy42 9 yrs ago


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No, sorry but we're full on characters at the moment.
"We'll wait for him to come back, if it takes longer than an hour I'll track him down." Korick announced hoping to end the discussion before people started sharpening stakes. If Larris was undead then he couldn't simply let him walk away, there was still a chance one of his letters had been intercepted by those who were working with the devils and sent a double agent, though certainly they'd try harder than that. When they reached the fire pit he was glad to see Vis already had a fire going, even though it was the middle of summer the recent storm and lake air kept this place unseasonable cool. As he found himself a place to sit, Beth lay herself behind him allowing Korick to rest his back on her flank. He retrieved his pipe and began reloading the bowl, as he asked a question to take peoples minds off of Larris, "So how have you found the roads? I haven't been out of the moors for a few months."
"Falconrest's smith can fix a shoe, but I'll tell you it will take more than a new shoe for him to be galloping again, the hoof will need time to heal. I'll wait a bit longer to make sure everyone is here to explain things, I'm not fond of repeating myself." Korick said to Lily as he hopped his to inspect the hoof of Arafear, " Looks pretty clean, should heal nicely if you lay off him and let him rest, don't suppose you'd consider leaving him behind? I have a friend coming who can take him somewhere safe and keep him stabled." He couldn't help but notice Larris excusing himself, "Odd one he is." He muttered, wondering what kind of man changes his mind with a wound like that. He chose to focus on something else at the moment, "Warforged? Never heard of that sort of Golem, but I'll be glad to have you here, let's go join Vis by the fire, anyone else who is coming should be able to see a group this size."
Well I can't control their characters so it's worth discussion here. Also it's worth mentiong Korick is a Halfling not a kobold.
With the embers in his pipe dead he tapped it out and stashed it away in a pouch before he took a measure of the new arrivals, he looked at Larris first, " How long ago was that? Smells infected, I suppose you should let it, eh, her look at it," Korick said motioning towards Batch, " Greetings Miss, uhm, what exactly are you then." Then there was the Paladin, "Two things, do I look much like a knight? and second, I know Gabriel might not have been the most attentive father but he did teach you how to ride didn't he? Third, I'm glad your here, and fourth no, counting is not my strong suit." The squaking hawk quickly drew away his attention, as a ranger Korick could spot a druid from a mile away which made it obvious who sent Lammy, " Glad to see your parents got my letter, but uh, aren't you suppose to be a woman?" "All hail the broken god," Korick said, lacking piety but earnest in gratitude, "There's still a bit of light out but I imagine that's most of us, but I don't know who actually replied."
Korick took another drag from his pipe as he considered Vis's news. " The duke, it's good to have his support I was worried he wouldn't take my request seriously," He said calmly, " Well it's good to have you Vis, you too Markul, gods know you are needed. I uh, set up a small fire pit over there, got some dry wood stacked and tinder, so make yourself comfortable, or you can keep watch with me, either way we'll be here till nightfall. But before you go tell me what it is you do, and how much you know of the situation."
*When it rains it pours.* Korick mused, nine days his ass was planted on this dock, no one came, and now they were coming out of the spongey wood work. He couldn't exactly blame them he supposed, storms had been ravaging the south shore and they only broke this morning; meaning until recently travel wasn't safe. "Aye, I'm Korick, I sent the letters, and you're here, and who are you?" he asked the scarred man, before he took a nice long drag from his pipe. As he exhaled he turned his head to Markul, " Aluntel, knew he'd come through, how is he?" He asked. The Beth took a good long look at Batche. She didn't seem to be a thread, she wasn't food, and she didn't smell like anything. So Beth just tilted her head a said, "Grrroowl?"
Korick saw the half-orc quickly. His orcish appearance was enough to make Korick start reaching for his sling but Markul's dress was enough to stay his hand. *No tribesman would dress like that.* He stood up to full height and waved to Beth for her to relax, but in reality the bear showed no signs of ever being tense. "Hail there, and who sent you?" He asked, trying to understand which of his contacts actually acted on his letter.
" Just give me a second," Ozrick said as he took a deep breath and reached out with the force. It didn't even take him a second to locate where disturbance that gave him the vision originated from. "There," Ozrick announced confidently doing at a door leading to the left. "And I'm willing to bet that also leads us to the chambers closet to the assembly." Ozrick lead the way down the twisting halls, following his senses when he came to junctions. As he rounded one last corner he spoke again, "I sense we are getting close be-" suddenly he ducked on instinct and a blaster bolt struck where his head have been, "READY!" He screamed as he scrambled for cover while blindly laying down suppressing fire.
## LET US BEGIN Those accepted are: -Enalais -Corsair -Mictlan_93 -Blaze96 -ColouredCyan -Voltus_Ventus -Assailya -ajax6893 The Opening post in the In character section has been edited to start the thread, feel free start posting. If you didn't get in I apologize, I got a pretty big number of apps so I couldn't accept everyone. Hopefully I'll see you a different RP sometime.
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