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    1. carsgovroom 10 yrs ago


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Call me cars. Or vroom. Or carsgovroom. Just another 20-something girl on the World Wide Web. I suppose I'd be considered a veteran RPer with probably a decade of RPing experience whose looking to have a bit of fun.

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She was painting a seascape. She was always painting goddamn seascapes these days. Macy couldn't help it. She missed Florida. Not the humidity, which she had grown used to after nearly twelve years, but the sunshine. And the beaches. And the fact that it was...home. It was were Val and Henry were. It was were she had gone to college, where she had owned her first apartment, where she had had her first date, where she had gotten her first job. Her whole life had been there.

A life she couldn't go back to. Not now that she was an Emergent.

Macy put down the paintbrush and ran her hands through her hair, likely streaking blue paint through it. But she didn't really care at the moment. Once the locks had been long a dark brunette, but now they were cropped so they brushed the tops of her shoulders and were a shocking white. Back in Florida just about everyone she knew gave her looks of fear, mistrust, and even hatred. They had known her before, known what she had looked like before, and there was no way to hide it. People here gave her pale appearance strange looks, but they didn't know for sure. Fashion trends these days seemed to love pale, the paler the better. Or maybe she was an albino. No one here seemed to remember her, or her family. She had spent years of her life here before Florida, but that had been over twelve years ago. Here she was anonymous, no one. Just a regular person.

It was weird though. Being back in Haye. She had thought it would be different, almost unrecognizable since it had been so long. But that wasn't the case. Sure things had changed, but so many things were the same. She recognized her old elementary and middle schools, as well as the park she and Val had played in after school and on weekends. The bakery she had loved was still there. There were so many memories she had of these streets... She had told Val about it in the first email she had sent her since settling. It's weird being back, she had written, But a good weird. It's nice to be somewhere familiar.

She was jostled from her thoughts by a rapid knocking on her door. She raised her head from her hands and stared at it in confusion, almost believing she had imagined the knock before it happened again. Someone was knocking? On her door? Who the hell...at this hour? Macy looked over at the clock, wincing a bit as she saw the time. She had meant to go to sleep a while ago, but she had gotten distracted by her painting. Then there was another knock, and she finally moved.

The knocking wasn't loud, but she somehow knew it was urgent. The fact that it wasn't loud ruled out Jennings, who was the only other person who ever knocked on her door at night. Her landlord sometimes dropped by, demanding checks she had already given him, and she suspected he was trying to peep into her apartment to look for anything suspicious. He always gave her that mistrustful gaze, and it unnerved her. Kenny, her upstairs neighbor, told her not to worry about it. "He looks at everyone that way, even babies. You got nothing to worry about," he had said.

She reached the door, which was chained for the night, and peeped through the peephole. Two men stood outside, their faces unclear through the hole. Macy bit her lip, and after a moment she tentatively opened the door until the chain became taught. "Who are...," she began, speaking to the man with the beard and the shaved head at first before her gaze traveled down to the other man that he was supporting. "Tim?"" Macy asked, her eyes widening at the sight of his face. It was bloody. She experienced a sort of deja vu as she thought briefly back to the night she had met Tim. He had been bleeding then, too, in an alley behind the restaurant she worked at. She had found him there in the alley and had been unable to leave him there. She had known what he was, that he was an Emergent like her. It was a part of her gift.

"Holy shit." Macy quickly closed the door so she could unlatch the chain and opened it again. "Come inside," she said to the other man. She had quickly studied the fluttering colored light that surrounded him that only she could see. There was a sliver of gold that ran through it, same as Tim's. A telltale sign that he was an Emergent as well. She filed it away in her mind to process later.

Once both men were inside Macy quickly peered out into the hall. All of her neighbors' doors were shut. A good sign, probably. She closed the door, locked and chained it, and turned back around to face the two men. "Here," she said, gesturing to the couch as she darted over to wear a spare cloth was hanging on one of her mismatched kitchen chairs. She unfurled it and spread it out on the couch. "Lay him right here." Macy stood back to give him room. "What happened to him?"
I'm still finishing up my CS, but I wanted to post what I have. I'll edit the history and personality in in a bit.
Name: Macy Keen
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Physical Description:
Macy stands at an average height with a slender build. She was formerly a tanned brown eyed brunette who wore a trendy beach style with lots of denim shorts, sandals, loose fitting blouses and cardigans of various shades of color. Colorful was a word to describe her, she loved to surround herself with colors, That was until late September of 2012 when she woke up one day to find a stranger looking back at her in a mirror, and colorful became the last word you would use to describe Macy Keen. Her dark hair had faded to white, the tan seemed to have melted away to leave pale skin behind, and her eyes had become a clear ice blue. She currently wears her hair shorter than she used to, letting it fall to the tops of her shoulders in long layers in waves, or occasionally straight. Since her emergence Macy hasn't worn bright colors, sticking with clothes that are dark shades of black, gray, blue, and green, with the occasional white thrown in. She also wears more make up than she used to. People think she's a goth, but she figures it's one way to try to blend in.

Mundane Skills:
- College Degree: Nursing
- She spent two years working as a nurse in a pediatrics ward before her emergence.
- She's knowledgeable about medicine, medical care, and first aide, having devoted much of her adult time to it.
- Previous waitress experience from college, which now serves her well in her new life.
- Steady hands, good for stitching up cuts, cleaning injuries, as well as painting. She loves art, ever since she was little.

It started with the lights. They seemed to dance right before her eyes, surrounding everyone and everything around her. At first she thought it must have been a trick of the Florida sunshine, reflecting off the ocean. But then she woke up and found out she was pale as death, and the lights grew stronger and brighter, and color came with them. Different shades of colored light swirling around people and animals, and even plants, getting brighter every day. They were intense, causing her eyes to hurt and her head to ache from looking at them, and Macy felt almost blind because she couldn't focus on anything else around her, just the colors. She's started getting better at focusing so she can see what's happening around her. She's working on understanding what all of the colors of people's auras mean, but in crowds too many auras can be too confusing and too much for her to process.

Character History:
Macy was born in Haye, Pennsylvania to Andrew and Nora Keen, eleven minutes after her twin sister, Valerie. Macy spent the first fourteen years of her life living in Haye. Andrew and Nora both worked outside of the town so they barely spent anytime there, but Val and Macy were very involved with the town. They went to school there, were a part of Girl Scouts there, all of the friends they spent time with were in Haye. Macy loved it there, until about a year after her brother Henry was born and the Keen family packed up and moved miles and miles away to sunny Miami, Florida.

It was a huge change, and kind of an abrupt one. Val and Macy hadn't been happy about leaving their lives in small town Pennsylvania behind for a new life in big city Florida. But Andrew had a new position at a Miami hospital, so that's where the family went. And the sisters adapted. They started high school, made new friends, fell in love with the beach, and moved on from Pennsylvania. She worked hard in school, graduated with honors, and went on to the University of Florida where she majored in nursing. Her father's career inspired her to also go into medical care, and her gravitated towards pediatrics. After four years of studying, working, as well as enjoying the freedoms college could offer, she graduated.

She eventually landed a position at a Miami hospital and moved back to the city she loved. And she was happy for a while. Even with all of the chaos and turbulence of the sudden Emergence. Macy didn't worry about it too much, having no reason to suspect that she was also an Emergent. Until the lights and the colors only she could see, as well as the eye pain and headaches, and when she woke up looking pale as a ghost. Her whole life went to hell after she Emerged. Her friends avoided her, she was fired from her job, and her parents unceremoniously disowned her. Val didn't abandon her, though, and with her sister's help Macy was able to flee Florida before the Feds could show up to take her to a camp.

She eventually wandered back to Haye, where she settled. No one recognized her, but she didn't care. It was quiet there and familiar. A good place to start over.

Psychological Profile:
It's amazing how developing magical abilities and being stripped of basic human rights can change a person. Introverted when she was once extroverted, reserved when she was once adventurous, Macy is nearly the opposite of who she used to be. Before she was fun loving and sociable, but also hard working and dedicated to her job. Now all she's concerned with is maintaining a low profile and hiding in plain sight so people can't see her for what she is.

Macy loved her work, feeling it helped define her and gave her purpose, and now feels lost without it. One of the reasons she became a nurse was to help people, take care of them and make them feel safe. That part of her hasn't changed at all, but it's at odds with helplessness she feels. There are people out there who are like her, changed and afraid of everyone and everything. But there doesn't seem to be a goddamn thing she can do about it. All she can do is keep her head down, blend in, and survive.

- A small 2.5 room apartment in the Haye Heights apartment complex. The building is a former boarding house, and a rather large one. The rooms were all converted into apartments some time ago. Due to the fact that the owner and landlord is an unpleasant person very few people want to deal with, the apartment was very affordable. It has a combo kitchen and living area, and a small bedroom with an attached bathroom. Over the past few months since settling in Haye Macy has managed to make it feel like a home, but she still feels as though she'll need to pack up and run at any moment.
- A rather large collection of medical supplies that she either took with her from her previous life, or acquired on the road to Hayes.
- Art supplies, including canvases, paint, brushes, and an easel. Ever since her emergence and she was forced out of her profession Macy has had more time to paint than ever. She's happy to fill that time.

Waitress at Bella's Italia, one of the nicer restaurants in town. The owner, Sal, is a good man who gave the desperate Macy a job when she needed it most. The tips are good, and the dim lighting is a plus because less people gawk at her unusual appearance. Sometimes Sal has her work behind the bar pouring wine.

Bernard Jennings - Landlord. Owner of the Haye Heights Apartments, a large former boarding house whose rooms have been converted into apartments. Jennings is an unmarried and unpleasant 50 something man who is a strict landlord, a devout church goer, and very vocal about his opinions regarding Emergent rights. He hates those damn Shame-Kissers and he hates Emergents even more. "Those freaks belong in cages," he'll tell anyone who listens, "They're unnatural." Macy would rather live anywhere else, but unfortunately he had one of the only vacancies and the best prices in town.

Valerie Keen – Twin Sister. Defense Attorney in Florida. Macy's only remaining friend from her old life. Best friends for all of their lives, Val and Macy were fraternal twins who still looked remarkably similar to one another, that is until Macy's emergence. Macy was driven away by the rest of her family and friends, but Val refused to turn her back on her sister. She helped Macy get out of Florida, since they both knew that FEMA could arrive at anytime to have Macy dragged away to a camp. Val gave her sister money, helped her write some fake letters of reference, and bought her a bus ticket to take her north. They still keep in touch through email, but very discreetly.

Henry Keen – Younger brother. High school freshman. Living in Florida with the rest of Macy's family. A typical teenage boy, he knows what his parents think about emergents, but he has his own opinions. He's secretly fascinated with them and thinks they're scary, but also pretty cool. He also thinks it's pretty cool that one of his big sisters is one of them, but has been forbidden to contact her by his parents. He misses Macy, and Macy misses him, but she avoids trying to contact him. She doesn't want him to get involved in something dangerous.

Andrew and Nora Keen – Estranged parents. Andrew is a surgeon. Nora is a former English teacher and current high school principal. The five Keens were all very close knit, and a loving family. Until one of their daughters emerged and broke the family apart. Andrew and Nora had always been conservative, church going types, but Macy never expected they would react as they did. They disowned her and cut her out of their lives, as well as forbid their other children from speaking to her. Currently Henry is angry with his parents, but plays the dutiful son, while Val barely speaks to them.
I'm reviving this thread~ Been away for a while, and I'm looking for 2 at most. Any takers?
Not very good. Slammed with homework this weekend. I have a presentation on Monday and an entire textbook to outline. Maybe I'll have time on Wednesday morning? It's the only day this week that I'm not working.
Bumping, looking for one more?
Delia's voice was almost cold, the words like a blunt instrument, and she all but stormed out of the room after refusing her offer of a ride. It left Elise sitting there, stunned at the exchange. It had been like she had done something horribly offensive to the other woman. But she couldn't think of what she had done.

Thinking soon became hard, though Elise didn't notice it at first. She paced the motel room, flicking through her phone and ignoring the multitude of missed calls, voice-mails, and texts in order to find a number to call. She picked Amy's.

Her roommate answered after the first ring, and her voice was all but frantic. "Hello? Hello, Elise? Is that you?"

"Yes. Amy, it's me." Hearing the fear and desperation in Amy's voice was like the confirmation Elise didn't want. The confirmation that she had really been missing for three days. Amy must have noticed when Elise didn't come home from work. She must have called everyone all of their friends, all of Elise's coworkers, her parents and sister, in order to alert them and try to find her. She felt guilty and horrible, and she didn't even have a good reason or excuse to give them.

"Oh God... Thank God, I was so scared... When you didn't come home the other night I knew something was wrong... Everyone's been looking for you, your mother's been calling everyday... The police couldn't help, we were starting to think you were dead! Elise what happened to you, where are you?"

Amy's words hit her like bricks. They made Elise feel worse and even more scared than she already was. It was like they were suffocating her, that it was getting hard to breath...

It was getting hard to breath.

Elise's felt like she had finished running a marathon, or she had suddenly developed terrible asthma in the last few minutes. Her breathing was shallow, sharp, and fast, like she was trying to take in a good deep breath but was physically unable to do so. She could almost feel the stitch forming in her side, feel her head spinning from her lack of proper breathing, and she was almost gasping for air.

She was afraid she would pass out, that she would stop breathing and die.


"Amy, I...I need you to come and get me. Please..."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at...I'm at...it's a motel... It's name is...." Elise squeezed her eyes shut, trying to think of the motel name that she had known only seconds before. But she couldn't think, could barely focus enough to form a sentence or a though. She glanced at the pad of paper again. "...Sunset Motel. I'm at the Sunset Motel, it's still in the city. Amy...please...I'm...afraid."

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

Amy hung up and Elise felt the phone nearly slip through her fingers as she stumbled forward and out of the motel door. Air...fresh air. That would help. She leaned against the railing, almost doubled over as she tried breathing. She was gasping now, her gasps ragged and wheezing, but air barely touched her lungs not matter how hard she tried. Elise couldn't breath, she couldn't think.

What's happening to me?

She felt someone touch her shoulder gently, heard words being spoken, and she looked up at the motel maid's concerned face with eyes that were close to tearing up. Elise tried nodding or shaking her head, and the motion was erratic and confused. All she wanted to do was run. So she managed to move forward, away from the maid who called after her in a worried voice. But Elise couldn't process the words, couldn't process anything. Then she became aware that the closer she got to the motel exit, the more she could breath. The more she could think.

She found herself on the sidewalk outside of the motel, watching cars pass on the street. Elise's eyes blinked in the sunlight, and she realized that she could breath clearly, or almost at least, and her mind was no longer a traffic jam. Why? What had changed?

Her head turned and her eyes scanned everything on the sidewalk until they found a familiar face. Delia was still there, a little ways off but coming closer. Like she was coming back to the motel. Elise looked at her in confusion for a long moment, then called out to her. "I thought you were leaving."
Ella hoped she didn't appear nervous, that their intent to break so many rules did not show on her face. That she looked as casual as she always had when making a request of her godmother. She hid her nervously clenched fists within the skirt of her red gown and her brown eyes pleaded innocently. She was just a girl who wanted to spend a day with her friend, and nothing else.

Cassandra seemed hesitant. "I don't think my father will be bothered. He would be more than happy to welcome Princess Avril to our home, in fact it would be his honor. I'm sure the household staff would be honored by her presence, as well." She smiled, biting her lip hopefully. Cassandra lamented that Ella called Godmother, and it was true that Ella was rather formal in public gatherings such as a ball. But at other times Ella had called the Queen by affectionate and less formal names. Aunt Cass in particular was her favorite.

She hadn't noticed Avril speaking with her father until the King addressed the Queen. Ella glanced over to meet Avril's eyes and she discreetly crossed her fingers. It took a bit of coaxing from Avril and her father, but at the promise of a guard and Ella visiting for tea in a few days Cassandra relented. Ella looked at Avril excitedly for a moment before moving to Cassandra. She wrapped her arms around her godmother and higged her tightly. "Thank you so much, Aunt Cass. This truly means a lot to me."

"Ella!" Lord Thomas called gently, and she pulled back from hher hug a little to see her father standing slightly behind Avril, waiting for her.

"Just a moment, Father? Please?" At his daughter's smile Thomas returned it and nodded. Ella turned to smile at Cassandra again. "Thank you, again. I'll see you soon for tea." She kissed her godmother's cheek lightly, and then nodded respectfully and gratefully to the King. "Thank you, Your Grace." Then she said goodbye to Avril. Ella hugged her friend, and whispered, "See you tomorrow, before nodding to all three members of the royal family again and joining her father.

Thomas swept a cloak over his daughters shoulder before taking her arm. "Beautiful ball, as always."

"It was," Ella said agreeably, though she was thinking about the next day's adventures. "I'm looking forward to the next one."

"I saw you dancing with Prince Edward," Thomas commented, and looked over at Ella. "I must say the two of you made a quite a fine couple. You danced so gracefully with him...it was almost as though he was meant to be your partner."

Ella smiled at though and laughed a little. "Oh, Father, you don't believe all that. Edward and I just...have known each other for so long, that's all it was."
Yeah, totally acceptable. :)
Hopefully the description of Elise's tattoo is alright~
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