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    1. ChadsWorth The Third 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Found out I was logged into a computer at a friends house. Need to change the email on here so i can change my password, but it fails every time.
9 yrs ago
Going to Remake A Murderer's Game! Hit me Baby one more Time
9 yrs ago
No offence to women.
9 yrs ago
Well, I'm Tired as all Goat. Night all. See you fine Fellows at 10:06 today. Mtntopview, If you are reading this, continue the quest for counting superiority! We will crush the week mined women.
9 yrs ago
Ehh. Starting op and old Rp. Hope it works out this time


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Will post soon.

"I'm sorry Miss. You can't continue on any further, this is a crime scene." The man said, blocking Nova's entrance to the scene.

"Yes, I'm well aware that this is a crime scene. That is why I am here, I need to speak with the Chief about something important. Could you fetch him for me?" She smiled politely but her tone held a stubbornness that told the constable she wasn't about to walk away quietly. Confused as to what to do, the man finally nodded and turned, leaving Nova behind at the line to await a response.

"Sir?" the Constable said tapping Chief Grayson on the shoulder.

Grayson turned to look at his man. "Hmm? Oh Johnson. What is it?"

"There is a young lady here. She says she wants to talk to you."

"Well, why didn't you say so? I'd hate to leave a lady waiting." he responded moving over to where Nova was.

"Hello, Young Miss. I am Chief Grayson. May I ask your name?"
October the 2nd, 1857, 9:56 AM

(OOC: I forgot to label the Constables... Those Blue hat people are it)

It was the day after the 12th killing. Chief Constable Grayson looked down at the victim, who was kneeling before a statue of Queen Victoria, and silently agreed with himself that whoever The Game Master was, knew how to leave behind an interesting crime scene. As usual, The Game Master had beheaded the victim, replaced the head with a pumpkin, and took the head with him to God knows where.
The words of an approaching constable brought Grayson out of his thoughts. "Sir, we've found another witness" the constable said.
"Another one?" Grayson asked.
"Yes, sir" the constable said "Along with the man who saw The Game Master make his escape while out on a night time walk, and the woman who watched the aftermath of the murder from her window, we found that one of the local prostitutes saw the whole thing. And judging by the odd markings on her left shoulder, we have reasons to believe she's part of The Deck".
"The Deck?" Grayson said "Well that doesn't surprise me. They do tend to hang around The Game Master's crime scenes."
"Should we call Edgar Dorian, sir?" The Constable asked.He does have this case. And he told us to call him when ever The Game Master struck"
Grayson sighed. "Yes. Call him up. He probally could read this scene better then we read the sunday paper."
"Right away, sir" the constable said before running off toward The Hungry Lion to use its telephone. Upon reaching the telephone, the constable dialed the phone number for Edgar Dorian and awaited a reaponse. "Good morning, miss" the constable said when Edgar's maid servant answred the phone "Could you please tell Mr. Dorian that Chief Constable Grayson requests is presence at the Queen Victoria statue on Baker Street. The Game Master has struck again".
Yap, checking in! I don't know if it would make much sense that my characters knows any other characters. Not playable, anyway...

Do you want to be in the Pub, which is conventionally located next to the crime scene?
Shrink it of coarse
Got my old account back.
How does one change a password?
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