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    1. ChaoticEnigma 10 yrs ago


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Twelve hours, twelve long agonizing hours, the Time Lord took it upon himself to clean up the Doctor's room completely within the first three hours. Anything, he would literally do anything to keep his mind from focusing on the drums. It seemed to work for the most part, but once the room was spotless, he was sitting back upon the chair just watching the Doctor, hearing the nightmares.In a sense, it pained the man to see this, his dear Doctor suffering nightmares.

"K-Koschei…" the Doctor's voice in a whimper as he slept this had been shortly after the Master had gone through one of his regenerations but his dear Doctor relived the death that he suffered, relived the pain it was to see Koschei pass away when nothing could really be done.

That was nearly half a century passed, Koschei had been sleep beside his beloved Doctor, in quite the peaceful sleep when the whimper of a frail voice awoke the black haired man. Slowly turning around to face him he neared, his arms wrapping around the younger Time Lord "Theta." He breathed in whispered, his fingers combing through the man's blonde curls "Theta, I’m here.. It's only a nightmare"

The Doctor moved closer to the elder Time Lord's grasp, as his senses began to awaken the Doctor's eyes opened as he looked up to Koschei a smile forming upon his lips "You're alive… you're here"

A chuckle escaped the man's lips "Of course of I am, my dear Theta. I'll always be here when you need me the most, I promise" his fingers caressed the Doctor's cheek as he leaned down to kiss his lips.

Slowly the memory faded from his thoughts as his mind returned to reality, his hazel eyes focused on the Doctor as he called him by his title. He could tell his dear Doctor was in pain. "Twelve hours, my dear Theta" without another word the Master arose to his feet and neared his precious Time Lord, moving he sat upon the bed and pulled the Doctor into his arms. Slowly he wiped the sweat from the man's face, his jaw and neck. Oh how his memories played with his mind, and with his hearts, resting his head upon the Doctor's shoulder.

Burying his face into the Doctor's neck he inhaled the man's scent, the familiar musk of the Doctor, that ever so comforting scent of Time Lord that was different from his own, the pure scent of Gallifrey. "My Doctor" he began to kiss along the man's neck, holding him close "You're safe" he whispered against the man's neck "I'm here now" pulling from the Doctor's neck he listed his gaze to stare into the Doctor's eyes "You look horrible, my dear Doctor, come. Let's rest" moving them both to lay down, he neared the Doctor and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close as he did in the past. "Sleep for now, you need your rest"
One thing that stuck out about the girl was that even before testing began she held quite the brilliance about her. Her brain waves were spectacular and Enigma fought hard to have her be his test subject for he knew she would be the perfect candidate. But here she was, before him, having already fled and now urging her brain for what knowledge she held of her past to speak. At first the man was puzzled, he thought he'd hid his white coat a bit better than that. His eyes momentarily glanced down at the coat then his hazel eyes lifted back to her. "I know you're frightened, my Dear" he took a step toward her "But I promise that 'no one' will hurt you" his voice as gentle as he could make it which was difficult for his voice was normally deep and smooth like a low rumble of thunder in a sense.

Enigma stepped near her slowly as he reached out and cupped her cheek "Come along, my sweet" his thumb gently caressed her cheek. Unbuttoning his black coat, he shrugged out of it as well as his white labcoat. Now in just a black oxford with his black slacks he tossed the white coat aside and neared her, sliding his trench coat around her shoulders. "you're safe with me, Mizuki" and with that, in one swift swoop he took her into his arms and exited the house. "Rest now, My Dear, I will not take you back to that bad place." Exiting the house, he ventured toward the building but instead of nearing it any further than the parking lot he placed her in his car and drove off.

Nearly an hour drive he pulled up to a mansion of sorts, it truly looked peaceful, not to mention expensive, but it was his home. Getting out of the car he rounded to her side and helped her out, his arm sliding around her waist as he helped her walk up the stairs and in through the front door. Once inside her scooped her up into his arms again and walked up the staircase to the second floor. It would not be the first time he brought a test subject home.

They'd passed several doors down the hall, all empty rooms, all locked of course, but the one room he did stop at was the most secure. Bulletproof windows, yes the room looked exquisite, it honestly had only been used once, yet that was nearly five years ago, since then a housemaid cleaned it regularly to keep it in its pristine condition. Typing in a number in the digital keypad the door opened and in he carried her. "Welcome to your new home, Mizuki" he slowly set her down.
The familiar hum that rang through the walls of the TARDIS were also within his subconscious, keeping the drums at bay for the time being as the Time Lord rested. For hours the Master slept, his mind actually at peace, but how was this possible? Slowly but surely the Master began to shift and move until his hazel eyes opened slowly. He'd expected to be within his sickeningly sweet cream colored asylum room. But what he saw caused his eyes to widen 'No … oh .. no he didn't..'

Koschei pushed himself to stand and it was then he felt the extra weight around his neck, glancing down he took note of the TARDIS key around his neck 'He's keeping me chained like some mongrel…' oh that didn't sit well with the Time Lord. Making his way out of the room he'd woken up in his eyes widened upon realizing the drastic change of the TARDIS.

He'd truly expected retro-grunge look of his Doctor's previous TARDIS to fit his 'hipster' attire. But this? Oh this was absolutely amazing. He'd made it to the main console room, his eyes looking about the spectacular room with such awe upon his facial features. Modernized, futurized even, that spinning wheel above transfixed the Master for several moments before he pulled from his awed state and lowered his gaze to the Time Lord.

The Master had every urge to go up and brutally smack the Doctor for kidnapping him, for putting him on a leash. But at the moment, he didn't do that, no, instead he neared the Doctor and took a seat beside him, his fingers reaching out to brush against the man's face, brushing a few strands from his face. 'It does not matter what his new form looks like; he will always have that peaceful innocence about him when he rests' were the Master's thoughts.

Knowing that it had to be quite the uncomfortable position, he pulled the Doctor into his arms delicately 'Come on beauty, help me out here. Where is his room?' it would seem the TARDIS actually complied when it came to the Doctor for once Koschei stepped through the doors he was led through the corridors by a stream of lights and open doors until he found his way to the Doctor's bedroom. Laying the man down upon the bed and tucking him in "My Dear Doctor" his words a whisper and he leaned in and kissed the man's forehead. Stepping away he moved to a nearby chair and sat upon it, his fingers drumming against his knee rapidly in sync with the drums within his head as he watched the Doctor in silence.

1,2,3,4 .. 1,2,3,4, .. 1,2,3,4, .. 1,2,3,4
Heck yes! xD
- The Doctor
"Right now I wish you hated me, Doctor, so you could walk out that door and not come back" The Master's words cold, cynical even as those hazel eyes narrowed into a glare as he listened to the Doctor speak. The man no longer spoke and just listened. The tears were gone from the Master's eyes as he'd gotten a firm hold on his emotions.

Upon receiving the firm slap to his face for a second time thought harder than before. The Master clenched his teeth a low growl rumbling in his throat as he glared to the Doctor. Watching as the man fell to his knees, hearing his words, watching the tears and then his voice thick with sorrow. Through ever so cold eyes, the Master watched the newly regenerated form the Doctor fully broken, at his feet. If he were in his previous form, where was a bit more 'love' attached, he'd give in and go with the Doctor.

However, at this current moment? He did no such thing. "Get up" his voice a hiss as he nudged the Doctor with his boot before giving a sigh and moving close to pull the broken man to his feet. Pulling the Time Lord to his feet, the Master moved him to lean on the wall, well, more like holding him up. "Sobbing like a broken man, truly Doctor, you need to get a hold of your emotions" yet the more he spoke to the Doctor, the more he looked to this man. Memories of their past together began to flash before his eyes like a reel of film.

Getting lost in his thought the Time Lord closed his eyes remembering it all. Slowly the Time Lord rested his forehead against the Doctor's. 'My Dear Doctor… My Dear Theta.. My One True Love' closing the gap between their lips, he kissed the Doctor's lips with a petal soft touch at first. The kiss growing deeper, more passionate, the Master's tongue dipped into the Doctor's mouth, tasting his lips. To his relief, the Doctor still held that ever so familiar taste that he remembered so long ago. "My Theta" his voice rumbled deep within his throat and with that he pulled the Doctor firmly against his form, turning the kiss into a full on passionate moment between the two.

1,2,3,4 .. 1,2,3,4, .. 1,2,3,4, .. 1,2,3,4

Though it would seem his drums did not like this contact at all for just as the kiss took flight a searing pain shot through the Master's skull causing the man to abruptly pull away from the Time Lord. Holding his head within his pale hand his eyes closed tight, his teeth clenched together as he held back a growl. The pain was far too intense, the Master dropped to his knees screaming at the top of his lungs as he applied pressure to both sides of his skull. His body began to jerk and twitch and finally he fell to the side, there the Master's body began to convulse and tremble for merely moments and finally he stopped moving completely, his mind having blacked out.
The Doctor's words caused the Master to momentarily backtrack in his thoughts. He had called out to Theta, with a mental slap to his own brain he gave a sigh "What spews from my mouth in the middle of my hallucinations is beyond my conscious control, Doctor" the image of the Doctor in his previous regeneration, soaked in blood flashed before his eyes as he closed them and shook his head, ridding of the horrendous image. 'It wasn't real.. it wasn't..' he had to assure himself.

Hearing the Doctor speak up once more, his hazel eyes opened as he listened to the Time Lord. He didn't speak a word and merely gave a roll of his eyes as he stepped further away from the Time Lord. However hearing the Doctor bring up the past, there was a momentary flicker of light in his eyes as he looked to the Doctor. Oh he remembered, he truly remembered their marriage, when they were in love, and so much more. The nights filled with passion, or even just holding his Dear Doctor through the night after the man awoke from a nightmare.

The vulnerability rose within the Master, tears began to well within his eyes and in the briefest of moments he'd lost his hold on his emotions. In that moment, that mere flicker of a moment, the old Koschei had risen as he looked to the man before him. Showing his pure vulnerability, his emotion, his sadness, his pain and his longing to have things as they once were.

'My Doctor .. oh My Dear Doctor…' were his thoughts as he gulped for a moment "I remember.." was all he managed to say for his voice was failing him. It took the Master several moments of silence thereafter to regain his composure, to steel himself once more to not fall to the weakness of 'human like' emotions. It was then that the Doctor became furious and began to yell and use definite force with him. Oh this was a side of the Doctor that the Master hadn't seen in centuries. There was the firm slap causing his head to jerk to the side, the stinging in his cheek, the redness to his pale flesh.

The Master listened to the Doctor and finally he drew in a breath and looked to him "I push you away because even after all of this, my drums Doctor. They are the worst they've ever been" he made his way toward the Time Lord, pushing him up against the wall, his hand reaching for the Doctor's throat as he gazed into his eyes "I push you away because I know if I were to go with you, I know one day I'd hurt you." his grip tightened on the man's throat "I loved you once …" he paused and drew in a deep breath.

"I still love you, Doctor. I haven't forgotten those nights of passion, those nights of comfort… You will always be the one who holds my hearts, even now" the grip on the Doctor's throat loosened as he pulled away from the Time Lord, taking in a deep breath after admitting his feelings. He stepped away from the Time Lord to gather his thoughts once more before looking to him. "For your protection against my Insanity, I choose to stay here. I'd rather live knowing you're alive, than having you die by my hands, Doctor"
The test subject was quite smart, he had to give her that, evading capture, truly a brilliant .. girl. If he could still call her that. Enigma ceased in his steps and simply waited for her to travel a safe distance before making his way out of the alley. The tracker signaling her movement, it didn't take much time actually to locate the house she'd ran into. Stopping in front of it he looked up to it though hazel eyes, a smirk forming upon his lips. 'Oh how I love the hunt' perhaps it was the adrenaline he received from his heart racing at the thought of tracking her down like prey. Or perhaps in some twisted aspect of his mind this was a very satisfactory 'win' for him.

Regardless of what it was though, he enjoyed it, it set his teeth on edge in quite the pleasing way. Call him a sadist, or a psychopath. In all honestly, he was purely a Mad Man, brilliant of course, his mind was always at work, but he held smooth wickedness to him. Making his way up to the house, he picked at the lock and opened it. Making his way in, his eyes glanced about the place, the tracker in his ear signaling for him to head to venture further.

Enigma went about searching room to room until he came upon the bedroom. Now of course he didn't want to scare his 'prized' experiment, so he'd have to approach cautiously and with a bit kindness didn't hurt. He wasn't a daft man, he knew that she would pick the least conspicuous hiding place. Getting on his hands and knees he brought himself to glance underneath the bed toward her. "I know you're terrified" his voice calm "But you don't have to worry, I’m here to help you" he extended his hand out to her "I promise you, no one will harm you"
Hearing his childhood name being spoken caused the Time Lord to tense as he averted his gaze from the man. "Don't call me that..name" his voice deep with a hiss. His eyes narrowing into a glare "I am The Master, it is my title and it all I wish to be called, understood, Doctor?!" his voice raising once more in volume as his teeth clenched together. He stood there, looking to the man who held the Stetson hat like such a child. The pout, this was nothing like who he used to be. "I understand that regenerations are a lottery of sorts… but really? Doctor?" a look of disbelief, even somewhat pity crossed the insane man's features "You were so filled with inner hate for yourself, so much that this regeneration sticks to childish tendencies." his eyes studied the man, the Master himself merely giving a shake of his head

"Oh that is so .. pathetic" the vile words rolled off his tongue with ease. "Honestly you were more a man in your previous regeneration than you are now" his hissed. "So childlike … blushing from a mere kiss, if that could even be called one to be honest." The Master shook his head and plucked another cigarette, placing it between his lips he lit it and inhaled. After several puffs of the piece in silence, listening to the Doctor's words on and off, giving a few puffs of smoke but still not speaking. "You never had me to lose, Doctor" his eyes averted to the childish man in suspenders.

Yes he had the memories, yes he remembered everything, but no, he no longer cared for this man, this … childish being beside him. Yes he knew this was the Doctor but throughout their lives, honestly the Doctor was someone that the Master had looked up to. But this? This Stetson holding.. child before him? No, perhaps that was one the reasons the Master was seething with such vile hatred toward the man. "Honestly, how can you call yourself the Doctor? You are not even a shell of your former selves. None of your regenerations have ever acted in such a childish manner"

Oh how it angered the Master as he glared to the man. Then to top it off hearing his 'sob' stories "A family? Truly Doctor?" a heavy sigh escaped his lips before he took another long drag of the cigarette to calm himself a bit before flicking it away "You've been domesticated… its pathetic" smoke escaping his lips as he spoke, his pastel hazel eyes focused on the man "I'm not going to try because I am not going with you, I don't need you, Doctor." he felt the embrace, a sneer formed upon his lips but before he could shove the man off, the Doctor stepped away. "Stop bringing up the past, we were children back then. We're already more than thirteen hundred years old and yet you're still holding onto the past" his voice beginning to raise in volume "The past is nothing! .. it's meaningless! It's better off being forgotten" he glared to the Doctor with clenched teeth "and this conversation is over. Now hop back into your blue box and go" his eye steeled as he hissed to the Doctor, no longer saying a word.
Being a scientist was one thing, good always came of it, progress and so much more. But being a 'mad' scientist produced absolute brilliance in every which way possible. Koschei was his name, but he went by 'Enigma' within the office due being normally keeping to himself during his studies and only reporting to the head of the science lab. Honestly not much was known about the man himself, then again there wasn't much that needed to be known.

Enigma did his job, and he did it well, he'd been praised for his work in the past, even won their company name a few fundings to keep things moving. Even a man with such brilliance as him needed to get away from everything. All he did day in and day out was work, calculate, run tests, and check up on his experiments. For being a mystery, Enigma held the highest test subject rate in the entire building and always kept a very close watch on them all.

So why was it, during his walk outside of the perimeter did the man just have this overwhelming feel of dread, that something was going to go wrong. Well, more times than not, his gut instinct was always right. He'd been walking the streets of the city in the pitch black of night when his cellphone went off. Reaching into his pocket he answered it yet hearing the news he gave a heavy sigh "Alright, call off the search .. I'll find her. When I do I’m taking her to my personal lab at my home. I'll do my studies there. She's awake now and I have what is needed to keep her from escaping" not even waiting for a reply he hung up the call.

But instead of putting the phone back in his pocket he began to mess with the settings and frequencies. He'd installed a chip in his experiment's lower back. Sure enough he'd gotten a trace, virtually hooking his earpiece to the phone he headed off making it a 'casual' type stroll, following the signal toward his 'prey'. After a bit of traveling he stopped near an alleyway and looked the darkness. She was there, he was sure of it. 'Project Three Two Zero, she's here..' were his thoughts as he stepped toward into the alleyway, his boots crunching and sliding through the dampened littered concrete ground as he made his way toward the center of the Alleyway.

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