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    1. Chaoticmickey 8 yrs ago


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I'm posting right now. And I think that's a really cool idea

Watching as a few other archons all but ignore her suggestion, Aella was about to give up and go off on her own, before she heard Docia speak up. She was confused at first at the weird language the other woman spoke, but was all too ready to answer the proposed question when she understood it. "It entails letting your mind completely fall still and once you've reached a state where your only focus is on your vital processes, your spirit guide can show you things. Or, well, at least in my experience with Sagittarius. But, it was only after I become an Archon that meditating did anything other than relax me. But, I don't know what your guide will do when you let them take over your mind to show you things," Aella explained, "A lot of meditation is finding what helps you calm your mind and getting to the point of which the entire world around you melts and you become one with the world around you. It really opens up your experiences to learn from and to listen to your guide."

"That's probably not going to help," Aella heard Sagittarius whispered in her head. The elf shook her head a bit before clarifying, "I can help you with tools to achieve the level of relaxation, but it's also a personal journey."

Watching as each of the archons went around in turn, Aella smiled and looked at Ian. She knew she would need to train harder than she ever had trained before. However, she also had an idea. "I don't know who will want to," she heard Sagittarius whisper in her mind, "But, all things aside, I think you have a good idea, Aella." Waiting for Maddie to leave the room, the elf cleared her voice and said, "I know that you three are needed for this last Archon, but might I suggest the rest of us spend some time in meditation. I can walk everyone through some techniques since I grew up in a temple based around the belief in the original Archons that created the uni- well- multiverse. I believe it will help us connect with our guides more and maybe give us insight into our powers."

Pausing to take a small breath, Aella turned to Ian, 17 and Vanth, saying, "You might even find a hint to the whereabouts of this last Archon. I don't know how you even know about them, but that might help." She bit her lip and blushed a bit, "Or it might not, but it sounded like a good idea in my head." She sat back in her seat, looking at the others to see what they would say.

"My pleasure," Aella smiled to Jackson, though their greeting was cut short as the meeting started.

Watching Ian as he spoke, Aella was sure she made the right decision to vote him as leader. He had all the qualities and he seemed to be in tune with the needs of the group. She listened intently to his words, however she could feel a searing headache start to turn. With a slight hiss under her breath, Sagittarius began to show her the story of how they perished. She saw the others perish, Sagittarius' friends. She saw whom she assumed was Thanatos, although confused because one of the archons, who was mysteriously missing from their group, called him something like Ragnarok? No wonder they failed. The old leader was an idiot, even though it was pretty heartbreaking to watch the other group fall.

As Ian called to fight, Aella's headache dulled and she blinked as she watched Talay-a stand first. The silver haired elf pondered on her decision. Was it worth it? Death would be her reward if they failed, but... it would also find her anyhow. It was her only fear, but...she was taught to never give in to the things that scare her. Her baba's face showed up in her mind. He surely would perish if she didn't try. 'For my family,' she thought with purpose, 'It'll be worth it.'

"Aella, the road ahead will be tough. Although you will have everyone in this room by your side, are you absolutely sure of this," She heard Sagittarius say in her head. She stood without saying a word to Sagittarius, her eyes closed in solitude.

"I am Aella, the Archon of Air. I vow to fight until my very last breath," the silver haired elf said, finally opening her bright blue eyes to look at the group.
lol I posted so I'm in the meeting room now

After watching both Ian and Maddie walk away, Aella sighed and walked off towards her room. She grabbed the book she had been reading in the library and then headed for the meeting room. Walking with a confident stride, she sat at one of the few empty seats, next to Jacky. She nodded to him as she sat, opening the book to where she left off. "You should be talking with them," Sagittarius said in her head and she sighed, thinking back, "I have no reason to say anything right now. Ian's got the floor as soon as he arrives."

The elven girl could feel Sagittarius roll their eyes and she slammed the book. Looking up at Jacky, who was easily over a foot taller than her, and said, "I don't believe we've actually met yet. My name is Aella, and I'm the Archon of Air." She bowed slightly from her seated position, a sign of respect for the giant man. She could actually feel a nice feeling from the room around her now, instead of earlier. Everyone was calm, or well, were perceived to be, and were all on the same page about getting to the bottom of things.


Finding herself lost in the book, Aella actually had troubles reading it, a first for her. It was in the most primitive form of her people's language. The only reason she could even communicate with everyone that had shown up at the temple was that she understood the human language of English. Not extremely well, but at least it was a start. The bookish girl started to get the hang of the language pattern, focusing on the teachings of the elders. They had at least taught her how to read this text, since most of the temple's signs and such were in this language, but it was still more advanced then she ever progressed.

"Aella," the silver haired girl heard in her head, "There are better things you could be doing with your time." Aella sighed and answered, "Like what? I'm supposed to be finding answers, right? Isn't this the place for them?" She continued to read, trying to block out Sagittarius's wispy voice. "You need to talk to them...They're our friends, Aella..."

"They're your friends," Aella interrupted, "Until they prove themselves as trustworthy, I will not be calling them anything other than strangers."

"Well, maybe you should put yourself out there. They won't be your friend until you become approachable," Sagittarius sassed back and the silver haired girl frowned. The large book slammed shut as she stood, her face mirroring the annoyance she felt. "You know what? Fine... I'll do what you say. But, I'm taking a few books with me so that I can read them when I get time," Aella growled, forcing herself to trudge to the shelves. She grabbed a few titles that seemed interesting, trying to read up on the universes the others were from. She grabbed one from Atlantis, Estellos, Earth (in an effort to understand the woman she just yelled at), and had two from her own, Volos. "That'll start," she smiled to herself, carrying the stack of books with her towards the way she came from.

She passed a few empty rooms, and even that weird mouthless guy passed out on the floor. Skirting along the opposite wall, she continued on her way. All of a sudden, she spotted Maddie and Ian talking. She ducked into a room to avoid them, not ready to apologize for her own actions earlier. Facing the closed door, she felt a weird sensation tingling up her spine and she turned, not knowing what to expect. A gasp left her lips as she looked at the relaxing room around her. She felt at home since it looked to be a fancier version of things that came from her home. She laid the books down on the table across from the bed.

"Is this mine," Aella finally asked and Sagittarius answered, "Yes." Smiling wide, she started to explore the space. She looked within the small door next to the door to the hallway and found a closet full of outfits. She looked at one carefully, and found that it would probably fit her like a glove. Placing it on the bed, she walked to the only other door in the room. When she opened it, a beautiful bath chamber revealed itself. Taking it all in, she ran her hands along the beautiful cabinets and sink, sighing with content. Splashing her face with water, she sighed and rubbed her temples.

“I guess I should go try to mend bridges,” Aella said to herself with a sigh. She first, walked into the other room and changed into the outfit (2) she laid on her bed, since her armor was quite uncomfortable for lounging. She sighed before heading out into the hallway. Maddie and Ian were still talking, but she couldn’t make out what they were saying. She did have to apologize and did have something to say to Ian as well.

Walking up, Aella smiled, directing her attention to Maddie first, “Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier. The stress of everything going on got to me. And Ian, I want to say that I will back you if it comes down to who becomes leader, you…seem to have a level head on your shoulders, given the situation.” She sighed and bit her lip, before asking, “Are we going to try to get everyone together?”


After leaving the big group, Aella found the temple to be much like her home. There were a lot of empty rooms though, it seemed, as she went from corridor to corridor. Maybe the rooms would be turned to something else as they were needed? Or maybe they were to be empty for some other reason? The silver haired girl couldn't help but wonder as she continued to explore. She seemed to see the one tall man with this sort of breathing apparatus walk into one of them and she turned on her heels. That guy gave her the jitters.

"This place is huge," Aella mumbled to herself, finding the maze like halls of the temple, fascinating if not also intimidating. This temple had to be at least three times the size of the one she grew up in, if not bigger. Who knew how many secret doors and surprises lurked within the structure? "You'll find that its not as formidable as it looks, Aella," she heard Sagittarius say in her head. Seeing a large door at the end of the hallway she was currently in, the elf cautiously went in. The room was somewhat dark, but it seemed to have a large platform in the middle with a lit path to the very middle of the platform.

"This...seems very formidable," the silver haired girl said to herself out loud, walking along the path. Something was drawing her to the very middle, but it wasn't an unwelcome feeling. "Things aren't always what they seem," she heard Sagittarius say to her as she reached the middle. As soon as she stepped on the platform, a strange blue-white light emitted from under her feet, lighting the room. The room was very circular, but as she tried to make out more details, little things started to form from the same light that lit the platform. Soon, a universe was in front of her and all around. With a small gasp, she looked at the multiverse in all of its glory, her eyes lit up with joy and wonder.

"I wonder if I can see my home," Aella wondered out loud and in front of her eyes, a small planet came into view. It zoomed in and rotated, showing her the mountains she grew up on. There was a huge universe out there that she had never even seen and now she had so many new places to explore, if she could travel to each of these worlds. "It's a grand place out there, Aella," Sagittarius said, "Your mission will be clear to you as you explore this place and work together with the others." Saying nothing in return, the elf stepped off of the platform and the lights dimmed as she continued to walk towards the opposite door from the one she came into.

As she started down another hallway, Sagittarius' many voices started to hum in unison. The tune was something she did not know, but...it seemed very welcoming. Aella continued down the new hallway, another force pulling her. She was looking for comfort in her new home, and it seemed that the temple itself was trying to take her somewhere she would like. Walking over a few hallways, she found herself in front of two large doors. Taking a large breath, she pushed them open, hoping what was on the other side would be an answer to her search.

A huge library greeted her, earning a loud gasp. Amoung the many walls and shelves full of books, there were comfortable chairs...desks...and even a fireplace surrounded by cozy couches and tables with lamps. Her heart leaped for joy as she started to look around. Each of the little sections of the library was labeled, making it easy for her to find the history area. She grabbed a book that she had seen in her library back in her old temple but never was allowed to read, since it was a ancient relic in her home. She sat in front of the roaring fireplace, and opened the book.
Watching from the point of which she arrived at the temple, Aella listened to this...Maddie, was it? Anyways... She listened to Maddie give her little speech. From the looks of it, most of the people in the room were humanoid at least, though she wasn't sure who or what the grey man was, but hey, who was she to judge. However, Maddie really was getting on her nerves, especially by calling her...Legolas? Who the hell was that anyways?

"Don't make enemies now, Aella," she heard Sagittarius say in her mind, "These are your new comrades. You'll have to be able to work with them."

'I won't', she thought before, sighing. Looking up at the group, she first said to Maddie, "Look I'm not entirely happy with this circumstance either, but lashing out will not help things. Let's just see where this goes. And it would really help your attitude if you called people by their names." She smiled sarcastically, before moving a bit closer. Her silvery-blue eyes glinted with a slight hidden threat behind them, as she didn't like to insulted like she was, "My name's Aella, got it? Not whatever the hell you called me. I suppose some weird Elven stereotype from your universe. We're supposed to be working together for now at least and if you give it the benefit of the doubt, you'll probably find the answers you're looking for. I'm pretty sure everyone in this room is on edge from having to leave their families behind, well, at least I am, and you're just not helping the situation."

Backing away slightly, Aella popped her neck a bit, not really having anything else to say. So far, other than Maddie, she had no real qualms with anyone in the room. However, maybe that would change as they started their training or whatever. Everyone in the room seemed to have some sort of interesting quirk and seemingly came from different backgrounds. Jacky seemed to have the right idea by leaving as she had already watched him do so.

"Way to go, Aella. That was a sure fire way to win them over...And please pass along my regards as well," Sagittarius hissed in her mind, the first time she had heard some sort of emotion in the disembodied voice. 'Sorry but that really pissed me off,' Aella thought to herself, and she finally said out loud, "Sagittarius sends her regards. I'll be taking my leave as well." And with a slight turn on her heel, the silver-haired elf walked towards a different door than the one Jacky disappeared out of.

Metal is a good one.
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