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ArsefacetheUgly said
Anyone as excited for Imperial Knights as I am?

While I like Super Heavies in Apocalypse as their absurd level of destructiveness helps show the carnage of a full scale battle, I do not like the idea of Super Heavies in standard play. At all. People complain enough about balance (despite the fact that the balance isn't too terrible in anything below competitive play... with the exception of bad matchups like Tyranids vs Tau), but having an army made entirely of Super Heavies is just asking for balance issues. Armies like Tyranid and Ork players are going to have serious issues with them, especially if they're running close-combat focused lists. I wish they would have made a full on Mechanicum army, leaving the Knights as Lords of War for Escalation.
Name – Jason Atlas
Alias – Black Rider
Age – 32
Powers – None. Normal human in power armor.
Equipment – Power armor: Standard police issue in the 22nd century, Atlas's armor enhances his speed and strength, as well as protects him from small arms fire and creates an environmental seal that can even protect him from a total vacuum for a short amount of time. The armor interfaces with Atlas's retinal signature to prevent unauthorized usage. It also interfaces with Atlas's guns and includes a device that can be activated when someone not wearing the armor tries to hold said guns that electrocutes the gun.

The helmet on his armor has two modes of night vision (active illumination and infared vision) and can record video records. It can also protect against bright flashes and excssively loud sounds, digitally magnify vision and interfaces with Atlas's guns to enhance aim.

Pulse rifle: The 22nd century standard police issue pulse rifle is a laser based weapon with adjustable power levels between “stun” (K.O. an athletic human) to capable of punching clean through a large truck. It also has adjustable fire modes including single, burst (three shot and five shot), fully automatic and spread. The barrel and stock collapse into the weapon's body and stores on the back of the armor. It interfaces with the armor to prevent unauthorized usage.

The rifle also carries an underslung grenade launcher. Atlas carries three of the four ammo varients for this launcher, a bola grenade that deploys a bola that wraps around what it hits, a flash grenade that works just like modern flash bangs, though without the bang and a taser round that does not explode and instead acts as the 22nd century standard police issue taser.

Pulse pistol: The 22nd century standard police issue pulse pistol is a scaled down version of the pulse rifle that sacrifices power and fire modes for reliability. Its power only ranges between “stun” and “kill,” the later of which is about the power of a modern military issue assault rifle, while its fire modes are restricted to single and three round burst. It is stored in a holster on the right leg and interfaces with the armor to prevent unauthorized usage.

Combat Knife: Unlike modern combat knifes, the 22nd century standard police issue combat knife vibrates at a high frequency to greaty enhance cutting power. The cutting power of this knife is enough to cut through a two inch thick plate of steel. The vibroblade functionality can be disabled to conserve power.

Modern motorcycle: It is unknown how Atlas got his hands on this bike and it appears to be unregistered, having no license plate to track. It is a black street bike and it is largely non-noteworthy outside of a modification that, if the bike is moved by someone not wearing Atlas's power armor, drives a stake into the ground to hold it in place.

Weaknesses – All of Atlas's equipment run on independent power and, depending on the item, can take anywhere between 24 and 100 hours to fully recharge with access to modern electricity when drained fully:

Armor: When running at full capacity (strength enhanced enough to lift a small car), the power source can last 15 hours of constant use. Under normal capacity (about 1.5x an olympic level athlete), the power source lasts about 48 hours of constant use. When the armor's power is drained, all enhancements are lost and Atlas's movements become sluggish due to the armor's weight. The armor's power source takes 100 hours to fully charge from fully drained levels.

Rifle: Under full power, the rifle can be fired 10 times before requiring reload. On minimum power, it can last approximately 500 shots. Firing on spread mode approximately doubles power useage. Atlas carries three spare batteries for the rifle, but has several more at his base of operations. Each battery takes about 24 hours to charge from fully drained levels.

Pistol: Under minimum power, the pistol can fire about 500 shots, similar to the rifle, but this number drops to around 100 under full power. It uses the same batteries as the rifle.

Knife: The high frequency vibration can be used for 2 hours straight. The internal battery takes about 48 hours to charge.

Personality – Full of himself
Appearance – Under the armor, Jason Atlas is an athletic man, appropriate for his former profession as a SWAT officer. He stands at a respectable 6'2” and tends to dress very simply, preferring black combat boots, jeans, t-shirts with a small variety of colors and a leather jacket. He tends to wear a black military cap to help hide his face. The dirty blonde hair underneath is short, but unkempt and his eyes are a cold blue.

The armor makes the Black Rider a few inches taller and is painted jet black, with the exception of the primary angular armor panels being outlined with red and a golden eight pointed star embedded in the left side of the chestplate. The helmet is similarly black with a dark red visor.

BRIEF Bio – Born in 2112, Jason Atlas started his career in the police force as a promising rookie. He quickly rose in the ranks and was selected to join the SWAT team, where he earned many commendations and made numerous arrests. He was also noted for never needing lethal force. He was seen as the star of the service and was believed to be in line for commisioner. At least, that's how he appeared in public.

On the side, Atlas had started making connections with local crime lords. He promised them specific protections in exchange for information and targets for easy capture. Under this deal, the crime lords were able to increase their profits in safety, while Atlas's reputation not only went undamaged, but thrived.

However, things went bad for Atlas when the son of one of the main crime lord he worked with decided to dissolve his organization and go clean when his father died. Despite promising to keep quiet, he anonymously leaked evidence against Atlas. Knowing that he would be arrested for his crimes, Atlas fled to his friend's lab, where work was being done on a prototype time machine. He took as much equipment as he could and fled to the past, the only place he would be safe from the authorities of his time.

Atlas took this opportunity to start over and go clean. He painted his armor black, acquired a base of operations (a small apartment in a dangerous part of the city) and a motorcycle to use as transportation and started patrolling the city as a vigilante, being called the Black Rider by local newspapers.

Notes – Though he is clean now, Atlas is still a glory hound and will go out of his way to make particularly spectacular arrests.
What was your favorite Prologue post?

I'll let you know once I've finished reading Ollum's.

Have you spent all your creation XP and completed character creation?


Do you play the tabletop wargame? If so, what army(ies)?

The Tau were my first love, but trying to play their 4th edition codex through 5th edition was a little more than painful, so they were quickly set aside in favor of the Space Wolves. Currently, my Tau have come back into favor due to their 6th edition codex, but the Wolves are always nice to have access to when I need a simple generalist force that, in many ways, doesn't take as much effort to play as the Tau.

I love the Tau because of how much they contrast to the rest of 40k. Their aesthetic is utilitarian and futuristic, their philosophy allows for things to exist that aren't Tau, their tactics are realistic and they avoid unnecessary close combat. Heroism with the Tau is based on how well you serve the Tau Empire, as opposed to personal glory. In fact, personal glory is shunned as an excessive waste of effort and a heroic last stand is seen as evidence of an incompetent commander. Not to mention that they're just about the only things in this universe that actually recognize that an ancient gun isn't an ancient relic of spiritual importance, but rather just a gun that is very likely to be considerably less advanced than what they're using now.

The Space Wolves, however, are easily the most characterful and charismatic flavor of Space Marines. They're not warrior monks or aloof and uncaring alien fighters, but space viking heroes who greatly respect even the Imperial Guard and fight to protect the innocent people of the Imperium. They're one of three chapters that I know of that refuse to abandon civilians, the other two being Salamanders and Raven Guard. This is in spite of their hero complex that leads them to believe themselves to be the greatest heroes humanity has ever known. To quote Ragnar Blackmane: "We may be few, and our enemies many. Yet so long as there remains one of us still fighting, one who still rages in the name of justice and truth, then by the Allfather, the galaxy shall yet know hope."

Any questions on any of the information presented so far?

None to speak of.

On a scale of 1-Rock Hard, how excited are you?

You have no idea.
Midori said
All characters are approved! (^.^)I think four is a good number right now but If someone decides they have to drop out I will PM you about the vacancy.

Sounds good.
There wouldn't happen to be room for one more, would there?
Name – Jason Atlas
Alias – Black Rider
Age – 32
Powers – None. Normal human in power armor.
Equipment – Power armor: Standard police issue in the 22nd century, Atlas's armor enhances his speed and strength, as well as protects him from small arms fire and creates an environmental seal that can even protect him from a total vacuum for a short amount of time. The armor interfaces with Atlas's retinal signature to prevent unauthorized usage. It also interfaces with Atlas's guns and includes a device that can be activated when someone not wearing the armor tries to hold said guns.

The helmet on his armor has two modes of night vision (active illumination and infared vision) and can record video records. It can also protect against bright flashes and excssively loud sounds, digitally magnify vision and interfaces with Atlas's guns to enhance aim.

Pulse rifle: The 22nd century standard police issue pulse rifle is a laser based weapon with adjustable power levels between “stun” (K.O. an athletic human) to capable of punching clean through a large truck. It also has adjustable fire modes including single, burst (three shot and five shot), fully automatic and spread. The barrel and stock collapse into the weapon's body and stores on the back of the armor. It interfaces with the armor to prevent unauthorized usage.

The rifle also carries an underslung grenade launcher. Atlas carries three of the four ammo varients for this launcher, a bola grenade that deploys a bola that wraps around what it hits, a flash grenade that works just like modern flash bangs, though without the bang and a taser round that does not explode and instead acts as the 22nd century standard police issue taser.

Pulse pistol: The 22nd century standard police issue pulse pistol is a scaled down version of the pulse rifle that sacrifices power and fire modes for reliability. Its power only ranges between “stun” and “kill,” the later of which is about the power of a modern military issue assault rifle, while its fire modes are restricted to single and three round burst. It is stored in a holster on the right leg and interfaces with the armor to prevent unauthorized usage.

Combat Knife: Unlike modern combat knifes, the 22nd century standard police issue combat knife vibrates at a high frequency to greaty enhance cutting power. The cutting power of this knife is enough to cut through a two inch thick plate of steel. The vibroblade functionality can be disabled to conserve power.

Modern motorcycle: It is unknown how Atlas got his hands on this bike and it appears to be unregistered, having no license plate to track. It is a black street bike and it is largely non-noteworthy outside of a modification that, if the bike is moved by someone not wearing

Weaknesses – All of Atlas's equipment run on independent power and, depending on the item, can take anywhere between 24 and 100 hours to fully recharge with access to modern electricity when drained fully:

Armor: When running at full capacity (strength enhanced enough to lift a small car), the power source can last 15 hours of constant use. Under normal capacity (about 1.5x an olympic level athlete), the power source lasts about 48 hours of constant use. When the armor's power is drained, all enhancements are lost and Atlas's movements become sluggish due to the armor's weight. The armor's power source takes 100 hours to fully charge from fully drained levels.

Rifle: Under full power, the rifle can be fired 10 times before requiring reload. On minimum power, it can last approximately 500 shots. Firing on spread mode approximately doubles power useage. Atlas carries three spare batteries for the rifle, but has several more at his base of operations. Each battery takes about 24 hours to charge from fully drained levels.

Pistol: Under minimum power, the pistol can fire about 500 shots, similar to the rifle, but this number drops to around 100 under full power. It uses the same batteries as the rifle.

Knife: The high frequency vibration can be used for 2 hours straight. The internal battery takes about 48 hours to charge.

Personality – Full of himself
Appearance – Under the armor, Jason Atlas is an athletic man, appropriate for his former profession as a SWAT officer. He stands at a respectable 6'2” and tends to dress very simply, preferring black combat boots, jeans, t-shirts with a small variety of colors and a leather jacket. He tends to wear a black military cap to help hide his face. The dirty blonde hair underneath is short, but unkempt and his eyes are a cold blue.

The armor makes the Black Rider a few inches taller and is painted jet black, with the exception of the primary angular armor panels being outlined with red and a golden eight pointed star embedded in the left side of the chestplate. The helmet is similarly black with a dark red visor.

BRIEF Bio – Born in 2112, Jason Atlas started his career in the police force as a promising rookie. He quickly rose in the ranks and was selected to join the SWAT team, where he earned many commendations and made numerous arrests. He was also noted for never needing lethal force. He was seen as the star of the service and was believed to be in line for commisioner. At least, that's how he appeared in public.

On the side, Atlas had started making connections with local crime lords. He promised them specific protections in exchange for information and targets for easy capture. Under this deal, the crime lords were able to increase their profits in safety, while Atlas's reputation not only went undamaged, but thrived.

However, things went bad for Atlas when the son of one of the main crime lord he worked with decided to dissolve his organization and go clean when his father died. Despite promising to keep quiet, he anonymously leaked evidence against Atlas. Knowing that he would be arrested for his crimes, Atlas fled to his friend's lab, where work was being done on a prototype time machine. He took as much equipment as he could and fled to the past, the only place he would be safe from the authorities of his time.

Atlas took this opportunity to start over and go clean. He painted his armor black, acquired a base of operations (a small apartment in a dangerous part of the city) and a motorcycle to use as transportation and started patrolling the city as a vigilante, being called the Black Rider by local newspapers.

Notes – Though he is clean now, Atlas is still a glory hound and will go out of his way to make particularly spectacular arrests.
Gee, I wonder how that happened, what with all the theft, the likely heresy, the insults to the Space Wolves, Dark Angels and Imperial Fists, the lack of care about Imperial Guard or Soroitas forces. I'm pretty sure that, at this point, the only chapter that doesn't hate you is the Ultrasmurfs... and even then that might only be Captain Titus... who may or may not even exist.
And I'm sure The Old Wolf will greet you as readily as he'd greet the vast majority of the Inquisition. And I'm sure that The Young King would be right behind him.
Well at least you haven't insulted the Blood Angels with your "honoring" like you have with the Wolves and Dark Angels.
Ollumhammersong said
The blood Raven's don't actively steal from other chapters. From Chaos yes, and xeno's, the odd relic that was just left lying around with no name plate or heraldry attached. Mostly chaos.

Emphasis is clearly on "lying around."
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