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  • Old Guild Username: Clove
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    1. Clove 10 yrs ago


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Her eyes narrowed at Travis's comment, and she leaned toward him as the counselor walked in while lowering her voice. "If I'm the weird one, then what the hell are you doing here, covered in bruises?" Hjordis leaned back into her chair. The boy, Travis, was covered in them - many faded, but a few fresh. He didn't appear the type to get into fights, but no one seemed to be what they appeared to be. She had been, for the most part, ignoring the rest of the group until introductions and instead been playing with her hair or pretending that she had anyone to actually text. This group was certainly varied. The spread of problems was rather predictable, though. There was the narcotics addict, a schizophrenic girl, the pregnant teenager, insomniac delinquent, ex-cancer patient, the boy whose family decided that gay was a problem, and the clinically depressed rich boy, and they hadn't even gone through everyone yet. She could practically see the bullshit pouring out of the counselor's mouth. Hjordis sat up, deciding it was her turn to share in this circus.

"I'm Hjordis, I'm bipolar, and I have to prove that I can function in a mildly social environment before I'm allowed back into the high school." She eventually took a good look around her, glancing at the vaguely familiar faces and matching them to vaguely familiar names. She knew who Adam Baker was, and she barely recognized Travis from the before times when she wasn't home schooled. Not that it mattered, anyways, because no one appeared to recognize her - which was, incidentally, for the better.
    Lilin turned to Victor, pushing a strand of hair out of her face and brushing her hand against her horns. "I'll have a sandwich with as much deli meat she can possibly fit onto two slices of bread without it falling apart in my hands." Lilin had always been fond of Lillium, the owner of the sandwich shop, and their incredibly similar names only helped the matter. It was also enjoyable talking to Alistair - even if there was something slightly off about him, probably the fact that he was a male Siren. When the sandwiches came, Lilin set hers on the table for a hot second to speak to Alistair.

    "The weather is lovely, huh?" She was interrupted before saying anymore by a young girl. She smiled, an attempt at being the friendly head librarian until the girl mentioned Operation Freedom. Her smile faded and her golden, reptilian eyes narrowed slightly.

    "I believe we have some newspapers mentioning operation freedom..." She picked her tablet off of the table and tapped in the keywords, the directory showing a few articles on Operation Freedom. "But nothing you can't find from the news or in public files." Lilin gestured to a nearby row of newer computers. "You can access the newspaper archives from the computers, if you'd like. Probably easier than digging through the physical copies." She couldn't help feeling off about how the girl just outright asked about Operation Freedom. Lilin was going to keep an eye on the girl for the time being, but she looked young. It was probably research for a school project or something similar. She walked over to a computer, searching up 'Operation Freedom' in the directory and pulling up a list of articles.
I've posted twice and Hjordis has only spoken to one person and she's already known as the bitch...I'm so proud of her :') It fits into my character concept perfectly.
Lilin nodded to Victor, ignoring his compliment, and began tapping her tablet. She had been looking up things about Our Father's Fathers since she had a moment's peace, and she had found a few obscure mentions in old periodicals and books. She roamed the library until she found what she was looking for, stacking things up and carrying it with her ever-so-helpful power of telekinesis. There were copies of old American magazines and newspapers, along with random, obscure references to 'Our Father's Fathers' in books that were probably as old as the library.

"This is what I found. A bit, but most of it is short and bare of any actual information." She paused, listening to Victor. "Luminescence? I've heard of them. And yes, the weather is pretty lovely." Lilin smirked. "If I sneeze I'd probably electrocute half the population." The horde of feds residing in the library had lightened up considerably, and a few pedestrian stragglers out in the rain had come in to wait out the weather and stay dry. A few even peeked at the books, but the majority just got the most comfortable chairs wet or dripped water onto the floor.
She had been leaning back in her chair, perfectly at ease with not speaking or being around anyone in the room - the anxiety about being around a bunch of unknown people already made her even snarkier than usual - and as such, was not happy when a boy sat next to her. He was almost cute until he opened his mouth, and H immediately stood up and pulled out her phone, tapping one of the only 4 contacts in the thing and calling her mother.

"Come pick me up."

"You know I'm at book club. I can't just leave..."

"God damnit, mom, fine." H hung up, annoyance showing on her face. If only this thing would start and maybe some okay people would reveal themselves and she could make a couple of friends and never have to come back again ever. She slid her phone back into her pocket, sitting back down a seat away from the obvious asshole that sat next to her, and turned to him.

"Don't talk to me."
Hjordis sulked in her mother's car, idling in the parking lot with air conditioning at full blast and snarky replies on her lips to every one of her mother's questions. The woman had perfected the art of the pity-me-guilt-trip, as if she had any problem other than being late to her book club to drive her to group. Please.

"You took your medicine this morning, right? You know what it does to me when you forget..." The bitch always had to make it about her.

"Yes, mom, obviously."

"Are you going to be alright?"

"Yes, mom, obviously." Hjordis glared at the woman for a few moments before throwing open the car door and stalking towards the entrance, gravel making its signature crushing sound underneath her white shoes. The typical middle class silver minivan pulled up, her mother sticking her head out.

"Call me if you need anything, okay? I get worried." Jesus Christ, she's at it again.

"Will do, mom." Hjordis replied, sarcastic as ever as her hand pawed at the pocket in the too short shorts holding her smartphone. "My phone's right here, where I put it 30 seconds ago when I got out of the car." She ignored however her mother's reply and walked into the completely nondescript building, ready to turn around and leave at the slightest provocation. She had already seen other people enter, and she was prepared to hate any and all of them if she had to.
In Limner 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
I'm going to make a cs eventually, I just can't think up a character and it's annoying me.
Lilin Ifriel was enjoying a brief moment of peace when her phone vibrated in all it's glory, revealing the caller to be the one and only Victor Vladov - her most frequent patron besides college students needing to look up some old books or looking for a quiet place to study. She was surprised that he hadn't yet been shot through this entire ordeal today, and deftly picked up her phone answered him.

"It's even better on the inside. Want to know what it smells like when there are fifteen orcs crowding around in a single hallway?" A few turned around and glared at her, only to be matched by her own, with golden, reptilian eyes staring into their own ugly orc faces. They quickly turned around. Not that there were actually 15 orcs in a single place - they were mostly spread around the perimeter. Yet, even without asking, Lilin knew what Victor was digging around for - he wanted in the library for information on Our Father's Fathers, not that she herself knew much about the group herself, despite living for 314 years. This group must be new, or at least, new to her - a rarity for someone her age.

"So I'm assuming you want in? I can do that. Meet me by the front of the library." She hung up her phone strode over to the front of the library.

"We're letting someone in, and if you have anything to say about it, feel free to meet me in my office with your name as I write you up." She pushed past the rest of the federal goons as they grumbled and protested and held the door open, waiting for Victor and watching for anyone else who might try to sneak in.
Lilin had never really needed to do the full extent of her job until today. The library was crawling with people waiting for her orders, ushering out innocent patrons and basically locking the place down for fear of the safety of the vault. She loved being in charge, but the noisy, unsophisticated goons that were in her library were mildly irritating. She paced back and forth, giving orders to the lot and escorting a few to the vault while others secured the perimeter and searched the premises for anyone that wasn't supposed to be there, even after she reassured them that the only people who were in the library were the people who were supposed to be there - the federal agents and security experts.

She had seen the broadcast, the Our Fathers' Fathers, and practically had the man's speech and face memorized. Lilin didn't recall ever seeing him in the library, but she disliked him. She had lived through too many wars, and now this man was starting another one over stupid, distorted perceptions of what was really going on in the city. Yes, it was corrupt, but it wasn't ruined, it was just fine. Lilin would have much prefered peaceful picketing or protesting rather than this outbreak of guns and feds crawling around the city, looking for trouble.

The dragon soon found herself overlooking the entrance to the vault, swarmed by other federal agents than herself looking for something important to do, only to be told by Lilin that their biggest job now was to pace around the library or the hallways of the basement where the vault was located. She watched security experts tap into the firewalls and security systems, fortifying the library like Fort Knox. For all intents and purposes, the Houston Public Library was secured.
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