Avatar of Cold Hands
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  • Posts: 186 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Cold Hands 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current This is a new account since I forgot my password
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I'm getting mine up soon.
Well I didn't know we were doing individual music for certain characters, I thought it was the man houses and characters. There a chance for me to get more in?
You have no problem with me a Gundabad orc king/chieftain? I'm wanting to play a villainous sort of role.
Peoples Republic of China


Relations between the Chinese and Russian's are cordial and are friendly terms. Coming from the same form of government and their helping hand to North Korea. Russia is where China gets its majority of its oil to fuel the Chinese machine. Only recent has a set price come out of this agreement. Filling Russian pockets and fueling the number one exporter in the world.

DPRK/North Korea
Relations with the DPRK have always been friendly towards the upper half of Korea. Lending its hand against western imperialist and to help stimulate growth of the country and combat the South Korean threat.

United Kingdom
China has little interaction with the British besides in the UN or in deals of buisness. Viewing the British in almost the same category as the United States. But keeps its distance from the UK

United States
Besides being the epitome of imperialism but being one of the largest importer of Chinese good the maintain descent relations, at least according to first glance. The top holder of US debt and has been buying more but in turn has had to raise the inflation of the Yuan. Due to this though they've accord a good deal of US holdings.

Besides relations from the UN and being and importer of Chinese goods. Relations are neutral with the German people

China looks down on the its fellow Asian nation. While they've tried to help the small nation. Due to US intervention and holdings on the island. On occasion has tried to turn them away from western imperialism but has been a loosing battle. Recently rumors of certain political parties have expressed interest in 'acquiring' the island chain.

Between France and China relations are neutral besides the export/import business.

South Korea

(Will be finished later.)
I feel another cold war taking hold.
I will get my sheet done in the next day or so. Just been really busy at the moment. My apologies.
It works for me. Something I've been meaning to ask but do we have occasional language barriers in Formath? Also gonna be creating a few Raeldarian lord in the characters tab if that is ok.
The Civil War Prior
Here's an idea to maybe add some more history. What about making a battle timeline during the war.
We have millions to sacrafice. Controlling US Western ports. Making products for the whole world over, while we lose your trade we have the rest of the world.
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