Avatar of Coma
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    1. Coma 9 yrs ago


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Oh storytelling is so much more than words! In fact, in the old days, the minstrels employed a variety of mediums to tell their stories! Acting, music, spoken prose, so many mediums combined into one namely. I suppose what I'm trying to say is storytelling/GMing is all about immersion. We aren't writing novels here, but painting worlds and filling them with characters so we may live through them temporarily.

Um, my weird perspective anyway!

Oh wonderful! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled and ears alert. When I get the invite, you can bet I'll find my way over the river and join you in that endeavour! I dare not overstep my bounds, but feel free to bounce ideas off of me. I love brainstorming and discussions :)!

I shall! In fact, it's grocery day today. Sour milk is definitely on my list~!

One of the many facets of horror that I do love so much is making things of beauty and tranquility into grotesque and eldritch. I can't recall the author, but he was a master of turning normality into a poltergeist's dream.

Again, thank you so very much! I can firmly say the same about your writing as well my dear! Like I said, at least for me, my aim is immersion. This is kind of my substitute for video games. I hardly have the time for them anyway. However, I still keep my Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Bloodborne close at hand.

As always, take your time! We're in no rush. It's Summer for me, which is why I have so much free time. Summer classes start soon though :(!
As always, you humble me :)!

I think I may once I get the lay of the land. I looked at the advanced section, and I think I'll be able to fit in just fine. Some of the writing I've seen so far is exquisite, and there are so many nice people here! Of course, not everyone, but the majority that I've run into so far. And thank you my dear! If you should ever need a group rp person, you know who you can always ask :)!

Chewing resistance? Oh wow! See, I'm not sure if we have them in the states, but I'll certainly keep an eye out for it. I'm a sucker for trying new things. Fortunately and unfortunately. It really depends on the dish! But sour milk. That's a foreign concept to me. Time to try it!

Ha! When I saw the picture, it kind of reminded me like a humanoid, grotesque version of a butterfly. They drink nectar so ... yeah. Inspiration :D!
Woo! That was a lengthy post, I think.

I have to agree with you. Story roleplays take an ungodly amount of dedication and initiative from every writer who takes part in it. Especially the GM but equally the other writers. Each are responsible for helping flesh out the world, you know? I ran two in the past. Let me try digging them up for you to read. Its been a while.

But a short synopsis, yes? One was a supernatural horror. A group of people encounter something called the Dreamwalker that grants them the power to lucid dream at will but also invade the dreams of others. The catch is, the more this is done, the more the Nightmares become aware of their presence and invades the real world and can hurt these Dreamwalkers. The harm and effect is only to them and to those that are near them.

The second was a post-apocalyptic story where technology becomes sentient and actively hunts down the remnants of humanity. This story follows a scientist as the group travels throughout the continental United States to shut down the machine. However, the machine's rise wasn't from their own doing like they believed, but a shadow group that sits above the machines. Unfortunately, they lost control of the AI.

There's a small teaser for you!

Hmmm ... I kind of want to try it now! I'm a sucker for trying exotic things, and sour milk sounds like one of those things! Especially if it goes well with cereal :)!

Hope you enjoy the first encounter. There isn't just one of those things. There's a lot. I just focused on one scene rather than the whole. If that makes sense?
The hug was unexpected. Brooke resisted the urge to throw her kid sister against the floor and incapacitate her. All that stopped her instincts from kicking in was the fact that Olivia was no danger to her. Brooke wrapped her arms around the woman just as tightly as she remained silent. However, deep within, she was just as happy. Whenever did she miss the touch of her sister so? The choking grip made it hard to breathe, but Brooke didn't mind. She hadn't seen her baby sister in years. She'd just enjoy the moment. It may be her last.

Listening to Olivia talk, Brooke rubbed her back gently. "You should've just went straight to the pick up point, Liv. Amber's smart she can take care of yourself," Brooke said as she sighed. She knew the services were down, but she had to ask. "We'll find them. You think germs could kill dad? He's far too stubborn. Mom too."

As with all of their meetings, this one was no different. Brooke frowned as she clasped her hands together. From her parent's praises to always leaving Olivia alone, the older sister could hardly blame her. If Brooke was in her position, she'd probably react the same. The sister that was never home, never there to talk to her, never there to share in her pains when she needed someone. That's what this life had cost the older Wilhelmsson. Even so, she hadn't regretted a moment. From stopping dozens of threats against the states to bringing stability back to unstable regions, those were proud accolades to be had. However, she needed her family too.

"Olivia Wilhelmsson. Stop being such a child and sit down," Brooke said as she stared at her sister. Though she was glad to see her kid sister, Olivia could be such a child. Such a spoiled, rotten child. "I'm not leaving you because I want to. I have a job to do. I need you out of the city and safe."

Getting to her feet, Brooke crossed the table as she placed her hands on Olivia's shoulders. "I'm doing this to protect you. All of us," she said. "I'm going to go find you an ID. You'll have to fake your identity for but a moment. Walk out of the base and get as far away from here as you can. My ... christ, Liv. My team and I are about to go to the hot zone. We need to find the source of the chemical to manufacture a cure. Don't you dare tell you a soul. I'm telling you because I trust you. I trust you, sis. Now, don't make this any harder on me. Our home was attacked. Someone's gotta pay. Now. Stay here. I'll be right back. Don't leave this tent, understand?"

With that, Brooke put her respirator back on and walked out. She needed to get Olivia out of here quickly.



Security was obviously not a priority as Brooke found an ID laying around outside of a decontamination tent. The person didn't look like Olivia, but as long as her sister moved fast, the soldiers had other things to worry about other than identity identification. In fact, things seemed to be growing more tense by the moment. Brooke hadn't been monitoring the radio chatter, but the number of soldiers had increased. Their body language told her something was amiss as well. Feeling her heart beat slightly faster, she hurried on back to the tent.

That was when she heard the gunshots.

Screams filled the air like the choir of the devil. The sound of rifle fire was were the drums while the people were the strings. There was another sound. Wails and guttural growls that Brooke had never heard before in her life. Her body shivered as she looked in the direction of the sounds. Then she saw it.

Her mouth dropped open when she saw the creature moaned sounding uncannily like the large cargo ships pulling into the harbor. When she saw the creature pick up a woman and thrust its hands through her chest, Brooke felt her legs began to shake. The creature began to ooze a liquid over its victim as the woman wailed. Her skin began to corrode as the creature began to suck on the woman, as if it were drinking her.

It was when the creature discarded the corpse to the side did Brooke finally regain control over her senses and ran. She heard the intercom system calling for total lockdown. She knew what that meant. Code Black. Contain the scene no matter the method.

Running as quickly as she could, Brooke nearly yelped as another one of those things appeared around the side. It looked at her as it groaned again, as if it were in agony. What the hell were these things?

Scampering the other way, Brooke tripped as a half melted soldier switched on the ground. She couldn't tell the difference between organs, blood, and the liquid. It all was the same crimson-brown mush. Grabbing the soldiers rifle and sidearm, she took whatever magazines she could find before taking off again.

Making sure to lose the monster before heading back to the tent she left Olivia, the brunette prayed that her kid sister listened to her.

Bursting through the tent, she had her rifle pointed inwards. She lowered it when she saw Olivia. "We're leaving," Brooke said between breaths. She handed Olivia the pistol after checking it. "Safeties off. Just point and pull the trigger. Only if you have to. The corpse I took it off of had two clips. Here. We don't stop for anyone. We come across a dead soldier, we take their magazines and water. You hand them to me; I'll put them in my bag. Rations too."

Taking a deep breath, Brooke gripped Olivia's shoulder. "Just follow me, okay? We're leaving. Together. No matter what you hear, just keep your eyes on me, okay?"
I suppose I'm just bitter to the fact that my group stories all seemed to die out. It's no one's fault, but when that happens, I always feel I failed at providing a good enough story line to keep people invested. It's something I have to work on I suppose.

Interesting. It reminds me if cottage cheese or sour cream. I don't think those are the same, but they seem pretty similar. Does it taste good? The sour milk?

Also, I'm thinking about introducing monsters soon. Should we wait and develop our characters more or jump straight into the thick of things?
Wonderful post my dear!

If I were ever to run a group rp, I would keep it small and selective. Definitely no trying to sound elitist here. I just feel that a small group of dedicated writers may be more sustainable in the long term, you know? Again, I hope I don't sound too pompous in this ...

Sour milk? I understand the analogy, but wow! When I taste sour milk, I dispose of it cause that's a sign that the milk has gone bad. Is that not the case from where you're from?
Oh you just take your time. Generally, I like to muse myself, but I've been thinking about this story for a while. So ... kinda have a pretty good direction on how things will go. I've had time to plot things out further past the current part.

Oh that definitely is a way to come up with a nickname as well. A person's actions versus their names. I just thought something cuter could exists between the two sisters, but that's fine with me too! Also, whatever you think your chracter would say, just go with that! Brooke's personality is gentle amongst those she's close with and cold to those who are strangers.

I totally gotcha! I'm totally against boo, but lynnie is fine, if you should ever desire to use a nickname!

Brooke is just fine. It's a nickname of sorts for Brookelyn anyhow.

I hope the post was okay. I'm just really excited about this!
Brooke waited in silence. For the longest moment, she was afraid Olivia would simply disregard her 'order' and tell her to shove off. Honestly, the woman had no plan on how to react. All she knew was that she had to get Olivia out of here. It was breaking protocol, but when Brooke ventured into the city as her orders dictated, she wanted to go in with the knowledge of her little sister being far from the contaminated zone. The riots hadn't reached the barricades yet, but experience told her desperate people resorted to desperate measures. She'd been on the receiving end far too many times. Even instigated some herself to complete her objective. The things she did to preserve her country's freedom. It'd make the common man swoon.

Watching the family Olivia stood protectively in front of, Brooke wished there was something she could do for them. However, trying to get her sister out of line and expedited out of the city was already breaking so many regulations she could hardly keep them straight. The families that had gathered were simply unfortunate. No doubt some of them had better jobs than her, Brooke was in a position to do something here. For once, it wasn't wealth that was going to save these people but connections. In a better situation, she would've simply laughed at the middle-upper to upper class. Now? She felt sorry for them. They lost everything after all. Their lives, their homes.

When the goodbyes were exchanged, Brooke reached over and grabbed her sister by the arm firmly as she led her away. "Your sister is here. The matter she's attending to is classified," Brooke said. It was odd to talk about herself in the third person. It'd have to do until they were safely out of sight. "We issued an early extraction for families of the DCD. Did a vehicle not come for you? When the germs hit, you should've been track down and taken far from here."

Nodding to a soldier, Brooke ignored his perplexed look as he resumed his patrol. The woman had already weaved together an alibi should they be stopped. Olivia was a person of interest that her superiors wanted to talk to. It was a very unstructured lie, but did the soldiers know any better? Her circle hardly told them a thing as they operated. As long as she flashed her badge, they let her be. If they gave her trouble, she reminded them who she reported to.

Opening a tent at the edge of the compound, Brooke looked around. It was empty - thank goodness. Leading the way towards a desk, she sat Olivia down as she quickly disabled the respirator. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, she looked on her sister with a mixture of emotions. Things had ended badly for them last time she spoke. They had a falling out, and that was that. Now? Brooke hardly cared about all the drama, the jealously, the arguments. She couldn't get through to her parents, and just having her kid sister alive was enough for her.

"Liv," Brooke said as she sat across from her sister. A smile tugged her lips up as she took the younger Wilhelmsson in. "I thought they came for you. The cars. They told me they'd get you out of here. When you weren't at the drop off, I was worried. Have you heard from mom or dad? I couldn't get through. Were they with you?"

Brooke chuckled ever so slightly as she sat back. She checked the time. She had to leave soon. Such terrible timing this reunion was. "I can't stay for long," she said as she reached over and grabbed Olivia's hand that rested on the table. She gave it a gentle squeeze. "I need you to get as far away from here as you can. I'm sorry I haven't called or anything. I hope you're still not angry at me? Even if you are, it was good to see you again. Your big sister's on the job. I'll fix things up and come find you. I promise."
Intuition at its finest!

Just what they would call each other. It's an endearment type of deal that only they would call each other instead of others.

Liv is just fine! I just wanted to know what you'd be okay with. Any variation of Brooklyn or Brooke is fine with me :)!

I'll get started on a post now.
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