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  • Old Guild Username: Completlie
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Completlie 10 yrs ago


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Oh, ok.
I just realized that this is a double post.
We're all here! (At least among the active cast anyway.)
"Phew...I thought this would escalate to something drastic...that would be bad." Selena looked at the child knocking on a door and noted that the building looks to be a decent place for a base. "Though, if he's knocking on the door, that means someone already lives there...right? So, we can't use that building unless we all came to a compromise. That is the right word right? Compromise?" She looked at the child again "Though that child does look rather harmless, as in harmless as in, he doesn't seem to be a bad guy."

"Yeah, I guess we could talk to the kid." Selena said to Ceil.
"...Richard being my parent...I guess I never thought of that, I mean, he had told me he was there because my mom told him to take care of me or something. Forgot how or why exactly he told me was there for, but I did enjoy his company. That is, until Master Dosett came back from work, only time of the day where I don't want him around, and I'm talking too much now. I'll stop."

She walked along with Ceil, listening about the abandoned houses that apparently peppered the city, until she too heard a gunshot. "He's right, even I know that's not a good sign. At all." and noticed a child following a dangerous looking man into an alley. Selena heard Ceil tell her to (in her own interpretation) to stay put until the man is gone and talk to the child as he gave her his bag.

"Umm...what's a bastard? Is that like crap? And be ignorant, is that like ignoring what's going on? Ooookay...Ceil, if you say so...actually no, before I do that..." She looked at her chest "I think I'll need something." She quickly dashed to her chest and opened it just wide enough to fit her hand in "Let's see, dress, dress, bread..aha! Hard leather thing!" She looked into the chest to make sure it was indeed, what she was looking for, and judging by how its glints in the light, it was. Selena quickly took it out, shoved it into the pocket of her coat and once again locked her chest shut. "I just hope that I don't have to use it. Now onto the ignoring part...how do you ignore something that is happening right now...umm...I'll just look at buildings and see which one is the best place to move into, yeah...oh, and don't forget that Ceil doesn't exist. Yeah, he doesn't exist. Until the guy is gone at least, he doesn't exist...yeah."

Selena then looked at the various buildings that surround her, trying to convincingly look like she was minding her own business.
Savo said
Ok, going to get my post in.Comp, just tell me to change the post if I'm controlling your character a bit too much. I'm just assuming that she's going to follow after the way you posted it.

That's ok, saves me from doing some writing, *awkward laugh.*
"...I knew it was a bad idea to do that...but the good news is...I'm not dead! Ha ha!" Selena thought while she produced a laughter that either sounded forced or nervous. "The other good thing is that I can confirm that this guy...Ceil, is not a bad guy...for the most part..."

"At least you have parents who love you." "I don't actually know what love is, or should be, but that feels like a fitting thing to say." She thought about Ceil's idea of moving somewhere else other than the alley they both are in. "I'd object to this idea...but seeing as Ceil knows this city more than I do, I should accept his offer. Actually no, correction: he knows the city much more than I do, and pretty much everything else."

"Looking for an abandoned building...sounds like nice idea...then I could figure out what to do from there." "I guess the sooner I can park this chest away, the better" "Yeah...let's go." Selena added.
It's not how the characters aren't meeting up sooner, it's the rate of how stuff is being posted both in IC and OOC that bothers me.
Though your post did make me feel a little more reassured. This RP is shaping up to be my new favourite, so...
And I'll screw my little posting pattern, it's posting time! (Though the post itself may be a little on the short side...)
The "paying bills" thing was a just a pun I made because I was bored.

Also, I was trying to imply "I don't want this RP to die just as it began." (Didn't say it to prevent accidental jinxing) I'm more used to more fast paced RPs, where responses are quick (about less than an hour) Slowed down activity is usually a sign that an RP is going to be abandoned (for me anyway). Usually I just say "Oh, the RP died, time to move on." But here, I'm too in love with the premise that I don't want it to end so soon.

So, yeah.

(I would've posted in the IC except I wanted to maintain my little "post everytime two posts are made after your last post" thing. Just look at how often I post in the IC and that'll make more sense. Hopefully.)
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