Avatar of Crawkid
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 437 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Crawkid 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I have been gone so long I dont know what I owe or if im wanted in responding to them anymore. o.o
7 yrs ago
Going on Hiatus from the interwebs. Gotta clean house for inspection and out-of-state company for next couple weeks. promise to hit every post I owe when i come back!
1 like
7 yrs ago
Do keep in mind that many members here and in discord don't even rp in the threads. SO your count is going to be off, if you're keeping track of that.
1 like
7 yrs ago
I love world building~
7 yrs ago


Im a General Science Major, 23 years old. 24 year old going for a welding certificate at my local community college. I graduated :)

My dreams include making a difference in the world, giving a talk for ted.com, and being a mom. (spending a day with Jackie Chan wouldn't be bad either)

My most official website is: crawkid.wordpress.com


Ok, here's the thing. I'm tired of scouring the interest checks for just the right partner. So I figured I'm gunna add a little plug in here for all to see!

I am collecting rp buddies because I wanna have myself a craving, and be able to feed said craving (without driving my boyfriend nuts). Its faster to have a group of friends at hand that I can brainstorm with, then edit my interest check and wait....possibly lose my craving and move onto something else.

So here are some things you need to know about me!

Common genres: adventure, modern fantasy, classic fantasy, dark fantasy, soulmate stuffs, romance
Things I don't really like to play: zombie apocolypse, slice of life, canon fandom stuff, pokemon?

Zombie: I just find it...repetitious and without a real goal?

Slice of life: I don't want to roleplay vanilla human lives. I have one of my own, and rp is my escape from that.

Canon fandom: lots of times, I have no idea what Im doing XD

Pokemon: Well...I like pokemon (up to a point) but...I always wonder about the mechanics. I dont want to pay attention to stats, and I dont want to focus on 'catching them all'

I do MxM and MxF. I would do FxF if it was alluring to me, but its not.

Now that that's out of the way, the sticking parts:

I DO prefer to rp via threads on this site, its easier for me to sort through them all, but since the archival system in the PM system works now, I'll be more willing to take on PM rps, so yay!

I will NOT guarantee a post a day, every 2 days, every week, or hell even every month. I will post what I can, and when I can. I'm 25 years old and damn it, I got adulting to do! Sometimes, I don't even do my duty to tell you if I'm going to disappear. Why? because something came up, I'm in a slump that lasts longer than I think it is, or I found something shiny and new and just have my head stuck in the computer.

Days fly by for me.

If you use skype or discord, we can take steps to lessen that chance by making it so that you can still poke me if you're getting impatient. But I need someone who is patient and understanding of this nature of mine, while still looking forward to rping with me. (but I do try!)

If you're still here after all that, congrats, you're a rare breed.

I know I said that I will post what I can and when I can...but I do tend to give each post a good amount of thought. Still, if you find that my posts are getting smaller and smaller, don't be afraid to talk to me about it. It may take some time, but I will find something to fix it, even if I have to jab in another plot twist.

Also, I like rp partners who get excited about brainstorming, and who want to try new flavors and pairings. I want YOUR thoughts, and I LOVE it when we're in the middle of an rp and suddenly you decide this side character that was you main's uncle gets bitten by the vampire queen and...I dunno...but its sudden and interesting! AND you can bet I'll want to shove my own sudden and interesting plot twists in there too! (but of course one that'll make sense) This...makes it feel alive, and I love it so so much. :3

I just don't want to be forced to come up with every detail, plan everything out, beg you for ideas, and then have you flake out because its all 'my rp' and you lost interest in it 3 days in. Had it happen. If you're that person, sorry, that's boring. I don't WANT responsibility for everything. If I did, I'd be writing a book, not seeking a cooperative narrative with a stranger that might be on the other side of the planet.

Most Recent Posts

Hiya! ^^ this place should be great to expand what available for you to get involved with :3
Hi! ^^
Excitement went down the drain pretty quickly. With no answer and Connor sensing something off, Elizabeth took a close look around, looking to see if there was anything to say if Marl was absent from his home. The other possibilities were worse, and she tensed for what it could mean. "...want me to listen for signs of life? Or find an alternate way in?" she asked quietly, at a hushed level. She may have been asking, but her senses naturally sharpened as there was a chance of them being in danger...a set up maybe? Ambush?

Connor didnt say he sensed anything, but maybe it could be delayed or even worse..the vampires could have gotten humans to do their dirty work.
Hey that's all good! I think I was 3-7 days late, not sure since its been a while since I joined, but I like to research the sites I join XD

As for variety, I've never seen a bigger collection of different ideas being done so we're good on that :P
Hello! :3
Hey there! ^^
Notice that we've brainstormed and that the idea was hatched to have an alliance between this initiative and a planetary idea of mine after travel ban is dealt with possibly.

They both would benefit from the alliance and cross breeding.
On this beautiful planet, with its varied landscapes and ecosystems, there is a tiger on a mountain. With a confident swagger, a glorious white beast of power walks his territory. The air is refreshing and heavy with the moisture from the most recent rainfall. Nearby, water was happily rushing down the river banks, and crashing over the edge of the waterfall. His blue-ish grey eyes took it in, and he breathed the air. It was a good morning to be alive.

Eventually turning his attention from the waterfall, he made his way downhill. The swagger continues. To him, this was his castle. Sure, it was ruled by much more powerful humanoids that actually hold a title, but it's not like they ever come to visit. His castle, indeed.
And as he walked the well known paths of the area, his hips swayed and his paws hit the ground in a slow but steady rhythm.

Dun. Dun dun dun. dun dun dun. dun dun duuuuuuuh.

Ah, a song from the older days. It was certainly empowering, even if he was only hearing it inside his own mind.

Ahead was a rock jutting up and overlooking the valley. Not too far away, there was a small village of the elven kind. The song coninued.

Rising up! Back on the streeet! Did my time, took my chances. Went the diiiistance, now I'm back on my feet- Just a man and his will to surviveeee! So many times it happens too fast, you trade your passion for glory.

Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past!

You must fight just to keep them alive!

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight! Rising up to the challenge of our rivaaaal. And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night, and he's watching us all with the eyeeeeee!

The tiger had climbed to the top of the rock and roared out to all those that could hear him. (of the tigerrrrr~)
They might have reacted more, if this act of pride wasn't common from him. But, you know, he never bothered village folk. Why would he? He might not hunt too well because of his coloring, but he can fish pretty damn good. And the idea of getting hunted down like a monster? Nah. That'd just be too stupid, even for him.

With his power trip done, Ryshock climbed back down from the jutting rock and contemplated what to do next. A refreshing swim or breakfast?
k. good?
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