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    1. crazyman6699 10 yrs ago


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In Fallout RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Sorry about the foot Monsieur, but it was either that or a kneecap. :/
I'm just trying to make the RP as hardcore as it would be if it was real.
In Fallout RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The sharpshooter adjusted his scope and lowered it a bit. He aimed at Ashton and shot, hitting his foot.
"It'll be your head next time if you don't shut the fuck up!" He yelled at them.

"You look like you've done well for yourself." The grenade wielding bandit said to James, "What makes you think we'll let you go? For all we know, you've got a whole pouch of caps or food on you. Get back with the others." He said and pulled the pin on his grenade, keeping the lever depressed. "You shoot me and we all go up." He said. The second bandit, equipped with a laser pistol, drew it and trained it on the rest of the caravan members. He began to walk forward with the grenade bandit. The sharpshooter stayed behind, pointing his rifle at James.
"All of you on the god damn ground!" The sharpshooter yelled to the caravaneers.
In Fallout RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The fleeing man ran up to the caravan shouting, "Bandits! They attacked my family! I barely made it out but everyone else is dead!" He looked at James, "No don't go over there! You guys need to get out of here. I think they saw me run aw-" In the middle of his sentence you heard a bang and saw his bits of his head fly everywhere. Back by the explosion you see a sharpshooter with his rifle pointed at you. Three other men step out from behind him and draw their weapons.
"It's our lucky day boys!" The sharpshooter says. One of the men pulls out a hand grenade from his pouch and waves it menacingly.
In Fallout RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Stryder, you're accepted and Lexzah, no you can't have more than one PC.
In Fallout RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
In the distance you all hear a loud boom. A smoke pillar rises from the forest and the trees move a bit. You can hear shouting from that direction as you see a man fleeing. He was covered in soot and filth and his clothes were torn.
In Aftermath 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
That's why we're getting the hell out of there. We do NOT want to get caught by you guys.
In Aftermath 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Alagrath looked up at the sun.
"The cave is that way." He said as he pointed his finger. "We'll need to cross the river so get ready for that."
In Aftermath 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
That would help but they can't have their shields at the ready the entire time. We could take them by surprise. Look at me sitting here, giving away my defense plans. lol
In Aftermath 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Alagrath threw his pack over his shoulder and picked up his bow. He made sure that he could easily reach his quiver. Just in case.
"Lets move."
In Aftermath 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Well, that really depends on how many people you send and if they have ranged. If it's like 8 guys with swords and John and I have bows (I don't think Riley has one though) we could just pick them off from the trees, unseen. Unless they have bows that is. Then we're screwed.

Hmmm... I never thought about it like that. I do know that it took for fucking ever to get ships across back then though.
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