Avatar of DankDutch
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: St. Jimmy
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 102 (0.03 / day)
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    1. DankDutch 10 yrs ago


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After handing their guest some food, Aro realised that he too was very hungry, as Khelfin and Maya probably would be too. He started pulling out what food he had, passing some to Khelfin and Maya also.

He sat down on a nearby rock and started to listen to Khelfin and the new girl who had introduced herself as Sabrina. He thought about how her Dhelmise was a unique Pokemon to have, he hadn’t seen any before, but then again he had never seen a Honedge until Apollo came along.

He noticed that Sabrina had two more Pokeballs on her waist belt. Did Sabrina have two more Pokemon with her? If she did, she would be more prepared than the other three. Just as Aro went to ask about the other pokeballs he overheard Sabrina and Khelfin.

He nearly choked on his food with the revelation.

“Ms Amy is dead?!” His face went blank for a second and then to one of pure rage.

“Of course it was Cooper, who else could it be! I told you he’s up to something and I promised I’d stop him” Aro said with passion in his voice

Aro turned to Khelfin for a second.

“Khelfin, what did Cooper ask you to do today? What did he want? It might give me some idea of what he’s up to?” Aro said
Aro listened as Khelfin explained their situation. Aro knew he was right, no one knew what to do in this god forksaken world, hating on him because he was used by Cooper wasn’t exactly fair on Khelfin. People were doing what they needed to survive nowerdays. He could at least take comfort that there was a good side to him that came to find him in the first place.

The conversation then turned to the new goldenrod news bulletins. Pokemon changing types due to environment? There was only one example of this before the apocalypse, according to a book he read. Pokemon we’re evolving and not in the way trainers normally would think.

“Yeah our problem is trying to get as far away from here to find them, their won’t be very many of these Pokemon out in this harsh of a wasteland.....” Aro’s voice trailed off.

From the dark perimeter of camp, Aro spotted what looked like a huge pirate ship wheel getting closer. Was the poison having an after effect?

“What’s...that...?” Aro questioned as the figure came fully into camp.

A few seconds later a new figure appeared, this time a young girl. She was exceptionally pale and looked weak on her feet. She had clearly been struggling to survive out here. Aro rushes over and helped her sit down. He then went to his bag and pulled out a package, which he opened to contain his food rations. He grabbed some and passed it to the girl before sitting back down.

“Are you okay? You look a bit worse for wear.” Aro said “Don’t worry we’re not bandits or anything.”

“I’m Aro, what’s your name?” He questioned
Apollo observed the two figures as they approached. Even though he hadn’t been with Aro for more than a day, he clearly remembered Khelfin and Maya as he swooped round them a few times. He then started to make his way back towards Aro turning every now and again to make sure the others were following.

“Apollo, your back” Aro said as he saw his new companion.

He saw that following Apollo was Khelfin and Maya. They had come to find him? Why? For now Aro was wary of his hot headed behaviour from earlier and avoided any confrontation for now. At the end of the day not even Cooper and Ms Amy would have sent them out to find him in the wasteland at night, it was a death wish.

“He-Hey guys” Aro said trying to smile “I apologise for how I was earlier, but you didn’t need to come find me...” his voice trailed off realising it was probably a blessing in disguise.
As the darkness of the night started to creep into the sky, Aro started to think about how he was going to defend himself and his partners during the night. It was well documented that most of the Pokemon population had become nocturnal after the apocalypse and the last thing Aro wanted was to have another incident like before.

He sighed as he started to realise how unprepared for his solo adventure he was. Maybe he had been a bit too hot headed with Maya and Khelfin, at the end of the day regardless of wether he trusted them he knew that as a trio they had more chance of survival.

Aro’s attention shifted back to Apollo and Red who both seemed engrossed in getting to know each other, inspecting each other’s physical appearance. Red seemed at ease around Apollo which was strange, Aro had problems getting Red to be calm around anyone other Aro. Normally Red would be defensive of Aro regardless of who or what it was. Red clearly could sense that Apollo was not a threat to Aro.

“You guys are funny...” he chuckled

All of a sudden Aro heard what sounded like his name being called out in the distance. He couldn’t make out whose voice it was. Red and Apollo had both sensed the noise too, looking out in the direction the sound came from.

“Whose there?” Aro said rather loudly

He then signalled for Apollo to come to him, which he did.

“Apollo I want you to go check that noise out, and report back to me. It’s too dark to see from here but don’t engage them though! We don’t want bandits ruining our night. Me and Red have got our eyes on you just in case buddy ok?...” He whispered, to which Apollo spun around in agreement, heading out a bit to find the source of the noise.
Aro carried on slowly stomping through the wasteland, his previous encounter replaying in his head. It just seemed to solidify every reservation he had about either corporation. Even we was working with Genesect Corp he could tell that there was something sinister going on and although he hadn’t figured out what it was yet, he knew that he had to stop them.

After a few miles Aro stumbled across what looked like an abandoned campsite, probably used by bandits at some point. A tarp like cloth was pulled over a structure of rocks to create a make shift shelter. Outside was a burnt out fire pit, it still had a few bits of wood that were useable close by. Although a basic camp Aro decided that it was probably the best place to stop before the night set in.

He dumped his bag next to a nearby rock and sat down on top of it. Honedge had started investigating the camp in almost a vigilant way, meanwhile Aro had a more urgent matter to attend to. He grabbed a revive mixture from his bag and then grabbed Red’s ball, bringing him out into Aro’s arms. Aro gently rubbed in the mixture onto red who slowly started to come to.

“Hey buddy, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t of sent you in there like that” Aro whispered to Red.

Red nuzzled his jaw into Aro to comfort him. However Honedge had also realised Reds presence and had floated over to say hello.

“This is Honedge, he’s our new buddy, he helped us out back there against the Grimer!” Aro explained.
“Thanks again buddy. I think you need a new name, how about.... Apollo?” Aro questioned.

The Honedge danced around in agreement until it was disrupted by the Radio once again blaring its news report. Aro seemed mostly disinterested with what the Radio had to say but his attention was drawn back when the Radio started to mention a new gym and league structure.

Something seemed to brew within Aro every time he tried to think about what Pokémon Gyms were like before the apocalypse. It was like he had some deep connection with that side of his past life but he couldn’t ever produce a single word or picture in his brain to prove it. Maybe if he set this as his new goal, it might bring something back... anything at all.

With the night starting to close in, Aro decided it was time to try and start up a fire, using Red to pick up a rock and Apollo to strike it with his steel body, they managed to kindle together a small fire.

“Good job boys... see we will be fine on our own...” Aro said in a way that was almost reassuring himself more than his partners.
It took Aro a while to properly take in everything that was happening, however as he began to understand what was going on a bit more he just had more questions about the situation. He looked up to see the sword again hovering by him. He wasn’t hallucinating that part.

“A Honedge?... So your a Pokemon...?” He whispered as the sword seemed to acknowledge Aro’s statement.

“Your welcome to come with me and Red if you want?” Aro said with a smile before Honedge started to spin around out of happiness.

Aro smirked as his new partner danced around him before realising that there was a much bigger elephant in the room. He listened as the others talked about the situation. When Cooper finally suggested they work together, Aro jumped to his feet with a disgruntled look on his face. Just as he went to speak Khelfin tried to explain himself, asking how it mattered now the two corporations were working together. Aro’s blood started to boil.

“It matters to me Khelfin, I don’t take kindly to liars.... and you two? Are you fucking serious? I’m suppose to believe that after all these years at war that’s its normal for you two to make a team all of a sudden?” Aro was shouting at this point.

“There’s something going on here and I know there is. Now you two tell me what it is or I become your worst nightmare and I will stop at nothing to find out and stop it whatever is. So which one is it?” He trailed off

“Aro, lets not be hasty now, let’s not forget who found you and made you who you are now....” Miss Amy said calmly.

“...you found me and made me into what you wanted me to be. This wasn’t me before. I was.... I was something before and I’ll find out what that is if it kills me. I’m sick of this sinister shit and considering I’m not hearing any explanation, i guess it’s time for you to find your new best fossil hunter.” Aro was red in the face with anger.

“I hope you two know what you’ve got yourself into.” He said directing at Miss Amy and Cooper.

They chuckled slightly before Aro started walking off into the wasteland, with Honedge trailing by his side.
Confused and gasping for air, Aro’s eyes opened slowly, above him he saw Maya and... the sword?!.... Floating?? Aro shook his head in disbelief, almost hoping it was a horrible trip from the Grimer acid. The blade now started getting closer to Aro in an almost sheepish manner.

“What.. are you?” Aro whispered intriguingly.

“It’s a Pokemon, a Honedge to be exact.” A familiar voice retorted.

Aro day up to reveal Miss Amy... and Cooper! Aro’s face changed and his posture turned more defensive. What the hell was happening?! Disgruntled, Aro scrambled for Reds ball to return his fallen friend. Something was going on and he didn’t like what he had woken up to.

“...it makes sense for this species to have survived the harsh conditions, and from the way it fought the Grimer I’d say it wanted to defend you...” Miss Amy continued, not deterred by Aro’s current state.

“What are you doing here?” Aro said confrontationally “You said this was a simple mission, I though it was strange you had me take people but first the Grimer now this? Why are you here with him?” His focus shifted from Miss Amy to Cooper.

Aro couldn’t stand Cooper, he’d only ever seen him from a far a few times in recon missions. His whole person screamed sleazy from his hair, to his suit and shoes that he never seen to take off. As he turned he finally saw Khelfin, not by Miss Amy’s side but by Cooper’s.

“Your one of them?... I knew there was something off about this from the start.” Aro managed to get to his feet, albeit slowly. “Now you all have some explaining to do....”

Aro was truly impressed by both Maya and Khelfins start, both using Scary face and Conversion were genius moves for different reasons. It woke Aro up to the fact that although they were both new, both Maya and Khelfin new a thing or two. However although they’re effective start the Grimer carried on relentlessly, eventually starting to overpower Red. It wasn’t the sort of time to realise that what he had initially thought were advantages were gone.

Aro desperately tried to think of a plan as the Grimer started to outnumber the group. The Grimer has got wiser and split up between the three Pokemon. Red who was fighting valiantly was slowly being engulfed in a mixture of purple and black sludge as the Grimer slowly surrounded him. Aro had to do something, he ran at the Grimer and leaped in grabbing hold of Red. As he wrestled he felt the sludge start to cover his legs slowly working it’s way up.

In a last ditch effort Aro had only objective; to get Red safe. He managed to wiggle enough room for Red to squeeze from the Mass and although free, he fell to the ground exhausted from the pain. Aros eyes were locked to Red painstakingly as the Grimers poisonous touch flowed onto his skin.


Suddenly a metallic sound echoed through the area. Aro could barely feel anything at this point but he could tell that the Grimer had started to let go of his almost lifeless body. Gasping for air and confused he crawled towards Red and curled around him, protecting him. As Aro started to fade out of consciousness he looked up to see what seemed be the sword - from the previous dig site - levitating above them.

It looks like... is that an eye?! What the...?

The poison had definitely sunk in at this point, Aros face started to go pale and his limbs were almost flaccid. He slowly lost consciousness as he gasped for air. In an attempt to save himself he used his finger to write one word in the dirt, before passing out from the pain.

As they made they’re way back through the wastelands Aro’s mind kept replaying the moment he picked up the sword, on initial contact with the handle he felt like he saw the outline of his handprint glow, but he put it down to his own delusion. Being alone all this time had done him no favours. It wasn’t long before Aro’s thoughts were interrupted by Khelfin moaning about how easy the mission was.

“Look man, your both rookies, today was just about me showing you the ropes. You think Miss Amy would send you two out on high classification missions when you probably haven’t even seen a fossil till now? Besides it’s not like I chose to bring you.” Aro explained.

Although Aro was enjoying the company of other humans his own age, there was something about the way Khelfin spoke that rubbed him up the wrong way, He accepted that people were broken inside, how could they not be, most were taken away from loved ones and watched others die, but there was a point where Aro knew that negativity only bred bad things.

All of a sudden Red let out a small roar, to which Aro was alerted to a flock of wild Grimer. Aro’s stance changed and immediately stood in front of the group.

“This isn’t good guys, we’re gonna have to battle our way through this, it’s time for you both to show me what you got!” Aro commanded.
“Khelfin, now it’s tome to put your money where your mouth is...” He said to Khelfin in a banterful way.
“Red, use Head Smash, start knocking the grimer away...” he paused and glanced at the other Pokemon, “... Khelfin, Maya you both have aerial advantage so try provide some cover for red by distracting the grimer....”
Aro carried on scanning the area with his device eventually managing to find the fossil shortly after hearing the goldenrod news broadcast.

“It should be around here” he called out to the others.

He looked back down at gravel like dirt and started to dig with his hands, after a while pulling out on odd shaped rock.

“This is the fossil, looks like a helix to me.” He said putting into a special case which he then put into his backpack.

Before leaving Aro checked the ground again to make sure he hadn’t left anything, only to see a sword like blade lying on the floor next to him. Aro was certain it wasn’t there when he was digging despite it being two yards away. Confused, he took the sword and put it into his bag. Maybe petros could scan it and find out what it was used for.

He walked over to the others
“Guys, extraction has been successful let’s get back to the lab before we hit any of the wild Pokémon that have been spotted.” He said signalling the way forward.

Red remained close to Aros heel at all times occasionally chasing the odd tumbleweed blowing across the wasteland.
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