Avatar of Darkwolfsoul010
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: darkwolfsoul010
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 277 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Darkwolfsoul010 10 yrs ago


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Current Spent the last week in Ecuador. Sorry if replies have been short/nonexistent. Will be back to normal soon!
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Has everyone fallen off the face of the earth or something?
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Exams are killing me ;-;
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I don't mean to offend, but I'd really like to know if we'll be continuing this roleplay or not.
@Frengo Ahh! I'm sorry!!! It was 2am when I wrote that post, sorry that I missed your help!

Nat froze. Her knees bent, her breathing rapid but quiet. Thank goodness she wasn’t in the front of the line, between the huddled bodies she could just barely make out the crazed soldiers from the crowd. They were talking amongst themselves for a moment, making jokes and laughing. Nataliya made eye contact with one of the infected, and it made her blood run cold. Her body tensed, and she prepared for the inevitable. Everyone with a weapon had left already, and in her distraction to find a weapon of her own, had left her far behind. Her own stupidity had gotten her in trouble. No, not in just trouble. In dead trouble. Nataliya swallowed hard. Out of the crowd she could just make out the blonde hair of the girl she had spoken to earlier. Unfortunately for her, that girl was front and center of the crowd.

"I'm gonna fuck you in the ass, bitch!"

In seconds the girl snapped out of her shock and open fired on the crowd of crazies. That was a mistake. In seconds the girl was gone, blown into a pulp by the infected soldiers. Nataliya slapped a hand over her mouth, both to keep her from screaming and to keep her from throwing up. The crowd panicked, they started pushing, shouting, trying to make a run for it but to no avail. After they were done with the blonde, the infected opened fire on the crowd.

Nataliya had no time to think, she didn’t spare a breath, her knees gave out and she dropped like a rock to the ground. Laying on her stomach, she closed her eyes tightly and felt bodies drop around her. She thought of the girl that had hidden beneath a fallen body earlier and held her breath, hoping the same tactic would work. Something warm and wet dripped down her back. Nataliya closed her eyes and came face to face with a woman, maybe in her late 30s, her eyes still wide open, her face blow off just below her left nostril. Nataliya whimpered and tried to look away without making too much noise. Peering over the dead woman, she noticed a small glint of metal not too far off. In the commotion, the pistol had been kicked about 10 feet from her. Nat watched the marine with one eye as he paced between the bodies, after his other infected pals left. Every time he would near her, Nat would hold her breath and lay perfectly still until he walked away. For minutes he circled the room until she came up with a plan.

Nataliya waited patiently until the marine had circled past her and to the other end of the room. As his back was turned, she wasted no time in shimmying into a fetal position and sliding the shoe off of her right foot. The gunshots in the distance masked any sounds of her moving, and also distracted the marine enough to not notice her movements. It was obvious the infected soldier was getting restless in the room, and wanted to join in on the fun. Nat waited for him to walk by again, gripping the shoe under her so he wouldn’t suspect anything had happened. As soon as his back was turned, Nataliya whipped the shoe as far as she could through the door. It ricochet off the wall and landed out of sight in the hall.

“What the FUCKING SHIT was that?”

The marine took the bait and followed the noise to the door. Nataliya sprung from her position, and lunged for the pistol. The feeling of the cold metal against her palm almost made Nat break out in tears. She let out a nervous laugh before the stomping of feet suddenly brought her back to attention.


The marine screamed as he rounded the corner. Nat wasted no time firing almost all of the remaining ammo into the infected marine.
Okie well I'm off to bed. I'll just post my response, and if it's not within the rules someone just let me know and I'll change it!
I'm not allowed to move Nat along a bit (sorry, it seems like I've fallen quite behind) by controlling the infected marine, right?
By controlling I mean, describing that he is circling the room. Or that he is watching the door. Or whatever. I don't mean making him drop his gun and keel over out of no where so I can save my own ass.

I just don't want to have to wait for Frengo for each action I have to make to get Nat's ass out of there xD
Champagne tastes fucking awful, by the way. Whoever thought it wise to praise this stuff was a damned moron.

Depends on if you're having good champagne or not.
EDIT: Happy New Years, by the way!! It's 4am where I am, so it's definitely time for bed. But a post will be up in the later afternoon, once I'm alive and not hungover.
Damn damn I've got some catching up to do. I might not be able to get a decent post up tonight, New Years is a big deal for my family, but I'll be thinking about how to get Nat out of there for sure. Expect a post up either really really late (4 am-ish) or mid afternoon tomorrow.
Keeping one hand against the wall, Irina slowly shuffled forward through the hallway. Since leaving her room, Irina was lost in the pitch black darkness and couldn’t make out much more than the ground in front of her. From in the distance, she heard muffled voices. Irina’s grip on the mattock tensed and she slowly inched forward. Straining her ears, she tried to hear anything from the conversation, anything to figure out if the voice was a threat or not. Or maybe there were two voices? Irina couldn’t really tell. Her breathing was ragged, the events of the past half hour had left her drained, and all she wanted was to wake up from this nightmare.

"Any idea what this means?”

Irina heard a voice, getting louder with each step, announce. She let out a breath of relief to herself. The man in the darkness knew just as much as she did about this situation. She leaned against the wall for a moment, letting the cool dampness of it sooth her warm skin. Just as she was about to announce her presence, a piercing white light blinded her.

Irina stumbled backward, one hand flailing to shield her eyes. She had grown accustomed to the darkness, so the sudden flash of light nearly blinded her. “W-wait! Please.” She shouted out, holding her arm in front of her face for a moment, and raising the mattock up in fear of the strangers. After a few seconds her eyes adjusted and she lowered the hand covering her face. Keeping the mattock up just for good measure, she stared at the two men. “I-I don’t want any trouble,” her voice was surprisingly steady, given her situation a few minutes ago. “I don’t know what’s going on either.” Keeping one hand up in a defensive manner, she slowly lowered the mattock to her side.
If Bliss is done, can I take the things her character grabbed? Or are we going to see Nataliya be the helpless one xD
Irina gagged. As the putrid smell hit her nose, she keeled over and tried to keep whatever was in her stomach down. A thin line of sweat dripped down her forehead, onto her nose and down to the ground below. Closing her eyes tightly, Irina swallowed the lump in her throat and struggled to force her hands to stop trembling. Gathering all her strength, Irina looked up at what the smell was coming from.

The girls head was angled down, her brown hair was matted and tousled to cover her face. Her skin was pale, Irina could almost make out a dark vein that ran down the length of her arm. I have to help her she thought to herself, and managed to take a few steps towards the girl. It took a few seconds for her brain to understand what she was seeing. It was as if everything was blurry, and slowly coming into focus. The blood, the guts, everything came into view and this time Irina couldn’t hold back. After a moment of horror, Irina fell to her knees and retched across the floor. Her throat burned, her stomach was empty so bile was all that came up. For minutes, Irina stared at the ground, gagging and spitting as her body convulsed from the shock of it all.

Eventually Irina managed to steel herself. On shaky legs she stood and walked back over to her box. Irina grabbed the water bottle and drank a few sips, forcing the cool liquid down her throat. She put the water back into her box, dropped in the cassette tape she found earlier and shoved the entire box under the bed.

Grabbing the mattock once more, Irina tried to make her way out of the room again. She approached the door, not looking down at the girl before her, and looked from side to side. Irina couldn’t see very far down the dark hallway. She trusted her gut and quickly decided to go left. As she tried to step around the body, Irina’s foot got caught on the girl’s leg. She let out a yelp and kicked herself free. Irina gagged again, but turned towards the hall and didn’t look back. She couldn’t bear that again.
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