Avatar of Dawnpath
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    1. Dawnpath 9 yrs ago


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"Yeah. What if the trinket only works on one person? Or, in the high probability that we, a good sized group, get caught in a confined area, such as a ship, what will we do? And, assuming that we do make it, does the curse work on exit. Finally, because there's a chance that what ever trolly we take will be a good size, what are we going to do to come back?" Zoey frowned, "Frankly, there is so much that could and probably will go wrong. It'd be one thing if we sent one or two, maybe you, Nemo, and..." she looks at Wesley, blanking his name for a bit, "Wesley, right? Yeah, it'd be one thing if it were just you two, with the experience in stealth and the ability to cripple mages. But us as a group have a different kind of strength. You seem to know where we're headed. Why don't we steal this locket and get our own boat. As a force, we could probably protect a perimeter from serious threats, and as a skilled illusionist in the presence of other skilled illusionists, we could probably hide the boat. Then we just get there, maybe take some scuba suits we knicked before hand, and grab the artifact ourselves. If we do that, we at least have a better idea of our risks. The arcanocracy, when they figure out we've knicked their shiny, and sea monsters. I think I can get a book on those."
Zoey came back up a few minutes after the announcement with a bowl of popcorn that she fully intended to keep to herself. She found a quiet corner of the meeting room to sit in and watch. She was still a little wound up, mostly because she was very obviously a 'witch' and a former witch-hunter was around. Although, on reflection, she could also probably pass as a Druid, though she doubted it would matter. Either way, she decided that she would attempt, in the spirit of the group, to be nice.
Having completed a significant portion of her plate, Zoey sat back and nodded at Wesley, putting up her illusion as a courtesy. She also waved at Travis, who smelled much better today. From the table, she waved at the newcomer, Wesley, and immediately felt uneasy. He smells like a Witch-hunter. What a fantastic plot we've stumbled into. The church, the academy, and now the hunters. I suppose I should be thankful my allies are, for the most part, known threats. Still, Nemo is anomalous. About the only thing to smell around him is blood, gunpowder, and death. Then there's the Yakusa priestess over there, and shadowling sitting near by. What a lovely band of absolute chaos. She clears her throat, "Zoey, sir. I wish it were a pleasure but, to put it mildly, you make me uneasy." She gets up and takes her plate, "You smell like trouble. Less trouble than Nemo. But trouble none the less."

As she left to go to the down stairs game room, it struck her that Travis was probably the person who knew her the best of everyone there. Why that thought struck her was beyond her, actually. She shrugged and silently hoped the booky didn't notice quite how tense the former Salemite had made her. Definately former. Anyone from the 'hunters known to be here for anything other than slitting our throats is disowned and marked for death, probably. They don't screw around. She picked up the now-familiar gun controller of the zombie game and began running it, thoughts elsewhere.
"I can smell that," Zoey remarks, having come down the stairs a bit later. "Especially the gunpowder." She then grabs a plate and begins helping herself to the platters, a rather large amount of food for her considering the last breakfast. She then sat about as far away from Nemo as she could, mostly because of stated smells. She then looks at Raiya, "Last night I heard you talking to Travis about some sort of communicator we're all s'possed to have. I was wondering where I might acquire this item?" She didn't ignore the new person on purpose, she just had a lot on her plate. Literally. The taste of home was rather distracting, actually, as she began take large bites of it. Unfortunately, it meant her illusion was still very much down, and she still looked very much like a wolf ninja.
Zoey moaned and rolled over. A combination of hunger, thirst, and tiredness settled in her upset stomach, and she had half a mind to crack open a few seedlings of her own. She dragged herself from her resting place on the floor: she had found the bed too soft, with a bit of remorse. Tearing her form from the ground was like dragging herself through jello, or slime. And she immediately realized why. At 8 in the morning, she was not only lacking sleep, but in the beginning of the daily drain. Her powers being connected with the night and it's cooler embrace, she was in need of more energy than normal to maintain herself. She instantly dropped her illusion and melted through the floor into the shadows of her bathroom, looking half hungover. She snarled at her reflection and went for her supplies, taking the herbs she'd given Travis not so long ago in their full, bitter bluntness. Afterwards, she began her morning routine of taking care of herself.

At this point, it was 8:35. The tired Covenite walked slowly from her quarters, half way between a slouch and a prowl and definately not happy to be awake. However, her stomach was insistent, the smell of breakfast foods from a time half-forgotten pulled heavily on her memories and influenced her appetite. There was a duty she had to uphold, though. She'd told Raiya she'd wake her if something happened where she needed to be alert. Denny's had happened, and so Rayia needed to be alert. Tastes of home don't happen every day. Zoey didn't bother with the door. The seedling would still be affecting her for at least another half hour before she found herself naturally awakened. Zoey instead shadow-melded around it. The witch was... not as good at remembering her manners when there was sausage on the line. She limbered over, pulling the blind on the windows to block the distasteful rays. While they didn't actually weaken her in practice, her patients with them had already run dry. Instead, she simply placed her hand one Rayia's forehead, and used a little revival spell to wake her.
The alchemist waved goodbye and went to her bed to sleep. She was more than confident that the podlings would do their job. The alchemy was sound, after all. The seeds themselves were called Dreamseeker nuts, a bit of irony considering their main audience was people with bad dreams. Then again, that third seed was quite a trip...

Zoey closed and locked her door behind herself, then deactivated her illusion and hoped on her bed, magically drawing the curtains to block the sun when it came. "Night, me," she mumbles, before sleeping.
Zoey gives her a quick up down, momentarily distracted by the rather fetching kimono. "You seemed a bit distressed, miss. My money's on nightmares or night terrors, considering we aren't under attack. That, and the noises." She extends her hand to show the restless dreamer the seed pods, "One will put you back to sleep. Two will put you to sleep with no dreams. Three, and... well, I recommend two. 3 is kind of... a trip. Affect will last you six hours, so..." Zoey checks a nearby digital clock, "About 9:10. In time for breakfast. Anything major happens, we'll come wake you up." Zoey offers the de-podded seeds to Raiya.
Zoey was heading up to turn in from the night, when she sensed that things weren't great in a nearby room. Well, in honesty, she heard the sobbing a whimpering. She looked around the empty hallway and shrugged to herself, re-upping her illusion on herself. She pulled from a pocket a pouch of small, green, unpleasant-smelling seeds and took three out before replacing the pouch. She cracked them open quickly and put them in one of the baggies she'd snatched earlier; she'd grabbed too many trying to save her popcorn from the gaming session earlier. She then knocked on the door of the person... Rieja? Raylin? No, no, Raiya. Right.
Zoey shrugs, "Where ever we are, it's pretty nice. Anyway, I'm gunna go hi the rec room again." She gets up and stretches fully, gathering her things to her person. "You're free to join in the zombie blasting activities, but you may wanna try sleeping first. That stuff will keep you going, but it'll also run ya down. Same way that coffee does actually. It's just a lot stronger." She then walks downstairs to the rec room to enjoy the arcade raill shooter.
The tea replacement would've tasted rather bitter and vaguely like black coffee, with the near-instant affect of making Travis feel less like he'd worked to near death, and more like he'd worked a fulfilling day at the gym, or some similarly less-tiring activity for the academic. Maybe, passed a challenging, but not hopeless, test. The alchemist smiled a little apologetically, "I forgot to ask if you'd prefer it to taste like, well, something better than really bad coffee. That's my bad."

She then thinks about which of the caves that spider had been in, "Well, it was on a cliff, and there was a waterfall near-ish. I can't say I know the name of it. I haven't really seen a map. Maybe if I had one I could point it out, but... Well, it looked like a bit of prime real estate for monsters. And with Academia so close, I'm sure something new will take up residence there soon," she looks a little annoyed. She withdraws into the couch, nursing her tea/hot chocolate beverage.
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