Avatar of DeadlyEssence
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 127 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. DeadlyEssence 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Life, right?
1 like
8 yrs ago
I'm going to be out for a bit. My schedule is full. Beyond ful .
8 yrs ago
I promise to catch back up..haha
8 yrs ago
Oh man, I spent the last two days wondering why the text had seemingly shrunk on the status updates sidebar.... my whole screen was zoomed out by 10%. Haha.
8 yrs ago
My death will be by crispy m&ms.


Hey guys, how is it going?

I love writing anything and everything but comedy, and sometimes romance. It really just depends on how the romance is done.. if that makes any sense.
I may incorporate some of my novel's setting into a RP or two, since I've been obsessed with it. I love to 1x1 roleplay only because I feel large RPs are hard to keep track of, people drop out for various reasons (life sucks) and having a smaller group or just 1x1 minimizes the confounding variables, so to speak.

I spend most of my time in advanced roleplays, sometimes casual if they are more advance casual than plain casual.
My absolute favorite genres are: Sci-Fi, Post/Apacolypse, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Law Enforcement related, fight-incorporated, anything fun and exciting and points for uniqueness!

If all this sounds good to you, we should share some ideas!

Most Recent Posts

Scholarships are your friend.
They've re-begun overrunning the Free RP section.
Okay.. so I go to check some general interests, eh. Met with a wall of over 100 pages of nothing but spam. I knew it was bad.. Page 623 is the last of the actual ideas.. and that wont last long, with the number of new posts per hour.
Fellow German! Though sadly, mine is lineage and nothing more.

Welcome! I hope you find wonderful RPs here.

Also, don't venture to the general interest checks. ^^'
The little Necromancer watched as the man who had been bent over the the limbs stood, he loomed over her, the human made her uncomfortable and she took a step back, providing distance between herself and him. Though when she looked at him he reminded her more of the dead than the living, he had that feel about him, she could feel the spirits about him. She stared at him a moment, trying to figure out what it really was, why spirits lingered about him so blatantly, they weren't just in the spirit world, they were in the limbo between the living and the spirit world. She wanted to speak to them - they would tell her what she needed to know about the man but she didn't want to exert that energy rather she took note of them. "I make the dead undead." She said more to herself than to him. Indeed her own energy did exactly that, and it bothered her that he had said "no energy", she took much pride in her necromancy. “A grieving necromancer.. that's a new one.” Her voice was soft, free of malice or anger, she spoke more matter of factly than anything, “As long as Bun-bun's spirit is still in the spirit world I can bring her back- I just know I wouldn't be able to preform my magic properly and so I shall wait.”

Then there was a thing that crawled over to her and between her feet before crawling up her leg onto her shoulder. She definitely preferred the dead to the living. They had more manners, and weren't as intrusive. “I think he's taking a liking to you miss.” Perfect, a man's pet had taking a liking to her. She sighed before looking over at the little creature, she recognized it as a ferret, skinny, furry, odd. “Don't worry,” She said, “I can raise you when you die too.” She gave a small smile to the creature. It was sort of a compliment, that his spirit would be worthy enough to re-enter the living world through her powers. She liked to think the spirits she chose were special. She took one hand from the bunny and offered it out to pet the ferret.

"Do not worry. It is not filthy. It has a sense of hygiene not seen in animals that visit the slums" Jayni simply nodded, she didn't know much of the slums, but she was not sure what he even meant by filthy animals, the animals she raised could be considered filthy. She looked down at Bun-bun whose body was bony and inanimate. The wounds still visible from its first life. Death was filthy, wasn't it? “Thanks? I'm not worried.” She said a little confused.

Once the three men approached Jayni officially considered herself sick of the living. She wanted to retreat back into the world of spirits and her sister. It was calmer, people weren't so.. alive. Then as she heard “And any one with information on it shall be rewarded too, if you know anything, I wouldn't withhold any of it or the death penalty is your fate.“ She choked up, she knew. She knew a lot. Well, at least she thought she knew a lot. She was pretty sure what had unfolded before he had something to do with the heart stones.

Jayni watched as the man who resembled the dead spoke and reached his hands out into the air, grasping something invisible. Jayni knew it didn't exist, there was no spirit there to strangle, and strangling a spirit was a useless task anyway. She had to draw the conclusion the man may be slightly crazed. The other younger male sat down, obviously upset with the news.

"Perhaps we should cater to this woman. She has been hit with unknown magics, her wounds are healed but she may have unseen side effects" “Er. I'm okay.” Jayni started. “Really..” her pain still ached through her body. “Uhm.. But I think I should see the King..” Jayni's words were meek, weak, and forced. She wanted to leave this forsaken place, go home, but no portals meant she was stuck. Slowly those words sunk into her head. She was stuck.

“As for your hunger. I will get you some bread in the city. Pheonix – take it as my thank you for healing me.” The she looked at the other man, “And you too, if you're hungry” She paused a moment. “I'm Jayni.” she didn't bother adding where she was from, despite the formality. She didn't even bother to wait for the men, she started off towards the city, still holding bun-bun.

Once she flipped through the pages of the exam she almost panicked. She hadn't studied, but usually that wasn't a problem, this time it seemed the questions were harder. They were specifically the things that hadn't stuck out in her mind. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. She could do it, she just needed to think and remember, she needed to focus. She knew the information was in there somewhere.

Felixia shook her head and looked at the first question, it wasn't hard. She marked “A” and moved to the next question. She had gotten halfway through the exam when she realized she knew nothing about this portion. She closed her eyes and she focused, took a breath, there was no way she didn't know the answers. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the man sitting next to her had just gotten to the section, and then she realized what the answers were. Like she knew them subconsciously. She began filling in the short responses and focused on the string of answers. Some it them she knew before even reading the question. Then she saw the guy stop, and she hesitated. She looked at the question but nothing came to mind. She gave a nervous laugh. Something was wrong with her.

With her pencil she began filling in answers, she wasn't cheating, but her pattern was matching the guy next to her and she didn't want to be accused. Once he began answering she could hear the answers again. She closed her eyes. Whats happening? She quickly filled in the rest of the answers, she didn't bother to read them, just marked down random things and stood up. She could hear various things as she passed by other students. She whispered sorry as she quickly made her way through the crowded aisle. When she reached the girl with reddish hair and a black and white windbreaker she felt her head pulsate. There was a nagging sensation that lingered as she passed – it was different. She couldn't put a finger on it.

She turned the paper in at the front showing her ID. It was an old picture of her, but the professor nodded and took her test. She put her palm to her head as she walked out. She didn't bother to close the door slowly behind her, any attempt at quieting the sound of the doors was always in vain, there would always be an obnoxiously loud click even if the whole thing didn't bang closed.

Felixia had taken the exit to the main hallway rather than the outside of the building. She wanted to sit in the hallway it was quieter, inside her head at least. She leaned against the white brick wall before sliding down and making herself comfortable. She was either still drunk, or there was something seriously wrong with her. She put her head back against the wall for a few minutes before taking the pencil she had used during the test out of her bag. She set it down on the white and black tile in front of her. She stared at it. Occasionally feet would shuffle passed her and she at first became very self-conscious, being some random person staring at a pencil will sitting on the ground in a hallway outside of a classroom taking an exam. Then she really thought about it, and as more people passed she stopped caring, it was college after-all. People did weirder things.

As Felixia let out a sigh she saw the pencil move. Her heart stopped. Then she laughed – she had sighed air could move objects too. She reached for the pencil but it slid away, she tried again but it moved to the other side of the hallway. “Great. Now I'm haunted.” she whispered to herself. It made perfect sense after-all, then she questioned why ghosts would give her test answers, and she squinted her eyes in frustration at the pencil. “Stupid pencil.” She got up to retrieve it, but it slowly moved across the floor back to her, it stopped when she took her eyes off of it. She was definitely still drunk, she laughed to herself, and looked around. There was no one sitting around waiting for another class, and no witnesses as to what just happened. When she picked up the pencil that had stopped at arm's reach she heard the door to the classroom shut. Others were finishing up their exams too, at least he ones who didn't Christmas tree the last portion of it.

<Snipped quote by Sukielol>

Yeah, it probably is kinda cliche. I got the original idea after binge watching Dark Matter and I'm stealing some ideas from the Mass Effect series and other sci-fi sources. But hey, gotta start somewhere.

I really thought this sounded like Dark Matter!
Guess that makes it my turn to get to posting - It'll go up at some point today.
We can use the ooc as talking and I'll
keep a post towards the top for plot development.
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