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The Glasgow

The tension in the air could be cut with a knife, the crews readied themselves for battle. They had done this hundreds of times before hand, but never before in another universe he didn't know what the other crewmen would think, and he hoped that he was on the right side of this battle, if he wasn't then god help him, but he didn't have much of a choice if he wanted to get home these imperials would probably hold the best answers.

"Plot main gun firing solution, and fire at will!" He shouted to his bridge gunnery crew. Within a moment there was a shaking of the ship, as the slug of the mass accelerator fired, speeding through space. The slug would hit it's target, and collapse upon itself dispersing energy equal to that of a tactical nuclear warhead, without all the radiation, across one of the ships. He sent a ping to his boarding crews to leave the ship, and sent another order for his navigation crews to do a full burn away from the cluster of ships. The Glasgow had good range, and the further away they could get the better.

Sarah Wilkes - Aboard the venerator

The shuttles passed through the odd energy shields that served to keep the vacuum of space out of their hangar bay. The shuttle side doors opened, and the crews opened up with the door mounted mass accelerator cannons, their rounds were no bigger than a grain of sand but accelerated so fast they might as well be getting hit with high powered rounds. When the shuttles finally hit the deck, the gathered group of soldiers dropped out of the shuttle, the biotics going first, throwing up barriers. The blaster bolts hit them, but dispersed harmlessly with the gathered group of biotics holding the barrier together, so everyone could get into position.

The squads now gathered, the biotics in reserve rushed forward creating a singularity at their targets soon the assembled clones were floating helplessly off the ground. The order for the barrier to drop was given, and the marines focused fire on the floating clones. Satisfied with their results, the orders were dispersed among the gathered HUD's of the marines in the hangar. "Get to the engine room, and find what allows them to move through space, steal data, pacify any witnesses, none were to leave this sector of space to report back to their leaders." With their orders given they pushed out to help the other assembled crews of their ragtag fleet.

A small group of infiltrators cloaked, headed for the engine room. While the others used their biotics, and firepower to support Jason's troopers, and The Aegis' elites on their own missions. Not wanting the other leaders to say they didn't throw in their weight, as well as wanting to preserve as much of the groups soldier pool as possible as there would be not reinforcements for any of them unless they started to recruit locals, and Sarah very much doubted that anyone would want to join up with strangers from another universe. But those thoughts could come later, for now she had a battle to win.
The Glasgow

Travis wove his way back through the halls of the ship, to the hangar bay. The gathered soldiers seemed relieved to see them back again, and piled back into the shuttle without a word. As the shuttle left, and headed back to The Glasgow they spoke among themselves about what they talked about, saw, and their thoughts on the matter splitting the data they got from their omni-tools among each other before dispersing it back to the ship. They had a map, they had everything they would need perhaps their next goal would be to find resources in this universe, to keep the ship operational he'd have to pass that along to the science crews when he got back to the command chair.

They were barely back aboard their ship before a message was relayed through to them from The Daedalus. They were heading for somewhere called the transitory mists, and it didn't look like they would have much of a choice but to follow them through if they wanted a ride. He'd have to make a habit of asking The Resurgence's commanding officer for them to install that engine sooner, rather than later. Especially if they were to branch out for resources to keep the ship, and some of the crew running. "Follow in behind The Daedalus, stay on her ass if you have to, she's our ticket out of this sector." He said, after opening a quick com to his navigation's officers, he received a ping to his system in reply, and made his way through The Glasgow glad to be back in familiar territory.

He barely made it back onto the bridge before his communications officer turned, and spoke to him. "Sir we currently had three ships enter our sector of space, they are very similar looking to The Resurgence. They say they are with The Empire." Before he could question whether or not it was an ambush set up by The Resurgence set him up he sent a quick message asking for anyone to jam communications reassuring him that it wasn't a trap, not that an enemy would share star data with them, even if this was a trap. He sent a private communication across their ragtag little fleet. "It might take us a moment but i'm sure we can interrupt their communications, it would just take time for our systems to learn how to interface with yours. But this might sound a little crazy, but I want on one of their ships. We can get the tech needed to travel around not only now, but also get some much needed data on how this Empire operates if you do no wish to join in, then you do not have to contribute the man power. But either way these ships need to go dark, so nobody knows who we are yet." He spoke quickly, reaffirming what Jason had said earlier, that they couldn't know who they are.

With another communication this time throughout the ship he set all crews to battle stations, and set 3 boarding teams to their shuttles. They'd get what they needed on that ship with, or without the other fleets offering assistance. But for now all he could do was wait, and stand ready for combat, just like the old days, and boy did it feel good to be useful again.
Thom Chaff Garleton: The Evacuation, Evening

The guardsmen let the prince finish his back, and forth with the bandit leader before giving another sigh. This rabble would likely dissipate with the death of their leader but there was a few men between him, and their leader. As he settled his sights oh his target the mercenary with the wyvern swooped in, taking his kill. Not that he cared as long as the enemy was dead.

He turned to the two other guardsmen with him after he took in his other target. "Stay with the prince, be his shield. You move when he moves." He ordered, before charging forward moving to engage one of the archers. The archer seeing the big bull of the man charging him knocked, and loosed an arrow at him. It struck him right in the hip, it managed to slow the charge down to a limp, but the archer still didn't have enough time to knock another arrow as the ax cleaved through his paltry bow, but Thom wasn't done yet. He knocked the other man to the floor so he wouldn't have time to recover enough to draw another weapon, and went to bring his ax down. An arm shot up to try to soften the blow of the ax, but it severed right through the arm leaving the bandit screaming, but with another downward swing of his ax the screams quickly turned into a wet gargle, then silence.

Status: Upright, and defending

Class: Guard

  • Vulnerary
  • Iron Axe
Yo, i'm ere.
I've been super sick, gimmie a moment.
The Resurgence - Briefing Room

As everyone got up to leave, he picked up the transmission on his omni-tool, and listened to it intently. The Separatists, whoever they were had lost handily to the Empire, they weren't joking around these guys, and Travis had a brief doubt about how they would handle these guys. Their current engines weren't equipped enough to to travel this galaxy, and he doubted they could rebuild a relay from scratch. But the crew of one of the other human ships approached them with an offer to bring them through their warp window.

As they were about to return a reply one the other groups of aliens in the room spoke The way they carried themselves they reminded him of the Turian's, if they had a squid face, and a split jaw. As they spoke about the other humans in their universe, he came to understand that perhaps that was humanities main-stay across the multiverse. The ability to face odds that would make other races turn, and run. The plucky underdog must run through them. Turning to one of the other humans who approached him, he spoke again. "We'd appreciate it. I'm sure there is a deal we can work in in return for letting us tail you." Travis said, giving the other group of people a nod.
Travis had contented himself with listening, and taking a copy of The Resurgence's star charts. He was about to laugh at the bounty hunter, and ask them why they would want money from a universe that isn't their own. But as they spoke of taking combat to the empire he had a slight problem. It didn't strike him until this moment that he didn't have the ability to travel this galaxy as freely as the others, and the idea of following them very slowly would just bring a patrol down on him, so he had to reveal a fatal flaw to the group. "So in our universe." He gestured to the humans behind him as well. "We mainly rely on the relays to go faster than light, so we don't have the capabilities to keep up with the rest of the fleet. If one of you could give us a tow, or perhaps teach us to retrofit our engine with your technology supreme commander. Then we'd be able to keep up, but of course i'm asking a lot of you guys, so if need be i'll offer up a favor in return."

He tried to recline his chair as much as possible, this was definitely a great start to their new alliance. He was already asking for favors, he already needed their help, and asking for it felt like he was just trying to take advantage of their trust. But then again perhaps they could excuse it as he was the first to show his data, but then another thought occurred if they didn't help him that would leave everybody in the room very few options. They would have to kill him, and his crew. Or risk them falling into enemy hands if they were left behind, or risk them going to the empire directly for help. He knew who they were so he doubted they would just leave him, but he also doubted they would kill him out of the blue. That wouldn't exactly encourage cooperation, and trust among them if they started their new alliance by butchering a bunch of innocent people, of course these were extreme scenarios everyone here had a use, he was sure together they would find one for the Glasgow. "I appreciate any help nonetheless." He added in, giving a nod to the assembled leaders.
There was a flurry of questions shooting across the room, as people talked to, and fro. When the data was shared among each other his omni-tool made short work of processing it all into a translatable format. Thank the brass for the omni-tool, of course it would be slow going for the science officers, and himself to sift through it to learn anything but that left them plenty of reading time while they floated through space accomplishing things.

As the commander spoke about the empire, Travis leaned in, and listened intently. He didn't expect Sarah Wilkes behind him to speak. "When the reapers invaded Earth in our universe, they assimilated what fell to them into their ranks, the only way to feel like we made a dent against them was to strike quickly, then disappear. You say this rebel alliance started a chain of events in your universe? How about we find those rebel leaders in this universe, if they are still alive, and try to reform it. Maybe whatever brought us here, brought us here for that purpose. After all sitting here, and thinking has anyone made the connection that we're all warships? Not a civilian freighter, or science ship among us. So I propose we get what intel we can, infiltrate where we can, and kick off this powder keg. After all isn't that what warriors do best, start shit?" She finished her little speech, by stepping further forward fully standing beside her commander now.
Glasgow Crew- Currently aboard The Resurgence

As one of the aliens arrogantly expressed what was clearly on everyone's mind, Travis couldn't help but chuckle. Most of these people in the room had been travelling the galaxy, or the stars in one way, or another. He was sure they knew about interuniversal travel. Be it by science fiction vids, theories, or what have you. "The real question is what would have the ability to move ships like ours from different universes, and different locations in our galaxies. It would have to be some near omnipresent, god like being. And why would it do it? Needless to say maybe this Empire has answers, after all somehow we all ended up in this universe in some form, or another. So I suggest we be proactive then." Travis proposed to the room before looking around at the others.

He studied the other species long, and hard before finally speaking again. "I suggest our generous friend here open their star charts so we can get a picture of the galaxy we are looking at, and so we can plan our next move. Which I suggest being infiltration, and data extraction." He continued, and brought up his omni-tool. Prepared to copy the star charts of The Resurgence, and as a secondary he moved data files from the logs aboard The Glasgow, and used her transmitter to beam copies of his part of humanities data. History including the war with the machine like reapers, the council, and humanities role in saving the galaxy. data on their weapons, and technology though also secured plenty with black ink so he didn't give away all their secrets, just enough for them to know how their weapons worked, how they traveled through the relays, and of course star charts with their current course before they disappeared. "I've taken the liberty of sharing some of the Glasgow's data with everyone here, if our friend over there with the biological ship needs physical copies, we can send some over of course. But I suggest we start working together from here on out, so we should share as much data as we feel comfortable with. Especially those that were residing in the milky way galaxy so we can compare notes on where we were in the galaxy before we got pulled in. That's really all I have to say." He ended the conversation, with a quick nod to everyone at the table. And sat back waiting for the commander to give them star chart data.
Thom Chaff Garleton: The Evacuation, Evening

The guardsman hated getting ordered around by the nobility, he always had the feeling that they would throw them into the very jaws of death to advanced themselves, or so they could gloat to their buddies that they had won a battle. Even though it came at a great cost of life, he narrowed his eyes at the prince wondering which one he would choose for the gathered warriors, but needless to say he felt semi safe with the wyvern rider nearby she could probably spot danger, and keep the group from running into any ambushes along the road as the prince threw them at the bandits. He was willing to follow the princes orders, because it mean't more combat. The part of him that abhorred the violence was now locked away, there was only the part of him that had led him to survival on the battlefields of the past.

He choose to fall-in slightly to the left-front side of the prince. Taking up a defensive position in front of him, the other guardsmen following suit they still had orders to make sure that he made it off the battlefield, and while he hated the nobility. Orders, were orders. They had been drilled into his head so much that he would follow them to the T even if it was from some of the worse the nobility had to offer. After all the constant lashes, and corrections he had received when he didn't follow orders had put him on this course. In the battle addled state of his mind the warrior found it ironic that he would do anything including sacrificing the brothers who stood beside him to follow orders, so he wouldn't experience pain. Yet he willingly threw himself into combat where there was no shortage of it. He would of laugh if this was a private moment, but it wasn't.

While he examined the mercenaries around him, he did grimace. Of course they were valuable. But their only loyalty was to coin. There was no loyalty to country, or crown. So he would push any of the mercenaries back from getting too close to the prince. After all any one of them could of been working with their enemy, and if they were he didn't doubt that this would be the perfect time for someone to plunge a blade through him. "I suggest we check the inns in the city, as most of the mercenaries would be there for the night. We can ask them to help us." He said aloud, though he regretted it almost immediately after it left his mouth. He shouldn't be offering suggestions to a noble. He didn't doubt that he would receive a flogging for it later. But there was no wishing it back now, and he doubted that the prince wouldn't of heard him speak. But he could linger on the punishment later, for now he had to focus on the battle.

Status: Upright, and defending

Class: Guard
  • Vulnerary
  • Iron Axe
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