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"The man I am now is not the man you knew then, at the beginning. After the war. After your first death. After the birth of probability. I cannot, in good conscience, give you an honest answer."

I take a breath.

"I am a shade. A specter. No more tangible than the morning mist before the sunrise. My only reason for being is to set the realities on the right path. To create an order that the Impostor failed to. As a winnower of chaos." I take another breath and fight the urge welling up inside me. I have said enough. I can stop. Yet. The memories of long ago eke forth and escape like words not my own.

"But I have missed you."
Shadowhold Fields
We watch as the ships retreat and Valkyrie is stuck. We cheer. We know she is not yet defeated, but these champions from another world can fight. I grab a sword from the wreckage of the bombardment. I raise it high and roar as best my lungs will allow. We all know the plan for combating the air ships. We'll lose more than half our forces. We can only hope Lord Karnariel will be able to win with whats left. I close my eyes and let the shine of the sun warm my face. I have not lived long. I have not lived well. But I have lived with meaning. I open my eyes. Valkyrie's armada moves into position above us.

Outnumbered and betrayed. Injured and mocked. These outsiders are just a symptom of the problem. The lack of leadership by both Father and Commander is appalling. They are too soft. The only language these dogs understand is the law of might. They must be crushed and culled. Made to know their place. My steely body moves. The tolling bell that is my finger raps out an impatient annoyed rhythm. I'll show them. I'll set an example Father won't be able to ignore.

The gateway back opens. Focusing my power I use the malleable state of my world to fabricate my old body. My will flows into it. It's senses mine. It's limbs move in proxy of my own. It's an odd thing. To be a puppet of ones own will. Something not many have experienced.

I emerge from the gateway exactly where I had planned. Behind the fox girl. I can feel the presence of her foul arts. I liberate myself from them as I grasp her by the throat. She'll not be able to do that again. She's stronger than any human or god has the right to be. I act before she can overpower me.

My power flows through this body like an ocean through a river. It envelopes her like winter winds. Now she is free. After all, what is banishment but freedom from everything you know. She will not be able to return so easily. I can only do this a few times before the power be comes unstable. I scan the battle field. Karnariel hasn't spotted me yet. I can't see the one that follows the old ways. But my eyes do find the angel.

My power gathers like a snow drift aside the mountain. I let it rush over me. I am momentarily free from the world. When the winds die down I am before the angel. I summon my spear-sword.

"I've come for your head angel. Any last words before you die?"
I hadn't thought we would find ourselves here. This spectre of the past come to engage me. It's as though the eternities of penance I endured wasn't enough. I take a deep breath as I conjure a chair. I sit down across from this vision of my past and prepare to face whatever this next moment has in store.
Meadow of Emergence
"I don't know what he's told you but you can't trust everything he says. He has us out searching for this Dark Existence. Umbra he calls it. We're finding it for him to retrieve. I think he's planning to accumulate it all and destroy it along with himself." Alistair stops for a moment. As if his attention was drawn away. When he focuses back he's a little more panicked. "I have to go. Any longer and he'll notice. It's so nice to see you. If we're lucky we can meet again soon."

With that said Alistair blinks out of existence to some far away place.
Shadow Hold
Kara screams in pain as blood erupts from her arms and she recoils defensively from Karnariel. Seeing his opening Karnariel presses his advantage. Kara attempts to defend from his onslaught to no avail. With a sudden and powerful strike Karnariel cleaves her head from her shoulders. Kara disintegrates into particles of light.

As the last of the particles fade from existence Karnariel stays alert. He keeps his head on a swivel.
The Meadow of Emergence
She arrives just in time. Any longer and I'd raise suspicion. The shadows on the Meadow hide me well but I'm sure she knows I'm here. I step out into the moonlight that has settled in the center of the Meadow.

"I'm glad you made it. Princess, forgive the urgency, your father mustn't know I'm here." I remove my hood. To reveal myself. She knows me as her uncle. But in truth I am her father. Or at least an important part of his existence. His emotions.

Lilianna has matters she needs to attend to. All the more better for me to find the next outbreak of Umbra. There are a few points where it has amassed. Too much for me to handle alone. But... if I had more hands. No, I can't rely on them. Not now. I wave Lilianna off and close my eyes to focus. I want to get at least one more before settling down for rest.

Then, the replica asks something unexpected.
"I do. Very much I do." The memories churn in my mind like oil. The slightest spark ignites them and makes my head an inferno. I miss every incarnation of her. Each one taught me something important. Each one was what I needed when I needed it. No one could ask for a better partner. Even if I am a ghost. My heart is just. And this task is one no one but I could accomplish. I decide to ask my own questions.

"Do you think a memory has the right to dream?"
Skies above Shadow Hold
Kara swats debris from the air as it crashes to the ground below. Her armada is broken.
"So there are fighters among you." A wicked smile creeps onto her face as she raises her glaive. "But a fighter's will is always outdone by the guile of a trickster."

Thunderous booms as ships appear to replace those that fell. From on high her threat still stands. Kara looks down at her enemy. She raises her hand. Her second in command steers his ship over to her side.
"Forgive me ma'am. We are still waiting for more soldiers to arise. It would seem most of our forces haven't finished their death phase."
"So be it. How long until we're ready for another volley?" Kara questions.
"Half an hour." The First Mate responds.
"Pull the fleet back to minimum safe distance. I want you ready to fire the second you've the man power." Kara orders. The ships crack and boom as they vanish, instantly appearing miles away in the sky.

"You've bought your army time enough to muse their death. In the time until, I will destroy this coup you have so foolishly devised." Kara says. She starts to taunt again but a ferocious roar cuts her words off.

"KARA!!!!" Karnariel streaks across the sky atop the sword usually at his hip. The blade is aflame and cuts a searing path through the air. He brandishes a second, divine blade, and clashes with Kara.

"Hello there Kar. Long time no see." Kara taunts. Karnariel lets out an unintelligible howl. He attempts to overpower her but to no avail.

"Traitorous Snake!! I am your reckoning!!!" The two part and dance around each others blades briefly before clashing again. "For mother! For Father! You die today!!"
Zaak frowns. He wanted to fight. Getting up from the table he pouts his way over to The Boss.
"Would you kindly hand over that time piece of yours?" Zaak asks. Without a fuss The Boss removes the watch from his wrist and passes it to Zaak. Zaak promptly crushes it. Thick tar like reality oozes from between his fingers. It is enveloped with Zaaks own Umbra and vanishes. "Another problem, solved. Come on. We're done here."

"Hey, that was my watch." The Boss says.
"Would you kindly kill yourself." Zaak replies. Without hesitation The Boss pulls out his gun. Though it seems he is intent on shooting Zaak he quickly turn the gun on himself. "That goes for everyone else as well." Zaak says. The room is soon filled with dead gangsters. Zaak takes a moment to admire his work. With a quick swipe of his hand he opens a rift to The Oasis.

"Come on."
Karn Throneroom
The Commander meets Razz's gaze and muses pensively.
"What wild beast are you, to attack my royal court then make demands of me. We were all gathering to discuss matters regarding our citizens. Yet you kill men who did nothing but rightly defend my guests. Even dogs know when to heel." The Commander says. Almost muttering under their under their breath they follow it with. "You have one chance to explain yourself. One. Go."

Shadow Hold
Valkyrie observes the two that came out to meet her. She holds her hand up, signalling to postpone the next volley. She shifts, annoyed and seemingly out of patience. Her glaive appears in hand. The three headed blades are perpendicular and golden.
"That didn't sound like a surrender." She says almost to herself. She drops her hand and the armada fires.
Shadow Hold
Valkyrie smiles.
"Talk is for old men and idle housewives. I am Karasviel, Knight Captain of the Peacekeepers. Your actions here stand in direct offence to the Crown. Surrender yourselves to my mercy or be cut down." Despite saying this Valkyrie holds up her hand to signal to hold the Gunships from launch. The uneasy ceasefire just a hands motion away from ending.

Below, Baruss digs the elder fox sibling from the rubble with the help of G. He looks scanning for more lifeforms. "Where is the young one?"

Out in the field the three armies attempt to rally with the time Lexianna has bought them. But with such a devastating surprise attack they are still in wild disarray and reeling.
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