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  • Old Guild Username: Drummer-Dan
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    1. drummer-dan 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Am in the process of setting up and making arrangements for my new project. Experienced, Proactive RPers welcome to enquire


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I hioe everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I dont celebrate it myself being English but i hope my American compatriots had a good day
I have posted!
Capitol city of Barcea

Passing under the huge Golden arch into the capitol was an incredible feeling, Lyrena watched in awe as the horse trotted gracefully through it, it was like a scene from a parade.
The change in atmosphere was evident right away as the hussle and bussle of busy city life erupted around them. The residents soon, however, noticed who had passed through their city gates and parted, bowing deeply to their prince and his companions as theg passed.
Lyrena had been physically and emotionally drained from the journey back to her homeland, it was apparent in wvery aspect of her being, it showed in her face but mostly in her movement which had now become hindered and somewhat lethargic. She noticed an Inn a short way up the path on which they were travelling and informed the Prince of her situation.

"Your highness, I'm afraid I must temporarily depart, i haven't managed decent sleep for what seems like a lifetime and the Inn ahead presents me with an opportunity I'm afraid i can not refuse." Her words were clear but lacked enthusiasm.

She waited for the convoy to slow to a halt before dismounting, she headed for the door, turning to face her companions.

"You will find me here if I am needed, I plan to make myself at home in this city for a while. Please, do find me when you decide your course of action, include me in any plans you make... and again thank you "
She turned and entered the Inn.


The water was cooling now, it ran a course across her body which would soon become unbearable as it returned to its natural cold state. She thought hard on a time where she had showered for a longer period than this one. There wasn't one. Grasping the faucet and turning it killed the stream and left an unwelcome silence, the lack of audible distraction brought her mind back to that village. She blinked the images of death from her mind and took a warm towel from the rack, wrapping it around her body.
The clear blue sky was warming, it's presence was welcoming and offered respite from overwhelming stress that her body and mind had endured these last weeks. Now, however, she had arrived not only home in Barcea, but in the Capitol itself where she thought Arvis would be heading, she would have to keep an eye open for him from now on.
Walking over to the bed she lay down and felt its embrace as her body fell into it, she let out a sigh and slid under the duvet and into a warmth and comfort she had not felt for many weeks, the deep sleep that followed had not been felt either but was more than welcome now, though only a nap, the decent rest would restore her enough to allow logical thinking and strength enough to head up to castle afterward.
Lyrena Stomfort

"......" Silence, deathly silence. The kind that can only be created by death and destruction of this magnitude.
Lyrena stood motionless, she felt a tear roll down her cheek, however, no sound could escape her lips. The scene was one of such intense horror that she couldn't properly process it. She managed to find some composure and steeled herself for the horrors that would still lay ahead. She walked past numerous houses, gardens, playgrounds even, all were packed full of people and animals, the only thing lacking was life.
She stopped at one of the playgrounds, feeling her lips quiver and her eyes dampening with tears, she threw her head into her raised hands and sobbed aloud, uncontrollably. She saw the lifeless bodies of children laying unnaturally on the ground, some of them didn't even have time to leave the equipment they were playing on, some had probably been too young to even know what was going on around them as they watched their terrified mothers desoerate attemlts to reach them before their attackers.
Lyrena looked away and moved in the opposite direction as fast as she could, she tried desperately to rid herself of the image she had witnessed, her efforts were in vain.

A noise, perhaps it was just the wind? Or the restless spirits clutching to this world, longing for the lives they lost.
No, it was definitely a sound, human, and close by.
She looked around, her eyes sore from the tears as well as the fumes of the burning houses. However she managed still to locate the source of the noise, a short way off in a clearing to her right she saw an overly large figure accompanied by a few others, she pulled an arrow from her quiver and drew down her bow, unthreatening but prepared was she as she approached the group.

Cyril she noticed first, the young Prince of Barcea, if he was here then this people must be his Sentinels, they definitely would not have played any part in this catastrophe. She looked at him and addressed him personally before any of the others.

"Your royal highness, my name is Lyrena and approach with peace. Please sir, please tell me what happened here, who did this?" She asked, trying to conceal another bout of tears.

Making progress with my posts :)
I have likewise stumbled upon a busy period but should be able to finish my posg in the next few days. Sorry for thr delay
Awesome thanks bro, the plan is to have Lyrena basically walk straight ibto them, while Arvis is going to, effectively, cut them off and they will end up running into him.
I havent written for Vant yet, I'm waiting until the group gets together first before I introduce his story.
Hey guys! I'm currently working up a post, Lyrena will be meeting up with the group in this next post, can i just clarify where you are within the village just to make it easier for me to write in.
Arvis won't be there yet but shall be joining shortly after.
Anyone here still on XBox 360 by the way?
Funnily enough, im awful at Guitar hero, with regards to drumming on guitar hero or rockband i have to have it on hard or expert as it is played how it would be played on real drums
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