Avatar of druple
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 203 (0.05 / day)
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    1. druple 10 yrs ago


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I'm not really the type to spend hours working on my bio. However, my name is Dru and I enjoy the occasional roleplay. I like to consider myself one of the biggest nerds for Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, and several animes. I'm a bit of a romantic, but romance can never replace a good plot and I would rather have none if it ensures that the story will remain fresh and exciting.

I usually try to be very friendly. I will reciprocate the respect that you bring to the table. I prefer most of my roleplay partners to be at least 17+. Though I will make exceptions based on maturity usually. That's pretty much it. If you have any questions past that I'm afraid you'll have to message me.

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Post coming later today. Gonna wait for Caeramon to come over and it should drop before midnight at the very least.
Barioth said
I'm just waiting for plot advancement.

Trust me. It's about to happen.
Well thanks, I didn't think so. Hope to hear from you soon.
Was trying to wait on the others, but I suppose I'll advance the plot again. >.>
You kids still alive?
Work your way to the bigger ghorbs while eating the smaller ones along the way.
I'm not! :D

Okay so catching wild pokemon is extremely hard to roleplay. I realize that now. T_T
...without the weak, there would be no strong..

Ren chuckled. “I suppose you’re right. I guess I should be thankful you’re around then.” He replied with a half smile. The trainer was glad that Skye didn’t push the subject of his secrets. At least she knew when he didn’t want her to pry into his personal life. Perhaps she wasn’t as tactless as he had originally thought. In all honesty, Ren was sure that Skye wasn’t near as feeble as he tried to play her off to be. With her knowledge of pokémon, it was obvious that she may be on par with his own skill level.

At his inquiry of what her opinion about the oddish consisted of, she proved his theory further. Her reasoning was that the biggest was not always the best. After further pondering his choices, Ren decided to go with her judgment. If the pokémon wasn’t satisfactory he could always release it back into the wild or catch another one. “I’ll take your word for it. Let’s hope you’re not wrong.” Ren commented light heartedly.

“Genesis, you know what to do.” Normally he would choose Pig for such a fight, but the type advantage would probably damage the oddish far too much. The whistle he used to call the pidgeotto would alert the grass/poison type to their presence anyways. The umbreon knew how to pull his punches enough to keep from knocking the target out.

In response Genesis took a step forward awaiting further commands from his trainer. Ren pondered for a moment. “Target the one with the largest leaves. Hit it with assurance. Try not to hit the oddish with full force, we don’t want to damage it too much.” Ren was sure that Genesis’ level was far above the wild pokémon’s. With a nod, the umbreon initiated the battle. In the blink of an eye he had covered half the distance between him and the foe. With a leap, the dark type pokémon glanced the side of the grass type. That was the weakest attack in his arsenal and toxic would be ineffective considering the typing of the oddish.

The wild pokémon gave a cry of pain, losing its balance and releasing a large amount of stun spores into the air. Genesis sneezed, clearly affected by the defenses that the oddish had put into the area. The umbreon stumbled about, fighting against the paralyzing effects of the spores. Surprisingly, the wild pokémon was struggling against the ailment. The trainer knew that this was due to the synchronize ability of the umbreon inflicted the same status ailment to his foe. Afraid to attack again for fear of knocking it completely unconscious, Ren riffled through his pack for a moment. He produced an empty pokeball.

With a grunt he tossed it in the direction of the enemy. Upon contact, it opened up absorbing the leafy pokémon. The pokeball shook once as the oddish struggled to get out. It shook twice, the movements of the capsule becoming feebler. On the third shake it became still, indicating that he had successfully captured the oddish. Ren turned his attention back to Skye. “I was a bit worried I would kill it.” He voiced truthfully. “Excuse me, I have to attend to Genesis.” The umbreon was struggling against the paralyzation. Ren walked towards his partner, simultaneously removing one of the paralyze heals from his bag. “I’m sorry. I was being brash.” He told the umbreon, spraying the medicine on the trembling body of his pokémon. After a moment the ailment seemed to fade and Genesis shook his body from head to tail. “You feel better buddy?” Ren commented and the umbreon nodded in confirmation.

The blonde retrieved the new addition to his party with a large smile. “I’ll let him rest a bit, and then I’ll tend to him as well.”
Caeramon said
Lets stay away from the nickname...Oh, and the post is up.

Bahahaha. Fair enough. xD

Once Ant returns from his own exploration and a few more posts get in. We will continue the plot. I think you will all be satisfied with the action in store. :P
Edun and Bram hurtled down the hall, attempting to locate the elders. The halls were unnaturally quiet today. It was very unlike Shattermane to remain silent. As they paused at the end of the hall the Drow had pulled even with them. Edun gave him a curt nod. The human wasn’t particularly fond of elves, but this was no time to bring forth an argument over races. As Bram elaborated on the plan further Edun voiced his agreement. From there the trio had split in different directions. Eager to find the fate of the veterans Edun felt his pace increase. Upon reaching the large oak doors leading into the western wing, he took a moment to calm himself. What he saw next left him speechless.

The west wing was in shambles. A battle had clearly taken place. Edun’s heart began to race. No.. He found himself thinking repeatedly as a lump formed in his throat. Armor was strewn everywhere, some ripped into pieces. Had he not been so used to battle, he imagined he would have spewed his breakfast onto the stone floor. Pinned to the wall by his own bastard sword was his mentor, a man that Edun had come to be quite fond of. “Loric…” Edun’s voice rang through the halls full of grief. The man was clearly dead, blood trailing down the wall forming into a puddle on the ground. The pool of gore was congealed, indicating that the man had been lifeless for a while.

“Is anyone here?” Edun called out, but the only noise that returned was his own echoes. A sob escaped his lips, and the greenhorn dragoon was overwhelmed in his own sorrow. He walked the halls of the quarters finding evidence of more struggles. Some were killed in their own beds, while others were clearly trying to flee from Lucia. That bitch. She killed my mentor. She killed the elders. The moans of his mourning became quieter. Instead replaced with a burning anger. A rage that was being fueled by the deaths of his comrades. She will pay. I will make her pay.

Turning his back on the struggle, he closed the door to the west wing once more. Their deaths would not be in vain. Without another backwards glance he returned to where the trio had departed. He wiped his face to rid himself of his tears. Of the evidence that he had a moment of weakness. The human was sure that Ant and Bram would discover the same fates of their companions in the rooms they had been charged with investigating. When he returned, he shook his head in Bram’s direction. “They clearly perished at the traitor’s hands.” Edun said bitterly. The brunette awaited Antafien's return with baited breath.
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