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I'll have Jim run into someone eventually, just didn't wanna write too big of a post
Lex stood impatiently above the door as the little girl and Jim squeezed into the hole. Before following the two into safety, she glanced down either side of the alley. As she looked down the side behind her, she noticed someone running hurriedly towards her. “Y-YOU GOTTA HELP ME! P-PLEASE.”

It was an older man, yet not “Jim old,” and his veiny, red eyes were frantic and swollen. As he waited for an answer, his eyes would continuously search the surrounding area. Lex could see the man’s hands shaking severely. “DRAGONS. FIRE-BREATHING DRAGONS. THEY’RE COMING.” Lex looked at the man as if he were crazy. “You mean the creatures?” She said slowly.


Lex continued staring at the man. “Alright, then.” All in one breath, Lex whipped out her knife and, with the dull end of the knife, wacked the man on the back of the head. The man now lay on the ground in a slump and Lex quickly hurried into the hole, slamming the door shut and locking it tight.

“What was’at noise?” Jim asked her.

“Nothing, I was just talking to myself,” she replied, pulling the backpack off of her back and throwing it to the ground. “So, did you get anythin’ good?” Spoke Jim again.

“No. Who’s the girl?” Lex was not happy with Jim. Not only had he disobeyed her instructions, but he welcomed a complete stranger into his company. Even though she was a child, it was possible she was with others who may be looking for her. There was no way she could survive out there all on her own.

“This is Kat,” Jim patted the top of the little girls head. “She was sittin’ just outside waitin’ for ‘er brother, so I decided to wait with ‘er.” Jim spoke joyfully as usual, ignoring the anger in Lex’s voice.

Lex stuck both of her hands in her hair, “Are you stupid? Someone’s looking for her. What happens when they find her? We have no idea who this is and whether he’ll rip our heads off or not! When are you going to start thinking before you act, Jim? The world isn’t like it used to be.” Jim let Lex go off on her rant and gave Kat a sideways glance. “Ya hungry?” He asked Kat while walking to an almost empty shelf. Jim handed her a can of peaches whether she had said yes or no. After that, he grabbed a dusty blue blanket and put it over Kat’s shoulders. Jim could tell Lex was burning holes into the back of his head with her glare, but he continued on as if she weren’t there.

A few days later and Lex still wasn’t speaking to Jim. She lay fast asleep on the ground facing the wall, a once soft, fuzzy purple blanket now tattered and dull spread across her whole body. “Psst,” Jim tapped on Kat’s shoulder, unsure if she were sleeping or awake. “I need to get some fresh air, wanna go f’er a walk?” Lex ordered that they stay underground for a few days, and they did just that. Now, three days later, Jim was restless and needed get away from this stale, dusty air. Quietly, Jim made his way to the steep steps and slowly unlatched the door. Up above there wasn’t a thing in site and it was so quiet you would almost question if you were deaf. He didn’t look back to see if Kat would follow, but he assume she would. It would be awkward in the cave alone with Lex, especially since Lex despised her. Maybe even them both?

Once outside, Jim stretched his arms, flabby from weight loss, straight into the air and then side to side, letting out a big sigh following. He began walking down the alley, first waiting for Kat, and began humming a little tune. Of course he was on high alert, just in the case of Brute appearing, but there was no reason for any to be attracted to this place. Unless, of course, there were others in the area who weren’t being careful of how loud they were.
ByeliVolk said
Name: Timothy "White Wolf" VolkAge: 23Gender: Male: Tim stands at five foot eight inches tall with a athletic build and developed muscles, not bulging but built overtime and more endurance than weight lifting style, and broad shoulders. He has long black hair tied in a ponytail and a black beard that he keeps neatly trimmed, it looks like long sideburns that meet with a goatee, with deep brown eyes.Tim wears a White T-shirt and black over-shirt with black cargo pants and black combat boots with high sides.:1- K-Bar knife, 1 Camel pack, 1 Head mounted flashlight, 1 Alice pack, 1 Shasqua (Saber), 1 Walking stick, 1 Hoodie (black), 1 Jacket (brown), 1 Pair Combat Jack boots, 1 pair of Cargo pants (black), 1 pair of goggles, 10ft of rope, 4 rolls of duct tape, 1 pack of water filtration kit, 1 set of mechanics tools, 1 trimming kit, 1 boot polishing kit, and a 4lb hammer .:CQC (Defensive strikes and grapples specialized in quick and fast take downs), German sword fencing, Survival skills (Military and Native American). First Aid, Quick learning and Adaptive.:Tim is very loyal to friends and is group oriented, but can survive on his own. Keeps calm in heavy or serious situations and reacts well under pressure. He is very relaxed and easy going but suspicious of new comers or strangers until he can some what gage the personality.: Timothy Volk grew up in the Northeastern part of South Dakota on a farm stead. His father's side of the family is a long time standard of being in the military and also due to Native American Heritage big into survival training and practicing of their customs. His mothers' side of the family is mostly farmers and college graduates who are extremely intelligent and very fast learners. From a young age Tim was taught how to farm and fix farm equipment and motor vehicles on the fly with very little resources on hand. Also was put through ruck sack hikes and military boot camp style training, such as learning how to properly use and maintain firearms of wild variety. Due to his background Tim excelled well into school and had great interests in tinkering with anything he could get his hands onto wanting to learn how everything ticked and worked. He also had a wild imagination and loved hand to hand combat and also sword play which his father had taught him on a day to day basis. When Tim was a teenager he took this a little to far and studied swords and metallurgy in order to have a background in smithing and machining in order to ply a craft or trade in order to make money in his later life. At the age of 18 Tim applied for the military but was turned down due to certain problems. From being rejected from the military Tim decided to go out into the world and learn more about it from culture to job experience he traveled the East Coast from Maine to Florida before he returned home to South Dakota. After returning he went to a local University and studied mathematics and history to hopefully earn his bachelor degree while working a full time job. When the apocalypse happened Tim gathered his traveling and fathers military gear and met up with his friends. Due to one of his buddies they decided to go East in order to commandeer a bought and head out to less populated islands where they could live off the land and stay away from roaming bandits and monsters hoping to live out for a few years before returning to mainland to see what humanity had left to offer. But one faithful night just east of Duluth, Minnesota Tim and company were attacked by raiders. Split up after the attack he continued east hoping to find a trace of his friends or complete the mission the friends and him had set out to do.

He shall be added to the archive. ^_^
Wowza, I haven't posted in 6 days... I'll get on that as soon as I finish this photography project.
Mateotis, do you consider a 26 year old male as an 'old man?' Hahaha
Both characters are accepted and shall be added to the archive once I get home; which will be in approximately 4 hours. Gotta love long car rides...

@Thundercat hah, I know how you feel.
New posting order?
MissCapnCrunch said

Sounds good. :)
Currently she is interacting with Theos
Theos had just discovered her
She is supposed to be a sort of mystery character that has the capability to be treated similar to an NPC, so Esa explained to me.
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