• Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Dumbapple
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 31 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Dumbapple 10 yrs ago


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Hello, I am Dumbapple. Call me Dumb for short. I am a college student on the downward slope of graduating pretty soon, so my free time is little. I am an apple. Therefore no gender so don't ask. I like to eat cookies.... and apples. I know right? Its wrong. But I'm not really an apple. But I am an apple... apple. Bleep bloop. Apple out.

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An hour past when he decided that Ava finally went to sleep and had no further wishes for freedom, at least for the night. He looked up at the dark cloudy sky as white specks were falling about him. He turned around and left back to his "cage." A few more hours passed when he was awaken from his light sleep. Standing over him wasn't the magistrate, but another. His dark blue eyes narrowed as he recoginized the face and used all the will power he had to hold back his attack.
"Sandra." He said bluntly. Before him was a mage who was his master's prized apprentice. A woman who personally tortured him as a child. Her dark eyes glared at him, but she had a cattish grin that unsettled him.

"I heard the dog came back to his master. What a good boy you are."

Andreios made a quick movement, standing now, but the woman stepped back, and readied a spell. Tilting her head and giving an innocent look she laughed. "I've heard everything. How funny it is to see you like this. It's like looking into the eyes of a mad dog. How does James think he's going to tame you again. I suppose time will do that won't it. I'm only here to tell you that little Ava's fiance is here. Came in the morn. Her father is very adimant that things go well. But," her grin became wider, "You need to stay put for a few days. You think you can out smart your master, dog? He knows what you are planning."

"That's great. Perhaps he'll be kind enough to tell me." Andreios growled, clenching his fists. "because I don't know what you're talking about."

"As much as she may want and try, she won't remember you. No matter what you tell that girl about her father, she won't side with you. You might as well give up, and be a good dog."

"You would like that." He calmed himself however. "Ava, isn't as easily manipulated as you think. You will see that."

"Yes, we shall." She took a seat by the door and crossed her legs. "Shall we play a game dog?"
Andreios nodded at her. "There is no need to worry Ave." He gave a soft smile, which felt completely off for he was never the kind of guy who smiled... Even when it was just him and Ava. "And most certainly do not worry of me. How can I be lonely when you exist in the same world as myself." This statement was so true he thought. Even when he was erased from her memory she still clung to him, was still drawn to him... She still cared for him when he was nothing but a slave. He wished he could have saved her... but as all humans were however, he was greatly flawed and saw to his own downfall. "Stay safe m'lady. And have sweet dreams." He turned away from the door, shutting it behind him softly. He would stay outside her room a bit longer, to make sure she didn't have any plans of escape.
Andreios sighed, "Its simple Ava. I am a slave." He said this rather calmly. He figured if she thought that was the reason for everything, things would go more smoothly for him. She might even trust him a little. Also, if she knew her father kept him as a slave she would see him for what he really was, a monster. "I belong to your father, I am no more than your guard dog." He leaned against her door way, his dark blue eyes looking past her, through the window as if he was a caged bird, longing for freedom. "This is why everyone is acting the way they do Ava. It is evident that you have a crush on me. And your father wishes to keep my identity a secret from you because he doesn't want you to do anything rash. Thus, you must not let on you know. I could be killed as result." He hoped adding the last part would convince her to keep her mouth shut on knowing... for it would likely be her life lost, and not his own.
"You can go back to your room." He smiled gently at the girl, and for a moment he didn't looked like a kicked dog, he seemed like himself. "You can stay safe. And try to smile. It may hurt you to see me like this, but you have no idea how seeing you like this hurts me." Seeing him as if he was a distant stranger. Her not knowing him. Not recalling anything that the two of them went through together. He hated how she couldn't know how fiercely he loved her. His hand gently traced her cheek, and it took everything in him not to kiss her. If he wanted to be the one he loved, he needed to out smart James. Kill him. And to do that, he needed Ava safe.

"I'll take you back, Come on my lady."
"Nothing." Andreios answered bluntly, "Nothing is happening to you, as long as you return back to your quarters where you'll be safe." Andreios dared to pat the girl on the head. It looked so painful, this magic, but he knew Ava was stronger that it. Eventually, in time, it would break. "Trust that I will fix everything." It was to much to hope that she would remember, but time would fix that. Apparently James didn't account for this, the possibility that Ava could beat this.... and if he did. Andreios didn't want to think about it. He couldn't let his thoughts waver any long as they did. He needed to be sure in his actions. He needed to be sure of Ava. "Try not to hurt yourself over a feeling my lady. The best way you can help me is if you do not anger your father. There will be a time when all makes sense, today is not that day. Now I repeat. Return to your room my lady."
"Ah, her ladyship. I was expecting you." He voice was low, with a twinge of annoyance. "You should be in your room. Your father will be displeased to see that you have gone. I do advise you to return." With out letting her to defend her stance, or say anything the man took her by the arm and was already dragging her back. "I don't have any wishes to listen to your complaints if you have any my lady. I only wish to serve and protect you. I mean this. Understand my hand are bound, and there is only so much I can do. Be patient and play along with your father's interests. Give me time." He knew he was spouting nonsense to the girl. Ava was probably far from understanding what he meat by all this. His hope was that she would blindly follow his advice. He needed her blind trust in him that she had shown before.

"And please Ave" He said, almost pained as he used 'Ave' instead of her title or her name, "Do not refer me to Master Andreios. I am no more than a pet to your father, and the furthest thing from Master of anything."
Andreios wanted to ask how he would kill her... but there was likely some evil enchantment involved. He merely nodded, he would keep her safe. But he knew her... she was a runner. That was how he found her in the first place was it not. The more and more Andreios thought about it, it would be easiest to simply kill James.... But things were never that simple. He could pick Ava up and run away. They'd be tracked.... Maybe if he just told Ava the truth about the whole ordeal? She'd dismiss him or worse, believe him and do something reckless.

The man merely nodded, looking at James with hatred. He silently followed Ave back to her room. Knowing her... she'd use the window to escape so he took to the out side, underneath her balcony. Waiting for the girl to try to leave.
Andreios paused, he was looking at his master, but his mind was reeling back. Had he met Ava before? His memories of a child were fuzzy and confusing. But there she was. His master's girl. He was a few years older than her, which seemed more of an difference then. She was kind to him. Too kind. All she wanted to do was to follow him around like a puppy. Back then he didn't seem to care. He simply accepted the girl's presence as he accepted many things. Had she liked him? Did she really? What was it about him that attracted her to him... He looked at James and narrowed his eyes. He would give no reaction. He would keep his calm and answer accordingly, like he would have... Like a good, mindless slave. "I see my lord." He looked away from his master and looked at Ava. The girl looked so... cute. He wanted to hold her, tease her about this. He wanted to look into her eyes and say nonsense. This, this pained him. The knowledge that he couldn't do it now. "Your daughter has poor tastes."
Andreios felt his heart stop when Ava had examined and commented on his necklace.... Which for some reason he kept.... even though, it was a symbol of a lie. It was originally made to be weaponized against him had he found out she was a Mage... but it never came to that did it. When Ava retreated back to her father his hand came over the stone, touching the cool smooth surface and was greeted with memories of better times. Times when he was 'free'. He began to wish he had simply ran off with Ave when he had the chance, instead, he allowed vengeance to cloud his reason. Raine had told him of this. The bandit, or what ever the freelancer was, had, many of times, told him he was much to spirited with revenge. She traveled with him for a year, but had him down in a week. The woman would bother him with seemingly pointless things, like Ava. He only told her about her once, and from then Raine was determined to get him back to her. However, it was Kain that brought him back to her... Because Raine was in dire need of a good healer... The slave shook his head and looked forward. Ava's mother wanted him to save her little girl, from the man she knew to be her father. If Raine, hell, if Kain were there, they would tell him to do the same. And the sad part was... he knew it had to be him. Only he could save her at this time. No one else...

Andreios stayed a good distance from his master and Ava, but following still. His dark blue eyes narrowed on his master. It was pure hatred he felt for the man. A man he had once loved... Andreios could recall his childhood filled with the want to make his master happy, like one's dog would feel. It sickened him, and still did to think he was just like that, and many slaves feel that way. It made him want to rip the heart right out of the man... But his priority was to save Ava... not kill his master. Not anymore.

Sighing, the man shut the stables behind him and followed back to the main house with out a word.
I absolutely adore the Ranger's Apprentice series! I would love to Rp with you Daxam. Just pm please if you are still looking for partners.
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