Avatar of duskreaper
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    1. duskreaper 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Sorry to anyone who is currently roleplaying with me, I will be on hiatus for a bit due to a loss in the family. I'll be back once I am able.


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I'm really just playing with this idea in my head, and I have no idea if it would go anywhere, but I still felt the need to share it.

Back when I was about 13 or so, I was really into the silent hill series. My best friend and I at the time roleplayed our own little universe where the characters of the games were trapped in silent hill, but in a dimension of it where they had to basically remain in a purgatory-like state. They weren't alive, but they couldn't die. They had to carry out their days attempting to keep a functioning township, and occasionally they were sent orders from the Gods via one of the cultists (usually Claudia). The people of the town have the ability to find happiness, even get together and start a family (although it may seem like a bit of a stretch to be pregnant in purgatory).

Being 13 it was a bit of a cheesey basis, but it was fun, and looking back on it, the rp could still be fun to try out again. Though I am no longer in contact with this former best friend, I have carried the love of the series with me to this day, and I would love to start an RP on this with a similar basis. I think it would be best in private, but it would be fun to attempt.

I have certain pairings I enjoyed for it, but there are plenty I am open to as well. There are also certain characters I enjoy roleplaying as. My only issue is that I only follow specific games in the series: Silent Hill (the original), Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill 4: The Room, and Silent Hill Homecoming. I am somewhat familiar with Origins, but as it wasn't one I thoroughly enjoyed, I am not as knowledgeable about it. I do not consider shattered memories or downpour games of the series (just my personal feelings).

My preferred pairings are:
Alex x Elle (OTP)
Claudia x Vincent
Walter x Lisa
Angela x Harry (I know, weird)
James x Mary/Maria
Henry x Eileen

I feel like other pairings could work out as well, but I am an avid shipper of Alex x Elle.

Characters I am comfortable with rping:

If you have any interest, please either post here or PM me. I am very willing to tweak things around, and even possibly add a few OC's in there. Not a TON but ones that are suitable.
Hey there!

I've had a lot of ideas lately for various random rps. I really enjoy doing 18+ roleplays where adult stuff comes into play. I also like to explore the dark side of roleplay a lot. I think the best I can do is give you a list of various genres and ideas that I'd be up for roleplaying.


Apocalyptic or Post-Apocalyptic

I do also enjoy a mixture of different genres depending on the theme. I have always wanted to do an rp where the basis of it involves a town or a city, and multiple characters are used, even if it means building up from just two until we gradually get more.

I had a few random ideas as well I would like to build from:
-Someone who left a city/town, only to return years later
-Black Market dealings
-Characters who have dealt with abuse, and are trying to get better through friendship and/or romance
-S&M is always an option for me. I can play both roles well depending on my partner and have few reservations
-For supernatural themed rps, I like the idea of focusing on a clan, werewolves are often enjoyable, but I do have specifications...
-The idea of young people who sort of run away from home/where ever, and become a sort of family, and work hard to make it through life
-Ancient universes in which there are sorcerers, slaves, emperors/empresses, and mythical beings.

What I like in a roleplay (random facts):
-I love playing opposite of nerdy/geeky male characters or even characters with a lot of intellect
-I enjoy playing males and females, and will gladly do either
-I like to do adult scenes in rps, and I do go into details
-I'm open to roleplays in which I can use a variety of characters, classes, races, and sexualities.
-Making characters grow into their desired selves is what I enjoy a LOT
-I like playing the obsessive female character who will do anything for their male counterpart
-I also like playing the person being obsessed over
-While I like anime, I prefer the cutesy school themed anime stories the most
-I like making groups of four, such as four main characters, two I play, and two my partner plays. Often I ship two of them, while the other two are best friends.

*For any 18+ related questions or preferences, please PM me. Also, please list things you are not comfortable with so I won't do them!*

Types of Males I play:
-sarcastic guys who have been through rough times, but are good at heart
-wealthy guys that are often mischievous and can either be good or evil
-strong silent types that are protective, and intimidating to other males
-geeky, funny, perverted guys who can be heroic
-sensitive, fragile gay guys that may or may not enjoy doing drag
-bad boy, goth/punk style, gay guys that are more dominant (Often people are surprised they turn out gay)
-Heroic, and strong guys who are very loyal, and are often attracted to girls they've been friends with for years
-Disturbed, and angry guys who like to watch the world burn

Types of Females I play:
-Girls who have been hurt in the past, and are strong, but not always trusting
-Sweet, and good hearted girls who seek true love
-Essentric girls who hide their obsessive behaviours (Best paired with gothic males)
-Girls with very big hearts that try to make it in a rough world
-Naughty girls who sometimes go for shy/inexperienced guys
-Dominant women
-Submissive women
-Supportive girls who enjoy making their partners happy above all else (Good with M/F, F/F, or Trans/F)
-Sadistic evil girls who have been pushed too far
-Shy, awkward girls who have been bullied

Leave me a post here or PM me if you're interested in a long term RP partner willing to do various ideas!
Jube looked at her and nodded, "Alright."

He lingered for a moment, seemingly indecisive before suddenly he threw his arms around Kestral and held her close. He didn't pull away immediately, instead he just held onto her. "Thank you." He spoke softly.

Milo landed on a rock down below before shifting back into his human form. He looked around taking in the fact that the area was definitely large enough for them to practice flying, and if Jube took a crash, there was water below him. Milo nodded a bit, and then looked up at the falls waiting for Jube.
Milo smiled softly and nodded, "That I can do. I've been flying since I was a child, and I think I can be a teacher too. Would you like to stay here while I take him flying or shall we move elsewhere?"

Jube looked at the waterfall, "Perhaps we could all come down, that way we can fly around over the water, and Kestral can rest with Lupo."

Milo nodded, "Alright, let's go then." He shifted into a crow and flew out.

Jube looked at Kes, "Ready?"
"The Dragon Clan were once extremely feared by the humans. They were sorcerers that could take form of dragons. They were one of the most powerful living species up until they were hunted down by 'Dragon Slayers'." Jube remembered reading this in one of his books.

"They were considered evil, much like many of the species out here..." Milo looked down a bit, and scratched behind Lupo's ears gently.

Jube looked up at Kestral, "Maybe we should go on foot instead of flying?"

Milo nodded, "It's possible to do so. We will just continue through the forest, and head towards the Kingdom of Maren. Once we reach Maren we can see the view of the mountains in which the Dragon Kingdom resides upon. I believe there are Dragon Slayers in Maren who might be able to give us more information."

"We just can't tell them what I am." Jube looked at him firmly.

Milo nodded, "Obviously." Milo looked to Kestral for a moment, "What do you think, my lady?" He asked casually.
Milo smiled gently at her, "I doubt you're nothing special miss. I think you just have yet to find your calling in life."

Milo then shifted into the form of a black wolf and Nuzzled Lupo affectionately.

Jube watched as Lupo responded happily. "Well... I'm at a loss of direction... Do we move on and hope no one finds out what I am, or do we..." Jube couldn't think of another option.

Milo shifted back into human form, "They always find out... Its impossible to evade exposure. If only there was a safe haven..." Milo sighed.

Jube looked at him. "Milo, do you know where the dragon clan kingdom is?"

Milo nodded, "Yes. Its a days journey to the foot of the mountain by flight. Its abandoned though."

Jube looked at kes, "We need to get there." He was determined.
Hello readers,

I am an avid Riddler fan from the Batman series, and I have been searching for someone who is willing to roleplay him with me. I would like to have him with an OC of mine. What I'm looking for is someone who is even somewhat familiar with him, and his background. I know the story-lines change, and I am totally open to an alternate take, but there are just certain things about him that I feel are deep seeded.

I myself have written three fanfictions about him, so I am really familiar with him after doing so much research, and it's incredibly hard to find people willing to roleplay as him. I am even fond of the Gotham series take on Edward as well.

I'm pretty easy going, and this would be really great if I could get someone to make the attempt to do this with me. I'm pretty willing to do any take on this in any scenario (Just for the love of God, please don't make him wear that awful onesie!). Please let me know either in a post here, or in a PM if you are willing!
Milo looked up at Jube, "Yeah, I told you my name, but you never properly introduced yourself."

Jube looked at him, "My name is Jubilant Wells, but I prefer Jube... at least that's what Kestral has always called me so I preferred that." It was true, she seemed to have been the first one to give him that nickname. It was much less a mouthful than saying 'Jubilant' all the time as well.

Milo nodded and looked over at Kes, "What about you? I know nothing about you..." Milo had a gentleness to him when he spoke, and it was quite possible he didn't get much chance to talk to people if he resided in the forest.
Jube ignored the stinging on his face, he was used to pain after all the bullying back home. Wrapping his arms around kes he held her close.

"I was scared of myself... I didn't know what all I was capable of. I still don't know for sure... I thought if I ignored it... It would go away." Jube teared up a bit as he continued, "I told Milo before you because of the situation... Not because I don't trust you. I trust you more than myself. I truly didn't mean to hurt you."

Milo shifted into human form and stood quietly giving them space. He took a seat against the stone wall of the cave.
Milo flew ahead and led them to a beautiful lake with a tall waterfall draining into it.

The location was still within the same forest, but the beauty of it was the cave behind the water fall. It was too high up to be found within it. There was no physical way to climb down either. No one would come looking for them. Not here.

Milo flew through the falls and got out of the way as Jube clumbsily came barrelling in after him with lupo and kes on his back.

Jube landed fairly smoothly on the stone ground of the cave. Jube waited until Kes climbed off him before he shifted back into his human form. He panted heavily and looked at Kes for a moment before reaching for her injured hand. "Let me fix that up."
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