• Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: dman0649
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 73 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Dylan 10 yrs ago


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"Stop, in the name of the law!"

It was odd that a single string of unassuming words could instill such a palpable sense of panic onto a man. Of course, if one were an average, law-abiding citizen of the Empire, these words would hold no such consequence. They would simply continue to go about their daily activities, and perhaps lift their head from their duties in an attempt to discover just whom was thick-headed enough to tangle with the Imperial guard. Unluckily enough for Mozan Havaerian, his, "Full-Proof" plan of sneaking away from his unpaid tab failed to account for an extremely important variable. The reason he was forced to evade the innkeeper in the first place was a direct result of a lengthy stay at the bar. In particular, he had opened up a tab, drank himself silly, and when it came time to pay it off, he realized that he was just a bit short to pay the full amount-- around 75% too short. What was a self-proclaimed master theif such as himself to do? Simply stay at the bar, and work his hands to the bone in exchange for the man's cooperation? Of course not-- he did as the thief does, and melded himself with the shadows before silently escaping the bar's perimeter. But as all good things do, his escape came to a loud and abrupt conclusion shortly after he skulked his way out of the Talos Plaza district.

The deep, harsh tenor in the Imperial guardsman's voice echoed through the silence of the night As Mozan prepared himself to cross over another street. His intent was to head toward the Waterfront and attempt to find a nice place to lay low, but now that he had the attention of the guard, he was forced to the conclusion that the Waterfront was too obvious a location to hide himself. The groggy, drink-addled Mozan felt chills arc up his spine as he heard the guardsman's horse begin it's rapid advance toward his hiding place, and he felt a sudden heat rise to the surface of his skin as a mild panic flooded his mind. He certainly wouldn't be able to outrun the guard's horse withdout some improvised climbing, ducking and jumping, and he was not exactly in the best physical state to do so. He'd been up for more than a consecutive day after a lengthy heist in the market district, and spent the better part of the afternoon drinking away his stress and anger related to the inevitably botched operation. So not only was the obvious intoxication inhibiting his ability to bob and weave around obstacles, but his physically drained and exhausted body refused to accept the commands Mozan attempted to give it. The combination of those factors and more forced the nordic thief to improvise himself out of the situation at hand-- and fast. He forced himself to rise up out of the shadows and into a standing position, and lifted his arms above his head in lew of responding to the guard's verbal demand with a drunken slur. The burly, heavily armored man dismounted his horse the instant that he reached an acceptably close distance to Mozan, and retrieved a pair of steel manicles from the back of his horse as hhe dismounted. The man was an Imperial in race and affiliation, and his tanned face twisted into a grimace of disgust as the heavy scent of miscellanious liquors wafted into his face.

"Had a bit to drink tonight, have we?" The imperial queried snidely as he lifted one of the manicles toward Mozan's left wrist.

"En'oof tuh do somethin' absa'lutely empteh headed." Mozan slurred in response to the guard's condescension. The Imperial twisted his head away from the manicles for a moment so he could refocus on Mozan's facial expression, but as he did so, he was greeted with a heavy boot crashing into his face on the part of Mozan. The guardsman snarled angrily as his head snapped backward with a spurt of blood from his now-shattered nose, and the drunken thief capitalized on the man's moment of weakness by diving under the man's left arm, rolling under the legs of his horse, and swinging himself onto the creature's back with a groan of effort. It didn't take long for the horse to snort it's frustration and violently rear back in an attempt to throw it's surprise rider back into captivity; Fortunately enough, Mozan was able to hold on for the time being. He heard the tell-tale metallic ring of a longsword exiting it's scabbard as he wrapped his hands around the horse's wreigns, and he clapped the heels of his feet together on it's flank in an attempt to force the beast into motion. Rather than take off into an angry sprint as he expected, the Imperial's horse bucked itself forward and drove it's back hooves directly into the guard behind it, and this time, Mozan was unable to maintain his control over the improvised mount. He tumbled over the horse's head with a flurry of slurred curses, and bounced off of the cobblestone street with a crack before he managed to bring his body to rest. His head throbbed in exhaustion and pain as he rose to a sitting position, and he felt a trickle of blood making it's way down the back of his skull as another throb of pain echoed through the nerves in his head. His hazy, flickering vision found the motionless guard slumped over a sewer grate several feet to his left, and what little detail he could make out of the man's body through his armor didn't indicate that he had any serious wounds. Though it made his body feel light and imbalanced, and his vision began to spin and swirl as if he was underwater, Mozan forced himself back to his feet. He was driven by the urge to check the man for signs of life, and he took three unsteady steps toward the fallen guard before sprawling back out onto his stomach with an audible slam. He had to have cracked his head off of the stone pretty damn hard to cause him to feel this way. It was either that, or he had drank even more than he thought he did. Even though he felt nothing but pain rocketing through his skull, the theif still forced himself to crawl the rest of the distance to the fallen Imperial as he heard a multitude of metallic footfalls and hooves stomping in his direction. He managed to roll the man onto his back, and the instand he succeeded, he wished that he hadn't.

The horse's hooves had landed squarely in his upper chest, denting his armor inward and sending sharp, awkwardly shaped fragments of metal directly into the unfortunate soul's throat. The wounds were small, but evident as blood continued to pour over his tanned flesh and under the heavy steel which was meant to protect him. If he had to guess, Mozan assumed that the impact of the horse's hooves most likely broke, if not outright shattered a few of his ribs, and they had probably punctured his heart and lungs. Worst of all, the guard still bore a look of righteous indignation at the actions that had led him into his grave; Though his eyes were glassy and his nose a twisted knot of purple and red, his lips still bore a silent snarl of hatred toward Mozan. The thief was no stranger to brutality and gore of this nature, but the look on the man's face caused his stomach to churn and bubble. Within seconds, Mozan stumbled away from the guard's corpse and unleashed the entirity of his stomach contents onto the cobblestones. There weren't any more words. The next thing Mozan knew, he felt the sharp bite of steel on the back of his head, and the rippling boil of pain crackling through his body as his mind finally collapsed into unconsciousness.

"Home sweet home, ya' murdering drunken wretch."

Those words shocked Mozan back into consciousness as the loud, 'CLANG!' of iron gates slamming shut rebounded through his eardrums. He wasn't manicled, but instead escorted by a duo of burly Imperial guardsmen who were literally dragging him down one of the cell blocks in the Imperial prison. He was unsure as to whether or not they were aware of his consciousness, but he chose to remain motionless in hopes that he would be able to catch them off-guard. If he was to get out of the city, he would have to act quickly, and efficiently. He had no room for error. His plan was already beginning to hatch in his mind when the searing pain of his hangover, his head wound, and his shame brought him back to reality. Whether intentional or not, he had killed a man. His trial would inevitably be held within the next few days, if he was even to be offered one, and he would simply have to wait out his stay in prison in the mean time. He felt as though he might have been able to escape somehow, but it would certainly be a risky endeavor to do so. As the guards conversed amongst themselves and dragged him in the direction of his new home, he resigned himself to his fate. It certainly wasn't the first time he had taken a life, but it was most definitely the first time he had taken the life of a man with so little thought about his actions. Before his mind was able to wander too far away from reality, the guards shook him back into awareness before opening the door of his cell. He didn't have time to glance inside before they veritably tossed him in, and the gritty bite of the cell floor meeting his skull sent him into a mild daze as the door was closed and locked behind him. As the guards' respective footsteps faded away into the distance, Mozan allowed himself a heavy sigh before he heard a voice that was undoubtedly of Dunmer origin. The words in question didn't carry the friendliest of tones, and before the man began to speak more than a few words of Mozan's mixed Nord and Imperial background, Mozan arched his head in the direction of his cell door.

"SHUT... THE FUCK... UP! I AM IN NO FUCKING MOOD!" He roared angrily for no reason in particular. Yes, he wasn't much of a fan of the mer in general, but that wasn't really any reason to take his rage at his circumstance out on one. He was about to clear his throat and apologize to the gentleman across the hall, but the most unusual thing occurred to him. Not only was he in prison, and in one of the grittiest, grimiest cells he had ever had the misfortune to be in, but he wasn't alone-- he had a cellmate. A Breton, at that. Being a thief, it only took Mozan an instant to completely take in her appearance. It took even less time for Mozan to reach the conclusion that she was quite the attractive specimen; but he didn't really have too much of an opinion on her aside from that. Her figure and appearance most certainly belied a more sinister nature if she happened to find herself within the same circumstances as he. Rather than sit there like a simpletan, screaming at walls and gawking at stranger's full, pink lips, Mozan took an instant to tighten the thin strip of bandages wrapped around his forehead before addressing his host.

"So, come here often?"
Name: Mozan Havaerian

Gender: Male

Age: 23


Mozan is a tall, lean, and troublesome-looking man who stands at 6"3 and weighs around 185 pounds. Though he is on the lean side for an adventurer of
his caliber, what he lacks in sheer size he makes up for in muscle mass; his broad shoulders are rippling with strength, and his musculature is prominant and well defined where visible. Though he is but a young man at the beginning of his life's journey, his flesh lacks the unscarred visage of innocence. Miscellanious pieces of jagged, bumpy flesh prominantly stand out upon his pale body, and the most prominant of his collection are a jagged trio of claw marks stretching down from his right shoulderblade toward his left hip. They are the sole memento of his battle for survival with a duo of Spriggans. The other prominant scar he holds is concealed by a simple black patch adorning his right eye, and he's often not privvy to speak of the circumstances surrounding the injury. His youthful, though slightly hollow face is marred by the tell-tale signs of stress; Creases have begun to form at the corners of his mouth and eye as a result of a constant grimace of determination being plastered upon his features. His face is framed by jet black bangs which hang lazily above his forehead, and his hair is cut into a short, utilitarian style which requires little maintenance. His face is clean shaven, and his teeth are surprisingly well-maintained for a nomadic traveller. This is a result of some simple alchemical remedies to maintain a less-than-haggard appearance throughout his journey as a thief.

All in all, he's not exactly the typical young thief; not in appearance, or skill. One must simply choose to reject the appearance of the cover, and dig
deep into a soul's pages to discover it's story, and it's purpose in existance.

Personality: Mozan is exactly what one would expect to see in a young man who has seen too much in his short time. Years of stress and depression sit
upon his shoulders, and the tension shows in the way he carries himself. The only times where he feels truly at his peak are in the midst of his passions;
the heist, the hunt, and unusually enough, alchemy. Though the burden he carries is evident, that is not to say that he is the silent type; Often times,
it's quite the opposite. Regardless of that, he does not go out of his way to converse with nosy strangers, aside from that of the passing comment or query.
This is especially evident if he is able to identify them as a thief. To simplify his personality into a brief statement, he's a bit of a fuck up. He
longs for comfort and luxury, but has a bit of a gambling problem. (He thinks he has it figured out.) He goes out of his way to maintain an extremely low
profile, but isn't above starting a bar brawl in order to escape his steep tab with the bartender. He doesn't lust after a long term relationship, yet
he curses his father for abandoning his mother in his younger years. Many of his personality traits contrast that of his ideal image of a moral, well rounded
person, but this does not stop him from attempting to better himself. He is a difficult man to read, and a difficult man to describe in so few words. But
in summary, he is arrogant, condescending at times, oozes sarcasm, and his tongue is layered in a thick coat of silver. He's quick, cunning, and a bit
of an asshole, but one best believe that if he calls them companion, that he will protect them to the ends of Mundus, Oblivion, and beyond.


Birth Sign: The Lady, which he was told is the embodiment of willpower, endurance, and determination. This sign suits Mozan well, for if there is one aspect
of Mozan's character that cannot be bested, it is his drive; his motivation to keep living. His sheer power of will is the defining aspect of Mozan that
is often times remembered in passing by his former companions and associates.

I might be interested in this. I've used a character in the past that might fit pretty well into this archetype, and I really haven't played around with him for a long time. PM me if you're still looking for someone-- this sounds really fun.
Hi there, i'm most certainly interested as long as you don't mind playing alongside a blind individual. I can't use the game as a source of reference for visuals anymore, but I remember a great deal about Oblivion, being that it was one of the last games I played obsessively before I lost my vision. I remember a lot about the major questlines like the guilds and such, and I definitely, definitely remember everything about the main questline itself. If you're still available and looking for someone to work on this plot alongside, I'm your man. :) I don't know if I'll remember to check back in on this thread, but I'd greatly appreciate a PM if you're interested.
pm'd you regarding the Dragon x adventurer idea
I sent you a PM.
I PM'd you. Quite excitedly I might add.

Hey there. How's it going?

First, I would like to tell you a bit about myself. I'm Dylan; I'm nineteen years old, a full-time student studying marketing, and I hold a strong passion for the written word. I am inclined to say that I write at an advanced level, and I usually post anywhere from two paragraphs to several pages depending on what I am given to work with. I am a strong believer in quality over quantity, and do not expect anyone to dish out gigantic responses if they feel as though they cannot do so. As long as you are detailed, and your post is well thought out, I'll hold nothing against you. I tend to play male characters (because I am one) but I am completely capable of playing a female character as well. My most notable characteristic in regards to my life would be that I am legally blind, so if you have any questions about that, I'll be happy to answer them. But enough about myself, allow me to describe some of my expectations.

I'm looking for someone who is patient above all else. My schedule can be extremely unpredictable at times, and it might be hard to tell if i'm still around. However, I will let you know immediately if I do not wish to continue a story. If you can deal with an unusual and non-uniform posting schedule, you're already prepared to roleplay with me. As a result of my schedule, I ask that if I choose to RP with you that we establish an alternative method of communication other than using the guild's PM feature. Whether it's skype, Facebook, or something else entirely, I just prefer having a way to get in touch whenever we want to discuss the RP. Aside from that, I'm just looking for someone that's passionate. If you can write a quality group of paragraphs with few spelling mistakes and gramatical errors, and genuinely put your emotion into the words you write, we will get along just fine. Please be able to write at the advanced level, because that is the level which I am most comfortable roleplaying at. Aside from that... Just try to have fun. :D

Now, onto the good stuff. My thoughts are all over the place most of the time, so please excuse the apparent lack of organization to the following list.

Wow, talk about a lot of text. Kind of exhausting on the eyes. (I think.)

If you're interested in roleplaying with me, feel free to post here. But if you want to hear back from me quickly, please PM me; i'll notice that before I notice a post on the thread. I'm kind of forgetful like that at times. Thank you all for your generous contribution of time and strain on the eyes for reading all of this, I appreciate it even if you aren't interested. Have a wonderful day, and a wonderful life.
EDIT: Figured it out.
PM'd you, just so you know
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