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  • Old Guild Username: Eddie Swiss
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Eddie Swiss 10 yrs ago


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Polyphemus said
I'd love to play an idiot with no common sense who gets killed.

Hmm. Could be interesting. How much of an idiot are we talking?
Bumpity bump bump.
Also started off another roleplay when things are going slow in this one

Camp Crystal Lake

Five years after the events of Friday The 13th (2009), the murders have been covered up and Camp Crystal Lake has been newly renovated and open to the public. It's the first summer after the camp has been re-opened, and people are bustling to bring their children to the camp and have them spend the night somewhere legendary. The camp is taking the legend of Jason and using it as a theme to make a more horror centric camp setting for the older campers, where as the younger campers have their nice relaxed setting during the week. The weekends are when the horror themes come out to play.

The roleplayers will each take control of a college student going to Camp Crystal Lake to experience the "weekend of terror" event. Spend a weekend at Camp Crystal Lake deep in the woods in a heavily horror influenced setting. Little do they know that the hordes of people visiting the camp-site have awoken Jason from his slumber and he's determined to kill every last person at Camp Crystal Lake as they are now trespassing on his property.

Live or die, make your choice. I'll have the RP open for around 8 spots. Once those are filled then we won't be accepting any more people.

If interested, say so and I'll make an off-topic where you can post your character sheets.
- Your character can be killed off. I'll be controlling Jason, and if I feel you made a stupid move with your character that would guarantee death then they'll be killed by the lovely, and cuddly Jason.

- Each player will start on a bus that is heading towards the camp. We'll all get situated into cabins, and I'll start killing off some non-player characters to set things up. It's going to be fun.

- You can control up to 2 characters. That means you have an extra if one is executed. I'll be playing Jason, my own character, and the various NPC's that the roleplayer's will encounter.

- Since Friday The 13th has lots of sex and nudity, let's try and keep it appropriate. No need for detailed posts if you're doing it with another character haha.
Character Sheet

Age: (18-25)
Bio: (Back story. Tell us about your character. Personality goes here too.)
Appearance: (Use pictures of real people if you want.)

Name: Mark White
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Bio: Mark is dared by his older brother (not present on the trip) to spend a weekend at Camp Crystal Lake for their horror themed weekend. He reluctantly does so after his brother offers him $500 if he does so. So, he packed his bags and caught the bus as it was going through his town. He's a smoker, and an alright kind of guy. He loves to crack jokes and make people laugh, and is heavily considerate of other people and their feelings. He's also using the trip as an excuse to get away as his girlfriend has been killed in a car crash about a month prior. He knows all about the legend of Jason Voorhees, and is partly the reason on why he was reluctant on going.

Name: Jason Voorhees
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Bio: He was born in the small town of Camp Crystal Lake on June 13, 1946 to Elias and Pamela Voorhees. Jason was afflicted with severe facial deformities, hydrocephalic, large heart and was mentally disabled. Raising Jason on her own, Pamela kept the boy isolated from the community, not letting him attend school and educating him in their home on the outskirts of Crystal Lake.

After his mother's murder-spree, Jason having apparently witnessed his mother's death, grabbed her sweater, severed head, the machete that killed her and returned to his shack with them while placing the objects on a crude altar he had constructed. Two months after Pamela's death, Alice returned to Crystal Lake to face her demons. Then, Jason tracked her down to her apartment there, snuck inside and stabbed her in the head with an ice pick after scaring her by placing his mother's head in her refrigerator. Escaping with Alice's body, Jason placed it at the foot of his mother's shrine.

During this time, Jason went on a mass murdering spree and the authorities warned the public of a man wearing a goalie mask murdering people in, and around the area of Camp Crystal Lake. The authorities closed the case in 1996 when sightings of Jason had dwindled to nothing, and no more bodies began showing up in Crystal Lake.

Then in 2009 a group of teenagers enter Crystal Lake and he murders them each one, by one. He is seemingly drowned in the lake, and presumed dead. The local authorities cover up the case as some savage animal attack (and consider the murderer only a copy-cat), and re-open the camp five years later in 2014 as some sort of horror-attraction to draw in people from neighboring cities to spend a weekend in Camp Crystal Lake where the Voorhees murders took place. Little do they know, that the massive horde of people showing up has awoke Jason from his slumber beneath the lake and he sets out to slaughter everyone trespassing in his home.

Now he's undead, and possessing his super-human strength again. He's also slightly rotted (no smell) and his clothes are water-logged and covered in various bits of grass, and algae from five years submerged under water.

Sorry I've been having problems opening the site. It kept giving me errors. I'll have something up as soon as I'm able.

Yeah, the site's been wonky for a few days now.
Marcus nodded.

"Most of the victims are being found near the Thames, correct?" He pointed to all the kills, each of them happening within a few minutes walk to the river. He then pointed to numerous buildings in the area.

"That means he has to operating near there. This means he resides in some place that's dark, damp, and cold." He grabbed the bottle of his grandfather's wine and set it aside.

"We need you sober, grandfather."
Victor sighed and watched as his grandson hid the bottle of wine.

"From what you're telling me in terms of organ theft, it sounds like a Ghoul. Most of his victims are found near the Thames, and in alleyways surrounding the area. It also explains him residing somewhere damp, and cold. It slows down the decaying process in dead flesh." He produced a torn up piece of paper from inside his robes and set it down on the table. He pointed to it with a soot-covered finger.

"Luckily, they can be killed with most of our weaponry as long as it can destroy the brain. I've only hunted a handful of Ghouls, but none of them have really been this unique. Most will target aimlessly and kill anything, however our friend here must retain some of his human essence. He only targets women correct? None of his victims have been confirmed as men. Except for one." He spun the piece of paper around showing it to the group gathered around the table.

"One of the victims was a confirmed transvestite. A man in woman's clothing. This explains it slightly. Our Ghoul still has a thought process and doesn't thrive on pure instinct alone." He re-attached his wooden leg and hobbled over to one of his weapon racks and produced an oddly discolored jar with something floating around inside of it. He set the jar down on the table and popped off the lid and removed a slightly decayed, and moldy human heart. The stench of rotting flesh exploding into the room.

"You can't use living bait, but he'll be drawn to this. I've had this little beauty for a while now. No Ghoul will be able to resist this." He placed it back into the jar and handed it to Sir Easton.
I'll have my post up in a bit.

EDIT: Okay, post is up.
Nobodyman123 said
you too? Mines almost done.

Yup yup.
I'm alive. Currently working on my video-game in the downtime.
Nobodyman123 said
I guess I can, but itll be a bit.

Alright. It seems like some people have either dropped off, or something.
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