Avatar of Elkhar
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 43 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Elkhar 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I'm new to the guild and looking forward to make new connections and RP with all of you!


What to know about the IRL me
• I'm a female-bodied person who uses female pronouns (she/her), but identifies as bigender. I am not shy to discuss what that means if you're curious
• I am currently in my twenties, and will be for a while
• My first language is French, but I think I can say with confidence that I am 99% bilingual and possess a decent mastery of the English language
• I am quite the introvert IRL, but quite social online. I'm always willing to meet new people, chat, etc.
• I don't like to argue, quite the opposite, in fact. I despise confrontation. I will not get into drama with you for the sake of drama. On the other hand, I rarely get in 'drama' situations due to my calm or 'chill' nature. It's hard to make me angry.

What to know about my roleplaying experience
• I consider myself a novice, I still have a lot to learn
• I used to RP quite a lot in high-school, in French, on different sites/forums. It was nothing serious, I never learned the lingo nor most of the etiquette (except the basics, of course)
• I have mostly, even only, played male characters. Because it is what I enjoy. I would be open, in the right occasion, to build a female character, but I am much more comfortable with male or agender ones.
• I have always had the tendency to write a lot, but I also think I possess the quality to adapt quite well to my RP partners. I can usually write only two or three paragraphs if that's what my RP partner is comfortable with.

Most Recent Posts

I'm currently reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami and I'm enjoying everything about it. I love the writer's style, I love his characters, I love how 'weird' the story is so far. I've never read anything by him before and I'm definitely curious to read his other novels.
I will also throw my work in progress out there, to follow the trend. I have to say, I'm really excited for this!

I usually shower/take a bath twice a day, for no other reason than I love it.
I would be interested!
Hey, I felt like joining if there's still a place for me (don't worry if it's already full), here's what I had an idea of for a character:

I would love to be a part of this! I'm already reading through the links in the 'Some Considerations' section. I'm excited to build a character in this amazing universe!
I'd be interested in this! I have a few ideas of characters I'd love to play.
I would be interested in... all of that! If I try to be specific, in the "existing fandom" section, I particularly like Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters, Supernatural and Vampire Diaries. But I would also have a big interest for Once Upon a Time or Divergent.

In the 'original' section, I'd be particularly interested in Angels/Demons and Post-Apocalyptic, but the other choices all appeal to me.

Meaning that I'm pretty much open-minded to anything you have in mind!

You can write to me in PM if you want to brainstorm ideas about possible 1x1 RPs!
I would possibly be interested in #1 and #2!
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