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    1. Eran 10 yrs ago


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Zeto acknowledged the command and stayed back, her weapon more effective at range. While Garrus and Shepard pulled their focus with their barrage of biotics and bullets, Zeto began to pick off the heavy weapons and other snipers. She started with the rocketeers, taking them out first because even a missed direct hit could cause damage if close enough. Once she started on the snipers though, they caught wind and fired on her. She was forced to take cover. She heard catter in her ear, Garrus talking. "Need some help?" Zeto rolled her eyes. "Oh no, I was just thinking I needed some extra rounds and what do you think?! Could you scatter them? I can take of two or three if you throw a grenade." Garrus confirmed. "Right, be ready. Tossing out."

Zeto closed her eyes and bent down, lowering herself to a crouch. When she heard the explosion, she went around her box and fired at the first target she saw. She quickly moved to the next and fired again, a bullet in his eye. She fired one more time and killed another before her gun overheated and she had to take cover. Luckily, the rest were taken out by Shepard and Garrus as her gun cooled down. Once she did a sweep of the area and found it empty, she called out on their radio. "All clear." Zeto came out and rejoined the other two, pointing to the gate house in the back. "That will open the gate to go forward. I assume T'Soni is there since they put so many Geth in the way. It should be simply to open, just a button."
So sorry I took so long, but I expanded on Zeto's past to make up for it! Read and find out!
Zeto carefully moved across the field from cover to cover, making sure to check her exposed spots before moving to the next area. This kind of action was actually familiar to the medical expert. A bit too familiar. Sure, she could fix a wound on the field in no time at all and give soldiers an extra boot in the ass to keep them moving and fighting. However, who would guess that she had the skills of a soldier hidden under that? This was not something you learned while reading up on xeno limbic systems. This was something you only found out through experience...

Years in the past: Zeto's Pilgrimage

Zeto pressed herself against a rock, gunfire blasting at her cover like a relentless heavy hail. Next to her was a Krogan with a scarred up face in an expression of joy firing back. Once her spun back into cover, Zeto gave him a punch in the side. "You Okvug Dreng are the fucking stupidest bosh'tet I had ever met!" His response was a laugh at her comment. "Oh stop being a baby! Its fun! Whats better then being in a battle? I'd get rusty if I did things your way all the time." Zeto growled angrily. "We'd be in less a position to die too! That is an entire clan out there after us because you decided it would be fun to shoot the leader in the foot!" Okvug shook his head. "Aw c'mon, live a little. Tell you what. You kill more than me, and you call the shots." Zeto looked up at the cliff walls around them and at the large clan advancing. "You stick down here and stay alive. I have a plan. Just.. distract them!" The krogan happily obliged.

Zeto carefully went from cover to cover, getting back from the action. Once back, she began an auto targeting system she had recently jury rigged to suit. Not a perfect fit, but it functioned. Displays went inside her visor as she searched for a point on the cliffs and one spot was targeted. Zeto took out her sniper rifle and took close aim. She called on her radio. "When I say to, run for your life back. Don't even worry about them." She held a breath in, steadying her shot before squeezing the trigger and firing. "Run now!" The shot rang out and hit rocks on top of the cliff. The scared Krogan took heed of her words and ran. The clan didn't fire after him. They were preoccupied. The sniper shot had loosen the rocks overhead and had cause a major rock slide. Tons of rock fell on the surprised Krogan, killing most and leaving the rest buried alive. They would not attack again.

Okvug came up to Zeto with a grin on his face, impressed. "You took care of that clan in one shot! I've got a new found respect for y"SMACK went her fist as it slammed into the Krogan's face, knocking him back in surprise. She advanced on him angrily. "Do you relieze what happened?! They are all dead because you were fucking 'bored'! I don't fucking care what your reasoning is. If you ever do anything like that again...!" She threw another punch, harder. He was ready for it, but it still made his head turn. "I will put a bullet in your brain! They are all dead because you were bored. Their blood is on my hands! I'm supposed to save lives and I just killed I don't even know how many! Imagine if I took all you cared about. Your values of strength and honor and stripped it all away from you. Just stomp all over it! That is what I am like now! After we get back to your clan, I am leaving Tuchanka and we are never looking at each other, much less speaking again." She turned away from Okvug and the krogans she just killed, walking forward. She was sick of this planet, wanting to leave as soon as possible...

Present Day

She had earned the name 'Clan Killer' that day. Her story had spread through the Krogans like nuclear fire. About the quarian who wiped out Clan Ganar beyond any hope of recovery. A ruthless killer and mighty warrior. Not typical of a quarian to be thought of as such by the Krogan. Once the dropship came, Zeto readied her sniper rifle and started by shooting the geth as they were coming. Just take care of them one by one. A method battle to take all the enemy out. The less of them, the better.
When Shepard took to the guns, Zeto programmed the shields to focus on the upper part of the Mako. She then hopped up to the front and took control to start driving the Mako. Their best bet was to pass the valley and get to somewhere they were both more maneuverable and not susceptible to fire from above. Armatures were slow, hence the need for Drop ships to bring them straight to battle. Once out of their range, they should be okay. Zeto soon came to what looked like a base with two geth turrets guarding the obviously sealed door. Garrus pointed out the obvious. "We'll take a beating if we go straight on. We have to try to find another way..." Zeto spotted a path to the right just as the turret were setting their sights on them. Zeto made a hard turn and gunned it into the side path just in time to avoid the blast from them. But she saw another turret signal on the radar ahead. She went to the side. "Garrus, take the wheel."

Zeto moved around the turian as he quickly took control of driving the tank. "Go forward slowly... and be ready to swing our right side forward on my signal." The quarian went to the side door, getting her sniper rifle off her back yet still not extended. Zeto quickly linked the Tank's radar to her omni-tool and kept an eye on that turret signal ahead. Soon they were just in sight and Zeto opened the door. "Now!" Garrus hit the accelerator and the tank swung to have her pointed toward the turret. Her sniper rifle extended and she quickly pointed it at the turret.... and fired. The shot was not going straight for the gun. It veered to the left to the ammo storage for the gun. Her bullet hit it straight on and the turret exploded in response. Garrus was muttering in the front seat. "Show off..." Zeto closed the door and put her weapon away before going back to her station to put the shields back to normal. "I am reading many geth in the base. Troops, no armatures. We'll have to fight our way to unlock the back door if these schematics I pulled from the base are correct.:
Zeto shook her head at the questions. "The best I can give you are educated guess... and that is exaggerated. The geth have been beyond the Perseus Viel for a while. This is the first time they had showed up in... I believe around a hundred years. The geth could have upgraded themselves and their equipment in a countless amount of ways in that time. What I do know is that they could fold their legs against their bodies and take less space... so they could be packed in tight... but the target could suggest otherwise. Dr. T'Soni is not a soldier first an foremost and therefore could not warrant too large a force to obtain her. If I were Saren, I'd figure out how much to send, then double it. Just in case something went wrong. From what I have observed, our capabilities and theirs in regard to weapons are wore or less equal... if you look at it gun by gun. We are ridiculously outgunned obviously."

Zeto thought for a little taking a few seconds before speaking. With the force as big as it is, we have three options. Either pick them off at a distance to weaken them intellectually, spread them out and start engaging them since the distance will hurt their neural network, or rush in there with the tank and blast anything that fires at us. The main problem is the neural network. As the geth gather in numbers, their systems combine to run their necessary functions, freeing their processes for non-essential processes. In a nutshell, the more there are in one place, the smarter they become. Thinning their numbers serve to make them easier to fight. It was our way of building them without technically breaking the laws for building illegal A.I."
"Fun is a night out drinking and not having to work in the morning when you recover from the hangover. Remind me to teach you what is actually fun later." Somewhat recovered from the stomach churning fall, Zeto went back to the systems. It was definitely hot due to the pools of lava around them. There was a little air conditioning to keep them cool, so the heat wouldn't kill them. Her environmental suit made it easier for her thanks to her own ventilation and cooling systems. When you lived in a suit for most your life, such things were important. In any case, Zeto had made the necessary adjustments to factor in for the heat on the shields. They wouldn't affect the instruments nor the strength of the shield if they came under fire. Which, funnily enough, happened in the form of the geth.

Zeto saw the energy projectiles and knew the concentrated blast would majorly drain their shields if it was allowed to hit. She went fast on the controls, calling out. "Boost jumping the tank to avoid blast." The jets fired and shot the tank up in a hop, clearing the energy blast like a kid playing dodge-ball. The geth were blasted by the main gun and broke apart, leaving nothing but burnt scrap. Zeto scanned the enemy for more enemies. "Nothing on the scanner in the immeadiete area, but I'd prepare for a fight ahead. That dropship definitely has more forces on board and they definitely do not want us going any further ahead. I think that is better than a hand written invitation.
I added a flashback for a little coloring into Zeto's history~
Zeto was glad she could turn off her mouth piece. It stopped the other two from hearing the wide variety of curses she let out as they plummeted toward the ground. Turian, Krogan, Asari, Quarian, and even some Vorcha swears were mixed into there. Lets just say that her mother would have washed out her mouth five times over for using such language. The deceleration hit her like a fist to the stomach. Once they landed with a jarring stop, Zeto took a second to settle her stomach before turning on her mouthpiece again to speak. "Remind me to take something to settle my stomach next time you drag me onto this death trap for another... trip." Trying to distract herself, she began checking the systems. "No damage in the landing, shields managing to stand up to the heat. They are fully charged. It looks like we are alright to go." The position she was in now remind Zeto of her pilgrimage days...

[Initiate Flashback]

"Everything is fine with the tank except for the fact that you messed up the suspension you insufferable bosh'tet." She slid out from under the heavy gun mounted vehicle, standing up with an angry arms crossed stance. "If we would have kept going like you wanted instead of checking this we would have went over sideways and probably down the cliff." A krogan with a scarred up face marched up to her, looking mean himself. "Are you trying to call me stupid?" Zeto went up toward him, actually making him back up. "Yes I am you insufferable bosh'tet! I don't care how big a hero you are, I am not letting you kill me for your own personal glory!" She rose a finger, pointing it in his face. "Now you are gonna help me fix this by doing exactly as I say or you can drive off the cliff with your broken suspension yourself!" She waited for no answer as she slid right back under the vehicle, a hand out. "Now hand me the spare spring." Grumbling, the krogan handed the asked for part to Zeto...

[End of Flashback]

She had been in tougher situations than this. Survived worse. The day she died to Geth would be the day a vorcha came out of her back hole. As Shepard and Garrus did their jobs, she did her own.
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