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“Are you certain he'll be ok without a doctor?” Alex spoke, voice somewhat sceptical as Bao-Zhi stated that he'd be fine. The boy had lost a lot of blood. Surely no amount of herbs and good intentions was just miraculously going to cure that? Somehow, she struggled to believe.

Still, as the man offered her a cup of tea, she accepted it, though with slight hesitation. She wasn't quite settled by the man's reassurances, her faith in alternative medicine less-than-stellar. But, the man seemed pretty sure of his treatment. She took a sip of the tea, tasting the slightly bitter liquid. Alex had never been particularly fond of the brew. Cold drinks were more her style, occasionally supplemented by hot chocolates or some coffee monstrosity.

“He needs someone to look after him...” She spoke with a wavering to her voice, eyes once more cutting back to the man. Such wounds took time to heal. Required a lot of care and attention. The man being left behind alone simply wasn't an option, that much was clear. "Are you certain you don't want to take him to the hospital?" She once again asked.
Thank the heavens, the man spoke, offering that it was a shop called the Sleeping Dragon that he needed to go to. She knew that one. After all, it was only a few minutes walk from where she lived. She had never been inside, but she was aware of the building. Even without the name scribbled on the signs, it was easily recognisable as some sort of Asian shop. At least now she had an inkling of where to go.

And so, she started to make way to it, offering as much support to the man as she could muster. Their walk was an odd one, not quite unlike the staggering of two drunkards, swaying back and forth over the pavement. It was hard to keep a straight line when she was tottering on high heels, assisting a wounded man. But, they made it. It felt like a miracle.

A man came rushing out, worry in his eyes as he asked what had happened. He was quick to help Alex bring the younger man in, taking him to what seemed to be a massage table. There, they helped him up, before the man rushed to grab jars and cannisters filled with god-knew-what. Then, he thanked her, stating that she had saved the man's life, and if there was anything she needed, to ask. She was too overwhelmed to even think of anything. Right now, there were more important matters at hand. Like the wounded man before them.

“Is there... Is there anything I can do to help?” She offered awkwardly, not entirely sure if there was any good she could do. "Do you want me to phone an ambulance?"
Hey, I'd be interested in giving either Gear, The Amazon Project or Lucidity a shot.
He thrust a bit of paper at her, his hand shaking with the effort of handing that blood-stained note to her, pleading for her to take him to his uncle. Her own hand took hold of the note, shaking somewhat on its own accord as her eyes stared blindly at the information scribbled down upon it. The letters swum and danced all across the paper, refusing to stay still long enough for her to discern the words they spelled out. Even the number did not seem to be able to decide which it wanted to be. What kind of cruel joke was life playing upon her?

The one night her phone was dead, would be the one she found someone in need. Someone who spoke a language she did not understand, and passed her a note she could not read. Even at the least stressful of times, Alex was far from a confident reader. Now, her nerves made focussing the letters into order a hopeless affair.

Her eyes returned to the man, staring at him in horror. Oh god. She had to do something. She had to get the man to Bao-Zhi, who-ever that was and where-ever he lived. Perhaps he was a doctor of sorts? He'd better be, or Alex didn't know how the man would survive.

Still, even with the best of intentions and the strongest of will, it didn't change the fact she was looking at a full-grown man. There was no way in hell she could carry a man to the end of the alley, let alone where-ever the uncle lived. She could only hope the man could muster strength enough to stumble along beside her.

Offering him her shoulder, she spoke quietly. “I can't carry you.” She spoke. “I need you to walk with me. You can lean on me.”

She could only hope he was able to do so.
The breath of air fleeting from the man's lips startled her a bit, words murmured she cold put no meaning to. She could barely even think to try and decipher what language it was, the girl more worried with the poor man's condition. He looked terrible. Terrible, but alive. He started to move.

Involuntary, she jolted back a slight bit, watching with wide-open eyes as the man struggled to get to his knees. Her voice was frozen in her throat, refusing to form words. Knives glistened in the poor light, jutting from his body like needles from a voodoo doll. By any frame of logic, he should not have been able to move. Yet, he did. The man, however, didn't get far. Within mere moments, he collapsed.

“Shit... shitshitshit.” Alex muttered to herself in slight panic,moving beside the man. This was not good, not good at all. The ammount of blood staining the pavement was truly worrisome- he'd be bleeding out soon if she didn't stop it. But, she had no clue what to do -remove the knifes? It might just make it even worse! Phoning the ambulance was no optionwith her dead battery. What if she ran back home and placed the call?

But what if he died in the meantime?

First aid demanded she'd not move the man. Shout for help. That was the first option. But would there even be anyone to help?

“HELP!” She shouted at the top of her voice, hoping someone would help her. “SOMEBODY? HELP!”

Her eyes turned to the man.She wasn't prepared for this. She didn't know what to do! She didn't know how to stop the bleeding! How would you put pressure on wounds where the blade was still in it?
Name: Alexia Ryder (Alex for short)

Gender: Female
Personality: Alexia is a hard girl to pin down. Outwardly, the girl projects herself as the light of the party, the center of the spotlight. Though she is clever, one would not often say so based upon the decisions she made. She's eager to prove herself, but due to her young age, does not get taken as seriously as she desires, much to her frustration. Can be abrupt and occasionally rude in her attempts to gain respect, but is kind at heart. She gets frustrated easily, but has a tendency to feign nonchalance, often pretending whatever bothered her never meant that much to her to begin with.
Bio: Not only is Alexia Ryder treated like family amongst the seniority of Ryder Promotions, she is family. At least, she is to the boss. Daughter on Randolph Ryder, CEO, it is no secret that her job has much more to do with nepotism than actual, honest experience and education. The girl, after all, dropped out of university. As the girl claimed, it was "just too boring". The real reason? She was failing. Her father, not believing in youth wasting their potential, opened a position for her within his company, something which is the cause of a slight resentment between a select few within the company. She is, however, widely accepted within the company, though never truly taken seriously.
Extra: Despite her blase attitude and party girl attitude, truth is that Alexia is in fact, highly intelligent and rather ambitious. However, where everyone believes her failings are solely to blame to a lack of effort and an uncaring attitude, the truth Alex keeps secret is that she has crippling dyslexia.
“Come on, let's get out of this place.” The words were a warm whisper spoken against her neck, breath warmly brushing against her skin. The hint of stubble scraped the arc of neck and shoulder slightly, the scent of aftershave clinging to warm, musky skin. Large hands held her hips, trying to nudge the young woman towards the exit to the bar. His name was... Clark? Clive? Colin? She couldn't quite remember, nor did she particularly care. He had offered her a drink, one that had been followed by a few more as the evening had progressed. What had started as a celebration amongst colleagues, had slowly turned into an average night out. She hadn't seen Mandy for a while either, nor Dave. The two graphic designers probably had disappeared already. They had never been one for the night-life.

“I guess I could go for some fresh air.” She murmured, soon stepping out into the cool night. The cold of night chased a shiver over her spine as it blew away the heat of the bar. Her spaghetti top was hardly any source of warmth. Colinclark noticed her shudder, a laugh escaping his lips. “I can warm you up, if you like.” He muttered, pressing the girl against the wall. A hand brushed over her shoulder, tugging at one of the straps. She pushed it away.

“Eh, I don't think so.” She warded him off, not really in the mood to get down and dirty in some random back alley. She had more class than that.

“Come on.” He persisted, lips moving to nip at her neck. Alex pulled away.

“I said no.” She spoke, pushing the man away. An annoyed grunt sounded from the man. “You playin' me?” He snarled, annoyed, obviously displeased at the turn of events. She, equally annoyed, crossed her arms. Though there had been a chance for the man before, his pushiness had ruined it now. Somewhere in the background, sirens wailed. She ignored it.

“Yea. You got me.” She coolly shot back, heeled foot planting itself firmly in the ground. He shook his head. “Fuckin' slut.” He spat, a hand running through his long hair. “Screw you.” He then added.

“You wish.” She shot at his retreating back, turning away herself. Her mood was ruined, her heels tapping the ground rapidly as she made her way to the side of the street. Her hand reached for her phone, letting out an annoyed snarl as the screen remained black. Holding in the button produced a quick screen shouting “low battery”, before cutting out again. Great. Now she had to walk all the way home.

At least it wasn't raining. That certainly was a blessing as she cut through the empty streets. There was something slightly unnerving about the barren roads, so few people around. The shadows darkly loomed from alleys and in deep doorways, a somewhat sinister sight. She picked up her speed slightly.

She was almost home when she decided to cut through the alley that connected her current location to the street that she lived, when she almost tripped over a figure in the shadow. Alex could only barely maintain her balance as she stumbled forward, eyes turning wide when she faced the cause behind her almost-tumble. A scream almost escaped her lips -almost.

A dead man!

Or...was he?

Her hand trembled as she lowered herself slightly, reaching for the man's arm. She jerked back as she touched him, as if the reality of his existence had been debatable up until that point. She shook her head, then forced herself to reach out again. Cautiously, she shook the man's arm slightly. “Hey.” She spoke, hoping for a response. “Hey!”
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