• Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Evilorber
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 45 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Evilorber 10 yrs ago


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Orb sighed. He turned to the roleplayer. "What he's trying to say is..." he began. "You've been sucked into the guild. There's some evil douche we call godmodder, we have powers in the guild like transformation and making things appear, et cetera, Muse as we call him" he pointed to the fellow who had been talking earlier "Is basically an expert on these things." he quickly moved closer to Jackyln and whispered "But he might not be okay in the head..." he moved back to where he had been standing before. "So... uhh, grab all your stuff. We best be on the move. No time for questions, we can answer them as we go... One more thing, i'm Orb and that's John, Kid number 2, don't know what that guy's name is, think someone called him Natalia or something earlier" as he pointed at them in that respective order. He began to walk at a brisk pace. He shifted his backpack to make it more comfortable. "C'mon, let's get going i'm starving. This place is bound to have food somewhere."
Orb had just been relaxing, not really chatting, well more waiting on the door to blow. What did that kid say again? Girls dorm? How would he know? when suddenly, he froze.

A figure stood in the doorway, with the door... open. He moved his head, and could almost make out... Is he blushing? He is! He is blushing? Over what? He turned his attention to the figure. He dropped his hands, he'd had them behind his head in a lax position. He slowly raised his right hand to the figure in red, giving a little wave. "Hi......" he muttered. He quickly turned to the group and in a low tone, said "Is she an NPC? She's pretty chillaxed..." He glanced back. She's still there... He turned back to the group, still keeping his voice down. "What do we do?" Once again. What's that she's got? It's not a weapon is it? He kept his eye on her hands, wondering what it was she clutched.
Orb groaned. "Seriously? How long is it gonna take? You don't even look like you've got a good idea of what you're doing... Why don't we just force it open?" Orb looked around for something to force it open with. A rock, some sort of makeshift battering ram, Muse could probably rip it off if he were a dragon... He continued thinking, occasionally giving confused glances at the group when he noticed his companion. "YOU!" he said, pointing at Nautilus. "What did you say your name was again? Nevermind, you've got psychokinesis, right? Just use it and burst the door open. It'll save time!" he insisted. He certainly didn't feel like wasting time out here, especially considering it was getting dark.


Or at least he thought it was. The sun seemed to be going down, but it's a roleplay so for all he knew that could mean the start of a new class on this island. He really did just realised that every world probably has it's own physics to it too, meaning something like a door may not be as easily burst open. Worth a try anyway He thought.
Orber hopped off Muse, making sure to grab his backpack as he leaped off. He suddenly heard a somewhat loud crack, and to his left he saw John riding his puppet dragon, which made him slightly jealous, of course it shortly crumbled into nothingness. John made a remark on how big this place was, and Orb himself looked up. "You weren't kidding..." he said in response. John, for whatever reason decided it necessary to knock on the door. He heard a loud crash to his right, and suddenly a large stone of sorts flew by him. He jumped back. "HEY! Watch it!" he exclaimed. How the hell did that stone just fly threw the air? He looked in the vague direction of where it came from, and noticed the man he had traveled with.

After a short while with no answer from the door he carefully stepped forwards. He placed his ear to the door. It was cold, probably metallic. He couldn't hear anything from the other side. He noticed two plants on either side, each seeming to having somewhat thick branches that might be good for beating, although one look from Muse reminded him not to spook any other roleplayers. Forgot we weren't the only ones He tried to open it. It was locked. "God damn it!" he exclaimed. "Why are they ALWAYS locked? For what good reason?" he picked up a rock and out of anger threw it at the door. It bounced off making a small clang as it fell to the ground. He then noticed the large windows on either side of the door, reminding him of a chapel oddly. They looked big enough for everyone to fit through, although there was also some sort of pipe. A drainage pipe maybe... he thought, and he confirmed it turning his head upwards. Luckily, the large building blocked out the sun and he could definitely see a way up to the top. He walked back to where most of the group were.

"Doors locked, so we got two options..." he began. "Option one, we smash the glass, possibly scaring any roleplayers who may or may not have powers which may cause them to attack us, although it's a big building and no one might hear it and we can get in through the broken window. We might cut ourselves though." he turned to Muse. "Option two, Muse seems to be the best at... shifting, so he can just shift in to something small, a rat or mouse and climb up that drainage pipe and see if there's a way in from the top, then he can hop on in and unlock the door." He whispered under his breath "If he survives any fall and managed to actually GET DOWN" he looked at the size of the building, it was definitely higher than his house. "I'd go for option 1."
nautilusmp said
"My fathers"? How many did you have?


I will be away from Friday to Sunday because I am going to my fathers for the weekend, sorry in advance!
Well since we're all talking about MLP.

I've seen all episodes of MLP because no one would shut the hell up about it, and I love cartoons. It's well animated (Especially considering it's apparently made with Macromedia Flash), interesting characters and good writing. I wouldn't call myself a brony and watch it religiously, every brony I have seen has been bringing it up on unrelated topics. Let's say there's a video i'm watching about Breaking Bad, and someone in the comments has a profile picture with a picture of a pony, suddenly there's 6 or 7 people suddenly talking about it and you can't find any of the related comments without scrolling down. Then you have the ones that ASK for a flame war. I remember E-Nomine: Mitternacht, a song I felt like listening to a year or two ago after discovering it 6 or 7 years ago. I returned to it and all I found was flame wars about ponies, so I left a warning comment and what do you know? It was top comment on it for a full year, and it also got a lot of bronies hating on me for no reason. Sure, I got a lot of thank you comments but the negatives ones kept on rolling in.

I don't mind it brought up here as it is in context, it could be a theme song, although I suppose already we're flooding in the MLP comments, which probably makes me look like a hypocrite, but I felt I should share my opinions, and also why my character (Me) dislikes bronys. I don't mind bronies who don't force and push it on people and don't spam unrelated topics and basically act as if they want flare wars to happen. I also have a few brony friends. They joke about it sometimes but mostly keep quiet when it's not related to the topic at hand, of course, in there personnel time they go on there brony sites and forums which I have no problem with, because it's RELATED. It's really annoying when i'm looking up something about a Graphics Card and I click on a thread only to find it full of brony comments and pictures.

TL;DR: The show is good, the fandom can be extremely annoying.

EDIT: I'm not bringing up the fanart for... well, uh... obvious reasons... *shudder*
Well, I won't get a post up today because I feel I have nothing to post to until we eventually get to the dragon ride or some sort of conversation/event begins.
Orb was disappointed that Muse wasn't an admin, although he said it in an odd way, different than usual... Stern? That seems like the word to use.

Muse explained time to then, and Orb cringed at the Doctor Who joke... he felt it didn't suit the situation that much, Despite being a fan of the show himself.

After Muse changed into his dragon form once again, he climbed on top of him. A spike erupted, almost piercing his left arm. He took a good grip on it, and the noticed his bag had fallen on the ground. "Wait a moment." he said, as he jumped off, grabbed his bag and secured it tightly to Muse's leg. He climbed back up once again. I can't believe i'm riding on a dragon... he thought. He extended his arm to the kid around his age. "C'mon up then, I doubt you can fly up to... whatever, Kringleder academy or whatever it's called by yourself." Orb wasn't too sure if he could actually help this person up, after all, he could barely lift 20 lbs. He took a firm grip on the spike, as he extended his arm as much as possible.

He also didn't appreciate the Avatar Joke.

This is going to be a fun ride... he thought sarcastically to himself.
Evil, well, now seeming to go buy Orb. "Yeah, Orb will work. Better than Evil anyway." He didn't like it himself, but as he observed, everyone decided to try out there powers. He looked at the man his age, having already forgotten his name, he turned into an eagle. Why an eagle? I suppose he could fly upwardsHe thought, as he looked up at the structure above him. This other fellow introduced himself as John. "Pleasure to meet you all." Orb happily said to the other group, glancing at his companion, who seemed to trust them. Orb wanted to try out his power, but didn't feel to confident, in fear of it failing again. He was a GM in that other world, he glanced behind him at the forest bathed in light not obstructed by the floating island RP.

"So we all seem to be getting the hang of our abilities." he nodded to John and that kid. Orb wondered why he had chosen a puppet of a dragon, it seemed odd to him. "So I guess we can create things too." he once again looked at the light. I could try, i've always wanted one anyway... He thought. A look of doubt appeared on his face. Better not risk it, probably safer to ride on Muse anyway. In a joking fashion, he picked up his bag and tossed it to Muse. "Well, dragons are strong, right? I guess you can be the cargo plane." he said in a light hearted voice. He once again glanced at where they had come from.
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