Avatar of Falkon
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    1. Falkon 10 yrs ago


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Griga frowned. It was quite obvious that he'd startled the girl, which was never a good first impression(except in cases of hostile people, but that's beside the point).

"No need to be sorry," Griga said, "If anything, I should apologize, I shouldn't have surprised you like that... I didn't startle you too badly, did I?"

Assuming his attempt at salvaging the conversation succeeded and Rissie hadn't retreated, the Zora's offered his hand to shake. "My name is Griga, pleased to meet you."
Griga was taken aback by the prince's speech. He had always imagined that the opening of Ikana's borders would lead to new opportunities for traveling and training, but if the prince's grave proclamation was true, then traveling plans would have to be put on pause. The time for his training to truly be put to the test could be drawing near.

Even so, the speech had also heightened the Zora's interest in the walled kingdom. Who knows what sort of wind magic a Sky Goddess might know!

With Viscen's anticlimactic dismissal, the crowd slowly moved away, and Griga moved along with it. There may be danger in the future, but there was no point in worrying about it now, and the knights didn't really seem open to conversation at the moment.

As Griga meandered through the crowd, wondering what he might do next, he noticed the little green girl he had seen in East Clock Town. With nothing of particular note planned for the immediate future, the Zora maneuvered through the crowd until he was beside Rissie.

"Quite the speech, eh?" Griga said, smiling as he matched Rissie's speed, "It was almost as impressive as their horses!"
I'd be happy to have Griga bump into Rissie if you'd like, Kiddo.
Oh hey, I'm also still here! Yay!
Well, sure, Griga could probably see as well as anyone on the ground, but then he wouldn't be jumping across rooftops, would he?

You gotta jump across rooftops when the opportunity arises, man.
After his business with Teruk had come to a close, Griga had moved on to other parts of Clock Town, and continued to have quite a good time. He had meandered through West Clock Town for a while, talking to salesmen and failing to buy things in much the same way as he had in North Clock Town. The Zora had then attempted similar behavior in Tent City, but soon found himself uncomfortable with the way some of the more heavily armed merchants were looking at him, and returned to the actual city.

After that, Griga made his way to East Clock Town, and busied himself with absorbing the sites and sounds of the entertainment district. He played a few games, people-watched for a while(the most interesting of which was a little green girl who appeared to be from a species Griga had never seen before), and listened to a couple of musicians attempting to sing some sort of tragic ballad while a loud man bellowed at the top of his lungs about some sort of carnival game at the tent next to them.

Griga eventually made his way to South Clock Town, and when he did, he immediately began his search for the perfect spot to view the prince's procession. He had been quite young when the kingdom had closed its borders, and as a result Ikana was one of the few regions he had not had the pleasure of exploring. For this reason, Griga was particularly excited to view the parading prince, who's appearance would serve as the Zora's first(and hopefully not last) preview into the kingdom's culture.

After a few moments of searching, he eventually settled on a roof and, after a moment of preparation, leapt into the air, his magic assisting him in landing on top of some business. A few more leaps, and Griga could see much of the procession with ease.

Now settled down, Griga watched, as a trumpet played and the extravagant march began. It was certainly interesting.
Been busy with various things, but I should have a post ready in a day or two.
I guess I'd call Griga a... Wind/Electric Magic Brawler? I don't really know, but that sounds pretty close.

Also, I'm okay with a time skip, once others are ready.
Griga picked up another potion as Teruk described his specialty, which, happily enough, was alchemy. Although he was more than happy to appreciate a good piece of art, Griga found more practical things, like water, food, or potions to be far more worthy expenses. No use in keeping around functionless items when one could have a little lifesaver, after all.

Griga smiled as the Scrub spoke about his interest in other cultures, the Zora having had a strong interest in the world outside the Great Bay for as long as he could remember. It was because of this interest that Griga had traveled through Termina, interacting with different environments, different people… it was exhilarating. "Well, I hope you get the chance." Griga said.

Back to business, Griga was impressed by Teruk's pitch. The scrub certainly had a way with words. "That's good to hear!" Griga said, "How much for the magic potion?"
“Teruk, I’ll remember that.” Griga said, looking over the goods as the scrub made his pitch. “Your own work, eh?” Griga asked, “I’ll just have to figure out your specialty, then!”

The Zora took the chit from Teruk, scanning over the note quickly, before turning his attention back to the merchant and his wares. “Alright,” Griga said, “I think I might find something here, though. Seems like the right mat.”

When Teruk brought up the Great Bay, Griga’s eyes lit up, and he was quick to respond. “Born and raised,” the Zora said, “Spent quite a while inland, too, though. Even lived in the Swamp for a while.” As he talked, Griga examined a few of the potions. “So, why do you ask? Thinking about taking a visit?”

He set down the potion he had been holding, and asked, “Do you have much experience with magic?” Although the potions certainly seemed to be quality, Griga found himself most secure with alchemists that knew their way around magic. He figured their concoctions probably had a lot more field testing than a normal alchemist.
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