Avatar of Fatal Error 1337
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    1. Fatal Error 1337 10 yrs ago


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Notable Achievements:
- Can consistently write 3,000+ word posts
- Bested the Bronies in the "Go through the Alphabet before someone posts a My Little Pony Picture" forum

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Silvia, a 5 foot tall human who hasn't met many alien races, meeting Srath, an 8 foot tall lizard man... Can't wait.
"Every damn time." Srath pulled on the hull plate he just finished detaching from. It groaned, refusing to come free as it had fused with the frame from repeated re-entries, but it gave way to Sraths strength with a loud ping. Placing the heavy plate on the ground with a grunt he reached inside the exposed intake. "Every damn time I land here," He tried to force more of his large arm down the comparative small pipe. "They forget to clear the landing pad and I get some piece of scrap that's come of a junker stuck in the god damn intakes." He reached in further, having to bend at an awkward angle. "Then I've gotta reach in this tiny." He shoved his hand. "Fucking." He could feel something with the tips of his claws. "Hole!" With a last shove he grabbed a piece of scrap that had gotten wedged in the pipe. "Gotcha."

He wiggled the piece of debris free and pulled it from the pipe, he could feel the lip of the pipe scraping against this scaled arm. Once free he threw the scrap into the disposal chute. He pulled his data pad from his pocket to check the time, Ailen should have been there by now. Which worried Srath since he was usually very punctual, if Tristan found out they were running supplies to the Brax'Na he'd have his ship impounded. Then he'd find the not-exactly-legal items he'd acquired from his bounties over the years and Tristan could make his very long life miserable.

He briefly debated taking off but chided himself for overreacting, he decided to give Ailen a little more time. A minute later Ailen walked through the door with two others, a human woman he didn't recognize that barely came up to his waist and the small winged creature he'd seen around the tower was perched on her shoulder. Srath pushed off from his ship and took the letter Ailen held out. "It's my pleasure." He pulled the pad from his pocket once more, hitting a control the ramp opened to the cargo area of his ship.

When he heard Ailen explain what they were doing to the short woman, he sighed in annoyance. "I wish you wouldn't tell so many people what we were doing here." He spoke in a gravely voice. "Do you know how difficult Tristan could make life for us if he figures out what we're doing?"
Bjoric grumbled under his breath with every step, he was exhausted from the lack of sleep and exertion. His face hurt where Ellyn had smashed her harp into it and he was dripping wet from having to walk through a waterfall with his armor in order to get outside. He dropped his armor with a loud clang next to the cart, he pulled his pack open and grabbed an oil cloth. Sitting against the cart wheel with a sigh of relief he began rubbing down the steel with the cloth, not wanting to risk rust.

Looking up from his work he saw the other were still quite active which irked Bjoric. "How the hell are ye all still up? It's taking every bit o' will I got not to just fall asleep on me armor." Once he saw Ellyn return with that damned harp he groaned. "Oh you've got to be joking."

Once he finished oiling the armor he circled around behind the cart for a little privacy as he changed into dry clothes for sleeping. Laying on his bedroll he hoped he could sleep through whatever the elf had planned.
I'd work on a post but I work on weekends and my phone is out of data. I'll try and throw up something when I get back.
Sraths' theme song, actually this is the theme for any bounty hunter type character I have. =P

Welp, I'm off to work. What ever you do, don't let Ellyn pick up any stray animals.
There CS is up, history is a little thin but I'm having a hard time finishing it. I'll beef it up later but I figured I should get up what I had.


8' 2"




Srath has dark grey scales covering his entire body, except where it fades to black along his back and the top of his head, and lightens along his front and throat to almost white. His eyes are bright blue and almost glow in contrast to his dark scales.

5 Person ship, 3 crew 2 prisoners, capable of medium range jumps.

High Damage energy weapon with a non-leathal setting.

Light body armor with small personal shield.

Decent pilot, very good with pistol weapons and hand-to-hand combat, very good investigator and liar. Lots of experience and has contacts everywhere.

Srath has a strong sense of honor, it drove him to his current profession of bounty hunting. He has also taken mercenary type jobs from communities for problems that GMC was unwilling to pay for. He has also been known to run emergency supplies due to his desire to help. Has issues with arrogant individuals who are apathetic to their mistakes, they tend to end up with broken faces around him.

Srath was orphaned at a very young age, he doesn't remember his parents well and has no other family. His birth parents death was never solved. He was adopted by a human family as his parents had moved from their home world. Once he'd grown up he applied to GTC security, once hired he began looking into the file on his parents death. While working for GTC he became frustrated with the work as he was unable to do any real good. Once it became known that he was looking into the death of his birth parents he was fired from GTC.

Still wanting to help people he used what he'd learned while working in GTC to do what they were unwilling or unable to do. Over the course of the last fifty years he's been hunting down criminals and pirates and handing them over to local GTC authorities for a modest fee. Most of the equipment he has belonged to the people he caught, not all of it strictly legal. Even his ship was a gift from a very grateful shipyard owner who's daughter had been kidnapped by pirates.

Once his adoptive parents died, he officially moved to his ship. Preferring to call it home than any of the planets under the GTC.

Bjoric almost fell from the blow, still exhausted from the day. He managed to stay upright as Ellyn ran down the stairs. He stood for a few seconds, confused that the person he didn't tear into.

"That girl, there's something not right with her." he rubbed his sore face as he made his way back to their cells. Stepping through the mess of corpses they'd broken he made it back to collect his armor. He returned to the large chamber, most of the party had made their way through the waterfall. He heard the goblin rambling about staying in the city and thought 'Good ridance.'

He emerged from the stairs to the night sky of the desert, and a naked elf. "Another one?! What do you adventurers just grow in the desert?"
God my brain is turning to mush. I'm going to have to finish this character tomorrow.
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