Avatar of FateWeaver
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Bluewolf675
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 646 (0.17 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. FateWeaver 10 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Been a while, but I'm back. Just moved and no social life in the new place yet so I'll probably be around a lot.
8 yrs ago
My cat has been found guilty of laptopicide, using my very own jar of ice water as a murder weapon. I'll be back as soon as I can. At most, I'm looking at about a month with no personal computer.
8 yrs ago
Leaving town to visit my girlfriend, probably won't be around to post for a couple days. I'll be back in full by Wednesday.
8 yrs ago
Anyone else remember Code Lyoko?
8 yrs ago
Finally got my wisdom teeth out. Probably won't be around much until I recover.


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Most Recent Posts

Might have to join this one. I'll be around, considering it.

Already have a character in mind, even.
Woo, finally did it. Sorry it took me so long.

Also, I figure I probably should have mentioned @PixiePudding, since we're roomies now and all.
Morgan Selwyn

Morning found Morgan at his sanctuary once more, silently meditating in front of his altar. His sanctuary had grown somewhat in the short time that he had been attending school, in more ways than one. The surrounding flora seemed slightly lusher than the rest of the wilds, as though they had already seen a season of growth. His presence in the space had grown as well. A hollow in a pile of stones sheltered a small chest with a few books in it, and the painting Kiara had made for him hung from a low branch in a glass frame. To anyone with a sense for magical auras, the general area had built up a field of calm, gentle power. Morgan practiced here daily, and as a result he was better able to move and shape energy, and use his magic more efficiently within his sanctuary.

Over the break, he had spent a lot of time at his sanctuary and the lake downriver from it. A smile touched Morgan's face as he stood, remembering many evenings spent in the company of a certain faerie. He wondered if Kiara would be at the water's edge that morning, and decided to let his steps guide him in that direction. The river itself would serve as a path as well as packed earth, and would allow him to coax some speed from the waters. Almost without thought, he started through the familiar routine he used to practice control of his magic. Soon, the idler portion of his mind began to ponder what the new semester would bring in each class.

Lyla Warren

Doors opened and closed several times, and the general sounds of unpacking and sorting away belongings sounded through the otherwise silent apartment. On the other side of her door, Lyla didn't stir an inch. Not even the loudest sound her roommate could have caused while he unpacked did not rouse her. It was only several minutes after he had finished that the Splice awoke to the jangling of an old-fashioned wind-up alarm clock. A feather pillow knocked the clock to the floor with a loud clunk, and it ceased its obnoxious noise. The idea was for the clock to help her get up in time for class, but so far it had only managed to make her grumpy when she finally showed up.

Today, though, the slender girl dragged herself from her bed and stood up to stretch and yawn. Something about the space was different, and she could feel it even if she couldn't feel it. Wearing only an oversized t-shirt that she slept in, she padded across the floor to the door of her room, beginning to hum softly as she slipped through it. The furnishings of the common area were largely unchanged, but had been shifted slightly as though nudged in passing. A small sound, paper on paper, caught Lyla's attention and her ears swiveled towards the door to the other bedroom. It seemed that her roommate had been bringing some new things in, probably the equipment he had been waiting on. Smiling, she strode over to his door and knocked softly on it. While she waited, she scratched at the back of her left calf with her right toes.

@Aspen Wren Finished with Morgan (in the post above, forgot to mention you there).

I'm going to do some rewriting and reformatting for Lyla, but I've decided to bring her back as well.

Ended up doing less than I thought I was going to, and the formatting was pretty quick once I settled in to do it.

Finally finished this up. It isn't much, but it's much better than it was.

I'll probably do some rewriting for Morgan later tonight. I've a friend over, but he's a daywalker so I'll get some time to write later.
@Aspen Wren I'm back. My apologies for the sudden, prolonged, and unexplained absence. I was helping my girlfriend through some troubling times, and my attention (and unfortunately, finances) had to be re-prioritized for a while. Back in action now, and glad to see you all again.

I'll likely update Morgan a bit before I bring him over, and I'm undecided on Lyla's migration. May edit her, may drop her. May even bring in someone different.
I'm here, and only now able to work on my CS again. Had to go out of town for a couple days to help my parents with a few things. Should be done soon, provided I am able to consistently connect to the Guild.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Morgan Selwyn

Morgan tried hard not to roll his eyes. He really did. But Sulley's lengthy explanation of his business ventures gave him an urge that was just too strong. By the time he had asked about the vacation, Kiara and Samantha had already started for the water. Watching the girls walk, his mind worked out a tactful answer to the Dragon's question.

"Sounds like a great time, you'll have to let me know when you plan on going exactly. There are some things at home that simply can't be missed and I'd hate to miss the trip." It wasn't that he didn't want to go, but Morgan wasn't entirely sure Sulley wanted him there. Of course if the invitation was sincere, he doubted his roommate would let him bluff his way around it like that.

On the way to the water, Morgan carefully leaned Kiara's gift against the base of a tree. He shed his jacket and dark jeans there as well, leaving his shirt, black boxers, and his scarf. The last he tied into a loose knot as he turned back towards the others. Upon spotting Sulley's scars, he winced briefly. Most of his own back and neck were fairly heavily scarred, and he didn't like having it out in the open. Shifting his shoulders uncomfortably for a moment, he made for the water without comment as Samantha started chanting. He simply jogged down into the water until it cleared his waist, then dove below the surface to resurface near the girls. His clothes and hair got soaked immediately, but it had never bothered him before. It wouldn't exactly be hard to dry off again once they were out of the water.
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