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The Calm Before the Storm

Part 1

Location: Hoover Dam – Las Vegas, Nevada
Time: Late Evening, Present Day

Marie fell to the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of her. She had passed through many of Puck’s portals, but their composition was entirely different, more sophisticated in Marie’s opinion. Where the Ambassador linked places through doors opened via the Arcane Stream, Puck’s doors connected to the soul of a place, his presence infused within the very stones. No matter her method of travel, Marie was safe . . . well, relatively speaking. She glanced at her wounded party, all understandably shaken by their brush with death. Somehow, they had emerged victorious.

Holt formed next to Marie, wispy hands running over the length of her arm as a sort of rudimentary comfort. His attempts at emotion were well received.

Are you well? he spoke softly to her mind, trying not to surprise her further.

Marie’s strength had been completely sapped. The bullet’s poisoned continued to work its way through her veins, slowly draining her vitality. It was a vicious weapon the Hounds wielded. Had she not conjured that memory, had Gwyneth’s Sight not been in her hand, Marie might have fallen.

Well as can be expected, her mental response was sluggish, bearing the weight of her physical fatigue.

Marie turned up to find the Ambassador standing over her, words falling from her lips in irregular passes, fading as she struggled to fight the bullet’s poison. She saw the glint of the phone being handed to her and weakly grasped it. Had she been in a better way, Marie might have appreciated the charm on the back. As the Ambassador took her leave, Marie turned back to the others, Benjamin noticeably more damaged than she.

We have to get him help soon, Marie’s thoughts were like a whisper to Holt. I might have something useful back with the Lachance witches . . .

Worry about yourself, Holt interrupted. Your energy is all but gone, and your strength will continue to deplete until you undergo a purifying rite, one I’m sure the Lachance witches know.

But the question remained, how would they get back to the Lachance family stronghold? Marie and Benjamin were in no condition to travel, and Puck’s door required a more direct link to the target location than Marie possessed. Holt could carry Marie and Ben, but Yeong, Ji, and Kat were all rather close to him at this point; they’d throw a fit if Marie spirited him away. Fortunately, Genevieve Lachance had been a gracious host to Marie and provided her with a means of returning to their stronghold.

Marie riffled through the small bag at her side, filing through the miscellaneous witching instruments before happening upon a long, white wand. It was crudely fashioned, resembling a limb more than the intricate ceremonial implements she’d seen before. The only signs of its power were small inscriptions along each side, written in the same tongue as the magic mirror in the desert, but these words she couldn’t read, not in her current state. Despite this, she knew the wand’s purpose.

With some difficulty, Marie positioned herself closer to the group, the twins and Kat all huddled around Benjamin. She grabbed hold of his back foot, flinching at his soft whimper.

”Everyone place a hand on Benjamin,” Marie commanded with clenched teeth. She could sense their unease, understood their hesitation, but had no time to deal with any objections. Eventually, all did as asked with the exception of the Dover Twins who promised to keep in touch.

Marie turned to Holt, giving him a weak nod. He took the wand in both hands, dark tendril-like claws wrapping around branch like an enveloping black pitch. Then he snapped the wand in half, releasing a deafening crackle of energy. There was no flash of light, no wind or mist, they had simply vanished, fading from one place to the next.

Lachance Stronghold – Henderson, Nevada
Time: Late Evening, Present Day

All became clear once more. The sudden blur of one world fading into the next began to melt away. When at last their eyes adjusted, they were met with a strange spectacle indeed. Before them stood a tree far larger than words could describe, its bark white as snow, emanating a soft glow that was icy yet comforting. Its long branches were littered with silver leaves and crimson blossoms, all floating on an ethereal wind that gave the illusion of dancing, or perhaps they were dancing. The tree called to them with a faint hum like the chiming of bells, was it singing?

A slender figure approached from a long corridor leading into that divine arboretum, scarlet locks falling around her painted features. Genevieve Lachance, head of the Lachance witches, came to greet her weary guests. She could see it in their eyes, the source of their suffering.

“The Hounds,” she spat with disgust, kneeling down and cupping Marie’s face. “What have they done now?”

”S-ss-silver b-bullets.” Marie struggled to speak. How effective could this weapon of the Hounds be? Surely their knowledge of witchcraft wasn’t so sophisticated, nor her powers so weak, that she could be so easily bested by a simple graze from a bullet.

”Blessed silver,” Holt corrected, falling onto Genevieve’s shoulder in the form of a raven. ”The sort used by The Winter Court . . .”

“Don’t speak their name,” Genevieve warned, shuttering at the mere mention of the infamous hunters. “I know their handiwork, and worry not, my dear, I can reverse whatever ills they have inflicted.”

Marie didn’t follow Genevieve's and Holt’s conversation, but she was relieved all the same.

“That, however,” Genevieve pointed to Ben, the corners of her mouth turned down. “That is beyond my power. I can do nothing for your lycanthropic friend, nor do I fully understand why you’ve brought them here.”

Genevieve turned her back to the others, speaking quietly to Marie.

“I gave you that wand in good faith, White Witch. Your path, your deeds are known to me, theirs are not. I agreed to grant you my aid, not these creatures. The Families are weak, we cannot afford the chaos that your friends here will surely bring.”

Marie shook her head.

”I promise, they can be t-trusted. They’re helping me just as you. They w-won’t cause you any trouble.” Marie only half believed her words. So far, this group had been nothing but chaotic, but she hoped things would simmer down now that they were all out of immediate danger.

”I have a method for healing B . . . the wolf. It’s in my b-b-bags. Holt can find it.”

Holt offered a small nod to both Genevieve and Marie before flying down the corridor to locate Marie’s belongings.

Genevieve sighed.

“Very well,” she turned back to the rest of the group. “You are all safe here, but hear me when I say this place will not abide the chaos your kind brings. You will be mindful, you will be respectful, you will make yourselves scarce, or you will be forced from this place. Where exactly that lands you . . . I couldn’t say.”

She let out a soft chuckle, motioning for a few of the witches throughout the chamber to carry Marie and Ben to separate rooms to be healed, and leading Katarina, Ji, and Yeong to another room to wait.

Promoting one of my NPCs to a full-fledged PC. Here's my CS for Madalena Hawthorne/Hex. And I know we've got a lot of supernatural and magical folk, so to keep a sort of balance I'd also like to make Hekate an NPC for both White Witch and Hex (albeit a very active NPC, but an NPC nonetheless).

Time: Evening (Forever Evening)
Location: Smithy’s Grocery Store - Las Vegas

Marie fell back in exhaustion, catching herself just before hitting the stained tile. She cupped her head with both hands, the sharp return of memory more painful than she might have expected. Her ears rang for a moment as her head throbbed. The air around her shimmered with something old. There was power there, power that hadn’t existed before, at least, not that anyone could tell.

Holt rushed to Marie’s side, his ethereal form phasing through the remnant chaos.

Marie, Holt’s raspy voice conveyed concern as best it could. Are you alright? Did something happen?

He could feel it, of course. The change in Marie’s voice moments before, her posture, the burning embers within that bathed her in an ephemeral glow, all was apparent. It was just as Puck had warned.

Marie stood slowly, the hem of her dress covered in blood, dirt, and ash, her sunhat blown away in the fray, small nicks, bumps, and bruises on her lower legs portraying more harm than she’d realized.

”Yeah,” she groaned, dusting herself off, wincing as she bent her right arm which had caught the brunt of her fall. ”I’ll live.”

The smell of burning flesh carried through Smithy’s, the charred corpses of her victims still blanketed in hot flames. Marie looked them over, emotionless, remorseless, but trying to make sense of what had happened. Gwyneth had taken over, that much she knew. Could she trace this new memory back to others, use it as a torch to illuminate Gwyneth’s other dark secrets? She scanned the room, hoping to find context for her newly discovered memory.

Odette had watched the White Witch change before her eyes. She felt Gwyneth's possession in her purse burn through the enchanted walls warming her leg. It astounded her the power released even at close proximity to another piece of her soul. Every time she turned around it seemed Gwyneth and by extension the White Witch was setting the bar higher. For the briefest of moments she saw Gwyneth herself. Slowly she approached White Witch, seemingly herself once more. Mandate was close by while Bach whispered in her ear on her shoulder.

Quite the reaction, rage and witchfire. I suppose that was only a brief glimpse.” Odette guessed, the fey around them flocked openly surrounding Mandate and some returning to their Ambassador’s side lingering in her shadow and around her head.

That was far too easy, The Hounds would not seriously expect to rid us that easily. Sending in a few people with guns.” The sorceress shrewdly observed the White Witch, physically and her clothing were in a state. “You are prepared to continue fighting, yes?

Marie turned to glare at the Ambassador, but her eyes weren’t filled with hate or rage, only fatigue.

”If I must,” Marie’s voice carried her tiredness, but there was a subtle determination there as well. ”Might be easier if you handed me that box.” Marie gestured to the Ambassador’s purse. She didn’t know if touching Gwyneth’s artifacts would strengthen her any more than being in proximity to them. Either way, Marie was keen to be in full possession of what was hers.

The Ambassador dug the still warm trunk containing Sight out of her purse, “It would certainly be an interesting experiment. This...belongs to you.” She said with a slight begrudging tone. Clearly not eager to hand over her bargaining chip. They had shook hands and a contract was signed. The White Witch was obligated not to do her harm. “It is fair warning of me to say, powerful wards protected this for centuries and the magic that these were steeped in were powerful enough to pull my mind and soul into a world built then maintained by Gwyneth, by her will and her will alone. They are more than just containers for memories.

She offered it.

Marie took the trunk quickly, holding it in both of her hands while looking Odette in the eyes.

”So you really saw her?” Marie sounded invigorated, her excitement apparent. ”She . . . pulled you into another world? Where did she take you? What did you see?”

Marie rattled off questions, all the while opening the box to reveal dozens of small divinatory stones, runes, and coins bearing images and symbols she didn’t fully recognize. The box gave her no trouble, but there was a power in it, something that resonated with her. Perhaps it hadn’t made Marie stronger, but more aware.

I saw you. When-” She hesitated to say, taking an extra moment to tailor her words, “When I first began to look for more information regarding you, I did not fully understand what it meant when I discovered you and Gwyneth are one in the same, just incomplete. When I met you, in past memories - a bubble so to speak, you isolated yourself from the world. You believed that Queen Mab was still ruling in the Summer Courts. Only then did I finally understand. It is like a mirror.” She said holding the White Witch’s attention with her icy blue eyes. As for her other questions, there was no time to go in depth. “There will be time later to discuss, as for now we must focus. Gather what energy you have left to defend you and yours.

Mandate, for her part, had meandered closer during the Ambassador’s exchange with the White Witch, having returned to her side once her playtime was done. The heavy golem was mostly preoccupied with wiping at her hands with a strip of cloth stolen from her victim’s clothing, working to remove his blood from where it pooled at her joints and crevices. Still, some of the conversation managed to float its way into her ears. Hopefully the Ambassador would give her the important footnotes at another time.

”You think there will be more to kill, Miss Ambassador?” she asked, curious and perhaps a little contemplative. Maybe she should have grabbed the man’s gun like she’d been wanting to, she mused. It wasn’t like she needed it, but such things killed faster than she could run. Although, she’d found it inconvenient the last time she’d held one, how it did not fit her finger, or her hand for that matter. The little piece that prevented her digit from operating it didn’t look important…

The Ambassador turned looking up to her friend, “Yes, I do not doubt the Hounds of Humanity are finished with us yet. I remember quite clearly, only a few days ago the destruction they brought to us.” A rumbling agreement from the Fey around them. “We are not the weak-

Three bullet shots rang through the store cutting through the shadows, cutting through the distinct form of a Far Derrig in their rat-like appearance. Their dark red coat bled colour, greying into ash as the silver bullet ‘purified’ the spirit. With it the strangled cry of their death.

The Fey around them erupted with anger, in a blink of an eye their magic soaked their surroundings elongating Odette’s shadow filling it with various shapes making it unrecognizable. The ground in the aisles became swampy with bog, a vile stench permeated the air. The Ambassador braced herself against it. In another blink The Ambassador began warding her surrounding area, Words of Power summoning the Arcane Stream upon them. She stepped behind Mandate, working another layer.

It became abundantly clear that her wards would do them no favours, multiple shots began to tear through the shop. Each with a target, not firing indiscriminately as they did before. Her wards shattered. Fey took shelter in their boggy hatred, erecting natural shields of their own as opposed to magical.

The sudden pain striking Mandate, which a foggy memory compared to the sting of insects, brought with it a violent flinch from the golem, her arms swinging up instinctively to block her face as she nonetheless turned her body towards the assault, presenting a wider target and greater cover. ”Ow!” Ow? Ow? That was unacceptable. She was becoming far, far too familiar with pain, in her opinion; one time was already too many.

But Miss Ambassador came first. The golem whirled on her feet deceptively quickly, resisting the urge to arch her back as the little stings prickled their way across it, rather than her front. She now faced the Ambassador and the White Witch, her body low and hunkered forward, arms spread. ”Miss Ambassador, are you alright? They’re hurting!” Her voice was almost a petulant whine, her ‘v’ of a mouth flipping into a frown. Areas of the golem’s broad chest carried dents, as if pockmarked. Similar marks were doubtlessly appearing on her back now, judging by the noise and stinging pain.

Holt positioned himself between Marie and these new assailants, ghastly arms like black tendrils spread wide to absorb the oncoming fire. A silver bullet passed through his left side, a flash of light and crackle of energy sparking from the impact. Holt screeched in pain, an audible hiss that sent shivers down Marie’s spine. She’d never known he could be hurt.

Looking down on his left hand, a mass of sharp, ethereal claws, a burning hole had pierced Holt’s form, the edges of the wound glowing with white light, preventing the familiar from healing himself. Instinctively, he took Marie’s shoulder and pushed her behind Mandate alongside the Ambassador.

Marie could hear a dull whimper, one of the wolves had been shot. Before she could survey the area to see which one, another bullet came zipping past, grazing her right shoulder. At first, it was nothing, only the slight sting of air hitting the fresh cut left by the edge of the bullet. But soon after, there came a sharp pain, a burning pain that seemed to spread to her entire arm. She winced, holding her arm closer to her body to ease the pain, but it wouldn’t pass.

Witch hunters . . . Holt spoke in a whisper, looking to the attending fey all gathered in the Ambassador’s shadow. He could see the looks in their eyes, some held panic, but others true terror. He wondered if they knew.

”I-I-Is-s this s-silver?” Marie struggled to ask, gasping with every breath, teeth clenched in response to the pain. She knew the powers that iron held over the fey, indeed, over any magic; she knew the stories of witches being harmed by silver, but never had she experienced the malice of witch hunters or their instruments . . . not in this life anyway.

Holt nodded, looking down to find that his wound had only partially closed.

Their weapons are blessed. These are the armaments of witch hunters, your magic alone cannot halt their progress. But perhaps our magic combined . . . Holt turned to the Ambassador, now fully visible in gruesome detail, a black shade with no distinguishable features save a head full of jagged teeth and two long tendril-like arms sporting vicious claws.

Holt finally appearing and pushing the White Witch around meant she was as affected by their weaponry as The Ambassador’s wards were. The familiar was a shadowy apparition with teeth in what she assumed was his true form. White Witch herself was injured from a bullet graze. Mandate had clear dents across her chest and arms. She assured Mandate, “I am alright.” Her brow furrowed, switching to new tactic. Do as her allies did, the fey had in their expression of anger changed their surroundings to their advantage. From what she could see the ground had become swampy and difficult to trek through. The items on all the shelves were still there, haphazardly but they remained.

The Fey in her shadow whimpered as Bach tried to console them, he tugged on her ear. “My Lady, we cannot remain.

She nodded. “White Witch, we need to gather everyone close, set traps and slow down their advance. We may not be able to affect them directly but everything around them is still susceptible.” White Witch seemed to be focusing elsewhere, Odette snapped her fingers in front of her face. “No matter how battered you are, focus allow the pain to sharpen your actions. Fan the flames.” Odette adapted a hardened tone, firmly trying to get her attention. Stabilize the fear. The Ambassador hardly wanted to send the Fey into certain death and it would soon mean they would be surrounded, there was only so much Mandate could do. “I need time to craft our escape.

The rings of dents ticked time away, Odette closed her eyes calling upon the Arcane Stream the shelves of groceries began to levitate surrounded by misty blue. Some of the floating cans were shot out of the air mistaken for a true target. A shout from one of the Hounds told them they were not far, perhaps conserving their limited supply? Soup cans, bags of pasta, boxes of powdered potatoes were lifted scattered into the air at random. Another shot sprayed soup contents, feeding the swamp.

Marie followed the Ambassador’s words, straining her eyes, which had begun to glaze over with a soft haze. This nullifying poison was spreading, weakening her, draining her stamina, dulling her mind. A tool of the witch hunters, she thought, to make their victims unable to protect themselves or fight back. But Marie was no second rate witch. Gwyneth had made herself known before, twice now. Perhaps these circumstances were exactly what she needed to unlock that hidden potential.

Holt, Marie’s mind linked with Holt’s, even her inner voice carrying the same fatigue as her body, Shake the earth, stir the winds, don’t let them any closer.

Holt gave a single nod, his ephemeral body coalescing into a mass of dark shadows, shifting into the form of a large raven. Off he flew into the fray, carrying on his wings an unnatural gust of air. Around the Hounds he flew, drawing some of their fire as they struggled to see his misty figure in the growing fog. The wind became so strong it threatened to topple still standing shelves. The Hounds’ bullets flew straight, but their focus was gone.

Soon after, Holt assumed a form Marie had seen only once, the one gifted to him by Joseph, that of a black goat. He stomped around Smithy’s, bucking his head, long, gnarled horns scraping the walls. With each pass, the ground beneath them began to shake, upsetting their balance further, forcing them remain stationary to catch their balance.

Marie used this time to conjure her strength, or that of Gwyneth, and find some piece of that old magic. Much to her surprise, it came with relative ease, a gift she had witnessed before but had not always been able to perform . . . the gift of fascination. She lifted her arm, two windows near the entrance shattering in response, spraying the still encroaching hounds with shards of glass. The winds summoned by Holt became more wild with her aid, as did the trembling, now stretching to the walls and ceilings, causing light fixtures and display shelves to fall and add to the swamp of debris.

Odette caught her balance of the shaking ground against Mandate, that would be what they needed. Disturbing the environment around them was the perfect deterrent. The Ambassador turned her back to Mandate, summoning her will to open a portal. Bracing herself, she shut out the world around her, shutting out the audience, closing her mind to all foreign distractions. She acclimatized to the vibrating ground, the noise faded away. Quietly the sounds of a rushing river came to her in her imagination, far away and changing from the sounds of a river to a heartbeat. She lifted her arms into the air blue energy flowing down from her hands to her arms. Words of Power spoken in French Odette invited the Arcane Stream to open and it responded in kind.

A line of energy was drawn down, it widened in a triangle brightening their surroundings considerably. A wave of life flowing from it. From it slowly a door took shape, first it’s wooden frame, panels and then finally a golden door knob and hinges. The portal was formed after a couple minutes. Light outlined the frame. Opening her eyes, Odette looked to her right seeing the White Witch pushing through her injuries then to her left she saw two guns pointed at her.

Dread spread through her stomach. Two Hounds had broke away from their main formation, sneaking alongside the parameters to arrive alongside them. Turning to face them magic still gathered in her hands, no time to properly react, the pair of guns fired. Odette flinched at the first bullet ricocheting off of Mandate’s right arm while the other found its home in her shoulder. The force drove her back into Mandate’s left arm. Stumbling to a knee.

The pain was white hot blooming down her arm and collarbone. The burn from the blessed bullet spread blocking magic from her right arm. She felt familiar with the pain as if she was experiencing the poison of iron once again. “My lady!” Bach shouted, growing back to a human size supporting her torso. Lifting her clear of Mandate’s arm.

Odette let out a drawn out groan, biting down hard on her lower lip. Stifling the cry.

Ki-Kill them.

Mandate barely heard the command, though it was hardly necessary. Something had squeezed inside of her for a terrifying moment after the startling pain had bloomed on her side rather than from behind. Then it had returned, and made a seemingly permanent home for itself when Mandate registered Odette’s motion in her arms.
The sight of the ambassador on her knee, a wound driven into her shoulder, was what solidified the feeling. No. And then the Ambassador was leaving her arms, her mind too stricken in that moment to protest. There was a chorus in her mind-no, rather, her mind was the chorus, babbling and incoherent. Fear, twisting inside of her like a knife inside fragile human flesh. Rage, scalding and seething, demanding.

It was a combination of the latter and simple instinct that snapped the golem free of her trance. The tile was exploding beneath her foot before she had even completed her turn, a wordless and senseless scream tearing itself free as if from a hundred throats in discordant harmony. The soothing surreality of her multi-toned voice was gone, leaving only noise and fury.

There was no adrenaline in her body, no veins to carry blood and no heart to race, but the distance between herself and her targets seemed to eat itself up at a frantic pace, the ground exploding beneath every stomp in her long-legged, hunched sprint.

The hounds, for their part, seemed to realize the futility of their gunfire after only a moment. Their backpedaling retreat became a frantic dive to escape her reach. Her arm swung around with all the speed of a frantic rage, the strike of her claws snagging and tearing through one soldier’s equipment, followed by the flesh of their side. A strange buzz swept across her hand in the moment of contact, but it didn’t matter. It was, compared to destroying them completely and utterly, a secondary issue.

The hound was sent into a crimson spiral to the ground, their scream echoing oddly in the magic-rich air. The other paramilitant was caught in a firmer grasp; Mandate’s hand struck true, snapping around their throat like a vice as the golem skidded and stumbled past. It was only a momentary restraint that did not see them decapitated as her first Hound had been.

It didn’t matter. They had to die. Anything else was unacceptable, and anything too slow was not currently practical… But Mandate would allow herself a small vindictive act. Her stampeding became a skidding turn, her occupied hand slamming into the ground hard- accompanied by her target’s neck- as she fell onto all fours. Lifting up the dazed and choking man, the golem lunged to close the distance with the injured secondary ‘soldier’, still writhing and scrabbling upon the ground. The choking man was slammed head-first into his agonized companion, and suddenly both were silent. Not enough, have to be sure. Her hand released his throat, covering the entirety of the man’s face. Screaming with that same agonizing fury, she drove him downwards.

The ensuing force of his head striking his companion’s turned both into what could only be called shrapnel, and left her hand buried into the floor up to the elbow.

Grasping Bach’s shoulder The Ambassador pushed herself up back to her feet. Feebly, her breathing was shallow, blood bloomed across her white blouse. Sweat beaded at her forehead. She felt like everything was fogged, growing distant by the minute. She saw Mandate’s retaliation. She looked to the door then pointed, “W-we need to leave.

Bach nodded gently towing her to the door, with her free hand she grasped the doorknob tugging it open. All the while the floor was unstable with the disruptions from Holt and the White Witch. A wall of light greeted her as the door swung wide open. She grasped the frame, looking to both White Witch then to Mandate. The Hounds were on the other side of their defenses, Fey came flowing behind her running to the retreat of the portal. The flowing energy of the Arcane Stream gave her the final push to cross the threshold to safety.

Marie made a motion to Holt, bidding him to return.

Holt did as commanded, making one final revolution around the room, trotting down the isles, dodging around struggling Hounds, nicking a few with his horns as he passed. Before returning to Marie’s side, Holt passed by the other half of their group.

The Ambassador has opened a portal for us. Gather yourselves and fall back. Further efforts to protect yourself will be in vain.

With that warning issued, Holt returned to his ethereal form, appearing next to Marie as a mass of dark shadows, supporting her with his magic.

Marie could feel the influx of power, it was enough for her to make her escape. Picking herself up, Marie followed the Ambassador through the portal, the chaos of Smithy’s slowly fading to black, replaced by the soft glow of the night sky and the sound of rushing water.

We Witches Three

Part I, The Witch Mother’s Secret

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, The Witches Stronghold
Time: 12  p.m., Day after LHU Attack

”Do not insult my intelligence, Circe.” Hekate snapped at Circe, pacing over the lavish tile of her inner sanctum, dark garments floating in a phantom breeze. The two witches hadn’t seen nor heard from one another in 180 years, and Circe’s idea of a greeting caught Hekate in a sour mood.

”I meant no disrespect,” Circe appologized, her sultry voice conveying more sarcasm than sympathy. ”But the topic requires further discussion, given recent events . . .”

Hekate glared at her former pupil, falling onto a stone bench with dramatic flair, leaning her head back and releasing a dreadful sigh. Circe had always been meddlesome, more so than Medea, though no one would know it given how isolationist she was. This wasn’t the time for Circe’s prying hands.

”Does it? 2000 years it’s gone withough discussion, why bring it up now, amidst all this chaos? The Winter Court is rising once more, the witches of this city, this country, are falling to lesser men, powerless. The Five Families are short one coven and infighting will soon begin if I don’t maintain control. And then there are my other associates in town . . . I don’t have time for your meddlesome inquiries.”

”Precisely,” Circe rebuted, setting herself next to her mistress, taking Hekate’s hands in hers. ”You don’t have time, but not for the reasons you may think. My Lady, you’re spread too thin, and you haven’t the time to spare to all these pet projects.”

Circe caught Hekate’s attention, staring deeply into her eyes.

”I won’t mince words, you’re nearing your end. You’ve felt it, I know you have. You have been diligent in your protection and granting of the cunning flame for centuries, but there is one duty you’ve overlooked. Finding y-”

”My successor,” Hekate interrupted, turning away from Circe, head turned downward in sulken dismay. ”Yes, I know. The duty I have failed to uphold.”

Hekate spoke of the role of Witch Mother, a unique title but one held before she assumed that mantle. In the years preceding the rise of man, the Witch-Fire took shape, forming a duality that became known as the Witch Mother and Witch Father. It is their nature to be reborn in a continuous cycle; every few centuries a new leader rising from the living, the dead, or the Other. When the new Witch Mother or Father rises, the old one fades. Hekate’s infernal husband, the Bucca, rose to power in the early 15th century, his predecessor, an Egyptian sorceror priest, falling as he rose.

In those early years, Hekate too should have fallen, but something happened. Her successor wasn’t whole. Hekate reigned as the Witch Mother centuries longer than intended, but recently, she could feel the new Witch Mother near, not quite whole, but growing in strength.

”There is too much still at stake. I cannot fall, not while the Winter Court is at work, not while I’m needed.”

”Nor do I wish to see you leave.” Circe spoke with genuine emotion this time, placing a hand on Hekate’s lap and the other cupping her face. ”Medea and I have served you well, have we not? Allow us to shoulder your burdens. She has already been dispatched to see the end of the Winter Court, and I shall take your place as ambassador of the families here, and elsewhere. Do what you must to see your reign last for another 2000 years, but do not fool yourself into believing it will go away, that you have more time.”

Hekate smiled, kissing Circe’s forehead.

”You are too good to me, the both of you. I shall do as you ask . . . but do not fool yourself into believing you my master.” Hekate joked, the two of them chuckling heartily.

Hekate felt a faint pull, someone calling to her. Her face turned sour, her spirits lowered considerably.

What’s wrong, my lady?”

”It would appear time for you to meet one of my associates.”


Part 5

Location: Smithy’s Grocery Store – Las Vegas, Nevada
Time: Late Evening, Present Day

Phantom voices drowned out the screaming patrons of Smithy’s, the encroaching attack fading from vision. Smoke rose over their dimming visage, feint cries calling to Marie in a familiar fashion. The panic, the pain, the rage, all this and more come flooding back in an instant. Blind was she to her surroundings, deaf to the worried cries of Holt and the wolves, numb to the rumbling earth beneath. All that was ceased to be until there was nothing.

Marie closed her eyes, attempting to make sense of her fading world while riding a wave of dread and fear. This unknown, this illusion, it called to her minutes before, beckoning her ashore with invisible light and ethereal bells. It was like a dream, rather, the waking from one. The confusion, the longing, Marie felt them all intimately as she drifted on a silent sea.

And then she awoke to truth; and then she awoke to the past.


Gwyneth sipped merrily her glass of wine, its floral bouquet and honeyed tang cutting through the bitterness she had come to expect. The savory scent of roasted game and sweet confectioneries filled the dining hall of her recent friends. Each platter was expertly presented on fine silver, the finest she had seen in her stay. The witches of London had become accustomed to finery. Truly they had spoiled her.

They were four in number, Gwyneth included, all seated at one end of a long table stained a few shades darker than actual wood. The others were well mannered yet wild, as they were want to be, while Gwyneth held a definitive air of mystery her peers could never hope to attain.

“Shall we dance tonight?” one of the witches spoke, a fair haired girl of 17 with elegant curls and striking eyes. “The moon is right for it.”

Gwyneth laughed along with the others, their jovial disposition an ironic betrayal of otherwise wicked and hedonic desires.

“We have danced for three moons, Miss,” a young man responded, hair similarly fair but eyes more dull. “Is there nothing more for us to do this night? Perhaps we should away to the west, see the country by cover of night.”

He turned to Gwyneth, taking a sip of his wine. “Would that be agreeable to you, Miss Owens? I would very much like to visit the home of our newest.”

“Oh let’s!” the first witch exclaimed.

Gwyneth shifted uncomfortably in her seat, sipping her wine for the duration of their conversation, sad at having reached the bottom of the glass. Her own flight to London was to escape the complications of home, if ever she had one.

“It is entirely uninteresting, I assure you. Perhaps a stroll through the back garden would be more fruitful?”

“Oh come now,” their last companion interjected, a portly woman with dark hair, “modesty doesn’t become you, Gwyneth. Let us see the forests of your home, hear their whispers and dance among them.”

Before Gwyneth had a chance to object, a loud crash sounded through the hall leading to the dining room. Two tall men in dark coats ominously lingered in the entryway, mouths covered by scarves, the rest of their faces obscured by the brims of their hats. They moved with purpose, brandishing swords with feint inscriptions at their waists. Their intent was clear.

The witches stood in unison as if communicating their strategy through a mental link. Each cast out their arm, sending their assailants soaring into the wall behind, paintings and other decor shaking and clattering to the floor in response. Gwyneth gestured for her friends to flee. They were reluctant to leave, but the seething rage in her eyes made them aware of her motive.

And darkness overcame her, world fading like a dream.


Marie awoke from her memory, but her mind was set to one purpose. This world mirrored the other, this moment liken to another. The rage that filled her once before filled her now, the desire for freedom, to be rid of persecution, all pooled into Marie.

Two figures stood out among the destruction, Hounds dressed all in black, faces obscured, weapons raised and aimed at her companions. She could hear their berating, feel the sting of their presence. She hated them more than before. It was a simple motion, a single wave that sent them back into the wall near the entrance. Marie inched forward, stepping over the mangled forms of freshly dead Hounds.

”You will torment me no more,” her voice was her own, yet held the sound of something older, the hint of an accent, the ripple of power and something unnatural.

A single spark fell from her fingertips, and in response the Hounds were set aflame, fire creeping up their legs, engulfing their bodies, drowning their cries. She held them there for a time, relishing in their agony, the sound of it a familiar song, a well loved tune.

Her rage settled, her mind began to steady, and yet she was different. Not less herself, but more. And so the old became the new, a memory long lost returned in the heat of battle.
It wouldn’t be the last.

Witching Hour

Part IV

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, The Witches Stronghold
Time: 3 a.m., Day after LHU Attack

”Black spirits and white, red spirits and grey,

Mingle, mingle, mingle, you that mingle may.

Round, around, around, about, about,

All ill come running in, all good keep out.

Here's the blood of a bat.

Put in that, oh, put in that.

Here's libbard's bane.

Put in again.

The juice of toad, the oil of adder.

Those will make the younker madder.

Put in; there's all, and rid the stench.

Nay, here's three ounces of the red-hair'd wench.

Round, around, around, about, about,

All ill come running in, all good keep out.”

The Witching Hour heralds the arrival of malediction. Within the hour, when God’s light is driven from faithful hearts, stolen unto waiting arms by night’s black agents, and Heaven’s fire becomes the cunning flame, is when she, the Queen of Night, is at her peak.

And she is not alone.

And the mad dance begins.

The wheel turns sunwise, thrice about, invoking the ills of this world that lie dormant on the fringe of society, between the civilized and the unknown. Here the Great Sabbath yearns for attendees, feeds their fire and consumes their flame all at once, all at the command of the Witch-Mother, leader of this ungodly procession. At every corner the Guardians stand ready like points on a compass: The hare, the raven, the serpent, and the toad.

Gathered at the hour and place of their choosing are the most powerful of the Four remaining families of old, whose hold over Las Vegas and the state have begun to wane. The Four heads come together; Syrena Rowan, Aaron Wright, Cassandra Loyal, and Genevieve Lachance. In their shadow are four accompanying witches from their respective lines. Hekate, their queen, towers above them in full sorcerous glory, assuming her truest form. Beneath her, Medea, witch of Corinth, gathers the gifts brought forth by the Four Families, placing them delicately into the vessel, each adding to the potency of their charm.

Three seats remain, each filled by an effigy, a totem to draw power from the name etched onto its person. The first to Roman, who attends only in spirit, the force of his memory enough to conjure the Adessi flame. The second to Aradia, whose grieving presence is felt and whose willing aid is given. And the Third to the Witch-Father, known to most as Bucca, and to the Wright line as Baphomet or Qayin, whose wildness dances in the heart of every witch.

Thirteen is tradition. Thirteen gather to work a spell, to plot the end of a common enemy, to protect their own.

”Sing my beautiful children!” the Witch-Mother laughs, her wild dance encompassing all within her sanctuary, their ecstatic screams a baleful symphony.

”Sing your love and sing your hate! Sing your desires and let them fall upon you. We unravel the threads of fate to grant a wish. Let us weave a wicked web, my loves, one the impudent Hounds will dread to penetrate. Come, more gifts for our vessel, more thread for the knot, more fire for our spell!”

“Three hairs from my head and one for each son,”

“The ring from whence our line hath begun,”

“A promise issued by infernal father,”

“A branch from tree that gave me bother,”

“Piece and piece and piece and part, all ill come in, all good depart!”

The Four witches and their partners sang their part, each adding their own piece to the spell, coming together in unison for the final chant.

”Danger turn with haste by charm, from you to those who mean you harm. The spell is done!” Hekate concluded with a booming voice, the pool at the center of her temple, the acting vessel of their spell, spilling forth a pillar of black smog, lead by Medea into the Four heads, filling their nostrils and dissolving into their core. This act would not be without consequence, for all in attendance, save Medea and Hekate, would be exhausted for days to come. But they would be safe.

”Away, my children,” Hekate commanded her flock with the sterness of a mother, ”you need your rest. I will deliver proper instruction to each of you when the time has come. Now, away!”

Into shadows the witches fade, all but Medea and Hekate, who take to a bench opposite the scrying pool.

”Well done!” Medea congratulated her mistress, voice brimming with admiration. ”Tonight has seen the beginning to the end. As your plan unfolds, those disgusting Hounds will fall, and The Winter Court with them.”

Hekate smiled, pulling Medea in for a long embrace.

”Thank you, my dear, but I cannot assume full responsability for the task ahead. The glory shall go to us all!”

Medea’s eyes were bright with joyful tears and wide with venerate bliss.

”How humble of my lady to share her success! Tell me, what shall be my role in it? I am eager to know.”

Hekate let out a jovial laugh.

”Eager indeed. Well, let me tell you then. During his brief attendence at tonight’s revelry, my husband made me aware of a similar plot by his dearest brother, Robin Goodfellow. A fledgling witch he has taken in and gifted with the cunning flame, sending her in his stead to worm her way into the Hound’s ranks. I would ask that you guide her way, from near or far, and ensure her success.”

Medea’s expression turned sour, moving away from Hekate, brows furrowed in rage.

”Y-y-you would have me play the role of idle wife? I am to turn my gifts to the aid of another’s success rather than my own, as it was with that bastard Jason? No, you cannot ask this of me!”

Medea stood furiously, pacing the room with heavy steps.

”No, I’ll not play such a passive role, not again! Why, my lady? Why ask this of me?”

Hekate chased after Medea, placing a gentle hand on her chin.

”Fear not, my love.” she spoke in a matronly tone. ”This story shall not end as that one. This is your story, our story, not Jason’s, not the novice, ours. You will find glory in her success, and your feats shall be recognized thusly.”

”I . . . I suppose you’re right.” Medea conceded. ”Apologies, my lady. I meant no disrespect.”

Hekate embraced Medea once again, stroking her head and running her fingers through Medea’s auburn hair.

”There now. No reason for apologies, but we mustn’t delay any further. Each momentthe Hounds yet draw breath is a moment we must sieze. Away, Medea. Find the young witch in Goodfellow’s company, the door shall be open to you.”

Medea nodded, fading into a shadowy wisp, then into nothing.

”And when one door opens, another closes . . . or is it the other way around?” A mysterious voice echoed through the sanctuary. A woman’s voice, low and melodic, and entirely familiar.

Hekate stood erect, eyes wide with anticipation. She turned to face the voice’s origin with a wide grin.

”The Gods have truly blessed me this year if I know that voice by ear.”

The woman laughed.

”A blessing you may soon find a curse,” she joked. ”But for now, a blessing all the same. We have much to discuss, My Lady.”

The stranger stepped forward, bathed in sunlight absent the sun. Her skin was an ivory dream, crimson robes of finest silk shimmering on her delicate frame, golden curls weaving around rich jewels and bands befitting a queen.

Hekate was momentarily blinded, not by her companion’s divine glow, but by a flash of nostalgia.

”Indeed we do. But first, welcome home . . . Circe.”

Judge and Jury

Part III, Hopkins Man

Location: Shadow of the Moon Occult Curiosities – Chinatown, Lost Haven
Time: 2 p.m., Day After the Attack on LHU

Madalena held up the phone, displaying the message to Charlie and Puck, her trembling fingers shaking the screen such that it was only just legible. She couldn’t tell if it was fear or excitement, but either way, it was difficult to contain. Entirely unsure of what to expect from the Witchfinder General, Maddi began assessing potential dangers, mind racing with thoughts of imminent harm and failed reconnaissance. Her last encounter with the Hounds hadn’t ended quite as amicably as she would have liked. The was no assurance that this time would be any different . . . well, except that Puck had promised her safety, but such a promise did little to calm her quaking nerves.

”We don’t have long,” Maddi let out an anxious sigh, ”Ol’ Witchfinder has given us the hour to haul ass to this address. We need to get the plan straight, fast.”

Charlie squinted at the address. “This guy is expecting you to throw someone under the bus to save your own neck. Do we know anybody we can give them a solid lead on? Some shithead that we can toss to the dogs without a problem?” Charlie suggested, then coughed into her fist. “Playing judge and jury on behalf of the Hounds feels pretty slimy, but… it’s us versus them.

She shrugged, “They’ve made that painfully clear. That address though is for an old flower shop here in Chinatown, I don’t remember seeing it open for the longest time though.

”I believe I have just the scoundrel for the job . . .” Puck eerily chimed in, closing in on the pair and lowering his voice, as if a mere utterance of the name would summon the owner’s presence.

”The Red Devil has long been in my possession, but it hasn’t always had a seat in Lost Haven. Some time ago, when the tavern was introduced to the city’s underworld, I met a magician named Phoebus. A Goetic Sorcerer by trade, well learned in the Arts of King Solomon. The Solomonic tradition is a noble one, but Phoebus sought certain pleasures not found in the Legemeton. He revelled in death, cherished the thought of it, longed to bath in mortal blood . . . particularly children. He asked my protection in exchange for his underwhelming powers.

“I refused, of course. Though I’ve seen my fair share of infanticide, it wasn’t a profitable business decision at the time, and Phoebus had nothing of value. He ‘cursed’ The Red Devil, a pitiful jinx really, attempting to sap my wealth. I never got around to dealing with him, but I know he still calls Lost Haven home.”

Maddi shuddered at the thought. It was true that witchcraft and other systems of magic were littered with histories of human sacrifice and the slaughter of innocents. Such magic was generally considered taboo among most circles of magicians these days, but not all. She tried not to think about it.

”If a bastard like that is kicking around, I see no reason why he shouldn’t be reported, especially if he starts causing trouble for the city.” Madalena nodded in agreement, looking to Charlie for confirmation.

The alchemist made a face at the description, “Christ, he sounds like he’ll fit the bill just fine. Yeah I have no problem, let’s drop his name for the General to chase. With that in mind, I want to prep a few things just in case things go sideways. Can I see your trash can?

Location: Sweet Narcissus Flower Shop– Chinatown, Lost Haven
Time: 2:48 p.m., Day After the Attack on LHU

Sweet Narcissus had fallen into a state of disrepair after a string of Metahuman attacks along the street earlier in the year. In fact, many of the surrounding businesses had either moved to vacant locations elsewhere in Chinatown, or shutdown completely due to increased activity in meta crime; and the terroristic threats during Pax Metahumana didn’t help matters.

Charlie and Maddi ducked behind a bus stop across the street, Puck moving silently in tow, invisible to all, even those gifted with Sight. Now was their chance to strategize.

”The Witchfinder’s likely expecting me to come alone,” Madalena whispered, mostly in fear that the General had eyes and ears on the flower shop. Then again, he was likely watching their every move since they left the store.

”Should we risk fussing things up by having you come in with me? I don’t want him to target you.” Madalena looked at Charlie with genuine concern. She trusted in Charlie’s abilities, but Maddi was concealing a spell that could save her from death. She wished she would have had the foresight to make more than one poultice.

Charlie pursed her lips, having pulled a sweater to wear and hide everything she made inside it. Lining the sleeves were aluminum tubes full of salt, plastic shards, and copper. On the inside of the pockets she carried spools of magnesium and a borrowed packet of matches. She’d created a small face mask and pulled the hood up.

Charlie gripped her staff, feeling more confident with her pockets full. “I’m terrified, but... ” She squeezed her eyes shut. “It’s going to happen one way or another, I’m on their radar after yesterday. I can’t pretend because I wore a mask, they won’t see me with a staff and not put two and two together. So, I’m going with you.

Can’t turn back now.” She gestured with her staff at the flower shop.

Maddi nodded, hoping that Puck might have some encouraging words, but he was nowhere to be seen, observing from afar as usual.

With caution, Madalena and Charlie tiptoed into the abandoned flower shop, the door creaking loudly on rusty hinges. Low beams of light shone under long, black drapes that looked recently hung. Dust swirled around their feet as they shuffled through the store. It was barren, devoid of any signs of life; no dusty or broken flower pots, no watering cans or garden decor, no withered flowers or crisp seed packets, nothing to indicate the nature of this once bustling business. Was this the right place? No escort arrived upon entrance, no armed security, nothing to suggest the Hounds had ever occupied this location.

And then . . .

“Come in . . .” a muffled voice crept over the empty stone, beckoning the duo to the center of the store. It was a harsh, gravelly sound that grated on their eardrums, sending a chill up their spines.

Amidst a pile of shattered glass casing and fallen ceiling lie a walkie-talkie filtering the mysterious voice through layers of sharp static. Just as Madalena and Charlie leaned in to take a closer look, Hounds in dark body suits began to file through the front and back entrances, encircling the two, weapons held at attention. Soon after, a tall man in a long, draping coat and a wide brimmed hat entered, catching their attention.

“I see you’ve brought a friend,” the same deep voice echoed through the store, spilling from beneath the brim of the stranger’s hat.

“An unexpected turn of events. I thought it only fair to invite a few friends of my own.” He gestured to the crowd of Hounds, each roaring with laughter. It was yet unclear whether the General and his cohorts meant to harm Maddi and Charlie.

“I had hoped you’d be more cooperative, Ms. Hawthorne. Instead, you mock my hospitality by showing me an abomination my men failed to slay once before. Or perhaps you bring her as a gift?” A coarse smile peeked out above the collar of the General’s coat. Madalena could make out the remnants of a scar on his upper lip and a very faint European accent, though it was difficult to place.

Charlie straightened her shoulders, jutting her jaw out. Resorting to solid bravado, even at the sight of being surrounded, scared the living shit out of her. She rubbed the ground with the ball of her foot, slowly. “Talkin’ real tough for a bunch of cowards storming a university during the summer time where the volume of students was at its lowest.

Who am I to talk, we’re a wiley bunch of abominations. Able to ruin your day by fucking around with a few towers.” Charlie said, a tap of her foot and one from her staff. “Anyway, we’ve got bigger fish to fry than little ole me. Right, Maddi?

”R-right.” Madalena struggled to respond, clearing her throat and trying to latch on to Charlie’s brazen attitude. ”Right. You asked for information and I’ve got it, The Alchemyst is just an associate, an asset to you, just like me.”

The General’s hat obscured most of his face, but Maddi could make out another sly grin.

“Very well,” the Witchfinder amusedly acknowledged them. “I’ll allow this minor indiscretion if I deem your insights a productive use of my time. So, what have you found?”

Madalena could feel herself perking up. So far so good.

”A demonologist named Phoebus, nasty piece of work. He’s been skulking around Lost Haven for awhile now, responsible for a few missing kiddos late last year. He and a few of his lackies have been laying low on the waterfront. No clue what he’s been up to recently, but that doesn’t really matter to you, does it?”

The General shook his head.

“Very good, Ms. Hawthorne. If indeed this Phoebus is where you suggest, you’ll have proven your worth. But if not . . .”

”I know, you’ll burn me to a crisp.” Madalena interrupted, finally aware of the leverage she and Charlie held. The Hounds seemed to disapprove of her belligerence, murmuring to themselves, some moving in closer, but the General halted their advance.

“That’s quite enough for today.” The General stepped forward, pacing around Charlie and Maddi a few times before gesturing to the exit. “You are free to leave, and as you know, we’ll be in touch.”

Yessir, anything you say.” Charlie replied, sarcastically giving a mock salute. Another tap of her foot, restabilizing the ground where they stood. “After you, Maddi.

The pair moved quickly from the flower store, heading back in the direction of Shadow of the Moon.

”That was . . . exhilarating!” Madalena exclaimed as they walked, unsure if that was the best reaction to their current predicament. The information provided by Puck was legitimate, meaning both Madalena and Charlie were now even more entangled with the Hounds of Humanity than before. Still, Maddi wished to revel in her small victories.

”We actually got away with that, can you believe it? Did you see the look on their faces when you sassed the General?”

Charlie blushed considerably, moving the mask away from her mouth. “Terrifying, but I guess yeah a little shot of adrenaline without the gunfire. I really have no filter when I puff up my chest.” She replied sheepishly. “I’ll be taking some extra precautions to lose any assholes wanting to follow me home.

Rubbing her thumb across her staff she commented, “The General seems to be of a prideful sort, upset at my very presence reminding him he failed in some way. I’m surprised he showed himself at all, even though we didn’t see his face.

”And THAT is exactly how we’re gonna put that bastard six feet under. Hubris is an ugly color on pretty much everyone. The Witchfinder won’t be coasting on waxy wings for much longer.”

Returning to Shadow of the Moon, Madalena bid farewell to Charlie for the day, exchanging numbers to keep in touch and work out their plans for the next time the General knocked on their door. A strange business card also found its way into Charlie’s pocket upon departure, bearing a strange insignia and instructions for entering the demon tavern, The Red Devil.

Judge and Jury

Part II, A Friendly Fiend

Location: Shadow of the Moon Occult Curiosities – Chinatown, Lost Haven
Time: 2 p.m., Day After the Attack on LHU

Charlie leaned her head against the window staring out at the traffic around them, plenty of pedestrians carrying on about their days. Some hauled brown grocery bags overflowing with food in two arms, teenagers dodged people on their bikes and skateboards, street performers played their instruments for change. The routine of the city bustle as calming as the rhythm of a heart beat. The alchemist was never one for people watching, detail orientated in every sense of the word, aware of her surroundings that gave her an edge in scavenging whatever the city abandoned. She knew something deep in the marrow of bones was changed, but the city persisted with its normal.

Hey mom, drop me off a couple blocks away. Just to be safe.” Charlie said suddenly, there was no telling who had eyes on the shop. “I’ll walk from there.

Jules pulled off the street idling in front of a barber’s shop, she drummed her fingers across the steering wheel. Her expression difficult to read. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come?”

Charlie opened her door stepping out, “Nah, it’ll be alright mom. Just gotta catch up with Maddi. See how she’s doing after her shop got trashed.

“It was attacked by the Hounds though, so are you sure?” Jules asked, one more time.

Charlie nodded, grabbing her staff from the back. “I’m sure.” She said again.
Jules nodded then said, “Call me when you’re done, we’ll meet here.”

Charlie nodded then closed the door waving her off as she drove back into traffic. She jaywalked across the street, moving into the crowd avoiding curious eyes who caught her arm in a sling or her black eye. She walked on heading to Shadow of the Moon.

A few blocks away, Shadow of the Moon stood proud and polished. Like the phoenix rises from the ashes, this curious little brick and mortar sprang to life after its recent destruction by the Hounds, sporting new furnishings and displays that had been waiting in the stockroom for months. Inside, Madalena was hard at work.

Burning braziers filled the store with pungent fumes, an odd mixture of sweet and sour; every entrance, including the windows, were marked with discrete glyphs assumed to banish or ward against harm and lined with powdery streaks of black salt and red brick dust; talismans formed of bone, iron, and wood hung from wall mounts, light fixtures, and the air vents; and at the center of it all, Madalena loomed over a bubbling pot seated just above an open flame. Nearby were a collection of alchemical apparati filled with herbs and essences used in previous experiments.

Hearing the shrill ding of the door, Madalena cautiously arose to find, much to her relief, Charlie Croll. It had been two days since their introduction, but already Madalena felt close to her. Of course, that’s just how things went with Maddi. A minute alone and you’re going to each other’s wedding.

“Charlie!” Madalena exclaimed, voice rising as she reached the -lie in Charlie. Maddi ran from her station behind the counter to embrace her newest friend, but stopped once she’d taken a good look.

”Oh good lord, girl. What happened?” Madalena hastily inquired, at the time unaware of Charlie’s earlier ordeal.

The shop was something out of a story, the smells, the sights of a witch at her bubbling cauldron. If she hadn’t walked in from a hot summer day, she’d have guessed she waltzed into a Halloween special. Seeing the shop bouncing back in full force brightened Charlie’s disposition immensely. When Maddi asked what had happened she frowned glancing away, eyes examining the shop. “Hey Maddi. Uh- well. You’ve heard about what happened at the University right? The big scale shitstorm the Hounds were behind?

Madalena’s expression went grim as her eyes opened wider in realization. It hadn’t occurred to her that Charlie was active at LHU. She’d just escaped one run-in with the Hounds, and now her friends were being persecuted by them in greater numbers.

”I-I’m so sorry,” Maddi stuttered sympathetically. ”I, uh, I saw the headlines late last night. It’s . . .” Madalena could feel herself becoming emotional, but reigned in her tears. The Hounds wouldn’t turn her into a babbling child. Her sadness quickly turned to fierce determination.

Madalena placed a hand around Charlie’s good arm.

”Those bastards won’t keep getting away with this, we’ll make sure of that!”

Charlie would later find real appreciation for Maddi’s fervent sympathy but now Charlie just felt like it was all still happening to someone else. Her skin prickled under Maddi’s touch, she felt goosebumps rising over her arm. She smiled, largely for Maddi’s benefit. Charlie nodded, “Yeah, you bet. That’s why I’m here, we need to figure out how to take them down a few pegs in a real way. I stole some of their tech yesterday, whatever it is they used to hurt us with those shoddy towers.” She walked into the store looking around heading to take a closer look at the alchemy, taking a deep breath in wincing from her ribs. She snuck a peek at the cauldron. “You’ve got a witchy brew happening? What’re you making?

Madalena sighed, taking her position back over the concoction.

”It’s part of a poultice I’m working on but I can’t seem to get this part right.” Madalena produced a comically large, black, leather bound book from behind the counter, pointing to a series of illustrations detailing the creation of a herbal poultice. To the side were markings and instructions written in a nonhuman or otherwise long dead tongue.

”The eighth step calls for a ‘black pearl’, or I guess that’s what it wants. Doesn’t translate quite right. Anyhow, it’s like a little marble of congealed organic matter left over from animal bits, but I can’t get this slop to congeal.” Madalena gave Charlie a pouty look. She shouldn’t have expected this path to come easily, but had been lulled into a false sense of security by the string of witching successes she’d had up to now.

Charlie leaned over the book then looked into the cauldron, “I’m not any sort of expert where witchy woo is concerned but it sounds like your soup needs some starch.” She stared then amended, “Metaphorically, I mean. What have you got in there, right now, specifically? Maybe I can help thicken it up.

She stopped and laughed at herself, “Oh my god, add that to the list of things I never thought I’d hear myself saying. I mean - well  anything that I can do myself without interrupting the brew directly.
Charlie offered without really knowing what she’d be helping with. She often found herself lost where Carrie had needed help in any of her own magic deeds.

Madalena looked at Charlie for several moments before her face lit up.

”Wait!” Maddi exclaimed, gesturing toward a partially full retort opposite the small cauldron. ”I was supposed to collect some sort of red dust from the vapors that condensed in this thing, but most of what I collected was still very liquid. Maybe if I got that sorted, the dust would help the brew coagulate?” Madalena looked hopefully at Charlie, counting on her superior knowledge of alchemy and chemistry.

Charlie perked looking to where she pointed. “Now that is something I can help do. So we just need to dry this red dust liquid up. Easy.” She replied, confident. She laid her staff aside, reaching past Madalena for some paper and a pen. “Do you have any gloves? Or is it safe to touch directly?” She began scribbling her alchemic formula for changing of elemental state and isolation. What elements she was isolating would be the mystery.

Madalena moved in closer to watch Charlie’s process.

”The glass has gone cool now and the liquid feels warm and a little coarse, if that’s possible, but it ought to be safe.”

Glass, gotcha. Okay so we’ve got sodium carbonate, silicon dioxide. . .” Her tongue stuck out the side as she completed the formula, she often translated chemical composites into alchemical symbols. Her mother taught her daughters to use chemistry formulas while Nathaniel was a traditionalist in writing alchemy in the old way. Charlie used both interchangeably, irking both of her teachers.

Charlie leaned back to show Madalena, “How much do you think you’ll need? I can measure it out in ounces.

”Hmmm . . .” Madalena hummed, following the spell’s instructions back to a previous step. She had some trouble finding the exact measurements the first time around. ”I wanna say it’s three ounces. What do you think?” Maddi pointed to the instructions for producing the red dust, referred to as some complex arcane name on paper. The section was written in primarily alchemical text, some of the symbols appearing as their more archaic or uncommon cousins.

It says so right there, see that symbol?” She poked the page with her index finger, closer still, “It means a few things but within context of the rest of what it says here, I’ll safely say you’ll need at least five ounces. I’ll transmute a little bit more just in case.

Sound good?

Madalena nodded, lowering down behind the counter so as to be eye level with Charlie’s transmutation. She’d witnessed it before when Charlie and Carrie helped but that store back together, but this time it felt more involved. It was a skill Maddi hopped to one day acquire, or at least develop her own version of it.

Charlie swallowed shuffling her work overtop of the container, she felt a twinge of nerves. Not used to having an audience, Maddi’s attention was flattering but stage fright casted a little doubt. “Alright, here we go.

She stretched her hand forward dipping her fingers directly into the substance. It’s texture strange and cool, the alchemical symbols glowed across the paper from left to right. Charlie concentrated, transmuting it from it’s liquid state to solid. Before Maddi’s eyes the red dust shrivelled, rippling, collecting in a pile of it’s purer form. True dust.

Charlie removed her hand, it felt gritty between her fingers. “There we go, some starch.

Madalena jumped and applauded, rattling a few of the containers on the counter.

”Yes ma’am! Okay wait . . .” Madalena held up a finger, using her other hand to pour the collector full of dust into the cauldron. She stirred clockwise nine times as directed before small lumps began to form in the mixture.

”That’s it!” Maddi squealed, lighting a match and dropping it into the mixture, causing remaining liquid to instantly ignite and evaporate, sending a jet of hot air upwards into her and Charlie’s faces. At the bottom of the pot were six pearlescent black beads.

”We did it!” Madalena exclaimed once again, her exuberant outbursts lifting the ominous air of the store considerably.

The alchemist laughed heartily, brushing some of her hair back into place and out of her face. A blush had bloomed across her cheeks, “That was awesome!” She leaned over the cauldron looking at the little beads, “They’re so pretty and tiny. What’re they even for? Don’t tell me they’re fancy, like, tapioca pearls.” She joked, beaming at Madalena.

Madalena fished the pearls from the cauldron and set them on a square of cloth.  ”From what I’ve read, black pearls retain little pieces of life essence. They’re fairly rare nowadays, but they’ve got a few nifty uses.”

Madalena pulled another book from behind the counter, this one much smaller than the last and, instead of being hand written, was clearly printed, likely a later copy of a much older original work. The pages were ratty and worn and the cover was falling apart. Madalena skimmed the pages, looking for the section she’d read earlier that day.

”Here we go,” she said aloud, finding the page near the end of the book. ”Black pearls, or blood jewels as they are less commonly known, can be used to provide sustenance to the dead. Shattering one in the presence of a spirit will grant it strength and the ability to manifest for long periods of time . . . useful.” Madalena nodded, looking further down the page. Her eyes lit up when she read the next passage.

Then, she closed the book, no speaking another word. Instead, she took a stuffed crow a decorative display next to the register and set it on the counter between them. She’d stolen at a flea market when she was twelve, whom she named Edgar for obvious reasons, and kept it as a trophy of her nimble hands for years.

”They can also be used to do this.” Madalena tucked the pearl inside Edgar’s mouth and set him back down. For a moment, all was the same. But slowly, his waxy feathers and glossy eyes were filled with life. The crow loosened himself from the stand he’d sat perched on for decades, looking up at Madalena and Charlie with a cheerful expression, cawing his approval.

Charlie blinked down at the revived bird, she looked back up to Madalena then said, quite dryly, “That is creepy, ridiculously weird and fucking awesome.

She reached out petting the crow’s head, scratching around his head, the feathers were soft and vibrant as ever. Like it hadn’t been sitting pretty for any length of time. It was incredible. “So weird. . .” She mumbled, smiling.

”Ah, the wonders of comradery,” a sinister voice echoed through Shadow of the Moon, pouring from the shadows in the smallest crevices, filling the air with a thick, black haze.

Shadows and embers from now dim braziers began to coalesce, burning brighter until a fiendish giant emerged, skin pale and bathed in ghastly luminescence, angular features beautifully sculpted, sharp, protrusive antlers the color of night, and hands that stretched into lengthy, ashen claws.

”I see you’ve found an ally to our cause, Madalena. Well done,” the creature congratulated Maddi, sporting an eerie smile that evoked feelings of unease in all who did not know it.

”Oh, it was nothing!” Madalena blushed, taking note of Charlie’s visible discomfort. ”Charlie, I introduce you to the one, the only, Robin Goodfellow, or as he’s more affectionately known, Puck.”

At the illustrious emergence of Puck filtered through the light and shadows of the occult shop, what felt like warmth was sucked out of the atmosphere for the alchemist. She flinched back with a start, eyes tracking up the towering figure of Puck. Her sight blurred at the edges, fear sharpening every detail. Her throat squeezed dry. Skin prickling with goosebumps.

Calm, calm, calm…! Charlie thought but her heart thundered on. She reached for her staff with her free hand eyes glued to the demonic figure. While Maddi had assured Charlie this was Puck, the very same spirit that gave Maddi her magic awakening, this drawn out fear was instinctual. It felt like it was spiraling out of control, a reaction surprising even herself.

H-h-...” She clasped her staff, white knuckling it. She gulped down air, “C-can I get s-s-s…” Her teeth clattered, “S-some space. Please.” She tore her eyes away, squeezing them shut.

Puck distanced himself from Charlie, bowing in both an introductory and apologetic fashion.

”Forgive me, love.” Puck’s voice held less weight but carried an eerie air nonetheless. ”I meant no offense. Indeed, ‘twas quite the frightening entrance for the unsuspecting bystander. Perhaps I can redeem myself with a gesture of good faith?”

Puck brought up a hand, dark claws elegantly rising through the air, his palm facing Charlie. A warmth would fall over the frightened girl, traveling up through the spine, spreading to each extremity one at a time, washing over her wounds, the sore ribs, the bum arm, the black eye, all fading as his arm came down to its resting position.

Charlie moved her arm testing it patting her ribs feeling no pain. She turned to look to Madalena, shocked. She took a deep breath in and let out a sigh of pain free relief. Fear dissipated. A smirk tugged at her lips, “Thank you, Robin Goodfellow. I’m usually not this easy to scare, had a bad day yesterday. My name is Charlie Croll.” She said sticking her hand out, “I only heard about you the other day.

Puck let show his impish grin once more, the name Croll fresh on his mind.

”Croll, eh? No doubt a descendant of Nathaniel Croll? I know the work of your family well; it has brought much business to my tavern from aspiring alchemists and nascent witches looking for alchemical formulas and rare reagents travelling through channels established by Nathaniel. Give him my thanks when next you meet.”

Puck repositioned himself, moving closer to the duo and staring amusedly at the reanimated crow, Edgar.  

Charlie’s expression brightened, “Yeah, that’s my grandpa. He’s my mentor, along with my mom.” She turned to Madalena for clarification and more than happy to talk about her family. “My grandfather, Nathaniel Croll is the first real prodigy in my family for, probably before we immigrated to America. Established us here in Lost Haven, immigrated my entire family from Germany including,” Charlie said with a grin gesturing with her staff, “All the history that we thought we lost after World War 2. Like Puck said, er Robin Goodfellow, sorry. He helped make Lost Haven accessible to alchemists.

She added, “And the best damn cook on the block.” Charlie grinned.

Maddi smiled. ”Well he’s done wonders with you, Charlie. Wish I could say the same about my family. I think my twice great grandmother was a medium in New Orleans . . . or maybe she saw a medium in New Orleans?” Madalena trailed off as she was often want to do, trying to recall details about her family history, but finding no useful information to add.

”You bear the witches mark,” Puck interrupted, stepping behind the counter and peering down at the pearls sat atop it, only five left after Madalena’s demonstration. ”You are the first of your kind, Madalena, the beginning of your legacy. I have set you on a path of great success . . . but what I have seen will not come to pass until our plans are complete, and I fear we have a great deal more worrying to do. Have you crafted the poultice I mentioned?” Puck’s tone was almost fatherly, a sharp contrast to that at his arrival.

”It’s nearly done,” Madalena replied, pushing the cauldron to the side and replacing it with a mesh bag prefilled with poisons and herbs. She dropped in three black pearls, sealing the contents with a neat ribbon. She whispered a short incantation into the poultice, something strange and unnatural sounding, each word passing her lips like the cry of a raven or the dissonant ringing of a bell.

”There, all done.” Madalena said proudly, looking to Charlie with some admiration for her part in the matter.

Charlie’s cheeks turned red and she looked away from the pair of them. Taking sudden interest in her staff, wondering if Maddi would translate what she said in her spell later. “So what’s it for? It seemed like a pretty complex brew and you didn’t use all the beads. Does it have anything to do with the Hounds of Humanity?

”Unfortunately,” Puck responded, voice lower and more grim. ”It is the product of necessity, a poultice that can bring one back from the brink of death and heal whatever fatal ailment or injury that would have resulted in death. I had not thought such a trinket necessary before, but now . . .”

Puck leaned against the counter, dark eyes glowing with a hint of worry, perhaps even fear.

”Those injuries you sustained,” Puck turned to Charlie, ”They came from the Hounds, yes? I saw the fight for your University from afar, bore witness to the strange contraptions and machinations used by the Hounds to weaken your comrades. That is troublesome, yes, but the Hounds are mobilizing more deadly weapons, resurrecting a long dead foe and its vile agents. The Winter Court rises anew, and this New World is powerless to stop it.”

The glowy red in her cheeks faded as she nodded, her fingers rubbed together while she thought. She removed the chip that she stole yesterday and held it up for both of them to see, “As far as deadly weapons go, those towers will hopefully be out of commission and out of the picture. I’m really hoping this was their only prototype.” She placed the chip on the counter. “What’s the Winter Court? Like a sub group being formed by the Hounds themselves? Or of their own, ‘inspired’ by what the Hounds are doing?” She tapped the chip with a forefinger, “I guess what I’m trying to ask is if we chase the Hounds of Humanity out of Lost Haven will these Winter Court assholes go with them?

Puck shook his head.

”The Winter Court were a notorious order of witch-hunters in the 15th century. Not much is remembered due in large to the efforts from powerful entities who had their order destroyed, but there are those of us who still feel the sting of loss caused by the Court’s hand.” Puck moved in closer, beckoning Madalena and Charlie to do the same, telling the Court’s tale in hushed voices, as if speaking the name aloud would invite their presence.

”The Winter Court,” Puck began, ”originated in Western Germany where they were a humble mercenary’s guild. They had no name, no face, no worth at the time. But the men of their guild were renowned for their brutish strength and lack of remorse, a valuable asset for any underhanded politician, noble, or church official. In time, as the witch-craze swept Europe, the Catholic Church in Germany sought alternative means of punishing heretics, and so a rowdy band of mercenaries came to be the hounds of the church, their swords for hire.

“The witches in Germany were especially insidious, at least, that was the belief of the Church. In time, their numbers grew from clergymen and mercenaries to noteable sorcerers and occult scientists, whose aid was enlisted for their understanding of God’s mysteries. Indeed, many of the clergy practiced some form of magic, and with time, developed powerful methods for detecting witches, faeries, and other unnatural creatures of concern to the church, as well as the means for their destruction. Over the next century, their techniques were mastered, the men armed with charms and idols that repelled witchcraft and glamoury, bullets that pierced enchantments and poisoned those touched by the witch-fire, shackles that bound a witch’s powers when placed around the wrists, ‘holy’ rites that forced witches to confess their sins and speak only the truth. It was an era of bloodshed.”

Puck let out a heavy sigh, remembering the lives lost, those of friends and colleagues, of prominent witches, faery nobles, even lesser demons and dukes of Hell who were branded by the Court and bound to its service.

Charlie frowned, looking up to Puck. She experienced that hatred and violence first hand yesterday, to have seen it all rise again in prominence after centuries... She empathized with him a little, as terrified as she was only a handful of minutes ago it took only a little imagination to understand how Puck must of felt. “I know this must sound weird coming from someone like me, born way after the fact. I’m sorry you had to live through that.” She hesitated but reached out, patting his arm comfortingly.

It was an interesting gesture, to try to comfort one such as he. Puck was unaccustomed to such attempts at empathy from humans. Most wished only to have their own needs satisfied, a trait on which he he had long capitalized. A refreshing change of pace. Puck allowed Charlie’s arm to stay, letting slip the softest smile before continuing his story.

”In time, these practices and their practitioners spread to other parts of Europe, notably France where the witch-hunts had gained traction. The mercenaries sought to undermine the beliefs of the common folk, relieve them of the fear of the supernatural and magical. They stole their title, The Winter Court, from a neighbouring High Court of Faerie, from the folk customs brought over by the Bretons. Their arrogance and might were unmatched, but such hubris would not go unpunished. The Witch-Mother herself, and her greatest allies, challenged the authority of The Court, using their superior Craft to destroy all remnants of their order.

“Some apologists yet remained, but all their knowledge, their strongholds, their weapons, they were all thought destroyed . . . until now. It would seem that this Witchfinder General of the Hounds, another stolen title, has somehow gained access to this lost knowledge. As we speak, he uses the arts of The Court to undermine powerful witches and destroy their lines. If this knowledge were to spread to the rest of the Hounds, it would end in catastrophe from which this world could never recover.”

The alchemist stared, fear running anew through her for different reasons now. “Fuck… He, the Witchfinder General has his eyes on Maddi right now. How the hell are we supposed to take down someone like that? Who knows how to get past our defenses, maneuver around our tricks? This is so much bigger than I thought.” Charlie replied her hand found Madalena’s shoulder, she held a fire in her eyes. “But I’m not going anywhere.

Madalena’s cheeks went flush as a wide smile spread across her rosy face, taking Charlie’s hand in hers. In only three days the two of them had grown closer than Maddi had ever been with another, not even Marie was as affectionate a friend. She wished to seize the moment and revel in her newly found friendship, but a light buzzing gave her pause. The burner given to her by the Hounds was gently vibrating, signaling an incoming call.

”H-hello?” Madalena answered sheepishly, voice holding a slight tremble.

“Madalena Hawthorne,” the voice at the other end was deep and gravelly with clear signs of age. “Your services are needed. Find yourself at the following address within the hour, lest that heretical shop of yours be burnt to the ground and you with it.” The call ended.

Madalena received a message with a street address only a few blocks from her store. She turned to Charlie, who looked naturally inquisitive, then to Puck who wore a grim expression.

”Looks like we’d better get a move on with the plan; the Witchfinder General’s just asked for my help.”

Witching Hour

Part III

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, The Witches Stronghold
Time: 11:59 p.m., Present Day

A sharp chill ran through the Earth, the blood of lost brothers staining hearts with visceral remorse. Tears collected in the eyes of the unknown, threatening to make these dry lands completely barren. The once lively halls of the Witch-Mother’s Stronghold, a deep temple of elegant marble and golden brandishing, was reduced to ash and rot, visibly in mourning of the lives it had lost. There Medea lie in wait for her mistress’s return, plotting and scheming her revenge on the Hounds.

Soon enough, a dark mist overtook the grand halls, coalescing into a feminine mass just above the scrying pool at the room’s center. Hekate’s pale features emerged from the shadows, arms wide in a welcoming embrace to her beautiful daughter.

”My love,” Hekate beckoned to Medea, drawing her into her arms, their warmth a momentary reprieve from the cold depths of sorrow.

”My Lady,” Medea leapt into her arms, head nestled against Hekate’s neck. They were truly like mother and child. ”I thought you might not return to this pit of waste. How dare Barron call you away in our time of need, the fool.”

Hekate smiled, cupping Medea’s head in her left hand, the right wiping away slow tears and running through her auburn hair.

”Now now, Medea. I have placed myself at Mr. Vanderbilt’s disposal, and given our most recent tragedy, he was right to call upon me. There is much he and I have left to discuss, but worry not. You and I will not soon be parted, there is far too much work to be done.”

Leaving Medea’s side, Hekate waltzed over to the farthest corner of the temple room. This was the inner workings of the Five Families of Las Vegas, A central stronghold meant to house their combined secrets, the greatest of which happened to be Hekate, the Witch-Mother. Inside her dwelling, Hekate possessed all manner of witchly artefacts and curios relating to the Five and their long histories. A sprawling library of magical literature, both practical and theoretical, a collection altars dedicated to the Craft and its many forms, a station for alchemical experimentation and ritual conjurations, and a central pool used for divinatory purposes.

In this corner, however, there lay a large desk filled with papers and random knick-knacks obtained from Hekate and Barron’s informants. At the top of a stack of files, Hekate found a field report detailing the damages caused in the recent Hound attacks on Pixy Stix and the Adessi clan. Next to these were two items of import: a broken iron cross with esoteric engravings, and two dented bullet casings set in silver, each producing a faint glint of something Otherworldly.

”A mage from the Wyrdhouse delivered those while you were away.” Medea joined Hekate, staring down at the upsetting configuration of death, reduced to names on a sheet of paper. ”I told her that you were busy, but she seemed quite adamant that you see these right away.”

Hekate held a ghastly expression, mouth agape, hands quivering, a mixture of fear and rage pooling in her core.

”My Lady?” Medea spoke sheepishly, taking note of Hekate’s stance.

”H-H-How?” Hekate spoke in a whisper, voice beginning to shake. ”I thought they had been destroyed, no, I made sure of it . . . How in the name of Zeus did those impudent, disgusting worms manage to slither their way out of Tartarus to defy me again!”

Hekate flew into a rage, tossing her arm over the table, sending everything sprawling onto the floor. When she caught the glint of the cross and the silver bullets, she made a fist, causing the items to spark violently before reducing them to ash.

”My Lady, what is it? What’s wrong, who are you talking about?” Medea confusedly reacted to Hekate’s enraged display of emotion.

Hekate calmed herself, reigning in her rage and fear. This wasn’t the time for an outburst. Swift action was required lest more lives be taken. She took Medea by the shoulders and led her to the scrying pool, sitting both of them down on its ledge.

”Very few remember the tales, for few who met their gaze survived,” Hekate began, her tone low and serious. ”They were a plague forgotten by history, one which I helped to eradicate myself. They swept over the land with great efficiency, dwindling our numbers in the Old World by the hundreds. I had thought their order long dead . . .”

Medea looked into Hekate’s eyes, recognizing the sheer terror therein, something she had never seen in those eyes before. It mimicked the fear and panic she’d felt from her days in Corinth. .

”I have scarcely seen you like this, My Lady. Of whom do you speak?”

Hekate’s voice remained low and grim.

”The most notorious band of witch-hunters to ever curse this Earth . . . The Winter Court.”
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