Avatar of Fell
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Fell Euphoria
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 415 (0.11 / day)
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    1. Fell 10 yrs ago


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Welcome to Visalia, a booming city just off the coast of California, two hundred miles south of San Fransisco and two hundred miles north of Los Angeles. This city became a massive tourist location after a major tech boom from several groups of tinkerers setting up shop here in the early 90's, and remained a tourist hotspot thanks to a combination of massive industry, the creation of a Protectorate Head Quarters, the proximity to the beach and Sequoia National Forest, and the newly booming downtown. Long story short Visalia was Northern California's golden city, right up until two tinker groups went head to head in competition, stealing from one another an tearing both companies to the ground, leaving thousands of Visalia's residents unemployed. But the tourists don't need to know that.

Now tourists keep pouring in and making the economic divide that much more steep, crime is at an all time high, and there are several criminal organizations that have begun to operate throughout the city. The newest of which is a group of teenage villains called the Renegades, who have been gaining some level of notoriety.

Which side will win? The Protectorate, the Wards, and the PRT or the crime lords and the villains?

A couple quick rules before we get started

1) Do not control or kill other characters without express permission from the characters owner, or a GM
2) Be sure to send your character sheet to me for approval before posting (this is highly important, since certain parts of the mandated bio won't be posted)
3) Be prepared to be active in the RP
4) RP posts will not be turn based, that being said use common sense, if there are only two members currently on don't leave three pages of back and forth, give others a chance to reply
4) Please add at the end of your character sheet that I had two rule number four's to insure you read the rules
5) If you are inactive in the rp for more then three days without checking in to the OOC it may be decided by a GM that your character needs to be controlled or killed to advanced the plot
6) Upon your third infraction of rule 5 your character will be killed off, probably in some ludicrous and horrific way for the comedy of the others in the rp
7) Misspell four as for at the end of your bio
8) Be polite and kind to other players, don't be rude, crude, or vulgar in the OOC, in the IC characters may be rude crude and vulgar all they want so long as it is not purposefully an attempt to offend the person behind the character
9) As much as I hate to say it keep the sexin' to a minimum, this isn't an RP for smut. Relationships are okay, and are in fact encouraged, these are people after all, relationships are a driving force in all humans lives, but nothing beyond PG-13.
10) I and any other GMs have the power to add/modify any rules as we see fit.

Alright I'm almost done with the OOC, for now I'm thinking Wards age since that will give us the best excuse to have groups working together without it being ridiculously over powered situations, meaning characters can range from late adolescence to early adulthood, any where between 10-20 years old basically.
Alright I'm working on the OOC now, I kind of want a poll of what people want. So first question is who plans on being a hero and who plans on being a villain, and second question is what age range are the characters? This'll effect how I build the OOC.
Awesome!!! I'll post the OOC for everyone tomorrow!
Some interest
Possible interest
Sounds awesome, if we can get maybe one or two more people interested I will get the OOC up! :)
These are all straight from the worm wiki, but it's pretty well detailed on what the different abilities are.

Mover- A mover has the ability to transport themselves and/or others to other locations, by means of enhanced speed, teleportation, flight, vehicles or the like. PRT typically appends the mover classification with the specific type of capability, eg Mover: Teleporter.

Shaker- A Shaker can affect a broader area, asserting some degree of control over the battlefield. May include gas, explosions, forcefields, and ambient or radiated effects. Most wide-area-effect, forcefield and spacetime manipulation powers fall under the Shaker classification.

Brute- A Brute classification typically indicates enhanced strength or durability, capes who are most dangerous in a melee and are typically very difficult to put down. While the execution may remain fairly stable, the source of this power can vary.

Breaker- A breaker is those who have some ability to ‘break’ the natural laws of the universe as far as those laws apply to them. This is frequently a side effect of powers to prevent them from harming their owners. They typically have the ability to alter themselves to a different state in which they maintain different abilities. Appends other powers, but only in this state. Can also include general altered states.

Master-A cape whose powers let them control others or create minions (be they humans, parahumans, animals or specific objects). Can range from ability to control simple insects all the way up to superhuman/projections. Varies from area (touch to long distance), number of beings affected (one being to nearly infinite), simple commands to absolute control and across a spectrum of time lengths and programming (short durations vs. indefinitely or programmed commands). Can be of pseudo-telepathic variety (there are no true telepaths except for the Simurgh) or require voice commands. The PRT typically designates Masters as the second-highest threat in any situation.

Tinker-Covers anyone with powers that give them an advanced grasp of science. Lets them make technology years ahead of its time. They can intuitively create or alter many devices beyond the usual restrictions of knowledge, resources and physics. Tinkers are less dangerous when removed from their gear, but should not be assumed to be harmless. A typical tinker can artificially assume any number of other classifications, depending on speciality. Speciality should be appended to the classification in every case possible. Many Tinker devices cannot be maintained or used safely by anyone except the Tinker in question.

Blaster- A cape with ranged, offensive attacks of some form. Can include blasts, thrown or moved objects, grenades. Not always damaging, but generally deleterious.

Thinker- Possesses enhanced knowledge, skills and/or perceptions beyond any reasonable norm. Includes clairvoyance, precognition, skill acquisition, enhanced hearing and enhanced sight.

Striker- A cape with the ability to apply some effect by touch or at point-blank range. Has a power that applies on physical contact. Often applies a changed state, like the breaker classification, but isn’t personal. Melee range, including strength only without any durability, else it is classified as a Brute power. The striker classification could include certain Breaker effects as they were applied to things other than the cape themselves, but not always. Other strikers included those who used energy weapons, those who had certain kinds of superstrength that weren’t accompanied by durability and those with pyrokinesis or such that didn’t extend more than a foot around them.

Changer- Can alter their form, appearance, and/or natural abilities through some manipulation of their bodies. Does not include new powers beyond natural weapons, armor, or durability.

Trump- Can manipulate powers in some capacity, altering, granting, strengthening, weakening or removing them entirely, or has powers that interact solely with the powers of others. Can have different powers or effects based on circumstances.
I'll work on posting the info behind the power classifications right now! Though for the most part I would say figure out what power your character would have and then we can figure out where in the classifications it fits
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