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Among the mounds of ash, walked a little devil. Beside him, trotted a young clay horse, no bigger than a pony. Their journey had been a treacherous one, but their past few hours together had been empty. Industrial smog clouded the air, and poisoned their lungs. "It will be dark soon." the devil said in a raspy voice. "Have we much light left?" The horse peered into the knapsack slung over its neck. "None extra. The last of the fluid is already being consumed." The devil trudged up a rather large mound of ash. At the peak, he stopped in his tracks. He put his arm in front of the horse. "Pokey. I think we've found it." Pokey, after busily sifting through the knapsack, twitched in reaction to the statement. Before him, was a shining emerald city. A beacon in the ocean of smoke and ash. "Holy toledo, Aza..." The two friends just gazed in amazement at the towering light for what seemed like an eternity. The silence was finally broken as Azarthes stumbled his way into a run down the ashen hill. The much clumsier Pokey, tripped, unwillingly rolling his way down, after his friend. "Azarthes, wait!" "Is this the off topic city?" "Do you think my portal is there?" Azarthes burst out laughing, trying to keep his balance as he ran. He couldn't stop it. He couldn't even make out what Pokey was yelling to him anymore. After days of dehydration, his bursts of laughter came out as intense wheezes. The harder he laughed, the faster he ran, and the faster he ran, the harder he laughed. At the bottom of the hill, stood someone so unexpected, the devil twisted his ankle, and fell face-first into the soft ground. He inhaled the ash, and coughed out uncontrollably. The only thing he could get out was "I thought you were dead" The person above him just chuckled, and offered a hand to Azarthes. "They can never keep ol' Rax down can they?" Alright there's the preview for the next chapter. It should be coming out tomorrow. I know some of you haven't been reading them because none of these are actually fully on spam, in fact this is the first actual excerpt I've posted I believe. But as you all know, the first 3 are on my website, and this will soon be, too. Maybe when I finish the series I'll post them all on here.
![enter image description here](https://www.simpletuition.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/nerd_bully_beatdown.jpg "enter image title here")
![enter image description here](http://i1.cpcache.com/product/648689125/periodic_table_lead_tile_coaster.jpg?height=460&width=460&qv=90 "enter image title here")
Mr_pink said
What website? I havent seen any up to the quality of RPguild even with the crashing

Almost everyone's at Iwakuroleplay now.
I got a tv that's right folks a tv plus roku 3 and we got netflix already.
Wouldn't you agree?
It's getting made by the guy who made the new Star Trek movies. It's not gonna be that jar jar binks shit this time
Is it gonna be a whole trilogy?
If your trying to get an OBE to go into a lucid dream, then use a different method, because that's too much work.

If your just trying to get an OBE, then pick whatever method seems easiest to you, and do it immediately after waking up in the morning. It will be 10 times easier then trying to do it at any other point in the day.
My internet is having trouble, so I'll continue this when I can.
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