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    1. Fionraella 8 yrs ago


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Hi there :D

Newb here, trying to learn the ropes.

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Iris steps out of her tent, bow slung across her back and her quiver full of arrows. She chewed on the insides of her cheeks as she scanned the clearings for any groupmates out an about. They needed to patrol given the issues with the Rabins, or at least hunt. She moves towards a fire.

Xavier glances at Iris and decides to mess with her. He wipes the poison off one of his knives. He tosses the clean knife in an arc towards her. "Think fast!" He shouts, hoping it would skim past her arm and cut her a bit so she'd freak out. He grins, watching the knife fly through the air.
Xavier walks into the main part of the Brom camp, unaware of the Rabins nearby. He stretches his arms over his head and looks around the camp. He sighs, seeing the prey pile dangerously low. He shakes his head and plops down outside his tent, checking his poison tipped knives. He huffs, seeing some not as green as usual.
Aya could see plenty of Broms whom she didn't recognise, which was unsurprising given her tendency to keep away from the border before she met Destin. Speaking of the ocelot shifter, as far as she could tell he was nowhere to be seen. He of course could be in one of the tents. It was unlikely that he'd be let loose in the territory at this stage. "How do we find Destin?" She whispers to Sacha and Kianna.

Sacha hesitates. "Aya, can you fly over the camp and look for him without being seen?" She whispers. "See if you can get close enough to the Healer's tent to look inside. But do not be seen." She orders, dropping down to land next to Kianna. "I want you to keep watch for anyone nearing the camp from the forest."
<Snipped quote by wallaberry>

Aya gestures to a spot on her own branch for the two of them to come up to, then peeked into the Brom camp to see what she could find. She was surprised at how ordinary it was. She knew it was silly to think that there'd be something like blood-covered spikes inside, but the lack of any kind of cruel pastimes still caught her off guard. The only difference to her seemed to be that the camp was a little more untidy than there's and lacked any visible wood pile. Perhaps there were also a few more weapons scattered about the place.

Sacha reaches Aya's branch and slowly sits herself on it. She crouches low and looks around the camp warily. She sighs in relief, noting that Fabine didn't appear to be there. She tilts her head, trying to listen and guess how many Broms were in camp. She counts slowly, counting maybe 5 or 6 in camp.
"Ah, then there is no need for further analysis." The doctor flicks the notebook shut. "That shall pass, although I will give you some medicine to help with the headache." True to his word, he gives Ptelea a small white pill and a glass of water. "There you go. I suspect the only thing you need now is some food. I will entrust Admi to help you with that."

Ptelea nods and looks at the pill before swallows it and following it with the water. She smiles and looks at Admi. "Okay!" She says cheerfully.
<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

"Almost," the doctor flips open a notepad and holds a pen at the ready. "Do you have any shortness of breath or chest pain? Nausea? Just anything out of the unusual."

Ptelea thinks about it. "A headache?" She swings her legs. "And I can't remember some stuff...." She looks down sadly.
<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

The doctor dabs the antiseptic on both cuts and then puts a bandaid on each of them. "There you go. That's everything visible taken care of."

Ptelea flinches but doesn't complain. She smiles slightly. "All done??"
<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

"Now, your cheeks." The doctor checks them out. "Hmm... They're not that deep, luckily. You won't need stitches, but we better put some antiseptic to make sure they don't get any worse." He takes a bottle of antiseptic and carefully pours a bit on a piece of cotton wool. "Now, this is going to sting, but it won't hurt as much as when they were cut. Are you ready?"

Ptelea whimpers slightly, but nods, trying to be brave. She closes her eyes shut, getting ready for the sting.
<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

"Of course," The doctor carefully runs his fingers across the wire marks. There was no bleeding and her circulation appeared fine. He was familiar with acts of torture that The Boss had done before. The girl had been lucky in that he had not gotten very far with cutting off her circulation. There would only be some bruising and soreness. "I'm just going to put some soothing cream on it for you." He takes a jar off his shelf and rubs the balm within it over her ankles.

Ptelea nods and watches him. "Thank you." She says, likely the feeling of the cream on her ankles.
<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

The doctor clamps his hands over the brace for a moment as if to demonstrate its security. "That's the point of the brace. If you try to move your arm too much you'll only hurt it more. The brace ensures that your arm stays nice and still, the way it's supposed to. Now, won't you be helpful while I look at your ankles too?" He bends down to her feet.

Ptelea nods slowly. "But I didn't break my arm." She frowns a bit. "So it's like a cast..but not broken..." She tries to make sense of that, before looking down at her ankles. She frowns. "They really hurt, but you can make them better too right?"
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