Avatar of Foxxie
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: FoxLeFay
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 444 (0.12 / day)
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    1. Foxxie 10 yrs ago


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Their first attempt at a real conversation was quite the jarring one. Yunosuke raised his eyebrow and gave an unamused smirk, "Yeah, it's a real good thing that there's so many yokai around or else I'd never be able to get into school in the mornings." He could tell that Hattori was only trying to be friendly, but he had no use for it at the moment. His new partner would have to prove himself just a bit more before Yunosuke was ready to push past that hard-earned prejudice he'd built up. Thankfully, the pair was interrupted before Hattori had to spend too long squirming in uncomfortable silence.

The two that came over to greet them were two sorts of people Yunosuke never would have expected Hattori to befriend. Sure, Miko and Daigo were partners, but he couldn't imagine that they both found this arrogant asshat to be good social company.

He addressed Miko first, more warmly than he'd had the chance to be yet today, "Hey, Miko. You're looking especially cute today." His blatant flirting seemed only natural with the yokai because, for some reason, seeing her get as embarrassed and tongue-tied as she did kept him from feeling the same way. In fact, if he could be nearly half as calm when issuing snappy comebacks, he'd probably be a much more convincing street punk. He had always been nice to her when she was a C-Rank rookie, especially since she put up with more crap from her fellow yokai than most humans did. That was the behavior inherent in their kind that really pissed him off, so of course he'd stand up for someone getting abused by some creep on a high horse. "I didn't know you were working with an A-ranker," he added with a hint of slyness, clearly picking for any interesting story on how that came to pass. Yunosuke was starting to wonder about Chosokabe's matchmaking ability. Shige and Teijo were a match made in silent heaven, Miko and Daigo seemed like the perfect yin and yang, and he was stuck with Hattori because the big guy saw potential in the way they would undoubtedly almost kill each other a few times per mission?

Tuning back into the rest of the conversation, he realized that Daigo, the towering hero that all human hunters looked up to, figuratively and literally, was actually challenging him. Well, a friendly challenge, but a chance to duke it out nonetheless. He scratched his chin and tried to look nonchalant, "Any time, Daigo, but it's gonna be hard for you to administer a test on someone you can't even touch." He felt a strange mixture of pride and scared shitlessness being in the brawler's presence. Big talk aside, he'd likely be able to cream a rookie, and for all Yunosuke knew, he might already have had experience with some creature that shared his same ability.

That's when it dawned on him. He'd been able to see Miko's powers first-hand several times before, same as Teijo's, and he knew that both Shige and Daigo fought primarily using human methods. Hattori's skills were still a mystery to him.

He titled his head in his partner's direction, noticing that he was still hunched over, and asked, "Yo, what exactly is it that you do, besides using your yokai-powers to ferry yourself to and from the Spirit World?" Looking back at the the other pair of hunters, he chuckled, "People keep saying that they get where Chosokabe's coming from with the two of us, but frankly, I think he's nuts. If he really thinks we could be one of the best teams out there, then why's he having us play exterminator for a nest of small frys?"

Honestly, he wasn't sure if he should be divulging information like that. Rules and guidelines were never his specialty, so he often went ahead without thinking. Missions, especially given to higher ranks, were a matter of stalwart secrecy and such, thanks to the multifaceted nature of Berserkers. If overheard by human passerby, some unfortunate incidents may occur when mortal curiosity mixes with demonic intentions. Besides, it just seemed more professional to keep everything hush-hush. Otherwise, they may come off like geeky school kids, comparing notes and grades in the halls between classes.

In order to smooth over that slight faux pas, he added, "What did you two do for your first mission? I don't think Miko told me she was working with you last time we spoke." He moved towards the slight yokai and teasingly put an arm around her shoulder.
Thanks for the interest everyone! I'm hoping to have the OOC up by the end of the week, sometime during the weekend the latest.
The Scrapsea, as this world is so lovingly called, is comprised mainly of water and scattered archipelagos. The vast majority of residents live on a worryingly small number of islands, and other brave souls have struck out on ships to form colonies amidst the waves. Centrally located amidst the isles churns a vicious whirlpool, one comprised of near-black water and seething foam, and it kicks up a thick, dark fog that has polluted all the land in its immediate vicinity, slowly making its way to the corners of the globe. This phenomenon, known as "dark water", has had a poisonous effect on everything in its path. Once thriving port towns have crumbled and become home to shambling abominations wrought from organic creatures that have succumbed to the fog's toxic influence. The oceans now ripple with the tail strokes of enormous sea beasts and nigh uncrossable storms go hand in hand with the dark water. Little is known about its origin, and though its effects are quite clear, cures seem impossible, and side effects range from physical corrosion to mental debilitation and insanity. Often, they come in pairs, leading to the hordes of psycho raiders who inhabit the innermost islands with their twisted forms. In rare cases, small doses of dark water have been known to be almost beneficial. Some manage to escape with just the right amount of insanity, enough to make them fearless in the face of danger and seemingly able to disregard the laws of physics in battle, using weapons seemingly much too large for themselves and moving in such a way that any sane person would assume might paralyze them. Others showcase abilities akin to what the old books might even call "magic", though the exact extent of these stories is questioned heavily. Brutes with the ability to hurl fireballs, as told by drunken privateers? Not the most compelling proof.

With such a virulent and inexplicable plague as the dark water, spreading day by day as it were, the Scrapsea's society has evolved to mirror its bleak surroundings. Any settlements that manage to blossom into towns or semblances of cities are full of hardened sailors, scrappy pickpockets, crooked gamblers, ruthless mercenaries, and, of course, off-kilter treasure hunters. Sure, the world's gone to hell, but that doesn't mean that there's not still valuable out there to hunt down. As more and more islands succumb to the dark water and fog, the number of reports of riches and artifacts that were swallowed along with them steadily increases. Plus, with land slowly becoming a precious resource, treasure hunting presents itself as a viable employment opportunity for those who wish to set up a home in one of those ship colonies.

It's also a flame for the proverbial moths that others might just call nutjobs. If they had been talented combatants, they'd already be making fortunes as mercenaries and assassins for the petty and corrupt citizens who actually have resources to spare. If they were smart, they'd be searching for cures alongside a well-known but woefully misunderstood group of scientists and brainiacs who call themselves The Symposium. Hell, if they had any common sense at all, they'd just try to make a living on solid land like humans are supposed to do.

Instead, you found yourself part of a crew, and one that doesn't even pretend to keep up the pretenses of only being in the business until they find a place to settle down. No, you're in it for the adventure as much as you're in it for the money. Very few people survive being close to the dark water while retaining sanity enough to tell about it. You want to get filthy rich and maybe, just maybe, you're curious about all that impending doom crap that the crazy-eyed bartender told you about before he cut you off for never paying your tab. Maybe you're a little more heroic than that and you want to confront the beasts of the deep to make the Scrapsea a safer place for those around you.

No matter your motivation, you've found yourself on a ship with quite the ragtag crew, and you're about to embark on a journey that takes you far from anything you've ever known.

If you're interested in this idea, there'll be more info coming in the OOC, but I'd love to hear questions or just people expressing their desire to be part of this.
Interested in seeing the OOC.
His phrasing had been indelicate, sure, but it turns out he was more or less on the nose. He and Hattori had been thrown together for the express purpose of ensuring they'd butt heads. According to Chosobake, it was an attempt to bring out the best in both. Yunosuke shrugged, and then accepted the handshake from his new comrade, "So long as you don't mind me rowing."

The punk had finally been able to pinpoint what it was exactly that bothered him about Hattori. He hadn't had much in the way of personal interactions with him before, but a single word trailed the guy around like the most faithful of shadows. Every breath that mentioned Ryo Hattori had to contain the word "natural". He was a natural. His talents came naturally, and, naturally, he could have his pick of teammates if only he thought to cooperate. But teamwork, well, that's just not natural. He had the attitude of someone who believed solely in himself and nobody else. Yunosuke briefly considered that he was quite a dark pot throwing accusations at a kettle like this, but despite his own independent nature, he realized the importance of having friends that can help during the worst of times. So this? This was the ultimate challenge. Sure, yeah, the job was really about keeping the Berserker from ripping apart a bunch of low-paid warehouse workers, but it was also a shining opportunity to show the Natural what exactly everyone meant when they called him the Delinquent. He broke rules and defied expectations whenever he could.

Plus, he always thought his power was kinda cool. He liked showing it off.

"We'll wipe it off the map, hive, lair, hotel, brothel, whatever it may be," Yunosuke said with a grin, "Where exactly are we headed?"

Chosokabe seemed to let his loose tongue slide, this time, but his countenance was still fairly severe, "Not too far from here. Beyond the veil, of course, but you should be somewhat familiar with it, Yunosuke. The unused set of track behind Aridakawa station is the boundary of the warehouse row, as it were. We have confirmation of sightings in numerous buildings in the district, but the majority of reports come from this one, here." He handed a slip of paper to Yunosuke, and he quickly glanced over the information. It seemed to be an unused warehouse meant to store merchandise for the big chain furniture store, Hayashi Co., that never got its permit to set up shop in the area. The headmaster continued, "Since most people claim to see distinct shapes in this location, we have reason to believe this is the source of the nest, if that's indeed what we're dealing with." Another pause, "But you'd do well to survey the surroundings, as well. We don't want to have to tackle the same job twice." The warning seemed pointed, but Yunosuke just nodded.

He stretched and looked past Hattori towards the door, "Well, if that's all, we should probably get a move on. I'm sure we'll be back sooner than any of the other teams you've dispatched today." With that, he glanced at the yokai and made his way out the door. He didn't wait around to see if there was anything else that might be relevant before taking off. Hattori surely wouldn't leave without the go-ahead, so he'd fill him in. But really? How hard could it be to track down a hulking demon and chop its head off, as well as making sure that there was nothing else creeping around the corners?
Mornings were, oddly enough, Yunosuke's favorite part of the day. In his past experiences, mornings were quiet. They were the fleeting still moments before the shitstorm of his daily life. As he sat on the fire escape and watched the warm orange glow flooding the narrow alleys that gridlocked his neighborhood. It was hardly a slice of paradise, but before everyone else was awake, it wasn't half bad. He flicked the ashes from his cigarette over the rail before tossing it to the concrete below, stretching and yawning before ducking through the window back into the mess they called their living room. Based on the lingering scent of stale, almost day-old coffee, he could tell his father wasn't home yet from his night shift to attend to the brew he'd concocted for himself. That meant he was alone with his sleeping mother at the moment, and he bore this in mind as he prepared his stuff so he could head to the Academy.

Today was the day he'd finally get a partner. He'd been more or less dreaming about this day since the moment he set foot in the Academy. Gifted humans got matched up with oh-so-talented yokai so they could keep monsters from devouring everything in the two worlds. Most of the yokai he'd met during his time there had rubbed him the wrong way. He was an outsider among them, but that was nothing new for him. The thing that really pissed him off was the overwhelming sense of superiority a lot of them gave off. Sure, some of the yokai were no better than down and out bums like him, but even the lowest of the low exhibited powers beyond that of the average human. Yokai had the edge in the other world, and for good reason. It was theirs. Humans that made the grade were a fantastic exception, and Yunosuke knew it from the moment he arrived. He may have been exceptional among his peers back home, but to yokai, his kind had to look like a dog in clothes. It burned his ass, it really did.

He gave the door a gentle tap behind him to ensure it was firmly shut before he took off.

The train station was about a block from his building, which was a relief when trying to get to the Academy, but a fucking drag when he couldn't get to sleep at night, listening to a parade of late night cargo charging by. Taking a look at his beat-up MP3 player, he was relieved to find he would have time to sit down for a real breakfast like he'd planned. He had made a tentative arrangement with Shige to share a meal with her, once they'd found out they frequented the same small cafe outside of Aridakawa station. He got off the train at 8:15 as per usual, and made eye contact with the Academy, or more accurately, the unassuming human world building that, beyond the veil, housed a truly impressive campus. He'd have to cross over a little closer to his destination, as there was way too much foot traffic crossing his path right now to do it subtly. The delinquent noticed his friend at the cafe and took long strides to meet up with her, so he could attempt to be on time for his new assignment.

Dropping his bag in the chair across from Shige, he smirked as she looked up at him. "You look depressed as hell," he teased, noticing that she looked a bit out of it. Shige was usually pretty much sharp and attentive at all times, and that was what made her a well-respected B Rank Hunter and not a frowned-upon C Rank punk. The two of them had a fairly similar outlook when it came to solving problems: beat them until they can't move. However, and it might have been the three year age difference, but Shige always carried herself with more maturity than Yunosuke could muster. Unless, of course, she was in battle. He'd heard stories about her letting a bit of street gang slang pass through her iron clad filter when her blood started to boil.

"Depressed?" Shige finally answered and shook her head, "Just tired, is all." She gestured towards the counter to a light-haired young man he couldn't recognize from behind, "I'm not alone today. My partner's here, too. Don't make an ass of yourself in front of him if you plan on sitting with us." She gave him a mocking smile and Yunosuke rolled his eyes. Tsuga Teijo may have been the walking embodiment of yokai-human class discrepancies, but at the same time, he didn't know the guy all that well despite having met him and even spent time with him quite a lot, thanks to Shige. He kept to himself. The Tsuga name was really well known in the Academy, but it wasn't exactly for the best of reasons. For his classmates, the name Tsuga could be equated with the fat, ineffectual king in storybooks. Yunosuke could appreciate that Teijo wanted to prove that his family had some backbone and talent after generations of coasting along, but he wished he didn't have to do it with such a stick up his ass. Still, if Shige could put up with him and even show some genuine care for the guy, then Yunosuke figured he could do the same.

He got his usual white rice, pork and egg bowl with a side of miso soup and joined the partners. He tried not to judge Teijo's traditional taste in breakfast, natto galore, and proceeded to fill in the silence that had settled between Shige and Teijo. In his mind, that was why they were perfect for each other. The yokai was quiet because of his proper upbringing, and the human kept her mouth shut because she wasn't much for small talk. They must have been the most efficient duo. No awkward icebreakers upon first meeting, zero counts of foot-in-mouth syndrome, and no way for them to argue if neither makes a peep.

"Hey, Tei-chan," he started, giving him a friendly jab on the shoulder, "I know you've got friends in the headmaster's office, so tell me something. You got any idea who my partner's gonna be? No luck that he's gonna be a quiet guy like you, is there?"

Teijo's lips twitched into a smirk, which he quickly suppressed, "Quiet? For you? Hardly. Chosokabe wouldn't subject anyone like that to someone of your countenance." His fingers laced together and he rested his chin on the backs of his hands, "And I've heard rumors of who you've been assigned. Shige asked me the same thing yesterday."

The young woman seemed to blush ever so slightly, caught off guard by Teijo disclosing such an uncharacteristic show of concern, but she cleared her throat and clarified, "I was curious, yeah. I haven't seen many of the newbies who can keep up with Yunosuke... and don't get cocky, that's not necessarily a good thing." The young man snorted. Leave it to her to muddy up a compliment with a stern glare.

"Spill it, then," the C-ranker demanded, excitement mounting.

The yokai's brow twitched in slight bewilderment and then he laughed dryly, "You shouldn't be so anxious. I know you think I'm a purebred killjoy, but trust me when I say you're not gonna find this guy much better." He and Shige departed soon afterwards and that left Yunosuke scrambling to make it in time for his appointment with the headmaster. He hoped his partner was going to be late so he could look like a regular well-behaved geek, showing up right in the nick of time, but if Tei-chan's words were anything to trust, he was headed for a world of trouble.

One of Chosokabe's assistants was waiting outside of the door for him, and she held up a hand to indicate he shouldn't barge in without her. However, she did seem glad to see him. "You're just in time, Ogata. Your partner and the headmaster as just finishing up now." Yunosuke quickly craned his neck around Ms. Satomi's frame to try to glean anything from the slight crack between the doors. It was then that he was tapped on the shoulder and sent inside the office.

He'd been summoned a couple of times before to this office, stuff ranging to a greeting within the first week of school to a few reprimands and even a congratulations on that one exam they took that he'd managed to ace, but each time, it managed to look a little different. Sure, big ol' Chosobake still made up the focal point of the room, a giant of a man confined to a an equally grandiose desk, but there was always something else to catch one's eye upon first entering. The office was sparsely decorated, but the trinkets and furniture that did make it in were always worth ogling. Today, though, a certain something seemed to be covering the room in a thick, grey mist. It was almost as though there was a pollutant among all of the luxuriousness. And hell, there was.

His name was Ryo Hattori.

Wearing a jacket indoors and a pair of nice headphones, right in the center of the room, stood the plague. If ever Yunosuke had made fun of Teijo for being an imperialistic bastard, he took it all back. He'd take prim and proper over raging egomaniac any time. While some would take it as a compliment to be assigned one of the best students in the whole class to work with, he was having a hard time seeing it as anything other than a punishment. Hattori was good, sure, but he was also a stuck-up prick. He'd rather he had to work with a yokai that was dumb as shit, at least then they might have something in common.

Ah, wait, that didn't come out right. Dammit, this is going to be hell on earth, I can tell already.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets with a scowl and played up the part of the delinquent as best he could. The Natural was gonna get a taste of something natural, alright. Natural like the taste of blood when somebody knocks your teeth out. He grimaced. He'd have to brush up his insult game, fast, or actually be nice to the guy.

"Deadly serious, I'm afraid," Chosokabe replied, obviously in response to something Hattori had said before he'd come into the room. Yunosuke turned his attention to the headmaster instead of his new partner and awaited an introduction. "Ah yes, and Ogata Yunosuke, I'm sure you know Ryo Hattori. It's my firm belief that you two are going to be a good match, and definitely an interesting one to watch," he concluded.

"Hey, are you sure you didn't just do this to us for a few good laughs, Chosokabe?" he couldn't hold that back and he silently prayed he wasn't about to be banished to some yokai pocket dimension that wasn't mentioned in the orientation packet.

Chosokabe was visibly annoyed by that and he drummed his fingers against the desk, "With Berserkers threatening both of our kinds, do you really think I'd send out two of my most promising hunters in a mismatched pair just for fun?"

Yunosuke fidgeted a bit. Great. He'd done enough damage to last a whole week and it wasn't even time for lunch yet. He decided he'd shut up, just until after the mission details were all hashed out.
1. I think I generally prefer non-metal versions of metal songs, honestly. Not the biggest fan of metal, unless it's done more operatically than screamy, and I find a lot of metal covers to be overkill.

2. Ew, no.

3. Every human lives in a trap, from the snare of the womb to the quagmire of the grave. We love entrapment so much, thrive on it even, that we build it into our routine. Homes with walls and doors and locks, family with their bonds, obligations and other pitfalls.

So yeah. .-.

1. Would you rather have to live without your arms or your legs?

2. Best movie you've seen recently?

3. If a customer at a movie theatre at which you are employed comes up to you and demands some money because he's spilled buttery, greasy popcorn onto his pants and will now need them dry cleaned, what do you do?
But then, movement!
I'm going to stick my head in here and follow this thread to show my interest. Getting myself started with some interesting RPs after being gone for a bit, so I'm trying to get a good lineup of threads to choose from. Cyberpunk has always been a fun genre for me, and I like the sandbox element.

The concept I'm batting around right now involves a group of hackers who see themselves as vigilantes, constantly orchestrating hacks to get information on corporate corruption or digital murmurs of illicit drug trades. They have some fighters among their midst, but the general feel of the group tends to paint them more as information brokers. They don't want the big corporations or gangs to have free reign, but they also realize they don't have the manpower to stop them, so besides small sting operations, they mainly archive and auction information for those who really can use it. Small-time CEOs would love to have them on the payroll.
Can't believe I almost missed the OOC! My CS draft thing has been almost complete for a few days. Just gotta add a few things and a fresh coat of polish.
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