Avatar of FrozenPhoenix
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    1. FrozenPhoenix 10 yrs ago


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Just as an FYI Kol, harpist is the proper nomenclature for one who plays a harp, a harpy is a mythical creature that has the features of a bird and a woman.

Also, 28... Just saying.
Axon stood his ground, waiting patiently at the door until it opened up to reveal the empty office. Upon seeing 'dearest dad' as Titania put it was not present he stepped inside. Yggdrasil's office wasn't so foreign to him given his former position, but it had been quiet awhile. Resisting the urge to tip something over he heard Titania's words and in response said, "Eh they may know me. As for the relic I don't know. Dad has his secrets, like we all do." He started gesturing all around before continuing to say, "Look around secrets is kinda our thing."

When Yggdrasil walked in and took his place with Měihóu talking all the while he couldn't help but cross his arms and listen. When Yggdrasil spoke with his single word answer he couldn't help but scoff. "You know we're literally a bunch of spies right? We don't make a habit of telling anything, even the most minor of details. Again, not trying to be mean, btu I think this may be a bit of the wrong approach." He concluded patting Měihóu on the shoulder before chiming up one last time to say, "Hey Dad." Directly to Yggdrasil, almost too casually.

From there it was just a simple matter of pacing around a bit to continue listening to the talks between the two who were actually contributing to the banter. After all this part of the plan really wasn't involving him much. Though all the while this bout was going on he was thinking about where and how he could obtain the relic. The castle required a ton of energy to keep floating and it was rumored that the relics had incredible power. Perhaps that is what made this whole place stay up given that when he worked here the truth of how the castle worked was never revealed, regardless of how many young minded questions were asked. Though it would also make sense for Yggdrasil to keep the relic on him, especially given that the power would certainly make him a frightful force from which to take his title. Regardless it would take some work and in a place like this, being rash would only lead to death. They had to be more cunning than an entire ring of spies.
To be fair I am not on vacation as I do not get those. The only reason I haven't posted is because I see no reason to. We just all got to the cheap knock off of Miyazaki's Castle in the Sky and that's about it. I have no direction from which to operate from so I was simply staying logged off and lurking until I had something to actually work with.

The most direction I have is Monkey knocking on the door of Big Boss. In which nobody answered, may not even be his door assuming there isn't a sign that says, "Yggdrasil's Office, fuck off if you aren't important enough to the story."
Axon followed Stark hands in his pockets as normal without any real worry or care to be seen. This wasn't anything to him despite how red Titania was turning, she really didn't handle stress very well... especially for a general... He couldn't help but think seeing how puffy she was getting given that she wanted to deliver a message to Yggdrasil anyway. Maybe using her brain instead of her gun was a foreign concept... Regardless it didn't matter to much to him, he gave her what she wanted, a change to deliver her message.

Upon reaching his old home he looked up with a bit of fondness. Really he didn't have any qualms with his old life, just the little bit of corruption that was in it. Like a rat infestation that one would need an exterminator for. He had every reason to want to go back home once it was clean again, but again business had to be handled first.

Turning to face Titania he spoke up finally to say, "Welp uh... bit of a hike up... Um... I can just jump up, but you. Got any ideas on what to do?" He started before suddenly squinting his eyes and looking around, "Wait a minute where'd the other one go? Am I the only one who thinks she just ran off for the hills?" He continued to look around randomly for a little bit before finally returning his attention to the castle in the sky.

Taking a moment to take everything in he took his hands out of his pockets and once again revealed his black fingers with their pointed claws at each end. Next step was to take a few steps back and brace as if he was about to run towards the building in front of them. Following that he said, "Well good luck and I'll wait for you up there!" From that he started at a fast run towards the building on the ground before jumping forward, cocking his legs, and then in a sudden burst surged out his shadow tendrils and mists to filter and form beneath his feet launching him up into teh air like a rocket. Though the one jump wasn't nearly enough to get him up he kept jumping mid air again and again as if he was dashing like a gale. His speed was incredible as he bolted through the air until reaching the base of his old home to which he could wait for his fellows.
Axon stood his ground and when Stark spoke about bringing them directly to Yggdrasil he smiled a wee bit before turning to Titania to see what was essentially a death stare. "What? What I say? You're the one with the message I'm just here because I look pretty." Turning back to face Stark he spoke up again, "I'll be honest I haven't heard much from Dad in an age. I'm just here because I have a habit of finding pretty girls who want to hurt me. But you know all about that huh? Remember that time I came back into the office after meeting with Alice?" He continued lifting up his shirt a bit to reveal a really odd looking scar that know practical weapon could have made. "I honestly didn't think a fork would hurt that much. Thanks for patching me up though, tell me do I still owe you that beer or did I get you back and just forget that night?"

Following his friendly bout he lowered his shirt and pocketed his hands again. One thing he missed about working for Yggdrasil was General Stark. He was always a good man and while rather stoic and monotoned he was a good boss to have. Friendly and kind... in a "I could kill you all if I wanted to but you guys aren't so bad." Kind of way. Regardless, it sucked to not be able to get wasted with a robot.

"Sorry I know it's been a bit. If you don't mind me asking, how's Dad been?" Was his last note being directed towards Stark as a closer for his quick bit and jovial conversation regardless of how Titania was looking at him.
Axon walked and paced himself along with the two women as they traveled their path towards the Imperium. His voice wasn't added to the chatter that mainly Měihóu provided. His mind was elsewhere and despite the rather tilted and obscure conversation he had with Asgard his mind was not on that 'talk', but instead something far different and actually taxing on him. Though his thoughts were broken when Titania made note of a possible traveler...

That interesting ppart happened when Měihóu essentially wrote in the air and then blew up into a cloud of smoke and sparks. The odd and rather unexpected show making him flinch and take his hands from his pockets to protect his eyes with a forearm before promptly putting his hand back into his pocket.

At the clearing of the chaos, the calming of the wildlife around, and of course the absence of Měihóu, Axon looked ahead to see a rather familiar face in the shape of General Stark Zealot. Though given the rather... tepid circumstances of his disappearance and the most likely now known betrayal of him against Yggdrasil. Yet despite all of this he still couldn't help bringing his usual jovial and calm demenour to the table by saying, "Hey Stark. We're just a little concerned about him is all. Been hearing tons of terrible things and as you can imagine we're all a little concerned, me especially! It's always a damn shame when Dad gets sick."
Yeah I vote we timeskip, but I'm telling you now later today I'm disassembling my computer to pack it up for the big move. And while I'm in transit I won't be able to play my PC while driving down the highway. SO I'm jsut gonna be gone for like... At the very least 4 days. Probably looking more like a week or two. So pretend Axon is just floating along with everybody just so I don't hold everything up. Let's just say he's going through a silent, brooding moment.
Does watched as those he spoke to respond in sequence, though mostly to his dismay. But it didn't really matter too much as their gracious host had shown up, though not particularly in the flesh. He shifted on his heels watching as Kil'threx spoke to each person in particular. When his turn came and the single rope of energy came towards him he perked up, taking a half step forward to listen to what he would be offered and what he was told made him quiet literally giddy. To have his realm grow and spread across all of the known mortal world. Letting everybody enjoy the satisfaction of war and to see what it is like to feel red, hot blood flowing through your fingers... Perfect...

As he continued and eventually left, Deos spoke up once more but unlike his fellows his mind did not stray to betrayal and deceit but instead was damn near blinded by the thrill and idea of battle, "Fuck sake, this prospect of war has got me harder than Hell-Plate. Who cares about all this sneaking and conniving. Let's just fucking kill them! I say that we start far away and close in on them, trapping them in their owns walls." He commented, though his words were less focused on actually helping and more towards getting to the bloodshed. Which in a sense was a good thing as his bloodthirsty armies could do wonders for distractions, assaults, and supply disruptions. Perhaps even taking out Meloran's neighboring allies to separate them from getting reinforcements. And for Deos as long as swords are drawn he'd happily partake in the events there...

Many of his new 'allies' in this little quest had already voiced their opinions about betrayal and sabotage which was a disgrace regardless as actions such as that were just... pathetic. If you can't beat your foe in combat you have no right to try and sneak behind them anyway. Though at the same time he didn't share the goals as they did. He existed to bring war to teh world, once that was done he would be a happy man reveling in the constant conflict. He had his goal and his drive, which may not particularly be said for some of his fellows. Regardless it didn't leave him much of care as what he had, stood to gain, and wanted could be reached easily by just participating in this little adventure...

Patting his beasts on the head they both reared and started to walk towards the blood map with their master leading the way, looking to see what madness could be discovered from their collective minds looking at the situation.
Just to let all you know. I'm moving here now so I'm going to be incredibly flaky for the next while while I pack, move, etc... I'll try to hop on and post when I can. Sorry to have this happen so early in the RP.
Deos was far from the first one to make his way to the deary cottage, but he wouldn't be shown up for it. While not alone, he was the only human-ish look man present but flanked on either side of him was one of his special War-Beasts, the Varleth. Large beasts of many claws and barbed tail that stood about five feet tall. Gladly keeping pace with their master as he suddenly found himself engulfed in a large shadow, peering up to see the great from of a dragon on approach for a landing. Almost in awe he gave an approving nod as the beast not only landed at the same location he was going to, but also shapeshifted to be a man just a few inches taller than he was. Seeing such a sight made him pick up the pace to see who else would be coming to this little pow-wow.

Upon reaching the door to the cottage he stepped in as his pets flanked him one by one to be able to fit through the rotted frame to fit inside. Their eyeless heads glancing around as if they could see sniffing at the air to gather those around him, snarling at everyone involved save Deos himself. A soothing hand on each of their heads made them simmer down before Deos spoke his first words, looking directly at Niddhog as he did, being rather active with his gesturing hands, "I don't know what you are, but I want one. Actually... fuck it, I want like three. I don't mean any offense. Just... I must have one of you in my collection of soldiers." He excitedly said, already taking pleasure in the cast around him.

Though after he said that his attention rotated back around to see the others, many of whom didn't look like anything special, but some looked rather... unique and by gauging their dress code he almost wanted to armor himself to match the crowd. Though in his mind it was arbitrary. Besides showing off his beautiful necklace felt like a good idea currently.

One thing he could note though was that nobody here seemed to be in any sort of "power" as it were. Such they had loads of power and it was clear to see some had some titles to their face, but none of them seemed to be the one who called to him, they didn't feel familiar in that sense. So the host had yet to arrive and make his true appearance apparently. In that case though, "Quiet the cast we have today, anybody feel up for a wee chat till our gracious host arrives?" Pointing to Nyarlith he continued, "You look like fun, got anything to say for yourself?"
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