Avatar of Gephfryee
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    1. Gephfryee 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Vermintide is a pretty good game.


I am a writer, gamer, criminal mastermind with a tea obsession. That is all you need to know.

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Tiberius had tracked this prey all night. He'd found the perfect overwatch position. He was in such a good mood that he'd even brought out the special ammunition. He was going to enjoy watching their heads explode. There was nothing more satisfying than dealing the coup d'état to an unsuspecting opponent. This was it. He lined up the shot... inhale. He began to squeeze down on the trigger... hold breath. The enemy was just waking up, lifting his head into the perfect position while his parter remained asleep-unsuspecting.

Brepbreep brepbreep

The sound of his PDA startled Tiberius causing him to miss his shot, and consequentially, release a long and loud stream of furious curses. His PDA still making that irritating noise, Tiberius scoped back in and found that the two men he'd tracked down for the last week were now long gone. The half-bottle of vodka they'd stolen from him would never be avenged.

He contemplated smashing the PDA just to spite whoever contacted him, but he remembered that 1: He was running low on money, 2: He was running low on vodka and stealing it hadn't been panning out lately, and 3: 1+2= Tiberius needs work if he wants to keep living in a drunken stupor, and smashing the source of work would be detrimental to his noble, alcoholic cause. Finally satisfied that he'd over-analyzed the situation, Tiberius pulled his PDA out and gave the message he'd received a look.

"Let's see... Yantar. Yantar? I live near there, so it's convenient. I know the area, so no surprising me with traps. Lots of money... and money means booze... ah, hell. I might as well give things a look. I need to kill something since this little piece if shit PDA just cost me two gib explosions."

Realizing that he was talking to himself, Tiberius soundly slapped himself while pocketing his PDA with the other hand. He quickly looked around to make sure that he was the only person in the area. There were a few other Stalkers, but none of them were aware of his presence. With that as assurance, he quickly sprinted back to his lair, which was a few hundred meters away, packed up what supplies he could carry, and set out on the short hike to the Yantar labs.
Aaaaaaand... I'm back.
Just in case the RP starts anytime soon, I'm probably going to be dead for a few days. Visiting heathen relatives that have no internet and live in the middle of nowhere. Hopefully it won't impede starting things. Sorry if it's an inconvenience.
Did somebody say, distances? *scopes in* *blam blam*
SirBeowulf said
Pretty good character in my opinion.

Well, this IS S.T.A.L.K.E.R., which means that Snitch is a thing. I'd like to see someone manage a worse character than him.
Peik said
Just a nitpick, the SVD doesn't use 7.62 NATO.

Thank you. Noted and fixed.
Name: Tiberius Kristoffer Thomassen

Alias: Bôrka

Nationality: Norwegian

Age: 28

Gender: Male


Tiberius is a somewhat larger fellow, standing at 6' 1'' and weighing around 185lbs. He has pale blonde, nearly white, hair, which he keeps trimmed in the style of the Russian infantry. His eyes are a pale blue, with a scar running across one from a nasty accident some time ago. He's not the most physically impressive of people, but is strong enough to hold his own in a fist fight, and is very sure of feet. He wears a black camo Beril-5m, along with cargo pants and leather gloves to match, as well as a somewhat old pair of hiking boots. He keeps a pocketwatch on his person at all times.

Spoken Languages: Norwegian(fluent), Ukrainian and Russian(functional), English(conversational)

Faction: Loner, former Duty with no ties.

Reputation: Not known for anything flattering, he's generally disliked by most other S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s that he encounters. He spent his first few years in the Zone as a Duty sniper, but had a bit of a falling out with them, so he isn't exactly welcome in Rostok anymore. Since he's ex-Duty, Freedom isn't too fond of him, and he's notorious for indiscriminately killing mercs, the military, and bandits, to the point of which some hunt him for posted bounties. Beyond that, he avoids contact with most factions when possible, and is anything if not jumpy when he has to interact with them.

Generally reclusive, he doesn't leave his secret hideout very often unless people are coming near it, or he needs money, food, or ammunition. Having been trained as a sniper, and that being his profession for about a decade now, he thinks himself quite good at it. However, this means that he's a rank amateur when it comes to close quarters fights. He can throw some punches and take a few hits, but if he can avoid fighting you from less than five hundred meters away, he will. Unfortunately for most, if you anger Tiberius, or for that matter, even get close to him without his approaching you first, you'll likely get your brains splattered across the nearest tree. He's an indiscriminate killer concerned only with money and survival.

He's been known to take missions from time to time when his belt starts getting a little too lose around his waist. He prefers assassination missions, and is quite good at them, though he isn't opposed to fighting mutants. Strangely, he has an irrational fear of Snorks and Bloodsuckers, though no one knows why, and asking him about it is a good way to get him to walk off and go home.

Personality: An extremely reclusive person, even as a child he tended to avoid going anywhere near other people and kept to himself. Nowadays, this has turned him into a generally emotionless psychopath of sorts. He speaks little, lives as far away from people as possible, and keep an unnervingly blank look on his face at all times. He's ruthless and uncaring, and is more than willing to kill any and everything that gets in his way, annoys him, or tries to come near him. He cares little for riches and is only worried about food and ammunition for the most part, but has a bit of a kleptomaniacal quirk about collecting shiny objects that he finds. He's debatably more overprotective of these objects than he is of his own home.

History: As a young boy, he possessed a fascination with rifles, that later turned into an obsession. He spent almost all of his time studying them, disassembling and reassembling them, and firing them to learn their quirks. After graduating high school in Norway, he passed on the option to go to college and instead decided to move to Russia and join the Russian Armed Forces. He was assigned a position as sniper not too long into his service, and eventually became a ranking officer within a squad of snipers. Around the time his five years of service ended, the Chernobyl event occurred, and the lure of the Zone tantalized him so much so that he forsook his plans to become a career soldier and became a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. His skills earned him a place in Duty for a while, but he's since then fallen out of favor with them and become a recluse, hunting and killing in the hills deep inside the Zone.

SVDm-2 (100 x 7.62x54r bullets)
Kora-919 (200 x .45 caliber ACP)

2 canteens of water
1 bottle of vodka
3 loaves of stale bread
1 can of Tourist's Delight
1 Military Medkit
1 Medkit
5 bandages
1 old pillow
1 spare gas mask and some filters

On person-
Lots of bolts
Gas mask
Geiger counter

Keen eyes: Years of sniping and spotting have given Tiberius sharp eyesight and the ability to notice that which other people might overlook.
Void personality: His years in the Zone have hardened him to the point that he won't blink or think twice about putting a bullet into anyone's head for any reason.
Martial practitioner: His service to Duty in the Zone, and martial training in his late youth, have made him into a masterful sniper. He isn't perfect, but he doesn't often miss.
Scavenger: He doesn't interact with people much, so he's acquired a knack for finding what he needs out in the wild, and mostly not irradiated.

Outcast: His manner of speech incredibly blunt and to the point, assuming he even talks, which is rare.
Close quarters novice: His skills at medium and short range are deplorable, so much so that he has difficulty compensating for automatic weapons fire, and can hold his own in a fist fight, but isn't too particularly good.
Paranoia: Loud rasping or screeching noises of any kind scare him enough to make him head home quite quickly, as he tends to link them with Snorks and Bloodsuckers.
After some thought, decided I probably should've done this first. Oh well. At least the official topic is already up. If you're interested, move on over there.

Motherboard, or as I am going to think of it, Bladepunk 2077, will be a very much Blade Runner and Cyberpunk 2077 inspired RP set a few hundred years in the future on a fictional world called Profectum. I like to leave my RP's open to creation so that the world is sort of procedurally generated by the characters. Leaves an element of surprise. That being said, this will have lore that I'd appreciate being adhered to. If you have no problems with creating part of the world through your action in an RP and sticking to lore, and happen to like gritty cyberpunk, then by all means please continue to read this post.

Profectum: a world on the outskirts of the galaxy commonly known as the Milky Way. For centuries it has been a world ravaged by war, separated by class and social standing, and secluded from the rest of the universe. The people of this world were blessed with many riches, both of the mental and physical persuasions. The world of Profectum, aside from being a large and diverse world of deserts, mountains, forests, jungles, and oceans aplenty, also has vast and deep deposits of precious metals and other elements desirable by outsiders. Beyond this, the people of Profectum are extremely intellectual to the point that they possessed laser weaponry and space travel while man was just starting to use cordite. That being said, their population is small, stunted due to civil wars, famines, and holocausts frequently occurring between the upper and lower classes of the world, as well as against the world's unilateral, omnipresent government. However, not but a few decades ago during Galactic Year-1187(3941 A.D. on the Gregorian calender), all of that ceased when Profectum was invaded en masse by the forces of the New Earth Federation, soon to be followed by the Transcendent Galactic Governmental Dominion. The war that ensued was long, bloody, and ultimately resulted in there being no victor, but instead, varying levels of losers.

The New Earth Federation: A ravenous, and at times cannibalistic, council of the major powers of Earth- The Communist Union of Bolshevik Nations, the United Socialist States of America, The Albion Alliance, and the Organization of Orient Clans. These groups formed together during Galactic Year-922 with the purpose of moving the entire human population of Earth, roughly 35 billion people, off world and into the depths of space. Since that time, they've been ravenously world-hopping from star system to star system, devouring every natural resource they encounter, leaving small colonies in their wake to clean up their mess and make the wastelands they've created into lush biome once again. Coming across Profectorum, these powers watered at the mouth and gnashed their teeth in hungry delight. They WANTED it. NEEDED it. And so, with a force hundreds of thousands in size, they invaded the world in an attempt to seize it for themselves. They did not anticipate the possibility of powers stronger than they existing.

The Transcendent Galactic Governmental Dominion: A mysterious organization shrouded in shadows, the very mention of which sends chills down the spines of many. Little is known about them, but what is is enough to make most fear them, and for good reason. They predate the Galactic Year, a system created millenia ago to help with unification of space faring worlds. It is believed that at one point they controlled the who galaxy, and maybe more. Similarities between them and the gods of yore on many worlds only helps to support this idea. However, much like the Roman Empire, their reach was overextended and they disappeared in the blink of an eye. Between then and now, nothing was heard of them and no theories on where they went have supporting proof. A few popular ones are that they left for Andromeda and have come back, that they crept into the governments of many worlds and have been controlling from the shadows, or that the T.G.G.D. now is just a mock of the original, sharing only the name and nothing else. It's all speculation, though. It is irrefutable, however, that whatever this organization be, its appearance is linked directly to Galactic Year-1000, the year that every life-bearing world in the Milky Way achieved space travel. Since then they've systematically conquered, subjugated, and absorbed hundreds of worlds with an army described as 'darkness incarnate'.

General Information about Profectum: Profectum has nine, very distinct continents, each separate from one another with vast oceans in between. These continents are Trep, Constus, Keki, Gjravmal, Poporii, Jujar, Resbno, Erta, and Graz.
Trep- The smallest of the nine continents and the most populated of the three major, civilized ones, its topography consists of a massive tropical forest running along the borders of the continent, with a vast and seemingly endless desert making up the interior. In the exact center, there is a megalopolis thousands of kilometers in breadth that is the center of civilization and rule. This 'mega city' has a core of steel, skyscrapers piercing the atmosphere in tight clusters, with bee-like swarms of flying vehicles, suicide jumpers, and a plethora of other things. This core has a mantle of rotting wood and cardboard made up by the slums of the poor, destitute, old, and workers of the city. To top it all off, the crust is made up of police barricades and stations, military bases, and kilometers of minefields, barbed wire, automated cannons, and a variety of other nasty defenses made to bother keep outsiders out, and insiders in.

Constus- A wasteland of junk, Constus was once a lush, mountain region. However, once the mountains were stripped of their ores and were no longer useful, the place became a dumping ground for outdated tech and things beyond repair, as well as an open-air prison. It is worth noting that it is the third largest continent, the least clean, and the most well defended. Within the borders of Constus you will find three things: 1. Mountains of stone replaced with mountains of rusting iron. 2. Dozens of warring 'tribes' of criminals, savages, etc... trying to gouge out each other's throats for what little food or water there is. 3. A number of floating fortresses just a few kilometers off shore with W.M.D.'s pointed at the continent. The reason for the third one is simple: Constus is populated almost solely by warmongers and criminals, enough to make Constus the second most populated continent on the world. If they ever achieved the means to, they could overthrow the government, so the military is poised to destroy them on a moments notice. Not so long ago, those fortresses weren't there, though. The reason for this escalation is that Constus was the first place the the N.E.F. and the T.G.G.D. invaded. Both factions went in, and nothing they sent in came back out. The status of the lost tech of both parties is still unknown and very dangerous.

Erta- The largest and most populated continent, it is the center of society on Profectum. The seat of the ruling government, the headquarters of most companies, the military high command, and much more. It is a cluster of gleaming pillars of technological supremacy and totalitarian control. With a megalopolis at its heart, and various other cities scattered around the continent, the rest of the land is mostly mountains with extensive subterranean passageways, the depths of which are still not fully known, and many unpleasant things are believed to lurk in them. The mountains are home to a few nomadic tribes, but are mostly dominated by slums for corporate slaves or prisons for government naysayers. It may be worth noting that Erta is the most dangerous of all nine continents due to frequent warfare. Within the last hundred years, seventeen civil wars, twelve revolutions, and countless dozens of sorties and skirmishes have occurred between the government and corporate leaders, the government and the lower class populace, corporations and the lower class populace, rival corporations, rival politicians, lower class government supporters and dissenters, and the upper and lower class populace, as well as there being a single territory battle between a smaller company and a nomadic tribe that wasn't too happy about them trying to expand into their wintertime home area.

The other six continents are unpopulated or have a population barely into the thousands and are home to only the flora and fauna of Profectum. Poporii and Jujar are both massive tropical forest continents with expansive grasslands or savannas riddling the interior in some places. They sport most of the bird population of the world, as well as some of its most dangerous predators and largest animals. Keki is a volcanic wasteland with an abundance of metals and other mined resources, as well as a variety of predators and camouflage-bearing prey. Graz is most coniferous forest filled with herbivores and a few predators, and renowned for its heavy snows. Gjravmal is almost entirely covered with mountains, many of which have coniferous forests upon their sides. It is one of the few continents with no herbivores upon it. Instead, it has an interesting combination of most of the world's tribal population and an impressive variety of carnivorous and omnivorous beings. Resbno is a completely unpopulated grassland that happens to be a popular vacation spot for corporate execs and politicians.

The government of Profectum is a sort of corrupt senate mixed with a dictatorship, the inner-workings of which are so twisted that about the only way to fix it would be to tear it down and start again. Originally, it was a combination of elected representatives. Each prefecture would elect someone to speak on their behalf at a senate on the matter of social welfare and the betterment of the people. At the same time, each corporation's workers would select a higher-up to speak for them in the senate and discuss worker equality, trade laws, taxes, etc... This system, as you can imagine, looked great on paper, but put into practice it started to break instantly. Within a decade, it had turned into a madhouse of assassinations and corruption. Corporate presidents buying out politicians or threatening them with private armies, politicians cutting each other's throats to keep them silent, and much worse. It was so bad at one point that the military staged a coup d'etat and systematically executed government and corporate leaders without mercy until both conceded to absolute martial control of the world. Within a year, every corporation on the planet had banded to together and formed their private armies into one and used them to seize control of the capitol from the military and reestablish the corrupt system from before. The military admitted defeat and has remained loyal to the governmental senate ever since. Roughly a century ago, the first major change to this system occurred in the form of electing a Senate Chancellor to preside over meetings. He instantly became a dictator who manipulated enough of the right people into voting that he be given absolute power over the senate's decisions. There has been one senator since then, the current one, and he is far more corrupt than his predecessor, to the point that he even has unilateral control of the military. This did serve well during the initial invasions of Profectum since he could mobilize counter-offensives instantly without having to deal with the bureaucracy. Regardless, it is believed he will fall soon, and even now his demised is plotted behind closed doors and in hushed voices.

The People of Profectum:
The Pernus- The greater majority of the people of Profectum belong to this race. The Pernus are rather unimpressive in most respects, being more or less identical to humans save for a few things. Their skin pigmentation has been known to range through the entire color spectrum, and will even change shade/tint based on their emotional state. Their eyes also possess no pupils or whites, and are instead seemingly one, massive iris of any number of colors.
The Uly- A decent amount of the world's populace belong to this race, though nowhere near as many as those belonging to the Perni. The Uly are well known for their either blue or green skin, their heavily reptilian body features, such as being covered in scales, multiple eyelids, forked tongues, heat sensory, venomous fangs, and finger and toe webbing. A large portion of them make up the nomad population of the world, and the rest tend to try and stay near water or caves when possible.
The Genari- Possessing the smallest numbers of the three races, only a few thousand are believed to exist, though the specifics are unknown. Their natural appearances have been known to vary greatly with little to no consistency. Their most notable trait is their ability to shape-shift into the likeness of other humanoid creatures that they have encountered.

The War for Profectum: The war began around two decades ago started with an en masse invasion of the continents of Constus and Erta by the N.E.F.(New Earth Federation). This invasion was conducted through a combination of orbital drop pods and orbital assault with dropships and gunships, with orbital bombardment and fightercraft air support. While the vast majority landed in Erta, quite a few thousand soldiers came done in Constus and where never heard from again. The first, final, and only communication received from that group after landing was, "God save us all, they're everywhere!!!" Erta didn't go much better. The combination of the organized military crushing the N.E.F. forces with advanced tech, as well as private corporate armies conducting extensive guerrilla warfare, caused the quick and efficient annihilation of the invaders. Demoralized and weakened, the New Earth Federation pulled back to lick its wounds, but as they retreated, the T.G.G.D. reared its head and assaulted Profectum. This invasion was slightly more successful, with the T.G.G.D. winning a number of battles and successfully clawing into the world and setting up a few bases. However, they suffered heavy casualties against the Profect armies, which combined with the fact that their initial invasion force was already quite small, was too weak to keep their holdings for long and were forced off world two years later. A number of other invasions have been staged, most individually, but some being joint efforts between the T.G.G.D. and the N.E.F., and all ultimately failing.

With two decades of war, the world has fallen into a state of disrepair and decay. Large numbers of mercenaries and bounty hunters have begun to make frequent visits to the world or even call it home. Small, tribal factions are starting to rebel against the government. Governmental in-fighting is worsening. Revolutionaries are becoming increasingly more violent once again. The military is becoming more and more independent. Wild animals have started openly assaulting the populace in large numbers, and some animals, the existence of which was unknown before, have started to surface and pose great threat. It is into this world that you will be plunged, and upon it you will leave your mark, be it good or bad.

Character Skeleton:
Name: Your character's name

Race: Your character's race. Feel free to create one.

Age: How old your character is.

Gender: What gender your character is. Go wild with it.

Occupation: What your current job is.

Physical Description: A decent description of what your character looks like. Preferably at least a paragraph.

History: Anything we may need to know about your character's past. A couple of paragraphs would be nice.

Implants and Modifications: Any cybernetic implants or bodily modifications that your character may have. i.e.: Cyber eye with a built in range finder. Robotic limb. Stuff like that.

Skills/Abilities: What your character is good at doing.

Factional Relation: Does or does not everyone hate you.

And that's about it for the prompt. Like I said earlier, feel free to go wild and create whatever you want for your character. Create your own race, world, religion, etc... anything you want. While I'm at it, just a few ground rules. No godmodding, be polite, and if you have any questions I'm available 22 hours out of the day. That's all.
Motherboard, or as I am going to think of it, Bladepunk 2077, will be a very much Blade Runner and Cyberpunk 2077 inspired RP set a few hundred years in the future on a fictional world called Profectum. I like to leave my RP's open to creation so that the world is sort of procedurally generated by the characters. Leaves an element of surprise. That being said, this will have lore that I'd appreciate being adhered to. If you have no problems with creating part of the world through your action in an RP and sticking to lore, and happen to like gritty cyberpunk, then by all means please continue to read this post.

Profectum: a world on the outskirts of the galaxy commonly known as the Milky Way. For centuries it has been a world ravaged by war, separated by class and social standing, and secluded from the rest of the universe. The people of this world were blessed with many riches, both of the mental and physical persuasions. The world of Profectum, aside from being a large and diverse world of deserts, mountains, forests, jungles, and oceans aplenty, also has vast and deep deposits of precious metals and other elements desirable by outsiders. Beyond this, the people of Profectum are extremely intellectual to the point that they possessed laser weaponry and space travel while man was just starting to use cordite. That being said, their population is small, stunted due to civil wars, famines, and holocausts frequently occurring between the upper and lower classes of the world, as well as against the world's unilateral, omnipresent government. However, not but a few decades ago during Galactic Year-1187(3941 A.D. on the Gregorian calender), all of that ceased when Profectum was invaded en masse by the forces of the New Earth Federation, soon to be followed by the Transcendent Galactic Governmental Dominion. The war that ensued was long, bloody, and ultimately resulted in there being no victor, but instead, varying levels of losers.

The New Earth Federation: A ravenous, and at times cannibalistic, council of the major powers of Earth- The Communist Union of Bolshevik Nations, the United Socialist States of America, The Albion Alliance, and the Organization of Orient Clans. These groups formed together during Galactic Year-922 with the purpose of moving the entire human population of Earth, roughly 35 billion people, off world and into the depths of space. Since that time, they've been ravenously world-hopping from star system to star system, devouring every natural resource they encounter, leaving small colonies in their wake to clean up their mess and make the wastelands they've created into lush biome once again. Coming across Profectorum, these powers watered at the mouth and gnashed their teeth in hungry delight. They WANTED it. NEEDED it. And so, with a force hundreds of thousands in size, they invaded the world in an attempt to seize it for themselves. They did not anticipate the possibility of powers stronger than they existing.

The Transcendent Galactic Governmental Dominion: A mysterious organization shrouded in shadows, the very mention of which sends chills down the spines of many. Little is known about them, but what is is enough to make most fear them, and for good reason. They predate the Galactic Year, a system created millenia ago to help with unification of space faring worlds. It is believed that at one point they controlled the who galaxy, and maybe more. Similarities between them and the gods of yore on many worlds only helps to support this idea. However, much like the Roman Empire, their reach was overextended and they disappeared in the blink of an eye. Between then and now, nothing was heard of them and no theories on where they went have supporting proof. A few popular ones are that they left for Andromeda and have come back, that they crept into the governments of many worlds and have been controlling from the shadows, or that the T.G.G.D. now is just a mock of the original, sharing only the name and nothing else. It's all speculation, though. It is irrefutable, however, that whatever this organization be, its appearance is linked directly to Galactic Year-1000, the year that every life-bearing world in the Milky Way achieved space travel. Since then they've systematically conquered, subjugated, and absorbed hundreds of worlds with an army described as 'darkness incarnate'.

General Information about Profectum: Profectum has nine, very distinct continents, each separate from one another with vast oceans in between. These continents are Trep, Constus, Keki, Gjravmal, Poporii, Jujar, Resbno, Erta, and Graz.
Trep- The smallest of the nine continents and the most populated of the three major, civilized ones, its topography consists of a massive tropical forest running along the borders of the continent, with a vast and seemingly endless desert making up the interior. In the exact center, there is a megalopolis thousands of kilometers in breadth that is the center of civilization and rule. This 'mega city' has a core of steel, skyscrapers piercing the atmosphere in tight clusters, with bee-like swarms of flying vehicles, suicide jumpers, and a plethora of other things. This core has a mantle of rotting wood and cardboard made up by the slums of the poor, destitute, old, and workers of the city. To top it all off, the crust is made up of police barricades and stations, military bases, and kilometers of minefields, barbed wire, automated cannons, and a variety of other nasty defenses made to bother keep outsiders out, and insiders in.

Constus- A wasteland of junk, Constus was once a lush, mountain region. However, once the mountains were stripped of their ores and were no longer useful, the place became a dumping ground for outdated tech and things beyond repair, as well as an open-air prison. It is worth noting that it is the third largest continent, the least clean, and the most well defended. Within the borders of Constus you will find three things: 1. Mountains of stone replaced with mountains of rusting iron. 2. Dozens of warring 'tribes' of criminals, savages, etc... trying to gouge out each other's throats for what little food or water there is. 3. A number of floating fortresses just a few kilometers off shore with W.M.D.'s pointed at the continent. The reason for the third one is simple: Constus is populated almost solely by warmongers and criminals, enough to make Constus the second most populated continent on the world. If they ever achieved the means to, they could overthrow the government, so the military is poised to destroy them on a moments notice. Not so long ago, those fortresses weren't there, though. The reason for this escalation is that Constus was the first place the the N.E.F. and the T.G.G.D. invaded. Both factions went in, and nothing they sent in came back out. The status of the lost tech of both parties is still unknown and very dangerous.

Erta- The largest and most populated continent, it is the center of society on Profectum. The seat of the ruling government, the headquarters of most companies, the military high command, and much more. It is a cluster of gleaming pillars of technological supremacy and totalitarian control. With a megalopolis at its heart, and various other cities scattered around the continent, the rest of the land is mostly mountains with extensive subterranean passageways, the depths of which are still not fully known, and many unpleasant things are believed to lurk in them. The mountains are home to a few nomadic tribes, but are mostly dominated by slums for corporate slaves or prisons for government naysayers. It may be worth noting that Erta is the most dangerous of all nine continents due to frequent warfare. Within the last hundred years, seventeen civil wars, twelve revolutions, and countless dozens of sorties and skirmishes have occurred between the government and corporate leaders, the government and the lower class populace, corporations and the lower class populace, rival corporations, rival politicians, lower class government supporters and dissenters, and the upper and lower class populace, as well as there being a single territory battle between a smaller company and a nomadic tribe that wasn't too happy about them trying to expand into their wintertime home area.

The other six continents are unpopulated or have a population barely into the thousands and are home to only the flora and fauna of Profectum. Poporii and Jujar are both massive tropical forest continents with expansive grasslands or savannas riddling the interior in some places. They sport most of the bird population of the world, as well as some of its most dangerous predators and largest animals. Keki is a volcanic wasteland with an abundance of metals and other mined resources, as well as a variety of predators and camouflage-bearing prey. Graz is most coniferous forest filled with herbivores and a few predators, and renowned for its heavy snows. Gjravmal is almost entirely covered with mountains, many of which have coniferous forests upon their sides. It is one of the few continents with no herbivores upon it. Instead, it has an interesting combination of most of the world's tribal population and an impressive variety of carnivorous and omnivorous beings. Resbno is a completely unpopulated grassland that happens to be a popular vacation spot for corporate execs and politicians.

The government of Profectum is a sort of corrupt senate mixed with a dictatorship, the inner-workings of which are so twisted that about the only way to fix it would be to tear it down and start again. Originally, it was a combination of elected representatives. Each prefecture would elect someone to speak on their behalf at a senate on the matter of social welfare and the betterment of the people. At the same time, each corporation's workers would select a higher-up to speak for them in the senate and discuss worker equality, trade laws, taxes, etc... This system, as you can imagine, looked great on paper, but put into practice it started to break instantly. Within a decade, it had turned into a madhouse of assassinations and corruption. Corporate presidents buying out politicians or threatening them with private armies, politicians cutting each other's throats to keep them silent, and much worse. It was so bad at one point that the military staged a coup d'etat and systematically executed government and corporate leaders without mercy until both conceded to absolute martial control of the world. Within a year, every corporation on the planet had banded to together and formed their private armies into one and used them to seize control of the capitol from the military and reestablish the corrupt system from before. The military admitted defeat and has remained loyal to the governmental senate ever since. Roughly a century ago, the first major change to this system occurred in the form of electing a Senate Chancellor to preside over meetings. He instantly became a dictator who manipulated enough of the right people into voting that he be given absolute power over the senate's decisions. There has been one senator since then, the current one, and he is far more corrupt than his predecessor, to the point that he even has unilateral control of the military. This did serve well during the initial invasions of Profectum since he could mobilize counter-offensives instantly without having to deal with the bureaucracy. Regardless, it is believed he will fall soon, and even now his demised is plotted behind closed doors and in hushed voices.

The People of Profectum:
The Pernus- The greater majority of the people of Profectum belong to this race. The Pernus are rather unimpressive in most respects, being more or less identical to humans save for a few things. Their skin pigmentation has been known to range through the entire color spectrum, and will even change shade/tint based on their emotional state. Their eyes also possess no pupils or whites, and are instead seemingly one, massive iris of any number of colors.
The Uly- A decent amount of the world's populace belong to this race, though nowhere near as many as those belonging to the Perni. The Uly are well known for their either blue or green skin, their heavily reptilian body features, such as being covered in scales, multiple eyelids, forked tongues, heat sensory, venomous fangs, and finger and toe webbing. A large portion of them make up the nomad population of the world, and the rest tend to try and stay near water or caves when possible.
The Genari- Possessing the smallest numbers of the three races, only a few thousand are believed to exist, though the specifics are unknown. Their natural appearances have been known to vary greatly with little to no consistency. Their most notable trait is their ability to shape-shift into the likeness of other humanoid creatures that they have encountered.

The War for Profectum: The war began around two decades ago started with an en masse invasion of the continents of Constus and Erta by the N.E.F.(New Earth Federation). This invasion was conducted through a combination of orbital drop pods and orbital assault with dropships and gunships, with orbital bombardment and fightercraft air support. While the vast majority landed in Erta, quite a few thousand soldiers came done in Constus and where never heard from again. The first, final, and only communication received from that group after landing was, "God save us all, they're everywhere!!!" Erta didn't go much better. The combination of the organized military crushing the N.E.F. forces with advanced tech, as well as private corporate armies conducting extensive guerrilla warfare, caused the quick and efficient annihilation of the invaders. Demoralized and weakened, the New Earth Federation pulled back to lick its wounds, but as they retreated, the T.G.G.D. reared its head and assaulted Profectum. This invasion was slightly more successful, with the T.G.G.D. winning a number of battles and successfully clawing into the world and setting up a few bases. However, they suffered heavy casualties against the Profect armies, which combined with the fact that their initial invasion force was already quite small, was too weak to keep their holdings for long and were forced off world two years later. A number of other invasions have been staged, most individually, but some being joint efforts between the T.G.G.D. and the N.E.F., and all ultimately failing.

With two decades of war, the world has fallen into a state of disrepair and decay. Large numbers of mercenaries and bounty hunters have begun to make frequent visits to the world or even call it home. Small, tribal factions are starting to rebel against the government. Governmental in-fighting is worsening. Revolutionaries are becoming increasingly more violent once again. The military is becoming more and more independent. Wild animals have started openly assaulting the populace in large numbers, and some animals, the existence of which was unknown before, have started to surface and pose great threat. It is into this world that you will be plunged, and upon it you will leave your mark, be it good or bad.

Character Skeleton:
Name: Your character's name

Race: Your character's race. Feel free to create one.

Age: How old your character is.

Gender: What gender your character is. Go wild with it.

Occupation: What your current job is.

Physical Description: A decent description of what your character looks like. Preferably at least a paragraph.

History: Anything we may need to know about your character's past. A couple of paragraphs would be nice.

Implants and Modifications: Any cybernetic implants or bodily modifications that your character may have. i.e.: Cyber eye with a built in range finder. Robotic limb. Stuff like that.

Skills/Abilities: What your character is good at doing.

Factional Relation: Does or does not everyone hate you.

And that's about it for the prompt. Like I said earlier, feel free to go wild and create whatever you want for your character. Create your own race, world, religion, etc... anything you want. While I'm at it, just a few ground rules. No godmodding, be polite, and if you have any questions I'm available 22 hours out of the day. That's all.
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